Kragen recently said to me that XHTML tables are the new CSV, and they're better than CSV because they have escaping. Also there's nicer viewers for them but that's besides the point. It occurred to me that the use of modular XHTML for semantics is not a fad; rather, it points to a trend that Tantek Çelik calls microformats. In my post on The Web Way, I mentioned having dinner with Tantek, which l
I thoroughly enjoyed getting caught up in the whirlwind of Web 2.0. My summary: Including the gatecrashers there were probably close to a thousand people in attendance, schmoozing each other up and creating the kind of optimistic, wild enthusiasm that I haven't seen since 1999. Silicon Valley is buzzing again -- and the powerful, the influential, and the entrepreneurial came together to trade id
Yesterday I started reading Paul Graham's Hackers and Painters, and it is wonderful. It literally is changing my perspective about how I think about the world we live in, and where we want to go from here.(Thank you for the suggestion, Aaron and Evan.) So far the chapter that has really resonated with me most is The Other Road Ahead, in which Paul writes, With web-based software, most users won't