Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Yellow & blue...

I seem to have yellow -- or maize, as they call it where I come from -- and blue on the brain.

But that's OK. I can live with it.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

And another...

There are times when my scrap bin totally surprises me. Like a couple weeks ago, when I found about a strip set and about dozen pieces cut and ready to go. Why I never did anything with them is anybody's guess.

When I laid the pieces out, I did some quick calculating and figured I didn't have to do much more to turn them into a baby quilt. I still had plenty of all three marble fabrics, so I sewed up a couple more strip sets and made this:

All in the name of stash busting, of course.

(Not the best photo with questionable indoor lighting, sorry)

I kind of wish I'd lined up the back better with the quilting on the front, but that's a lesson learned. I suppose using coordinating thread in the bobbin would have made it less obvious. Lesson #2.

All in all, a good quick little quilt. And now more room in the scrap bin.

Monday, November 3, 2014


The sashing dispute has been settled. I went with yellow.

I also took Wanda's advice and took the stripes out all together, but it was just as I'd thought -- too skinny to finish it off without a border. I auditioned every color that appeared in the blocks, and the yellow just made it shine. Five inches of border on either side and three on the ends, it looked too symmetrical and predictable -- so I lopped a few inches off two of the sides to unbalance it a bit. Much better!

So happy to have this one finished! It's not any less bright than the original (especially with the addition of the wacky backing -- which I love), but at least it's not making my eyes hurt.