Friday, February 27, 2015

90 Blocks for 90 Years Revisited...

It took longer than I anticipated, but Dad's 90th birthday quilt is done.

It finished 61" x 55"-ish, pretty good for napping with a bratty cat. As Dad loves to nap, I think it will get a lot of use.

The back is one of the softest flannels I've ever found, a great tone-on-tone tealy-blue.

I used leftovers from the homespun fat quarters for the binding. Love it!

And here's a gratuitous shot of Archie, who missed the quilt photo shoot because he'd found the only sliver of sunlight in the condo.

Happy weekend, all!

Saturday, February 21, 2015


I don't think I ever posted this quilt, my foray into "Patchwork Sassaman Style."

"Kate's Paradise Lost" (Jane Sassaman's Paradise Garden fabrics + Kona Orange)

I love Jane's fabrics, and I love what she does with them. What I do with them, not so much. I'm chalking this one up to an experiment with a few lessons learned along the way.

Initially, I was just playing with the blue blocks, then made the black ones, then wasn't sure what to do with them. They hung around for a few months until I just wanted them out of the way, so I put the top together fairly quickly. With more careful fabric positioning it would have been more successful --  fussy-cutting the black outer panels would have made it more symetrical, and kaleidescoping the inner black blocks would have unified the center. As it is, it kind of makes me dizzy with all that's going on. I redeemed it by using a piece of the blue floral fabric for the backing, which is really pretty with the Kona orange binding.

Even though I'm not 100% happy with it, it's a UFO off my guilt list, and actually a perfect "rally quilt" for an elderly friend who was knocked back a bit by an illness last fall and is suddenly feeling her 91 years. She has been a little reluctant in her efforts to bounce back, and I'm hoping this can give her a much-needed boost.

And if she's not crazy about the top, she can always turn it over.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Molasses in February...

Oh my, I'm a slow quilter.

I love piecing, all that slicing and sewing back together, and the look of a finished top all freshly ironed.

Then there's the quilting part. For some reason, that's my least favorite, which would explain all the flimsies in my Duffle Bag of Doom. Maybe because I'm just not very fast at it...I don't know.

Or maybe it's because I chose to take three passes at every row.

It's taking me forever, but I'm getting there.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Snow day/sew day...

Well, that was fun!

Turns out we had the fifth largest snowfall in Chicago history on Sunday, though those of us near the lakefront got a few bonus inches beyond the records, which are recorded at the airports a few miles inland. 21+ inches of snow fell on us continuously for 33 hours straight -- it was gorgeous, and heavy, and my back is still complaining that I didn't work out more over the summer. Or ever.

The next day we were greeted by the most glorious cloudless azure sky. Temps were only in the mid-teens, but with the sun out, I was clearing snow (again) without a coat.

My neighbor's roof. I wonder how long that drift is going to hang there?

In between trips out to shovel, I finished piecing my snowball top together.

Snowing inside AND out!

I did a couple things different with this top:  first, I did all the piecing with my walking foot. I read (or heard, can't remember where) something about that being more accurate, but I'm still on the fence about it -- not so sure the results were any better or worse than usual. I'm much more comfortable doing scant seams with the quarter-inch foot, using the edge as a guide. Not having that edge with the walking foot laid me open to some wandering; the quarter-inch foot offers much better visibility.

Secondly, I put the blocks together in six chunks of 15. I've always been a row-sewer, and this was much less tedious than sewing long rows of nine or ten blocks together. I'm definitely going to take this approach in the future.

Overall, my flippy-corner stitching leaves something to be desired. I bisected my 2" squares with a pencil line before stitching them down, and, for the most part, did a good job of sewing just a hair beside it, but there are a few places where I was so far off even a little coaxing wouldn't get those points to match. Reminding myself that Dad isn't going to be scrutinizing my seams while napping under it, I relaxed a little and most of them fall wherever they wanted.

Still thinking about adding a border to make it a little bigger and nap-friendly. Depends on this week's workload -- and the weather. More snow is in the forecast!

Sunday, February 1, 2015


It took a while, but I finished trimming all those flippy corners, and will start piecing the blocks together today.

Taking time out, of  course, to do a little shoveling -- Mother Nature has decided to start off February with a bang here in the Midwest. She's taken it a little easy on us so far, so we kind of deserve this.

Blizzard warnings kick in around two o'clock this afternoon, which makes me wonder how much worse it's going to get -- by 10am we'd had 10" of heavy, wet snow already. I'm having a hard time lifting my coffee cup after two hours of shoveling, so I'm hoping the neighbors will pitch in for the next round and do some pre- and post-game calorie burning. I have sewing to do!