Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Deferred gratification saves the day...

I am toiling on a project that seems to be dragging on forever. It's taking up a lot of room in my kitchen studio, and reminds me daily of its presence -- and my inability to make progress. It doesn't help that my ankle hasn't been improving so I've been spending more time on the couch with my foot elevated. It'll be a miracle if I can ever get that butt dent out of the cushions.

I missed IQS this year because of the stupid foot, so in order to make myself feel better I went shopping in my stash and found a "Lottie Da" layer cake I'd bought last year. I had kind of forgotten about it, but seeing it made me happy and eager to make something with it all over again. It's very spring-y!

A quick trip to ilovefabric.com found me some coordinating solids. Because buying fabric ALWAYS makes everything better...right?

Now this layer cake and its matching solids are atop my craft cabinet where I can see them every time I hobble through the kitchen, so I think about what I'm going to make with them, and get all excited about the prospect of a new quilt. But here's the rule I laid down for myself:  I can't touch them until this other project is out the door.

There they sit, giving me the incentive I need to finish up what I have to, just so I can play later. So far it seems to be working and I'm diving back into the grudge project (which really shouldn't be a grudge at all, I'm just fickle) with renewed vigor.

But come to find out after an MRI yesterday that my sprained ankle is also some shredded foot ligaments AND a broken tibia, which explains why, after five weeks, things weren't improving. O, the joys of getting older and hereditary osteoporosis! Six to eight more weeks on crutches and the doc doesn't think surgery will be necessary, but progress has been slowed again. I am NOT a happy camper.

I may have to buy more fabric!