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Do libraries and frameworks prioritize components on boot? If so, how, and if not what can we do? And, in exploring that question, I discovered that Server-Side Rendering isn't a silver bullet! Last updated: 10 Dec 2016 Est. Read Time: 17 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #performance, #loading Update 2016-12-12: Some folks aren't happy with the SSR'd code in the test, because it wasn't generated th
I recently made a 3D Card Flip element as part of my Supercharged YouTube video series, and I ran into some challenges with the shadows. I decided I should explain how I approached the solution. Last updated: 30 Aug 2016 Est. Read Time: 10 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #svg, #responsive, #performance For the show I hard-coded the size of the shadows beneath the card being flipped, but in a Respo
I'm often asked by other developers about parts of the pixel workflow, and what fires when and why, so I figured it might be worth putting up a little reference for what's involved in shipping pixels to screen. Last updated: 15 Feb 2016 Est. Read Time: 10 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #pixels Caveat: this is a Blink / Chrome view of the world. Most of the main thread tasks are "shared" in some f
Image decoding can be a source of checkboarding and jank. What if there was a way to work around it without resorting to a cluster of horror hacks? Step right up and meet my new friend createImageBitmap! Last updated: 25 Jan 2016 Est. Read Time: 8 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #images, #perf Heads up: this feature is experimental. It's incoming, pretty great, and I'm excited about its potential,
I recently delivered a talk at FFConf in Brighton, called "You should use <insert library / framework here>, it's the bestestest!". I wanted to do a write-up of the presentation's content here, hopefully so it can start a broader conversation that I think we need to have, mainly around the cost of modern frameworks on mobile devices. Last updated: 16 Nov 2015 Est. Read Time: 14 min Share this: Twi
I'm a big fan of performance testing, but for many it's hard to get at extended data about what's going on during important parts of their website or web app's lifecycle. I've built Big Rig to try and make a dent in that problem. Last updated: 9 Nov 2015 Est. Read Time: 8 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #perf, #testing Update: 17th May, 2022: Fun to read this now, but this essentially became Light
React is very popular at the moment, and I can see why: its developer ergonomics are very attractive. JSX and vDOM are really nice to work with, and it certainly enables composability. But, being the performance-minded person that I am, I wanted to test the claims that it's default-fast. Last updated: 3 Jul 2015 Est. Read Time: 15 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #react, #performance Update 7/3/15:
Animations in your web app should run at 60fps. Not always easy to achieve that, and it really depends on what you're trying to do, but I'm here to help. With FLIP. Last updated: 11 Feb 2015 Est. Read Time: 8 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #performance, #transitions Update 17th May, 2022 - The lovely folks at GSAP have made their FLIP Plugin freely available - check it out! Recently I've had the
26 July 2014 I figure we needed a definitive reference for what work is triggered by changing various CSS properties. It's something I get asked about often enough by developers, and while we can do tests with DevTools, I have both the time and inclination to shortcut that for everyone. I'm nice like that. 6 min Read Time #perfmatters #reference Share Visit CSS Triggers A while ago, Paul Irish and
3 July 2014 How pixels get onto your users' screens is something you should know about. Not for the sake of knowing, but because in order to be effective as a modern web developer you're going to need to optimize for it. 9 min Read Time #perfmatters Share The other day I was reading through What Every Frontend Developer Should Know About Webpage Rendering and I came away feeling like it missed out
It's never nice to see bugs crop up because libraries and browsers aren't interacting as expected. In this case jQuery can cause a bit of funk with newer versions of Chrome. Last updated: 23 Apr 2014 Est. Read Time: 2 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #jquery, #sideeffects Here's a Chrome bug that flags some code on change.org that's stopped working in newer versions of Chrome. The TL;DR is that usi
Everyone has a name for them: the excellent Phil Hawksworth calls them "delighters", my friend Tom Knowles and I call them "showbiz coding." They are little bits of UI that do something unexpected and fun. I'm going to jump to my favourite kind: 3D effects. They give your UI some depth and nobody expects those suckers. They also have the advantage of being GPU accelerated effects, provided all you
Sometimes I get asked to do performance audits on web projects and to make some recommendations. So what I thought I’d do is run through what my process is, what I’m looking for, and what I typically suggest. It’s not exactly perfect, but hopefully it’ll give you an idea of what you might want to do. Last updated: 3 Mar 2014 Est. Read Time: 10 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #perfmatters, #loading
Have you ever used the translateZ hack to create a new compositor layer? Most developers have. Now there is an incoming property that's going to change how we tell the browser what we're trying to achieve. And that, in my opinion, is almost invariably a good thing. Last updated: 30 Jan 2014 Est. Read Time: 5 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #perfmatters, #apps Layer Hacking # Developers have long u
See the experiment Synopsis When I designed the site I designed some low poly shapes for the blog. Obviously for the design I did them by hand, but I knew I wanted them to be generative in the final version. So when I was at a loose end on a trip to Mountain View (visiting the Google Mothership, for the lolz) I took a day out to create the requisite chunk of code. I wrote it as a prototype, you ca
One of the challenging parts of being in Developer Relations is staying relevant. You can track the bleeding edge of browsers, write all manner of blog posts and articles, you can go ahead and talk at conferences. The important thing is to actually try out your own advice before you give it. That's exactly what I did. Last updated: 2 Jul 2013 Est. Read Time: 8 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #perf
I spent most of my time at Google I/O talking to developers about performance. It was a good few days, and those with whom I spoke were interesting, interested and came away with advice for profiling their sites. The thing I noticed most, however, was a skew. Last updated: 28 May 2013 Est. Read Time: 6 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #perfmatters The Skew # Most of the conversations I had started
Well, as you probably know by now, there's a new open source rendering engine based on WebKit, and it's called Blink. Going forward it will be powering all variants of Chrome. Last updated: 3 Apr 2013 Est. Read Time: 7 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #blink, #webkit, #opinion Waaaaaaa?! # That’s pretty much what my first sentiment was as well. Well actually it wasn’t. I work on the basis that I’m
I recently was invited to give a talk at Spotify in Stockholm, Sweden to the local developer community. My talk centered around performance, since that’s the topic that fills my days at Google, specifically site and application performance. Last updated: 18 Mar 2013 Est. Read Time: 9 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #perfmatters, #toolsnotrules, #profiling The talk is live so you can watch the vide
Translate3d is often hailed as something of a silver bullet. In many cases it will drastically improve rendering performance in WebKit and Blink browsers like Chrome, Opera and Safari. Let's take a look at why it can improve rendering performance, and what we need to be careful of. Last updated: 27 Feb 2013 Est. Read Time: 6 min Share this: Twitter Tagged: #layers, #rendering, #hacks The "go faste
Please note: this has been tested with Three.js r82 I have used Three.js for some of my experiments, and it does a really great job of abstracting away the headaches of getting going with 3D in the browser. With it you can create cameras, objects, lights, materials and more, and you have a choice of renderer, which means you can decide if you want your scene to be drawn using HTML 5's canvas, WebG
Hello! My name is Paul. I work at Google Labs as a Software Engineer. You can usually find me on X (let's be honest, it's still Twitter). Get in touch I don't bite. Honestly. You can find me on Twitter and YouTube, and I like hearing from people so say hi.
## Introduction Hello again. So by now you’ve got started with Three.js. If you’ve not you might want to go back. Assuming you have you’re probably thinking that you’d like to do something with particles. Let’s face it, everyone loves particles. And wouldn’t you know it, you can create them very easily using Three.js! Creating a Particle System Three.js treats a particle system like any other prim
Introduction I have used Three.js for some of my experiments, and it does a really great job of abstracting away the headaches of getting going with 3D in the browser. With it you can create cameras, objects, lights, materials and more, and you have a choice of renderer, which means you can decide if you want your scene to be drawn using HTML 5's canvas, WebGL or SVG. And since it's open source yo
Aerotwist.com is the website of Paul Lewis, a British web developer now to be found in Stockholm, Sweden. Hello.A Simple 3D Engine Having used Three.js a lot, and at the suggestion of Bartek Drozdz, I decided to sit down and create a simple 3D engine in JavaScript and WebGL. I have a lot of experience building sites and applications, but I've never built an engine before, nor created anything spec
Hello! My name is Paul. I work at Google on the Chrome team as an engineer. I create sites & apps for the web. You can find me on Twitter and G+ Get in touch I don’t bite. Honestly. You can find me on Twitter and YouTube, and I like hearing from people so say hi. Subscribe You should totally get the RSS feed, or whatever it is you kids are using these days (I miss Reader.) Except as otherwise note
Web Development Most of them will probably be about front-end performance work, or possibly broader coding things. The odd one will be tagged #personal or #opinion, so if you have the RSS feed you can filter those out if you don't want them! 18/Jun 2022 Dear Zach #update, #longtimenospeak 10/Dec 2016 🌟 When everything's important, nothing is! 🌟 #performance, #loading 30/Aug 2016 Slicing SVG 9 Wa
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