Tuesday, July 31, 2012

On second thought...

Ever get partway into quilting and regret your design? That's where I am today.

I love the effect that this quilting has on my Picnic in the City quilt -- it's just that these half-inch lines are taking FOR. EVER. It's killing my productivity.

There's no choice but to plod along. It's too late to turn back now!

Friday, July 27, 2012

My QC inspector is hard at work...

I always wonder if the recipients of my quilts will find them as snuggly and user-friendly as I intended. Good thing I have someone on staff to pre-test them for me. Although he doesn't come cheap, his work ethic is unparalleled and his assessments accurate, so he's worth every penny.

Looks like this one is good to go!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

WIP Wednesday, a day late...

I'm still here, trying to crank through all my projects, waylaid by travel, pet sitting, and gardening in oppressive heat. So here are a couple sneak peeks as evidence that I'm not totally unproductive:

LOVE these tiny stars!