Sunday, December 21, 2014

The best laid plans...

This is what I get for washing the bathroom floor -- a broken toe snagged on the door jamb, ten days with my foot up, and everybody gets circle cowls for Christmas.

There wasn't much sewing this December, as it was the little toe on my pedal foot, so I dug into my chunky yarn stash, fired up Netflix, and went to town. And apparently couldn't stop.

The foot is finally feeling good in hard shoes, just in time to make the trek over the river and across I-94 into Michigan to my parents' house. I haven't been home since this summer, so I'm looking forward to the visit. Archie, however, isn't too crazy about hanging out with Sugar, who rules the roost and doesn't take kindly to interlopers, even if it's temporary.

Sugar showed up three summers ago and started following my father around the garden. She belonged two blocks over, to a family with four cats. At the bottom of the hierarchy and picked on quite a bit, she had had enough and was scouting for a better life. She found two elderly folks in obvious need of her company, darted through the side door when the weather turned cold, and wouldn't leave. Her people tooke her home but she was back the next day, and the next, and the next, until they stopped coming to retrieve her and forwarded her vet records. She is the Queen of the House, the apple of my father's eye (not so sure how I feel about being overthrown from my seat as Dad's favorite), and my mother's "Sweet, Sweet Sugar." She glowers at me and ambushes poor Archie at every possible opportunity. He retaliates by using her litter box, but spends most of his time locked upstairs -- or hiding in the basement.

So that's what we have to look forward to this week. I need to find boxes and wrap all these scarves, and hit the road before the snow moves in.

Happy Holidays to all, and Happy Quilting in the New Year!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

December already?

I feel woefully unprepared for Christmas. One big present is off my list, but there's still an awful lot to do.

This top is on its way, though, to getting done.  At least I plan to have it done by Christmas -- "plan" being the operative word.

It was about time to do a HST quilt, and they look so good hanging in the window!
Plenty of sunshine these days here in Chicago, and also plenty of cold. Good for staying inside, making soup...and sewing!