Jetty-7.0.1 has been extended with a WebSocket server implementation based on the same scalable asynchronous IO infrastructure of Jetty and integrated into the Jetty Servlet container.WebSocket came out of work on HTML5 by the What Working Group to specify a mechanism to allow two way communications to a browsers. It is currently being standardized at the W3C for the WebSocket API and by the IET
BackgroundThe W3C has developed the Websocket API proposal for HTML5, that enables web pages to perform two-way communication with a remote host. There is also a proposed IETF draft websocket protocol to transport the websocket messages. I believe that there are significant deficiencies in the proposed websocket protocol and this paper looks at how they can be rectified. Specification StyleThe w
Comet Performance In response to the recent discussion of push v pull Ajax performance, I decided to do some performance testing of the Jetty implementation of bayeux for the cometd project. This was also a great way to test the asynchronous http client that is now included with Jetty. The test scenarios was simple: 1000,2000,5000 & 10000 users simultaneously connect to the cometd server and s
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