Friday, January 28, 2011


This project was going to be quick and easy little boy quilt -- one of those just-get-it-done tops to crank out in a day, or a weekend. I mean, what's simpler than sewing a couple really cute charm packs together...right?

Turns out it's only quick and easy if the charm packs aren't homespuns cut every way but straight. Some of the squares were so distorted and cut so crooked I couldn't use them; there were others that weren't much better but I could square them up a little by adding a solid corner. It worked in some cases, but there are a lot of places where it looks like I had my eyes closed when I pieced it.

It was frustrating, because the last time I used homespuns, I painstakingly ironed and cut the plaids as straight as I possibly could. I was annoyed most of the time I was piecing this one that Moda, with all its cutting technology, couldn't even come close.

But rather than keep that bee in my bonnet, I'm choosing to revel in its "rustic" feel. Some things aren't worth getting worked up over, and I don't think Baby Jack is going to care very much when he arrives, either.

[Fabric:  Two "Sunshine" by April Cornell charm packs and various Kona solids]

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Time flies...

Not sure how it all of a sudden got to be the middle of January, but here I am. Sorry to be gone so long -- again!

The year started off with quite a bit of freelance work, which is very welcome in these parts. It's keeping Archie in catnip, but it's also keeping me away from my sewing machine! I did manage to dig out some aging charm packs last week and start in on something new. It's simple, but going very slowly given how little time I've put toward it so far.

Archie's ready to get sewing!

My Christmas visit home was nice, relaxing, and I had some great visits with friends and family. The slipcover jammies were a big hit -- so big, in fact, my Monkey Girl decided she absolutely HAD to try them on right then and there, in the restaurant bathroom, which she did, and we all had to take turns going in to see her model them.

No, this was not taken in the restaurant bathroom.

She and American Girl Samantha have been wearing them every night since.

As "Sound of Music" moments go, I think this was one of my best!