iPhone 16e
tl;dr: shipping is a feature; getting the URL feature well-defined should not block HTML5 given the nature of the HTML5 reference to the URL spec. — This is a subject desperately in need of an elevator pitch. From my perspective, here are the three top things that need to be understood: 1) From an HTML5 specification point of view, there is no technical difference between any recent snapshot of
Slides from my WS-Rest keynote. Added bonus: I finally got to meet Leonard Richardson, with whom I co-authored of the RESTful Web Services book.
Wanting to learn more about Google Wave, I ported the Wave Robot Python Client library to Ruby, mainly because I wanted to understand the protocol. The current protocol is tightly coupled to the Java server implementation. >>> import waveapi.document >>> import waveapi.util >>> waveapi.util.Serialize([waveapi.document.Image('http://example.com/foo.jpg', width=100, height=100)]) {'javaClass': 'jav
At one level, Google Wave is clearly a bold statement that “this is the type of application that every browser should be able to run natively without needing to resort to a plugin”. At to give Google credit, they have been working relentlessly towards that vision, addressing everything from garbage collection issues, to enabling drag and drop of photos, to providing compelling content (e.g., Goog
It is a name I don’t care for, but alas, one that likely will stick. The concept is to provide explicit support in HTML for embedding metadata in content. Both Microformats and RDFa do related things. As is common in distributed development, things haven’t exactly happened in chronological order. Ian abstracted out use cases. Manu participated, Elias seems happy, and Shelley is continuing to re
Introduction Current state: HTML is being developed outside of the W3C by a number of browser implementers, excluding Microsoft. The prevalent feeling amongst those that do so is that if the W3C doesn’t adopt their spec, the W3C will look dull. Desired state: Many groups representing many different disciplines and constituencies contributing to HTML. Documents with the requisite amount of consensu
Roy Fielding: All of those points are rather small compared to my overall complaint that it isn’t appropriate to define a “REST” binding to a specific data model’s limitations. The whole point of REST is to avoid coupling between the client applications and whatever implementation might be behind the abstract interface provided by the server. First, by way of disclosure, I had an opportunity to pr
atom2json.erl converts a directory of Atom files to a directory of JSON files. As with most real-life problems, this one has multiple layers. First one needs to settle on an XML to JSON mapping. It turns out that there are many different approaches to this problem. For now, I elected to do some generic XML-to-JSON mapping crap. An RFC in this area would be helpful, particularly one that dealt
I *really* want to play with CouchDB. Update: Ciaran has posted new build instructions sudo apt-get install build-essential erlang libicu34 libicu34-dev libreadline5-dev cd ~/svn svn checkout http://couchdb.googlecode.com/svn/trunk couchdb cd couchdb export ERLANG_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/lib/erlang/usr/include sh build.sh | tee build.log sh build.sh --install=$HOME | tee install.log Then to start the ser