Friday, February 24, 2017

Archie's favorite stage of quiltmaking...

While he gets pretty jazzed when those quilt blocks hit the floor and need to be rearranged, Archie's favorite stage of the quiltmaking process is undoubtedly when it's all put together and hanging on the ironing board. And I have to admit, sometimes I've left it there for a few days longer than necessary just so he can do this:

He totally understands "Go hide."
Now about that quilt...

I hadn't sewn since before Christmas. The machine was gathering dust, and I'd gotten pretty obsessive about knitting, even after the holidays. I was hellbent on finishing a bulky sweater I'd started when it was -10 out (without a pattern, no less, but that's a different story and I'm making progress), and had gotten on a bit of a decluttering jag when I found a bag of blocks and miscellaneous pieces from a quilt I'd started several years ago (like, 2011). It was abandoned for many reasons, but last weekend I threw the blocks down on the floor and figured I was just a lazy so-and-so for not putting them together sooner.

It's much more vibrant than in the video (I used the same fabrics in another quilt, also long ago), and it's growing on me the longer it hangs out here in the kitchen. I'm debating about the border but have vowed not to let that derail its completion.

Sometimes it takes an easy finish to jump-start all those other projects.  At least that's what I'm hoping.

1 comment:

Shirley said...

I absolutely love what you have done with this quilt. It's so stunning from what I can see. I looked at the video twice - once to see Archie and once to see the quilt. Looking forward to seeing it completed and if you decide on a border. From what I see, it's pretty awesome without adding anything but binding.