Monday, October 30, 2017

Getting there...

Moving is Not. Fun.  But I'm getting there, carload by carload. One more trip and I should be ready for the movers -- the goal was to get as much there by myself as physically possible, though I'm about to give up.

Fortunately I have someone to help. He checks the cupboards to make sure I've gotten everything.

Hey, you! You forgot the mixer up top! 

I'm also getting antsy about sewing again. Almost all my sewing stuff is already in the new space, though I've been hanging on to my know, just in case I have a sewing emergency.

I think I can work with this:

Most of the stash, minus the bolts. Those boxes were way too heavy for me to lug up from the basement.

This is about 2/3 of the upstairs bedroom in the new place. Two huge closets to the left of where I'm standing and two more windows behind me (not sure why I didn't take a photo from the other end of the room), so plenty of storage and room to work, which will be a big change from what I'm used to!

The dark walls aren't ideal, but some better lighting should take care of that. I think I look at shelves and tables online almost every day, weighing how I'm going to set it up. I'm not buying anything until I get there permanently, which hopefully will be soon!