Monday, December 24, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Looking better...

I think I need to keep going with this project, because these blocks are working for me.

I'm having a lot of fun with these, though they're not going very quickly. Too many decisions!

I have learned that I don't use a lot of red, surprisingly enough. The orange and turquoise piles tie for the biggest, and I have ONE string of brown. What can I say? I love brights, but I didn't think I would like them all together as much as I do. It helps that the dark purple (it's photographing black here) through the middles and the corners give your eyes a place to rest, otherwise I'd just be dizzy.

It may take a while -- this is a good one to come back to in between projects -- but it's definitely a keeper. My first string quilt!

Now I just need to keep the cat out of the box.