Thursday, January 29, 2015

Happy New Year?

Yes, I realize it's the end of January, but things have been a little busy, and sewing has unfortunately taken a back seat. Again.

I began the year reorganizing my stash -- getting all my WIPs and UFOs in the same place, sorting scraps, and taking apart some of those gorgeous little fat quarter bundles that together I realized would probably never become a quilt but separately -- well, if they were in the right bins, they might actually get used. I came to the conclusion that I have a shameful amount of fabric, and an even more shameful amount of unfinished projects, and therefore vowed that 2015 was going to be The Year of Finishing Things.

We'll see how long that lasts.

During my digging I found two bundles of plaid flannel handwovens, purchased probably five years ago and (again, shamefully) forgotten. Since Dad is turning 90 next month and basically lives in plaid all year round, these flannels are perfect. So another "90 Blocks for 90 Years" is in the works.

I knew I wanted to do a basic 9x10 block pattern, nothing too fancy or modern (he still watches Lawrence Welk reruns, for cryin' out loud), and nothing too big that I couldn't get it done in a month. I've never done a snowball quilt, so I figured why not now?

So Step 1:  Cut 6" squares and find a nice arrangement on the kitchen floor while the cat is napping.

(I threw in some Kona solids for a good measure)

Step 2:  Sew on dozens upon dozens of flippy corners. Take a picture and wish you'd considered a plus pattern instead because this looks kind of nice with your glasses off.

 Step 3:  Trim those little corners. Keep trimming.  And trimming.  And trimming.

This is where I'm hovering at the moment -- trimming whenever I have a few spare minutes, corners that never seem to end. But it's coming along!

Dad decided this past weekend to wait to celebrate until the weather is better for travel -- last year my sister's plans to come in from North Carolina were waylaid when she got snowed in and couldn't get out of the driveway, let alone to the airport (where's that ONE snowplow when you need it?) -- so my deadline isn't as crucial as originally thought. That gives me a little breathing room, but I'd like to move it along so I can get on to the next.

Because 2015 is, after all, The Year of Finishing Things.