iPad Air
How to run WebGL on discrete Nvidia GPU for notebooks with Nvidia Optimus The problem: WebGL runs slow even if I have a notebook with fast Nvidia graphics card. This problem concerns Windows notebooks with dual Intel + Nvidia graphics cards with Nvidia Optimus. Virtually all newer notebooks with Nvidia graphics card use Optimus. If you have a Windows notebook with Nvidia graphics you are very like
Morphs of renaissance portraits + eyes gaze warping by DeepWarp
Eyes gaze warping by AlteredQualia (original artwork by author, eyes generated by DeepWarp) click to change character
alteredqualia - IBL rendering - Zastava Fica by Slobodan Vidovic - environment texture by hdrlabs.com - click: randomize, arrows: change settings
WebGL MAX parameters support
Loading ... alteredqualia - text rendering - click to pause scrolling
Skin rendering by AlteredQualia (physically-based rendering using GGX BRDF and filmic tonemapping, head model by Lukáš Hajka) - check alternative versions
xg - physically-based rendering + physics simulation (based on ammo.js benchmark) 0 cubes, physics FPS: 0/0 (current / stable)
Skip to instructions and examples if you want to see CSS custom filters in action. Skip to step-by-step explanation if you want to see how to create your own CSS filter effect. Introduction CSS custom filters (formerly known as CSS shaders) are a new browser feature for applying user-created visual effects to elements of HTML document. Custom filters are a part of Filter Effects 1.0 specification.
three.js meet the Medic, Sniper, Engineer, Heavy and Scout - Team Fortress 2 models by Valve from Source SDK
three.js - screen-space ambient occlusion - SSAO shader by ArKano22 and Martins Upitis - veyron by Troyano - creatures by mirada from ro.me
three.js - morphtargets - MD2 character by Brian Collins - converted by @oosmoxiecode's MD2 converter
procedural city by alteredqualia (three.js - helicopter by nick royer - sound fx by nofeedbak - music by erik mcclure - textures from ro.me and hc)
Dynamic procedural terrain by AlteredQualia birds by mirada from ro.me - textures by qubodup and davis123 - music by Kevin MacLeod three.js using 3d simplex noise
WebGL cars by AlteredQualia three.js dynamic cube reflection demo veyron by Troyano - gallardo by machman_3d
webgl skin rendering demo by alteredqualia - three.js - Lee Perry-Smith head
three.js - webgl cube Fresnel shader demo. texture by Humus
Sorry, you need to check this page in browser that supports HTML5 canvas (like current version of Chrome, Opera, Firefox or Safari).
WebGL experiments. Computer graphics. Information visualization. Contact. Twitter. GitHub.
X Check example molecules. Import PDB/SDF/MOL files. Export to PNG image. Drag widgets around. Drag molecule to rotate. Mouse wheel to zoom. Toggle automatic rotation around X,Y,Z axis. Try different rendering options. Warning: complex molecules are very slow, your browser may freeze occasionally if you enable autorotation. Like this? Check other demos on my site Follow me on Twitter Feedback
The goal is to get an image represented as a collection of overlapping polygons of various colors and transparencies. We start from random 50 polygons that are invisible. In each optimization step we randomly modify one parameter (like color components or polygon vertices) and check whether such new variant looks more like the original image. If it is, we keep it, and continue to mutate this one i