Monday, June 25, 2012

New week, new project...sort of...

I was working on something with a softer feel...but it just wasn't doing anything for me.

Enter these beauties from my stash:

Just what I needed to brighten things up a bit!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Time flies...

...when you're not sewing!

May was a blur. After that last post, all hell broke loose and now that the dust has settled somewhat, I'm back.

It began with a trip to Reno for a memorial service. Sadly, my friend Rick passed away after a seven-month fight with an extremely aggressive form of melanoma. He left behind two heartbroken little girls and a wife, one of my dearest friends, reeling in her new reality as a single mother. From the day he received it until the day he died, he slept with the quilt I made him, hoping the good vibes and love put into its creation would give him strength. In the end, it was just what he needed to keep him warm.

In the aftermath of a great service, we all took a trip up to Lake Tahoe, his favorite spot, for a beach picnic. It doesn't get much prettier than Tahoe in early spring.

I got stuck in a snowbank, but that's a story for another day.

When I came back home, I didn't feel like doing much of anything, let alone sew. But the cottage needed to be opened up for the season, so I headed to Michigan. South Haven didn't get very much snow this year, so there wasn't anything to hold the sand down -- as a result, I spent a couple days shoveling. Nothing like hard labor to get back in shape!

The first third of sand from the driveway. I couldn't lift my arms to take a picture when I was done.

I took a guided boat tour on the Lindy Lou down the Black River to learn about the town's development and see what was really upstream. Turns out none of the industry that created the town along the river (lumber and fruit, primarily) remains -- it's been replaced by vacation cottages and marinas, and reclaimed by Mother Nature.

 Cap'n Jim

Like salmon? Come catch your own!


Covered bridge on the Kal-Haven Bike Trail. Used to be a railroad, now a 33-mile bike path to Kalamazoo.

I always love walking around before the tourist season starts and seeing the town wake up again.

The long-closed bakery, reincarnated as a hot dog stand

  Full slips means Memorial Day is near!

I also hitched a ride on a friend's boat to get out on Lake Michigan for a change of perspective.

And finally, there were sunsets...lots of incredible, glorious sunsets to put the finishing touch on each day. I never get tired of them, or taking pictures of them. It's never the same show two nights in a row.

Sunset behind the storm

Archie, Prisoner of the Beach

Back home, it's time to get sewing again! All those babies have arrived, and was I prepared?  Heck no!