Thursday, November 15, 2012

Even the cat is tired of all my scraps...

I have a box on the top of my cabinet to collect all my fabric trimmings. Seems a shame to waste them, and I figured someday I'd dive in and do a string quilt.

I admit it was getting a little overloaded, but I didn't think it was piled high enough to warrant a citation from the in-house fabric police.  When I came home the other day, the box was on its side, and the strings were everywhere.

I took it as a sign that "someday" had arrived..

Now I just can't decide if this is the start of something really cool or something incredibly hideous. Only time -- and a dozen more blocks -- will tell!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

At last...

...both "sister quilts" are finally finished!

I made these two tops last Fall from a Modern Workshop layer cake and a few Kona solids. I'd been obsessing over triangles (still am, come to think of it), so made the first one, then made the second simple block one with the leftovers just to get them out of my kitchen.  It took quite a while to get back to them and finish them off, but they're done, and off my to-do list.

I love how you can get two totally different personalities from the same fabrics.

Though I'm not a big fan of poly batting, I have to admit that the medium loft does make the quilts extra-cuddly, especially with my wavy, random lines.

I used the same medium-loft batting and quilted zig-zags down each row of triangles instead of diagonally down the quilt. It created a really neat argyle effect on the front and a great texture on the back.

I'm not sure which one I like better, though I'm kind of partial to the airiness of "Isoceles." But there's something about the boldness and concentration of color in "Leftovers" that makes me happy.

It's a toss-up!