Monday, December 22, 2008

C'est finis...

And there was much dancing in the Great Hall...

I watched (OK, listened to) over FOURTEEN HOURS of TiVo this weekend. To say I'm slow would be an understatement. My butt hurts from sitting in one place for so long, but it's done. And I have never been so happy about finishing a quilt. Now I just have to find my printable fabric for a label...and I have NO idea where it might be, I haven't used it in a year -- it could be anywhere!

Too bad I'm giving it away -- it kind of matches the blues in my living room...

I also managed to come close to finishing this one,'s done except for the (hah!) binding, which I'll finish later this week. Sorry sis, you're getting this incomplete. Blame it on Mom.

I think it's safe to say I'll never do the flying geese with all flannel ever again -- too many lumps. I ironed the seams open where I could, but it still made quilting difficult. I got these really tiny stitches as the machine approached a knob, and these really loooong ones on the downside. Not my best work, obviously, but once it's washed and all puckery, who's going to know?

Archie gets into packing tape

The backing is the absolutely luscious Thimbleberries flannel. It's incredibly soft, and a wonderful Art Nouveau design that's a good contrast in style to the front.

Tomorrow I fill the sleigh with presents and hit the road. There's a winter storm warning for Illinois and Michigan starting mid-day tomorrow, so I'm hoping I can get an early start and beat the weather.

Not sure if there's wireless at Mom & Dad's, so Happy Holidays, readers! Hope your Christmas is warm and cuddly...just like our quilts!


jovaliquilts said...

Have a wonderful holiday! The quilts are beautiful.
Hope you make it out before the weather turns!

Stephanie D said...

14 HOURS--you can never claim to be an ADD quilter ever again! Such dedication! And it looks just beautiful.

I made a flannel quilt for DD once--didn't know you don't need batting for those, although that did help cushion the lumpy seams. It's double bed BEDSPREAD sized and so heavy, she almost can't move under it. But she stays warm!

Jennie said...

Yay! Your quilts are beautiful! I hope you have a safe drive- I live in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago, and we are getting socked with snow right now!