With Jair Bolsonaro’s victory in Brazil’s presidential election at the weekend, the doom-mongers among western elites are out in force once again. His success, like Donald Trump’s, has confirmed a long-held prejudice: that the people cannot be trusted; that, when empowered, they behave like a mob driven by primitive urges; that the unwashed masses now threaten to bring down the carefully constructed walls of civilisation.
The guardians of the status quo refused to learn the lesson of Trump’s election, and so it will be with Bolsonaro. Rather than engaging the intellectual faculties they claim as their exclusive preserve, western “analysts” and “experts” are again averting their gaze from anything that might help them understand what has driven our supposed democracies into the dark places inhabited by the new demagogues. Instead, as ever, the blame is being laid squarely at the door of social media.
Social media and fake news are apparently the reasons Bolsonaro won at the ballot box. Without the gatekeepers in place to limit access to the “free press” – itself the plaything of billionaires and global corporations, with brands and a bottom line to protect – the rabble has supposedly been freed to give expression to their innate bigotry.
Here is Simon Jenkins, a veteran British gatekeeper – a former editor of the Times of London who now writes a column in the Guardian – pontificating on Bolsonaro:
“The lesson for champions of open democracy is glaring. Its values cannot be taken for granted. When debate is no longer through regulated media, courts and institutions, politics will default to the mob. Social media – once hailed as an agent of global concord – has become the purveyor of falsity, anger and hatred. Its algorithms polarise opinion. Its pseudo-information drives argument to the extremes.”
This is now the default consensus of the corporate media, whether in its rightwing incarnations or of the variety posing on the liberal-left end of the spectrum like the Guardian. The people are stupid, and we need to be protected from their base instincts. Social media, it is claimed, has unleashed humanity’s id.
Selling plutocracy
There is a kind of truth in Jenkins’ argument, even if it is not the one he intended. Social media did indeed liberate ordinary people. For the first time in modern history, they were not simply the recipients of official, sanctioned information. They were not only spoken down to by their betters, they could answer back – and not always as deferentially as the media class expected.
Clinging to their old privileges, Jenkins and his ilk are rightly unnerved. They have much to lose.
But that also means they are far from dispassionate observers of the current political scene. They are deeply invested in the status quo, in the existing power structures that have kept them well-paid courtiers of the corporations that dominate the planet.
Bolsonaro, like Trump, is not a disruption of the current neoliberal order; he is an intensification or escalation of its worst impulses. He is its logical conclusion.
The plutocrats who run our societies need figureheads, behind whom they can conceal their unaccountable power. Until now they preferred the slickest salespeople, ones who could sell wars as humanitarian intervention rather than profit-driven exercises in death and destruction; the unsustainable plunder of natural resources as economic growth; the massive accumulation of wealth, stashed in offshore tax havens, as the fair outcome of a free market; the bailouts funded by ordinary taxpayers to stem economic crises they had engineered as necessary austerity; and so on.
A smooth-tongued Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton were the favoured salespeople, especially in an age when the elites had persuaded us of a self-serving argument: that ghetto-like identities based on colour or gender mattered far more than class. It was divide-and-rule dressed up as empowerment. The polarisation now bewailed by Jenkins was in truth stoked and rationalised by the very corporate media he so faithfully serves.
Fear of the domino effect
Despite their professed concern, the plutocrats and their media spokespeople much prefer a far-right populist like Trump or Bolsonaro to a populist leader of the genuine left. They prefer the social divisions fuelled by neo-fascists like Bolsonaro, divisions that protect their wealth and privilege, over the unifying message of a socialist who wants to curtail class privilege, the real basis of the elite’s power.
The true left – whether in Brazil, Venezuela, Britain or the US – does not control the police or military, the financial sector, the oil industries, the arms manufacturers, or the corporate media. It was these very industries and institutions that smoothed the path to power for Bolsonaro in Brazil, Viktor Orban in Hungary, and Trump in the US.
Former socialist leaders like Brazil’s Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva or Hugo Chavez in Venezuela were bound to fail not so much because of their flaws as individuals but because powerful interests rejected their right to rule. These socialists never had control over the key levers of power, the key resources. Their efforts were sabotaged – from within and without – from the moment of their election.
Local elites in Latin America are tied umbilically to US elites, who in turn are determined to make sure any socialist experiment in their backyard fails – as a way to prevent a much-feared domino effect, one that might seed socialism closer to home.
The media, the financial elites, the armed forces were never servants of the socialist governments that have been struggling to reform Latin America. The corporate world has no interest either in building proper housing in place of slums or in dragging the masses out of the kind of poverty that fuels the drug gangs that Bolsonaro claims he will crush through more violence.
Bolsonaro will not face any of the institutional obstacles Lula da Silva or Chavez needed to overcome. No one in power will stand in his way as he institutes his “reforms”. No one will stop him creaming off Brazil’s wealth for his corporate friends. As in Pinochet’s Chile, Bolsonaro can rest assured that his kind of neo-fascism will live in easy harmony with neoliberalism.
Immune system
If you want to understand the depth of the self-deception of Jenkins and other media gatekeepers, contrast Bolsonaro’s political ascent to that of Jeremy Corbyn, the modest social democratic leader of Britain’s Labour party. Those like Jenkins who lament the role of social media – they mean you, the public – in promoting leaders like Bolsonaro are also the media chorus who have been wounding Corbyn day after day, blow by blow, for three years – since he accidentally slipped past safeguards intended by party bureacrats to keep someone like him from power.
The supposedly liberal Guardian has been leading that assault. Like the rightwing media, it has shown its absolute determination to stop Corbyn at all costs, using any pretext.
Within days of Corbyn’s election to the Labour leadership, the Times newspaper – the voice of the British establishment – published an article quoting a general, whom it refused to name, warning that the British army’s commanders had agreed they would sabotage a Corbyn government. The general strongly hinted that there would be a military coup first.
We are not supposed to reach the point where such threats – tearing away the façade of western democracy – ever need to be implemented. Our pretend democracies were created with immune systems whose defences are marshalled to eliminate a threat like Corbyn much earlier.
Once he moved closer to power, however, the rightwing corporate media was forced to deploy the standard tropes used against a left leader: that he was incompetent, unpatriotic, even treasonous.
But just as the human body has different immune cells to increase its chances of success, the corporate media has faux-liberal-left agents like the Guardian to complement the right’s defences. The Guardian sought to wound Corbyn through identity politics, the modern left’s Achille’s heel. An endless stream of confected crises about anti-semitism were intended to erode the hard-earned credit Corbyn had accumulated over decades for his anti-racism work.
Slash-and-burn politics
Why is Corbyn so dangerous? Because he supports the right of workers to a dignified life, because he refuses to accept the might of the corporations, because he implies that a different way of organising our societies is possible. It is a modest, even timid programme he articulates, but even so it is far too radical either for the plutocratic class that rules over us or for the corporate media that serves as its propaganda arm.
The truth ignored by Jenkins and these corporate stenographers is that if you keep sabotaging the programmes of a Chavez, a Lula da Silva, a Corbyn or a Bernie Sanders, then you get a Bolsonaro, a Trump, an Orban.
It is not that the masses are a menace to democracy. It is rather that a growing proportion of voters understand that a global corporate elite has rigged the system to accrue for itself ever greater riches. It is not social media that is polarising our societies. It is rather that the determination of the elites to pillage the planet until it has no more assets to strip has fuelled resentment and destroyed hope. It is not fake news that is unleashing the baser instincts of the lower orders. Rather, it is the frustration of those who feel that change is impossible, that no one in power is listening or cares.
Social media has empowered ordinary people. It has shown them that they cannot trust their leaders, that power trumps justice, that the elite’s enrichment requires their poverty. They have concluded that, if the rich can engage in slash-and-burn politics against the planet, our only refuge, they can engage in slash-and-burn politics against the global elite.
Are they choosing wisely in electing a Trump or Bolsonaro? No. But the liberal guardians of the status quo are in no position to judge them. For decades, all parts of the corporate media have helped to undermine a genuine left that could have offered real solutions, that could have taken on and beaten the right, that could have offered a moral compass to a confused, desperate and disillusioned public.
Jenkins wants to lecture the masses about their depraved choices while he and his paper steer them away from any politician who cares about their welfare, who fights for a fairer society, who prioritises mending what is broken.
The western elites will decry Bolsonaro in the forlorn and cynical hope of shoring up their credentials as guardians of the existing, supposedly moral order. But they engineered him. Bolsonaro is their monster.
Jonathan Cook won the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His books include “Israel and the Clash of Civilisations: Iraq, Iran and the Plan to Remake the Middle East” (Pluto Press) and “Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair” (Zed Books). His website is www.jonathan-cook.net.
US, Brazil, Venezuela, and etc suffer from same thing: Too many blacks.
Leftism failed because of Diversity. Leftism succeeded most in once homogeneous nations like in Scandinavia. Corbyn will also fail because he calls for Third Worldization of UK.
As long as the Leftists are for migration-invasion and replacism(esp by savage blacks), the future is doomed.
Also, the problem with blacks in Brazil is not the slums. You can build them nice houses and they will turn them into slums with their savage behavior. Look what blacks did to modern public housing in the US.
In contrast, similar housing projects didn’t breed that kind of crime in Poland. And slums in Hong Kong improved over time because Chinese don’t act like black savages.
While it’s true that Identity Politics are currently meaningless with ‘gay’ and tranny stuff, Real Identity is important to what one is. Denying real identity and favoring nonsense identity has done much harm. Also, the Left’s mistake was favoring certain identities as ‘victims’ no matter what. Because Jewish identity is fixed to the Shoah, Jews are always the ‘victims’ even when they are most powerful global power in the world.
What blacks do to society.
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It is interesting to note that those same ‘unwashed masses’ are to be welcomed with open arms
should they show up at our borders
Without the gatekeepers in place to limit access to the “free press” – itself the plaything of billionaires and global corporations, with brands and a bottom line to protect – the rabble has supposedly been freed to give expression to their innate bigotry.
Nothing will make sense unless we mention Jewish control of much of Western Media and Finance. And of course academia that produces all the ‘thinkers’ and strategists and enforcers of law firms, courts, and deep state. While ALL global oligarchs and corporations have some things in common, ethnicity and group-identity do matter. Jewish oligarchs, Russian oligarchs, Chinese oligarchs, Iranian oligarchs, and etc. are all in the Game for Wealth and Privilege, but they don’t think alike. The reason why Jewish Power hates nationalist candidates is because nationalism means ‘our nation, our people, and our land first’. America First or Brazil First. This is bad for Jewish globalist supremacism because nationalist regimes will put their nation before Jewish globalist interests. Generally, a nation is defined by its majority population. Poland has minorities of non-Poles, such as Vietnamese, but Core Poland is the Polish people. So, a nationalist Poland is about prioritizing the identity and pride of Poles. Now, this shouldn’t be a threat to ordinary Jews or even successful Jews. After all, Poland is open to world trade and has gotten over its worst anti-Jewish excesses. So, why are Jews so pissed? Because they seek world dominance and hegemony. And that means making white nations(and some others) prioritize Jewish-controlled globalism over nationalism. Also, nationalism, because it boosts national and ethnic pride and identity, is more difficult for Jews to manipulate. In order for Jews to gain control over a people, they need to suppress national pride in favor of ‘white guilt’ or Homomania or Afromania. Nationalism is like a heavily shielded phalanx. This is why Jews push Diversity, Homomania, Afromania, and White Guilt. Diversity makes it more difficult for white nations to pull together into one. Homomania undermines moral integrity, and young ones become most excited about waving ‘gay’ flags in honor of homo fecal penetration. Afromania undermines white manhood by presenting blacks as superior studs with more muscle, bigger dongs, and louder voices. It infects white women with Jungle Fever and white boys with cucky-wuckery. It says black race is superior to the wussy white race that needs to be mixed with cooler blackness. And White Guilt makes whites feel that they are uniquely guilty of historical ‘sins’, and therefore, the ONLY permitted pride among whites is the Pride of Redemptive Self-Loathing. Then, Jews can manipulate whites into supporting Jews, the people with Sacred Victim Identity.
The problem with Jonathan Cook’s brand of leftism is it analyzes the world only in terms of Economic Interests, as if the world is made up of Noble Poor and Evil Rich. He also assumes that all the Rich think alike. Not so, especially when a Rich People happen to have a strong ethnic identity. Jews do have a strong identity, and therefore, Jewish Rich aren’t only out for money. They are out for Power in service of Jewish supremacism. Consider the sanctions against Iran. From a purely economic viewpoint, it makes no sense. Lots of Jews can make tons of money dealing with Iran. Iran would be happy to do business with Jewish oligarchs in US and EU. So, why the sanctions? Why are Jews sacrificing business opportunities in Iran? It’s because they, as an ethnic-minded people, see Iran as a threat to Israeli hegemony. And take Russia. Jewish bigshots can make tons of money by encouraging more trade with Russia. So, why the sanctions? Because Russian brand of nationalism(though mild) and sovereignty inspires other nations to defy the Jewish globo-homo hegemony. So, unless Cook mentions the Jews, he won’t get at the heart of what is going on. Indeed, one reason why even non-communist Jews valued Marxism and ideology of Class Conflict was because the theories obfuscated the level of Jewish involvement in capitalism. By turning the conflict into one between the Workers and the Generic Bourgeoisie, it led people to overlook the fact that Jews had a special role in world capitalism, especially in finance. People don’t live on bread alone. Money is nice but ultimately meaningless. Like Sheldon Adelson said, he found true meaning in life by becoming an avid supporter of Israel. Money gave him privilege and power, but Zionism gave him meaning. Granted, there are lots of rich people without meaning. They just rake in all the dough. But such people eventually end up serving those with meaning(whatever it may be) because power is like electricity. In and of itself, it has no higher purpose. It has to be directed at something. So, power from an electric generator is used to power TVs. Or radios. Or computers. Jews use the Juice to serve the Jews. This is why they are so powerful. They not only have money but meaning. In contrast, deracinated creeps like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos have no meaning except money, money, and money. So, when it comes to meaning, they follow the lead of the Jews who do have meaning. So, Bezos’ Washington Post continues to shill for Israel and Jewish supremacism even though Bezos the Bozo isn’t Jewish.
Simon Jenkins:
When debate is no longer through regulated media, courts and institutions, politics will default to the mob. Social media – once hailed as an agent of global concord – has become the purveyor of falsity, anger and hatred. Its algorithms polarise opinion. Its pseudo-information drives argument to the extremes.
Of course, Jenkins is full of BS. Not because he’s wrong about much of social media but because he’d be fine with the lies, fake stories, vulgarity, and stupidity AS LONG AS the political outcomes favored globo-homo hegemony. After all, homomania was spread through trash culture, celebrity nonsense, PC mobs on social media, and lots of herd-like hysteria. But people like Jenkins never protested the trashiness as long as it served their agenda. Also, the reason why there are so many crazies in social media is because the globalists have pushed the erosion of roots and culture. So, we have too many clowns who get swept up with the latest trends, fashions, and hypes. If there is one good thing about the spread of nationalism via social media, it is the desire to reconnect with roots, identity, and heritage that give life meaning.
Also, even if social media are full of fake news and conspiracy theories, they are beneficial as counterweight against the power of Deep State and Corporate Media. Alex Jones spread lots of nonsense, but his conspiracy theories did encourage his fans to be more critical and less trusting of the Deep State and globalism. Given that the Deep State is a warmonger and that the big corporations brainwash us with endless BS advertising, it’s not the worst thing to be more distrustful and cynical about the Powers That Be. Under Limbaugh-ism, many Americans were led to support the Iraq War. But under Jones-ism, Americans are far more likely to question the US aggression. Indeed, Jones condemned Trump for his attacks on Syria. Social media are filled with lots of alternative truths and lies. But even alternative fake stories are still preferable to fake stories by MSM because, whereas MSM tells lies to support globo-homo imperialist hegemony, alternative fake stories are made to question the Power and oppose imperialism. So, even if not every alternative 9/11 story is true, it still encourages people to ask more questions than just TRUST the Power, which by now is utterly corrupt, not least because it is concentrated in the hands of Jews who, unlike Wasp elites of old, will not tolerate any criticism of them. Jews say we must condemn ‘white nationalism’ but ignore the fact that ‘white nationalism’, like other forms of nationalism, is a reaction to Jewish Supremacism. When Jews in media say they are going to do to white people what they did to Palestinians — replace them permanently — , of course nationalism against Jewish supremacism is going to be a response. Jews claim that they stand for a polyglot multi-cultural society against ‘white supremacism’, but Jewish vision of Diversity isn’t about all peoples sharing power equally and proportionately. No, it’s about Jews at the top using the Diverse Mass against white people. It’s like British using their multi-colored troops to put down national resistance in the colonies. If Jews were truly for equality and proportionality, they would be pushing for a New Social Order in which Jews own only 2% of wealth, 2% of media, 2% of Wall Street, 2% of Hollywood, 2% of gambling, 2% of Silicon Valley, 2% of Law firms, and etc. After all, Jews are only 2% of the population. But Jews never seem alarmed by the fact the the 2% is gaining more of the wealth, privilege, and power. So, Jewish opposition to white nationalism is to protect Jewish supremacism. Jews seek to use Diversity to create divisions against goyim so that the 98% won’t be able to unite against the 2% that rules the West.
Bolsonaro, like Trump, is not a disruption of the current neoliberal order; he is an intensification or escalation of its worst impulses. He is its logical conclusion… Despite their professed concern, the plutocrats and their media spokespeople much prefer a far-right populist like Trump or Bolsonaro to a populist leader of the genuine left. They prefer the social divisions fuelled by neo-fascists like Bolsonaro, divisions that protect their wealth and privilege, over the unifying message of a socialist who wants to curtail class privilege, the real basis of the elite’s power.
If Trump is an intensification of the worst impulses of neoliberal order, why are Jews and Deep State so angry at him and even cooked up Russia Collusion nonsense to derail him? If neoliberals are all about greed, why do they oppose Trump’s wish for peace with Russia? It will mean more business opportunities for US corporations and businessmen? NeoLiberal is Judeo-Hegemonic, and Jews put their identity and power above all things. The fact is the US is the most powerful and influential nation on Earth. So, when Trump says he is a nationalist, it is a green light for other nations to follow suit. Neoliberals hate this because their increased profits depend on Free Trade Globalism. Also, Jewish supremacism depends on suppression of national identity and pride in goy nations, esp white ones. Money isn’t everything, and Jews know this. Germany is the biggest and richest nation in Western Europe, but it is politically among the weakest. Why? It’s nationalism and identity have been totally suppressed by Shoah-Worship and German Guilt. So, Jews can run circles around Germany despite its great wealth. In contrast, Hungary, though much smaller and poorer, has pride of identity, and that makes it difficult for the likes of Soros to run roughshod over it. It’s not only about money and class. Jews know that national identity is the most unifying force in a nation. Indeed, even a poor backward nation like Vietnam was able to expel a superpower like the US because of the power of nationalism. Rich people, middle people, and poor people can become one under nationalism. Even socialism works best along with nationalism. Nationalism breeds trust and shared sense of destiny. Socialism works better within homogeneity than amidst diversity where some groups feel they are being robbed by others. Because socialism works best within the national framework, the fascist-socialism is the best kind. Sweden’s success didn’t owe to democracy or liberalism. It owed to homogeneity, intelligence, trust, and unity of rich-middle-and-poor. But look how the social fabric and social welfare in that country is beginning to fray with Diversity Invasion that fills the nations with leeches.
Trump and Bolsonaro are not logical CONCLUSIONS of the world order. They are limbo-figures. What they stand for is inconclusive and contradictory, not least because the nations they rule over are now so diverse, fractured, and messy. Trump has been all over the map, partly due to his impetuous nature but also due to Deep State obstacles that have sabotaged his plans for making up with Russia, ending war in Syria, and erecting a wall along the border. Because of these pressures, Trump has been forced to be even tougher on Russia to prove he’s not a Russian agent.
While the super-rich may prefer Trump’s tax cuts, they are not just about money. Most of the super-rich hate Trump because they are either Jewish and/or Globalist. Jews hate Trump for reviving nationalism(that may stand in the way of Jewish supremacism), and globalists like Bezos hate Trump because they are post-national and see the entire globe as their oyster for the taking. A nation, even a nation as big as the US, is too small for their scope and ambition.
Do the globo-oligarchs prefer ‘fascists’ like Trump and Bolsonaro over true socialists? Maybe, but keep in mind that Bernie Sanders stood with the globalist oligarchs against Trump in 2016. Also, Sanders seems to be just as anti-Russia and anti-Syria. So, is Sanders really a Socialist First or Zionist First? As for Jeremy Corbyn, the Establishment’s opposition to him has little to do with his economic policies. The Power knows they can always pull the strings and manipulate things to rein in socialism no matter who wins. The reason for all the ire against Corbyn has been his pro-Palestinian stance. Most media are owned or financed by Jews. If Corbyn just played at being socialist and waved the Israeli flag, Jews would be seeing him as their boy. But Corbyn has often sided with Muslims and Palestinians, and this pissed off Jews. British Jewish elites pushed mass-immigration-invasion into the UK to use non-whites against whites. The Jewish narrative was ‘we noble Jews and you noble colored against those evil racist whites’. But Corbyn listened to Muslims who said, “Racist Jews are killing Arabs and waging evil wars in the Middle East” and agreed, even if mildly. And that set off the media firestorm against him.
So, what do Corbyn and Trump have in common despite their different economic theories? They are both hated by Jews. Jews hate Trump for igniting ‘white nationalism'(against Jewish supremacism), and Jews hate Corbyn for supporting Palestinian nation-hood(against Zionist supremacism). The failure to mention the Jewish Power in this is either a blindspot or craven cowardice on the part of Jonathan Cook.
The true left – whether in Brazil, Venezuela, Britain or the US – does not control the police or military, the financial sector, the oil industries, the arms manufacturers, or the corporate media. It was these very industries and institutions that smoothed the path to power for Bolsonaro in Brazil, Viktor Orban in Hungary, and Trump in the US… Former socialist leaders like Brazil’s Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva or Hugo Chavez in Venezuela were bound to fail not so much because of their flaws as individuals but because powerful interests rejected their right to rule.
Hugo Chavez became virtual dictator. He rose through army ranks, and he used cronies in the military to back him. The reason why his successor is still in power is due to strong-arm tactics. Also, Chavezism failed for two reasons. Total dependence on high oil prices and promising freebies to masses of Diversity. Even as Chavez railed at Uncle Sam, his nation’s economy depended totally on American capitalism. Without US consumers buying Venezuelan oil, there was no economy to speak of. Also, Venezuela is a low-trust and low-talent society. All that race-mixing led to too much low IQ and high-impulse African genetics. And, Diverse societies lack trust. White elites in Venezuela don’t feel a common bond with the masses. And mixed-race people are confused in identity and feel nothing in common with native Indians. With such low talent, its economy depended on selling oil. And when oil prices were high, Chavez could dole out freebies to the masses to gain popularity. But he did nothing to expand industry or encourage enterprise. When oil prices plummeted, the whole thing collapsed. Socialism only works in tandem with nationalism and productive capitalism. Capitalism creates the wealth that can be taxed. No taxation, no socialism. Communism was about all the economy run by the state, and that was one huge failure. Also, socialism requires trust. People must think in terms of paying into the system and getting things back. In low trust societies, people try to pay nothing in while getting everything out. Now, a homogeneous people can be lacking in trust too. Look at Greek national character(though, to be sure, Greeks are much mixed due to endless invasions). But diversity makes it even worse. This is why any socialist who rejects capitalism and nationalism isn’t for real. Socialism must rely on healthy capitalism that can be taxed. Socialism must maintain national unity that allows for trust and common bonds. This is why Swedish socialist policies must be for Swedish. If Swedes conquered Poland and Hungary and tried to maintain socialism for all three peoples, it’d be a mess as there would be too many divisions. How did Soviet socialism work throughout its vast diverse empire? Non-Russians got tired of Russian imperialism, and Soviet elites got sick of providing free stuff to an empire of leeches who did minimal work but demanded maximal benefits.
The real problem of Latin America isn’t socialism or lack of socialism. It’s diversity. Socialists will say all the world will become nice if they adopt Swedish social democracy, and libertarians blame the failure of Detroit on ‘socialism’ of the Democratic Party. It’s all BS. Swedish social democracy worked for Sweden due to its racial, social, and cultural factors. Sweden will fail as it fills up with Diversity. Its social democracy will not work in an African nation with too many contentious tribes, low IQ, and lack of cultural capital. But then, libertarianism will also fail in places like Detroit because blacks are predisposed by genetics to be wild and crazy. Yes, that is race-ist but race-ism is truth. Races evolved differently to have different talents. Blacks are talented at chucking spears at hippos and running from them. They didn’t evolve for civilization. They were not domesticated by evolution. Bringing them inside civilization is like bringing in coyotes and badgers into the house. They still got the wild genes.
Local elites in Latin America are tied umbilically to US elites, who in turn are determined to make sure any socialist experiment in their backyard fails – as a way to prevent a much-feared domino effect, one that might seed socialism closer to home… The media, the financial elites, the armed forces were never servants of the socialist governments that have been struggling to reform Latin America.
What about Cuba? Castro gained total power, and while the Cold War was on, the Soviet Union provided it with generous subsidies. But what did Castro create? Nothing. His entire economy depended on freebies provided by the Soviet Union.
There are good things about capitalism and socialism, and societies need combination of both, but Cook’s worldview is simply, “It failed because socialism wasn’t allowed to take over totally.” Has he forgotten about how the Chinese rejected Maoism? How the Soviet Union collapsed? Communism doesn’t work. Also, history teaches us that capitalism isn’t a universal panacea either. While capitalism allows for great freedom and opportunity in business, it is also fiercely competitive, and some nations are bound to do better than others(or some groups in any nation are bound to do better than others). So, Hindus are far more adept at business than blacks in Africa. Chinese, with their generally higher-IQ population, have done better with capitalism, along with Japanese. In contrast, low-IQ nations failed with capitalism. Chinese have also done much better under capitalism than the native populations of Philippines and Southeast Asia.
Anyway, socialism isn’t some panacea. I know socialists feel justified in pontificating about it because socialism is about ‘social justice’, but the world doesn’t work simply on the basis of chest-thumping ‘good will’ and ‘righteousness’. The fact is too many Latin American nations are too diverse, too divided, too low in IQ, and etc. to succeed with either capitalism or socialism. So, both libertarians and socialists are wrong when they apply their theories on the global scale. The best that such nations can hope for is a kind of humanist national neo-fascism where elites instill the people with some positive national character. It won’t fix problems overnight but can set the nation forth on a sound long-term path that favors the right kind of genes and habits. Bolsonaro isn’t such a character because he’s essentially a lout.
Within days of Corbyn’s election to the Labour leadership, the Times newspaper – the voice of the British establishment – published an article quoting a general, whom it refused to name, warning that the British army’s commanders had agreed they would sabotage a Corbyn government. The general strongly hinted that there would be a military coup first.
It’s about the Jews. Jews hate Corbyn because he’s pro-Palestinian. It’s not about socialism. Jews and British oligarchs don’t fear socialism because they can easily pull strings to undermine it, like they’ve done under both Blair and Cameron. What they can’t stomach is how Corbyn gave moral support to Palestinians and Muslims opposed to Neocon wars. That is the good side of Corbyn. And his socialism isn’t bad either. But he too is an idiot because he’s for mass colonization of UK by Africans and Muslims. Ironically, even as he denounces Zionist colonization of West Bank, he totally supports the Third World colonization of the UK. This is why being a socialist isn’t enough. One must be a social-nationalist.
Finally, the problem of putting socialism or class consciousness at the center of meaning is that class is too fluid. Consider all the immigrants in the US who began on the bottom but whose children rose to the top. If someone has a working-class father but becomes a rich person, what should be his ‘class consciousness’? There are legit class interests, but class is not a deep identity(and ever-changing along with technology). Also, a society cannot function with a single class; communism tried to utter failure. It’s natural to have several classes(and many sub-classes) due to differences in talent and specialization of tasks. So, how can the various classes co-exist and cooperate? With nationalism. Nationalism instills the elites with the sense that the masses are part of the national family to guide than merely economic units to exploit. And nationalism instructs the masses that the rich elites are okay as long as they use their wealth and talent for the good of the national community.
But globalism undermined this. Globo-elites, libertarian or proggy, pretend to care for ALL humanity, but that is of course impossible. So, they end up making noises but doing nothing except fill their own pockets… like Bono. It’s like a parent who neglects his own children by pontificating that he loves all the children in the world. All talk, no walk.
The best societies are ones where socialism serves nationalism. The cooperation among the classes based on shared identity, trust, and culture of responsibility. Globalism and Diversity undermine all this.
A pretty good piece until this:
Who should we have wisely elected? Which candidate for their Party’s nomination would have been a wiser choice than Trump? Hillary? JEB?
Bernie? Voters for whom 2016 was their first rodeo can be forgiven for supporting Bernie. Those of us old enough to be familiar with the Democratic Party’s modus operande knew that Bernie’s job was to keep Socialist leaning voters on the Democrat Reservation. Bernie knew he could not be nominated. Had Bernie been a threat to the Ruling Class he would have been banished to the political wilderness like Nader or Kucinich.
The Deplorables wisely chose Trump in spite of being told over and over and over again by their betters that Trump is Satan. They defeated the Establishment in the Primaries and again in the General Election. Trump is not one of us. But neither is he one of them. We know this by their fear and hatred of him.
Globalism is not Capitalism or Socialism. It is Feudalism. AFTER the victory of Nationalism over Globalism, Capital and Labor (right and left) can resume their traditional adversarial relationship. Then I can be a lefty again. Until then I am neither Democrat nor Republican. I am a Deplorable.
What a sad pathetic understanding of the situation? With analyst like you does the US have a chance of moral political and economic recoveries ?
I think all of you people are cross-eyed, with your eyeballs rolling around in your heads.
The same people who voted for Bolsonaro would have voted for Lula.
The same people who voted for Trump would have voted for Sanders.
You understand nothing. Nothing. How could you with your eyeballs rolling around like that?
Fantastic synopsis of this article and the problem. I would only add that S. America fail victim to the CIA and the war criminal Kissinger. You should get the Unz Award for the Month!
When you talk about people who are descended not only from blacks but from the dregs of Portugal and Red Indians…you’ve got a pretty intractable and dangerous underclass.
I met a white guy in the Philippines who visited Rio and was robbed at knife-point 20 seconds after going to the beach. In broad daylight.
Globalism is actually not bad for the single male who had nothing going on in his own birthplace and could travel to other countries to find work.
If you never had anything going for you in your own country anyhow, globalism does not affect you as much.
Trump; anti immigrants, pro Zionist—>BOOM!<—Dems; pro immigrants, less pro Israel.
Its simple, we're screwed one way or another.
Spot on.
And the crux:
Well said.
Good post.
Including Orban in your list is laughably off base. I would like to see you justify how winning elections with large majorities after heavily monitored elections deemed free and fair by all generally accepted standards is authoritarian. How programs that are redistributive, resulting in a gini coeficient that reflects one of Europe’s smaller gaps between rich and poor, favours the rich more than usually considered to be within fair and equitable limits. Hungary has problems and too much poverty but Orban’s government is not the cause. A lot deemed unacceptable by the self-appointed guardians of “European values” (such an Orwellian term) actually seems to reflect the values and aspirations of the “deplorables” who live ordinary lives and vote.
“They prefer the social divisions fuelled by neo-fascists like Bolsonaro, divisions that protect their wealth and privilege, over the unifying message of a socialist who wants to curtail class privilege, the real basis of the elite’s power.”
I’m not buying this entirely.
Show me a time when major left wing movements in the USA, Russia, Germany (etc) ACTUALLY threatened the interests of the ‘elite’.
We know from Anthony Sutton and others that the western elites funded the Soviets, including investing in their industries.
Did any of the major left wing movements in the west ever go after the Rothschilds, Baruchs, Safras, Rockefellers, Morgans, Lehmans, Schiffs, etc??
It rather appears that these hardened left wing revolutionaries are not only tightly networked to the elite (e.g., Trotsky playing chess with Rothschilds), or they are financially dependent upon them.
A few random left wing indigenous people in latim america could cause some problems, but I see no reason to believe that left wing movements are actually a threat to the ‘elites’. If anything, they are run by the same group of people (largely Jewish, by the way).
Brilliant, Jonathan. Thank you.
” Why is Corbyn so dangerous? Because he supports the right of workers to a dignified life, because he refuses to accept the might of the corporations, because he implies that a different way of organising our societies is possible. ”
Corbyn indeed creates with me the idea that he’s an honest man.
Somewhere I read that Corbyn is blamed for the Pittsburg massacre.
Having become very suspicious since Sept 11, the thought crossed my mind ‘have ten USA jews been sacrificed in order to smear Corbyn ?’.
I must admit, a far fetched thought, but since some 3000 USA citizens were sacrificed in order to wage the Afghan and Iraq wars, what is impossible ?
Do not know if many know about the suspicions behind the Kristall Night, that maybe the murder on the German diplomat in Paris was intended to cause the kind of reaction Goebbels organised
René d’Argile, etc., Das Geheimnis um die Ursachen des Zweiten Weltkrieges, Wiesbaden 1958 ( Les Originals Secrêtes de la Guerre 1939 – 1945, Paris 1958).
CJ Hopkins has a new nom-de-plume?
Leftism failed spectacularly in the Soviet Union and you cannot blame it on blacks.
Or, what’s the point in arguing over the political economy of a nation that’s slowly disappearing?
Orbán as the creation of elite ? When nearly every capital was in the hand of socialist or liberal forces at the time. Who were the greatest advocators of privatization aka as a pseudonym of free robbery of the people’s/state economic base. They have stolen most of it out from the prior socialist economy during the privatization and sold it for a few dollars for whoever offered them some money. Just what the fuck do you read as a source? They even sold the electricity, water, heating and other basic necessities’ suppliers. They have sold put half of our industrial capacity for nothing amd we became only buyers aka markets where foreign companies could sell their produce. Like a colony. I could list some companies that were sold just for some scraps then all the machines as they were brand new and modern moved to the a different country right away. Oh the socialist and liberal fucking heroes who for a few scraps destroyed all our sugar factories. 100000 people lost their jobs and the factories were not only closed down no we had to completely demolish them. Really like Carthage in Roman times after the 3rd punic war.
Oh yes Orbán does privileges his friends, but how else could he ensure his power, in a democratic situation. And yes some of those friends are crooked, just show me one politician who does not have something like this in his resume? Who the hell else should he trust? Someone like you who think of him as the great evil, and would betray at him at the first moment possible ? Meanwhile they have bought back to state ownership heating, water and electricity and gas suppliers. They lowered most of the basic living costs and they try to build up the economy. And they have not sold a bigger company to foreign companies or ownership all along while lowered the national debt.
I second that.
Bolsonaro’s win had nothing to do with social media. It was engineered by the Brazilian establishment and deep state, who worked together to completely destroy Lula and Rousseff in order to make sure that their party, Partido Trabalhador (PT), couldn’t win again. And why? Because the PT had joined BRICS and were slowly moving Brazil out of the Washinton orbit. That was what was behind the trumped-up charges against Lula and the ‘golpeachment’ (as Pepe Escobar memorably called it) of Rousseff. There was just no time for their party to recover before the election; their candidate, Fernando Haddad, just didn’t have the same pull with the electorate. I am now waiting to see if there will be an autogolpe under Bolsonaro like the one that occurred under Fujimori in Peru back in 1992.
(If there was anything besides all that that got Bolsonaro elected, it would definitely be Brazil’s out-of-control crime problem.)
Also, putting Orbán into the same category as Bolsonaro is a mistake. While Orbán may have been a standard-issue pro-Brussels neoliberal twenty years ago, he has changed strikingly over the past decade. The fact that the mainstream politicians and media that Jonathan Cook so despises now feel free to label Orbán a ‘dictator’ is case in point. Trump, to be sure, is a bit more questionable, since he is constantly waffling. But during his campaign at least, he, too, did deviate from the current globalist orthodoxy on certain points. On the trade issue, for example, there was even a little overlap with Bernie Sanders. And Trump’s opposition to open borders also stands in stark contrast to most of our elites–hell, even his ‘own’ party sometimes seems scared of him!
Great story. Tell it again, please.
Never date a cross-eyed woman. They are always seeing someone on the side.
No. YOU are screwed with an attitude like that. Life is good until you think about it kinda view. Good luck.
“Despite their professed concern, the plutocrats and their media spokespeople much prefer a far-right populist like Trump or Bolsonaro to a populist leader of the genuine left. They prefer the social divisions fuelled by neo-fascists like Bolsonaro, divisions that protect their wealth and privilege, over the unifying message of a socialist who wants to curtail class privilege, the real basis of the elite’s power.”
This would be more convincing if Cook could give an example of a Socialist, someone from the “genuine left” (where do find one?), who once in power didn’t make his emancipated serfs nostalgic for the old elite. Fidel Castro, maybe? If the U.S. opened the gate, the entire class-curtailed Island would head for neoliberal Miami.
You have lost the argument now because you uncritically accepted the overly general premise that Bolsonaro is in some way the Trump of Brazil. He is really not, and saying that he is is just a kind of political shorthand used to excuse yourself from discussing in depth the problems specific to Brazil. But don’t take my word for it, I’m sure that Brazilian readers of Unz will be weighing in to correct the error; at least one already has.
I think that one of the more cogent points of the article is that the action of the plutocratic class to extract the value out of a national economy impoverishes not only the underclass but the middle class as well. The elites therefore have no interest in raising the underclass, it serves their purpose just the way it is because an economically more homogenous society might pose a danger to their rule. Racial tensions are exploited for the same reason, so even your comment fits nicely into the overall plan of their high mightinesses.
Divide et impera.
Socialism fails because the overwhelming majority of human beings will do the least amount of work they can get away with and still get by. The DMV is a great example of socialism in practice. Nasty people doing as little as possible while collecting a paycheck. Although it’s not perfect, moderate Republicanism with a welfare safety net appears to be the only system that can work somewhat effectively in the multi-ethnic states we have today. As the majority of Whites come to realize they are working way too hard to finance people who despise them, this might change, but we haven’t reached that point yet.
Hubie was typical of the middle-aged guys for whom the United States has zero value and liked to live abroad because he could do what he wanted. One thing he loved was hookers.
These guys usually go to South America first, realize how dangerous it is and migrate to Asia.
Hubie went to Rio and sat on a beach. He was there for all of five minutes when a Mulatto walked up to him, slashed his hand with a knife and demanded money.
So Hubie gave up his money. He never returned to Brazil. That is the extent of that story.
I met him in the Philippines. He told me Brazil was mad-dangerous.
Sorry bro, but I’ve been poor as a young man and don’t think that poor whites and Mestizos and blacks will be a beautiful rainbow if only the oligarchy redistributed the wealth.
The article got off to a good start. Then it dissolved into the usual Leftist BS. True Socialism would work if only (fill in the blank) would not interfere.
WTF? The Guardian treats Corbyn like the second coming.
I note that this statement is given without any supporting evidence. Immediately following the statement the subject changes to the Times of London.
The author, Jonathan Cook, has no idea what he is talking about. Bolsonaro is no “fascist”, neo or otherwise. He is a conservative, patriotic and honest Brazilian fed up with the leftist crap that has all but ruined his once wonderful country And let’s say it. Brazil does not need a “real socialist”. It needs fewer blacks. This may sound ugly but it is how most Brazilians feel. This is not to say that there are not many fine black people in Brazil, There are, and they support Bolsonaro, too.
The sad fact is that Brazil, like the United States, is saddled with the legacy of slavery: a huge number of low IQ individuals who are incapable of participating in a modern society with any degree of success. Crime in Brazil, as in the U.S., is largely of one color. The fact that not all blacks fit into this category merely complicates the problem. Cook, a leftist, imagines that “class” is the dirver of human society. it isn’t. It is race. Brazil without blacks would resemble Norway more than Nigeria or Southside Chicago. Brazil was never some knind of multi-racial paradise. When the white Brazilians openly ran the country and exercised strong control over the lower rungs, the appearance of order and calm (and its reality) reigned. Maybe it will again.
You are quite right, but do watch your back…
Leftism failed Russia but Russians didn’t fail Russia, at least not like how blacks failed all nations.
C.J.Hopkins is vastly superior, this ‘Cook’ character was (or is) a columnist for the despicable ‘Guardian’, IIRC.
If he is not any longer, it would be most amusing to see what he wrote to get himself kicked out.
I wonder what his real surname is.
Polish people visiting relatives in Michigan during the Iron Curtain days were horrified at how dangerous Flint was.
Russia is corrupt but on the street level you can walk down the street in daytime and probably be safe. There will be no carjackings. No random rapes. No sudden violence.
In the US white fiends committed horrific crimes but did not bring anarchy to the street-level. Dahmer, Gotti etc were described as nice neighbors.
One group destroys things from the ground up. You are more likely to be killed as a high-rolling wheeler dealer in Russia but a poor white in the US is more likely to killed.
How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up In 1953, Joseph Alsop, then one of America’s leading syndicated columnists, went to the Philippines to cover an election. He did not go because he was asked to do so by his syndicate. He did not go because he was asked to do so by the newspapers that printed his column. He went at the request of the CIA.
9/23/1975 Tom Charles Huston Church Committee Testimony
Tom Charles Huston testified before the Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, commonly known as the Church Committee, on the 43-page plan he presented to the President Nixon and others on ways to collect information about anti-war and “radical” groups, including burglary, electronic surveillance, and opening of mail. The plan was never implemented, but the committee learned that many of these practices were in effect long before the plan was submitted. Historical context was provided by former Church Committee.
“… if you keep sabotaging the programmes of a Chavez, a Lula da Silva, a Corbyn or a Bernie Sanders, then you get a Bolsonaro, a Trump, an Orban.”
One need not put too much effort into sabotaging the likes of Bernie Sanders. The whitest movement in the country in 2016 was not Trump’s deplorables, but rather Bernie’s Bern-victims. There’s no way that a candidate whose appeal is solely to white voters can prevail in the Democrat primaries.
More generally, socialism and multi-ethnic societies just don’t mix. You’re going to have to break a whole lot of eggs to make those omelets. I think commies being dropped from helicopters is rather sanguine in comparison.
I suspect you don’t know chinese
I agree with most of what I managed to read before my eyes glazed over. Please learn to edit yourself or have someone else edit your logorrhea.
what and where is a, or the “genuine Left?” There is no Left that has worked.
The Socialism of the 19th Century in Europe turned in its guns in, sometime around the failure of the Paris Commune, of @1871. Communism came along and picked up the torch, led by Jews, of the vanguard , Leninist one–party state dictatorship and destroyed the Left for good, never mind its body-count of 100 million per The Black Book of Communism.
The Left today has abandoned its economism, class struggle, and so on. It has picked up another torch, that of the Racist Minorities, again led by Jews.
So, from Class and Economics , the Left has pivoted to Race, and race-replacement, meaning outvoting Whites with the “polyglot” masses of colored folks, just celebrated in the Newyorktimes a couple of days ago in a piece by written by a Goldberg of course, female variety, like Madame Dufarge and het knitting needles clacking as blonde heads rolled in Tale of Two Cities, championing “we will replace you.”
The Left is dead, intellectually and historically, but the new Race based Mobs now assault Rationality and Whites.
Leo Strauss and Co. picked-up the old American Exceptionalim City-on-a-Hill Biblical symbol, itself too Jewish I guess, and trimmed of its religious association, presented American Pluralism/Democracy as the Master End-of -History Plan of universal Peace and Brotherhood. .
That ideology informs the American Century or Centuries to come of a Global Order …which is the result of a Master Think job on the part of Strauss. There is no alternative to an American Model for other countries and cultures. This “American Model” includes holes in it wide enough to drive a Fifth Column thru. It includes Pluralism.
The scheme of Pluralism is that it allows bomb- makers like minority racists and Jews cover while they pursue their anti-White obsessions….like immigration and race Equality ideology to undermine a White country, etc..
The Achilles heel of the Straussians, intellectually speaking, is their Blank Slateism with regard to the human brain. They claim the Credo view…like naturalization ceremonies wherein Strangers of Other races and nationalities, renounce their previous allegiances, etc. and swear to be good Americans.
This worked, if slowly, for White European immigrants. But today, just as in the case of Jews and Israel, the ‘polyglot’ racist minorities not only retain previous allegiances, but they retain the brains they were born with.
The new science of Behavioral Genetics is showing that different races have differing genomes.
Aa I frequently state, only Whites invented elections, free speech, and thorough rationality, a rationality far more Rational then the Strausseanss.
Strangely the old Natural Law positions of the Strausseans is sorely out of date. Sociobiology or HBD is discovering the there are Laws, plural, in the biological makeup of different races. There are different brains out there, and while certain traits are shared, like territoriality, and tribalism, that other traits are not shared, like Individualism vs. Collectivism.
So the Left’s Economism is way out-of-date since the meritocracy no longer permits some people to be held back but paves the way for economic successs. Fundamentally this is what theFrench Revolution achieved, despite its great excesses.
Today, the Class War is over and the Race War(s) begin. The Class Wars were led by Jews, and now….
Jews lead the Colored Armies of the Night against Whites, while White pathologically Altruistic Liberals follow Jews.
Joe Webb
I agree with almost all of what you say. I suggest, however, that real socialism has never been opposed to capitalism, per se. It is opposed to the excesses of capitalism, understanding that regulation is necessary for the nation as a whole, because capitalists will never self regulate outside of their own narrow interests to seize control. In 1988, former Canadian Prime Minister John Turner, referencing the US-Canada Free Trade Agreement, foretold what would happen:
At the time the CBC was still a somewhat reliable news source at the time. The Canada US FTA became the model for warping the EEC and all subsequent “Free Trade” agreements.
The Scandinavian countries have had many large corporations that were successful internationally prior to globalism. Their 1960s brand of socialism has been almost eradicated, starting with Denmark joining the EEC in 1973, and Olof Palme becoming Prime Minister in Sweden shortly after. Sweden will be the first to fail, because NATO member, Denmark, had diversity forced on them by joining the EEC, where as neutral Sweden’s wound was self inflicted.
Thanks Peter.
I have a different take on race wars here and around the world. Italians, Brazilians, Argentines, Poles and Hungarians are free to rid themselves of black and brown detritus – should the merchant class, or economic elites run out of places to hide.
I remember a Chilean guide who boasted that his country didn’t have all the problems of a Bolivia or Peru because the early Europeans and Spaniards had the good sense to exterminate the indigenous who were “the problem”.
The American Constitution is a great idea for normal white 100+ IQ citizens. Europeans don’t have to offer equal protection when the cost begins to be too high.
The first thing you’ll notice since 2016 in Europe is new moves to drum out Africans and Afghani’s – because they don’t have to adhere to pesky equal protection clauses…. while each successive coalition claims to be left of center.
I was in Hungary in the fall of 2016 – when the SHTF….. Muslims were feasting on Serb gardens, orchards and household pets – while residents hid in their homes. The European press refused to warn others on the migrant trail – that household pets would be roasted over fires in your front yard.
Social media is the only tool they had to warn Croats, Hungarians and Austrians….. I was back in Austria in the fall of 2017 … and hearts had hardened considerably…. racism was virulent … but for the college kids….
I expect Italians to start door to door purges soon…. if you’re black, they drag you out and put you on a bus to the boats. WE DON’T HAVE THAT LUXURY….
So increased numbers of black and brown voters will doom American long before it dooms Brazil or Italy…. they’ll just kill em … Hungarians are extremely racist…. now that the Roma have gone to better welfare checks in Germany…. Budapest is the new Paris…. if you are dark… don’t EVEN think of lying down in a grassy; park…. Zero tolerance is a growing norm …especially with all the Germans fleeing to Lake Balaton…
I can see the Eastern Block countries becoming the last bastion of Western Civilization…. which is why I think Putin is being vilified…. he is EU Trump
today’s socialists are ONLY “opposed to the excesses of capitalism”….. whoa… I’m Russian and Scot….
You sound like a second yr history student at city college. Russians who ate roots left in the field were shot for their “greed”. Jacobins went door to door with portable guillotines – dragging residents to their death for wearing perfume.
The socialist left talks a good game…. like opposing the “excesses”…. but the leaders are always the same damaged goods…. the same losers and haters …. Think Rachel Maddow dragging a beauty queen to a scaffold…..
You need to take a closer look at who these people are…
Pretty much.
I feel there is peculiar dynamics at work here. Not sure how it will go and what it will bring.
The “employees”, especially from lower middle class downwards understand that, I feel, simply on the gut level.
Those higher up on the ladder are still too….”educated”….to get it fully.
It will be interesting to see will they get it in time.
TIME is of utmost importance here.
The System (for a lack of better word), is working overtime to offset that movement.
If…if the movement doesn’t get big and strong enough it could be stopped and destroyed.
That, nation, race element in all which is going on is still hard for an average “employee” to accept.
So, while that acceptance process is going on, well, The System is putting into place the counters.
As a couple of commentators said here:
I am just sure of one thing: it won’t be peaceful, either way.
Jonathan Cook hails from Nazareth, Palestine.
What did the man from Nazareth do or wrote to get kicked out off Guardian? He wrote about the circumstances of his sacking and it did make an interesting reading. Too bad I can’t just now find the link.
here you can read Guardian bashing/criticism by him
You might not like that concept when the bar gets raised to 110, 120, 130 or the balance of your investment accounts.
sorry about the link
it think he got kicked out for honesty
You mentioned Serbs and Croats here……….
Those two were quite capable, not so long ago, to expel hundreds of thousands of people from certain regions in matter of days.
It was called “ethnic cleansing” then. And those being cleansed at least were organized somehow and had some weaponry. Same look too, not so easy to pick up at first glance.
“Cleansing” these would be much faster and easier, IMHO.
The very guys who mastered that game in 90’s are still around over there. Plenty of them.
My take: all immigrants out from Croatia and Serbia in a week.
Timing and opportunity is all what it takes.
Like the last time. And before that. And before……
Its funny people still believe there is a left or right, democrat or republican here in America. They all work for the same people, Wall St, The bankers, The Zionist lobby, the MIC. Trump is a puppet, just like 0bama, just like Bush. Sheldon Adelson/Israel owns the Donald folks.
Trump will continue to do what is good for Israel, while Fox “News” keeps the drones convinced that Don is working for the little guy.
Keep hoping though. You will be disappointed. I suspect now that they have an Israeli/US puppet in Brazil the war on Venezuela will start. Which will mean more caravans, more immigrants for your town. All for Israel, Wall St Banks, and the MIC.
America is 21 trillion in the hole. But Capitalism works! Capitalism is awesome! Don’t you think its time to close down the Jewish gambling den known as Wall St? Or do you prefer to let them gamble away your chilluns future?
How do people here who claim to want to be free of the Jewish usury defend people like Trump and Bolsonaro? You’re being played. How can anyone with half a brain not see this? All of these people you denounce as socialists and communists are the only ones with the backbone to stand up to the Jewish money power, yet you back Jew puppets like Trump and Bolsonaro.
Far-right, pro-Israel Bolsonaro wins Brazilian presidency
Bolsonaro has declared he will move the Brazilian embassy to Jerusalem from Tel
Aviv. His first international trip as president, he said, will be to Israel, with which
he will seek to broaden the dialogue. And he promised to close the Palestinian
embassy in Brasilia.
“These guys usually go to South America first, realize how dangerous it is and migrate to Asia. ”
I “looooove” (and laugh) when people from the Northern Hemisphere (specially the US Americans)start to generalize about Latin America and sometimes they do not even know where to point the finger in the map if somebody asks them where is Nicaragua.
I come from a small town in Argentina (population around 1300) where the last crime was commited when I was 10 years old (1975), it was an idiot from a town nearby who tried to steal a bike. People still leave the keys on the cars. My father was a physician and sometimes he had to go out at 3- 4 in the morning, in 40 years nothing happened to him. NEVER ever.
By the way, 25 years ago I travelled from Argentina to Mexico by land ( Atlantic side, which means Brazil , then West towards Colombia and then up), it took me 2 years and on those 2 years NOTHING happened to me.
“I remember a Chilean guide who boasted that his country didn’t have all the problems of a Bolivia or Peru because the early Europeans and Spaniards had the good sense to exterminate the indigenous who were “the problem”.
Chileans are “only” around 50 % white, the rest is mixed with lots of indigenous blood. The problem is that they want to see themselves as whites when in fact they are not but they do not want to look at themselves in the mirror, it is much better to leave aside all those discussions about race, hiding them under the carpet.
I see Bolsonaro much closer to Pence than to Trump. From a religious perspective,Bolsonaro is a fanatic (like the newborn Christian Pence), from an economic point of view Bolsonaro has nothing to do with Trump, actually Bolsonaro is exactly the opposite.
From Wikipedia:
My note: SEVENTEEN years in service, including airborne, and just a captain. He must’ve stepped on a lot of toes there.
And some refreshing parts:
Not bad.
disagree with this part – just look at the police in various U.S. cities being told to stand down as the left attacks any right of center demonstrators – Portland, Berkeley, Charlottesville, San Jose, etc.
also, big business and corporate media are pushing the left wing agenda here in the U.S. anyway
Please define “neo-fascist”.
The latter is almost certainly the truth.
Ignoring the Jewish elephant in the room does not inspire confidence in either the intelligence or the integrity of the writer.
““I remember a Chilean guide who boasted that his country didn’t have all the problems of a Bolivia or Peru because the early Europeans and Spaniards had the good sense to exterminate the indigenous who were “the problem”.
Chileans are “only” around 50 % white, the rest is mixed with lots of indigenous blood. ”
“25 years ago ….. NOTHING happened to me ”
There you go.
“also, big business and corporate media are pushing the left wing agenda here in the U.S. anyway”
Could it be because of who owns the big internet social media, broadcasting, ad agencies, publishing, etc. who have leftist ‘policies’ in place which only accept anti-white (aka: “diversity:) advertising from businesses?
For a foreign example, see BBC policies.
You’re probably from an Italian city full of people with names like Bonosaro and Argentina was mostly Italians and Gallegos, so it is safer than Brazil or Mexico.
The Italians of Argentina or Uruguay-and I am sure you are an Italian-are actually better-behaved than the Italians in New Jersey. There was never a mafia in Buenos Aires like New York city.
I got as far south as the Phoenix barrio and that is as close to Latin America as I ever want to be.
From a Democrat perspective, 8 minutes only:
Video Link
From 4th minute, very good, IMHO. Straight into the heart of the MATTER.
Keywords “establishment class”, “contempt” and, the most important …”burn down”.
Not that Dems, and “progtards” in general, will heed the advice at the end, of course.
Interesting times. Re “burn down” in particular.
I fully disagree with tghe author on way too many points, but some of the assessments are… shocking. He writes:
How in Hell’s name can he say Lula and Chavez never controled the keys to power?
Chavez managed to get elected, re-elected, write a new Constitution, put all his supporters in key positions, and only left power when died of cancer. He fully remodelled the country to fit his perspectives. His sucessor is still in power in Venezuela despite widespread hunger and civil unrest exclusively because of his institutional control.
Lula got elected, then re-elected, then managed to elect and re-elect his moronic sucessor, Dilma. His personal downfall was due to corruption investigations that revealed his ties to… guess what… powerful construction companies (mainly Odebrecht and OAS). He was just another corrupt member of the elites, you can say. His Party’s downfall was due to an economical crisis that they created themselves by their lame decisions.
No need to delve into deep connsiderations when simpler explanations exist. Specially wwhen this convoluted thought is at odds with what we see.
As has been said by many commentators, the terms “right” and “left” have become kind of meaningless in the modern world. In the US, the big corporations push “left-wing” agendas and the police stand down and allow the “left-wing” radicals to attack “right-wing” protesters and destroy property. In Brazil, the “right-wing” Bolsinaro has been supported by big business and the monied establishment. It seems that big money is neither “right” nor “left” in the popular definition of the term, it just wants to create the conditions for making money and securing power and it will support any movement that will help it get there. Just as been mentioned in the article, big money isn’t scared of extreme socialism as long as it is contained. The extremes of the socialist regime in China were bottled for 50 years and then allowed to evolve into a form of super-fascist state. They didn’t feel threatened by China then nor now. If they ever feel China is a threat to the global financial system, they will topple her government by taking advantage of their weaknesses as they have done to every state that has challenged their power.
I know little of Brazilian politics except what has transpired since the removal of R, and the jailing of Lu Lu. However, my senses tell me that Brazil is once again firmly in the clutches of the international b_ganksters. If there’s a lesson to be learned here, it is this: A true leader of/for the people who manages to win an election must immediately arrest and dispose of his opposition to include their bloodline. I think it’s now that serious. The battlefield is littered with bodies of men who tried to play nice with these cutthroats. Senator Wellstone, Hugo Chavez, Mummar Ghadaffi and Saddam Hussein are only a few of the near recent. Every direction one looks, especially Africa, one finds the lifeless bodies of murdered leaders who tried to work for their people while playing ball with the powerful. So if historically it doesn’t work, what will?
“Here is Simon Jenkins, a veteran British gatekeeper – a former editor of the Times of London who now writes a column in the Guardian”. Ever since MI6 raided the offices of the Guardian that paper has been bullshit. Greenwald who lives in Brazil has been very quiet lately.
“This would be more convincing if Cook could give an example of a Socialist, someone from the “genuine left” (where do find one?), who once in power didn’t make his emancipated serfs nostalgic for the old elite.”
Are you a retard, troll or both. Momar Gadhafi jumps first to my mind. Find me a Libyan who doesn’t regret the loss of this great man, and I’ll show you a liar. There are literally dozens.
50% ?….. I don’t think so. Chileans look like the ruling elites of Mexico…. Castilian Spanish with names like O’Higgins or Rumsfeld
I happened to be in the company of an investor from Telluride … who was looking to buy property in the area of a new ski development. I was Florence Gump.
the Chilean “official” who accompanied us was very emphatic about the “problem” of indigenous counter revolutionaries. His accent is the only thing that betrayed his pedigree, which I think was Spaniard and Irish. The whole country looks like that. When they don’t speak English, one is taken aback. You can’t tell the Americans from the locals… at least in the cities I visited.
Sure some of them look like Latinos… but just like Mexico… the movers, shakers and regular middle class looks white. And acts white….. and disdain the indigenous lowlifes. Much more so than even Costa Rica…. where the legislators all look like they attended Wharton or Brown.
Costa Rica is a strange mix of environmental madness and social conservatism in a nod to the Catholic natives….. internet billionaires buy up jungles and give it to animal rights organizations – to get a Libertarian foothold …. but it’s still illegal to get a divorce or gamble…. but zoos are now illegal. It’s greenies and Catholics …. craZy
Trump wants to recreate Gaza on our border now. So Israel doesn’t feel so alone in the world. Still don’t see what the Israeli puppet Trump is doing with the caravan/military show?
Trump Says Military May Fire on Rock-Throwing Migrants
Here’s how bad “socialism” is, its so doomed to fail, it requires our president who should be working to rebuild America, to issue executive orders telling them who they can and can’t do business/trade with.
So if socialism is so fucking bad why does it require so much effort by the bankster puppet Trump to bring down? Looks like Trump and Mnuchin intend to loot Venezuela of their gold and oil.
Hope you like immigrants folks. Trump intends to create lots of em. HA!
In the latest move to pressure Venezuela’s president Nicolas Maduro, Donald Trump signed an executive order enabling new sanctions on Venezuela’s gold sector, in a bid to disrupt trade with Turkey which U.S. officials believe is undermining efforts to cripple Venezuela’s economy and force Maduro and members of his government out of office.
“I hereby report that I have issued an Executive Order with respect to Venezuela that takes additional steps with respect to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13692 of March 8, 2015,” Trump wrote in his letter to the leaders of the House of Representatives and Senate.
According to Bloomberg, the order which was signed by Trump on Wednesday and will be announced at a speech Thursday by National Security Adviser John Bolton, targets those “operating corruptly within the gold sector” and will have a “fairly significant” effect on the country’s economy.
The new sanctions will target networks operating within corrupt Venezuelan economic sectors and deny them access to stolen wealth,” Bolton will say, according to an advanced copy of his speech seen by Bloomberg. “Most immediately, the new sanctions will prevent U.S. persons from engaging with actors and networks complicit in corrupt or deceptive transactions in the Venezuelan gold.”
While it was not initially clear what form the sanctions will take, the Treasury Department is will announce details of how the latest sanctions will be implemented later on Thursday. And while the initial effort will focus on Venezuela’s gold sector, whose exports Venezuela allegedly uses to circumvent financial sanctions, Trump’s order gives the State and Treasury departments authority to target additional industries in the future.
Bolton, speaking at Freedom Tower, the symbolic building where the federal government received many refugees fleeing Fidel Castro’s Cuba, framed the plans as part of a broader effort by the U.S. to promote democracy in the Americas.
MIGA! Sad!
then it should be easy for you to name more than just one
And yet you seem to know everything about Latin America. That is amazing.
“Leftism” whatever that means in your cross-eyed minds, was abolished in Russia, against the will of the people, by a traitorous ukase of some of the elites. The majority of contemporary Russians wish, oh, wish, they wish real hard, they had the Soviet Union back. Because it was better than the latter-day shell left after all that American pillage (not a cent of which had anything to do with “free markets” or “capitalism” whatever that means in your little pea brains.)
I’ve heard much of Mexico’s population also comes from the lower classes of Spain. This appears to have been repeated across Latin America, except perhaps Argentina and Chile.
Do you have more information on the source of most of the white ancestry in Brazil, these “dregs of Portugal?”
Your typical Brazilian’s racial background is also predominantly white and if I recall from articles on Human Varieties, Brazilians are so mixed that skin color and facial features are less predictive of ancestry than would be expected, meaning visibly non-white individuals are more genetically white than appearance would indicate.
Brazil is nonetheless an altogether more developed and industrious country than many other latin american countries. It’s certainly no Chile/Argentina/Costa Rica, but I’d say it’s altogether better than Mexico.
I do know that Phoenix was a great deal more dangerous than Dubai.
correction…I made a mistake here…”The Achilles heel of the Straussians, intellectually speaking, is their Blank Slateism with regard to the human brain.” This is wrong. Strauss very much believes in a human nature…and to his credit he attacks the various modernists for their denial of human nature and goes on to hammer positivism, etc.
What I meant to say is that neither Blank Slate or anti-Bland Slate , are correct. As I remarked, there is not just one Human Nature but multiple human natures. We call these the various races.
Now that we are well into the 21st century and its Genetics science, I am confident that Behavioral Genetics is going to totally back-up the claims of Racialism, like for example that Blacks carry the gene for more violent behavior…already reported by this science.
It is remarkable that anybody like Locke, a very smart man, and others thought up the Blank Slate in the first place. Maybe Religious doctrine pointed the way…that God would write who the Elect were and that sort of thing. Since religion never considered us animals, God would have to have written on the Blank Slate…sort of like a great chain of being…with talent assorted per the functional needs of society…somebody has to carry the water and dig the ditches, etc.
“By the way, 25 years ago I travelled from Argentina to Mexico by land ( Atlantic side, which means Brazil , then West towards Colombia and then up), it took me 2 years and on those 2 years NOTHING happened to me.”
I don’t think your story is representative. Colombia in the 80’s-90’s was the peak of drug violence. The city of Medellin had a reputation as the most dangerous city on Earth during that period.
“All Americans are peasants” one aristocratic Filipino once remarked. Of course all whites in the US are descended from the underclass that European countries were trying to thin out.
If the ruling elite of Mexico or Brazil were descended from the dregs of Spain or Portugal they now have money.
The Portuguese white Brazilian I met told me that his own grandfather was a defrocked Lisbon priest and his grandmother had been deported for running a brothel.
Black Americans are 25% white. I remember watching some DNA show where Whoopi Goldberg turned out to be a full 20% Scottish. If you saw a Nigerian in New York you would know right away he was an African immigrant.
One reason Latin America has less racial friction is that a purely Italian Uruguayan is actually not much lighter than a Colombian Mestizo. This is why the racial conflict is not as stark as the Anglo-Mestizo divide of North America.
If you saw Al Pacino or Stallone in Latin America you would not be able to tell whether they were part Indian or not.
Look at “Iron Eyes Cody” that Italian guy who got famous playing Native Americans.
Why did the author leave out the fact that over 31 million Brazilian votes were tossed away and declared null and void?
Don’t think Brazilians did that, but the greedy SOB’s who want to continue raping the Amazon did.
bored identity begs to know why and how this cookamamie concocted by Her Majesty’s Neo-Philistinophiliac Agent Provocateur has managed to make it on UR’s front page:
bored identity begs to know why and how all this cookamamie concocted by Her Majesty’s Neo-Philistinophiliac Agent Provocateur has managed to make it on UR’s front page:
Bolsonaro is moving the Brazilian embassy to Jerusalem and throwing the Palestinian embassy out of Brazil.
Netanyahu’s Jews own another country. Their evil just spreads.
Think Peace — Art
not only Latin America, he has opinions on everything
what do you base this on?
When the dregs of Spain use Red Indian women as concubines and leave a bunch of orphans it is a bad start to any race.
If Brazil is a multi-racial paradise why are the favelas primarily black or Mulatto?
If Portuguese whites once owned the country why is it that Italians and Germans seem to be wealthier now than Portuguese Brazilians?
Why is Brazil violent?
Why “With an analyst like you”? Does the US have a chance of any of those recoveries anyway? Would they even be recoveries—rather than innovations? And what do you mean by “the US”? The American corporatocracy? … The plutocrats?
“Proof?” A lot has been written and said about this. There have been many studies done by the LA goverments themselves AND researches from outside the region. Most of this info is available on the web.
“The city of Medellin had a reputation.. “Reputation = Propaganda. What does it reputation mean ? Reputation just means that the NYT or CNN said 20 times a day “Medellin is dangerous”. Have you heard about the weapons of mass destruction that Saddam had ?
“I got as far south as the Phoenix barrio and that is as close to Latin America as I ever want to be”
You say this and then you say “latin american is dangerous”. So, you know nothing about LA but on the other hand you talk as you were an expert in LA.
Yes, I am first generation Argentinian but my family emigrated from Italy after the war…but it is not difficult to guess where Argentinians are coming from as 65 -75 % have Italian roots.
“the movers, shakers…” EXACTLY, those “shakers” are the 1 % of the around 50 % whites. The problem is that the masses are not the white shakers. They do not mix with each other.
I remember many years ago talking to a Chilean who told me (and it surprised me that he was so honest telling me that) that the thing that impressed him the first time he went to Buenos Aires was that….the bus drivers were white or European looking….
(now from this you know what do the “shakers” in Chile expect regarding how the bus drivers should look like)
This is untrue. Northern Italians and Southern Italians are very different peoples, and Uruguay has received both kinds. So, to begin with, the expression “purely Italian” has no meaning. An individual who descends solely from Northern Italians is no different in skin color from a German or a French.
The United States, unlike South America, has received mostly immigrants from Southern Italy, specifically Catania and Sicily, which are darker in skin color than English-descended Americans. Those Italians have a strong Semitic component in their genes.
Show me one white Mexican who wants to go to the United States. Red Indians come illegally to escape the White Supremacist Latin America Criollo power structure.
Cuba and Argentina are exceptions because there were never many Red Indians there to begin with. And definitely very few in Buenos Aires.
Therefore Argentinians are very rare but the few I knew were Italians. Very Italian in fact.
“Why is Brazil violent?”
Same reason as in the US. Different “colors” and a huge gap between rich and poor. Most of the Brazilian prisons are populated by dark skin Brazilians (as in the US most of the people filling the prisons are blacks or at least, the % of blacks in prison are much higher than the % of whites , accordingly to the % that both have in the USA population as a whole.)
I agree with you on the other one, Brazil IS NOT a multi-racial paradise.
Wrong…On..American pillage of Russia….Jews did that. As described in below quote.
“[The oligarchs] exploited the disintegration of the Soviet system to loot the treasures of the state and to amass plunder amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars. In order to safeguard the perpetuation of their business, they took control of the state.>>> Six of the seven are Jews<<<. . . . [Boris] Berezovsky boasts that he caused the war in Chechnya, in which tens of thousands have been killed and a whole country devastated. He was interested in the mineral resources and a prospective [oil] pipeline there.”
— Uri Avnery describing an Israeli TV series called “The Oligarchs,” in an article entitled “How the Virgin Became a Whore” (2004). This series will never be broadcast in the USA, of course.
They got plenty of prior practice in Germany.
“Whilst large sections of the German nation were struggling for the preservation of their race, we Jews filled the streets of Germany with our vociferations. We supplied the press with articles on the subject of its Christmas and Easter and administered to its religious beliefs in the manner we considered suitable. We ridiculed the highest ideals of the German nation and profaned the matters which it holds sacred.”
– Dr. Manfred Reifer, a well-known leader of the Jews of Bukovina, wrote in the Jewish magazine Czernowitzer Allegemeine Zeitung (September 1933).
Below shows how Jews do evils, than project all Blame upon European Whites.
“Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760s and early 1770s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.”
— Marc Raphael (Jew): “Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History”
“During this period, Jewish merchants, from the cities in the valley of the Rhône, Verdun, Lione, Arles and Narbonne, in addition to Aquisgrana, the capital of the empire in the times of Louis the Pious [Louis I]; and in Germany from the centres of the valley of the Rhine, from Worms, Magonza and Magdeburg; in Bavaria and Bohemia, from Regensburg and Prague – were active in the principal markets in which slaves (women, men, eunuchs) were offered for sale, by Jews, sometimes after abducting them from their houses. From Christian Europe the human merchandise was exported to the Islamic lands of Spain, in which there was a lively market. The castration of these slaves, particularly children, raised their prices, and was no doubt a lucrative and profitable practice…”
— Dr. Ariel Toaff, Chapter Eight, BLOOD PASSOVER This book was ordered taken off book shelves and destroyed. Toaff was the son of the chief rabbi of Rome and had access to synagogue writings dating back to the Middle Ages.
The Jews are a very Dangerous, Deadly group….Proof Below.
“If Gentiles [any non-Jew] refuse to live a life of inferiority, then this signals their rebellion and the unavoidable necessity of Jewish warfare against their very presence.”
— Cf. Mordechai Nisan, Kivunim (official publication of the World Zionist Organization), August, 1984, pp. 151-156
“The English (or French or American, etc.) patriotism of the Jew is only a fancy-dress which he puts on to please the people of the country.”
— The Jewish World, December 8, 1911.
“We Jews have spoiled the blood of all the races of Europe. Taken as a whole, everything is Jewdified. Our ideas animate everything. Our spirit reigns over the world. We are the Lords.”
— Dr. Kurt Munzer, “The Way to Zion.”
No..They called it Iron Curtain due to Nobody was allowed to Leave or visit other countries. Poles included back then.
[Too much vacuous personal blathering, which clutters up the threads. You really might be happier on a different website.]
By the time I was in my early teens that had eased a bit.
Polish visitors to Detroit to see their relatives were not in a hurry to move there from Warsaw. A few move to Chicago but believe me, few Polish want to rejoin their relatives in Flint.
Unlike Mexicans or Nicaraguans trying to join their families in Texas not many Scots want to move to Central West Virginia or Swedes to join their families in Minneapolis or whatever.
Europeans seem to regard the US as a shithole.
This is nothing but a diatribe, full of sound and fury and ad hominem attack and saying absolutely nothing. Boring.
Look at the positives for Brazil. No more zika black mail before the olympics.
Thank you.
I saw the Bell cartoon at the time (or at least before the ruling cabal at the Guardian threw it, and Cook, out).
Even much that he was saying in this article makes sense, but it seems that he is unable to adapt his fixed ideas to fit the reality that he sees and has experienced.
That is, the modern western left almost universally sucks, he does not at all adjust to that fact, even with such clear demonstrations of the rubbishy ideas they are about.
Rich and Poor in Sao Paolo….striking photo.
good info
we need thousands of goyim studying these things
Sharing the wealth, as in Scandinavia, is a Socialism that makes sense, but it is not a Socialism of, in Marxist terms, expropriating the Means of Production, and so on.
a national socialism in a White country can work because whites operate on a Categorical Imperative of understanding that scamming the system is not right.
So, leaving Capital alone to make fundamental economic decisions is not a bad idea, especially under competitive conditions.
However, as others point out, Capital needs to be watched by rules, etc.
A nationalist economy, not a Global system, is a good start.
A national socialist, sans Hitlerism, position is rational. Capitalism with a national face sort of thing. Then the Industrial Policy term of a while back, which puts Capital under sharp scrutiny by the nationalist state, made sense and still does make sense.
China is a total national socialist, if totalitarian, kind of state.
Europe has also worked the vein of Industrial Policy, but has been hobbled by Globalist ideology.
Socialism with a national Face..to revise the old Socialism with a human face phrase of the anti-communist Western Marxists a couple decades back, seems pretty rational.
Then there is the matter of Autarky, which can be modified to an Autarky of White countries, a political-economic bloc that can put Whiteness First.
And stop China, which is the ultimate long range threat
The necessity of getting more money into the hands of workers and middle class folks is the single most important factor today. Consumer spending drives the economy. Low wages do not a strong economy make.
Trump is not up to doing anything about it. The old GOP Supply Side economics is Trump’s economic policy.
Joe Webb
I found your comments fascinating and I hope you can write a regular feature fot UNZ and not just comment.
Jonathan Cook is the type of bloke for why my local town hall in London for decades often flew the Palestinian flag but refused to fly the British flag because of racism or something.
IOW, you have no proof.
That is not that much more dramatic than the difference between Beverly Hills and East LA or Coral Gables and some Florida trailer park. Or Detroit and Ann Arbor.
In the US there is more land mass so poverty and wealth are physically separated by a gradient of middle-class who can afford to live between the barrio/ghetto/trailer park and the wealthy subdivisions.
The wealth divisions in the US are not that much better.
I thought the Unz Review was rightist. Why is this Far Left garbage appearing here?
When I first came to this site I thought like you. But it didn’t take long to realize I was wrong. My mistaken initial assumption was due to the fact that I was drawn to this site by Steve Sailer, who is of course conservative. As Steve is probably the guy who accounts for most of the readership here, it misleads people like you into that false assumption. Other conservatives in The Unz Review are John Derbyshire, Ilana Mercer, Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, Andrew Napolitano (I think) and Lance Welton. On the Left or Liberal side they have James Petras, Patrick Cockburn, Michael Hudson, and Tom Engelhardt. There are some who are unclassifiable like Paul Craig Roberts, a Republican who praises (and has worked for) Ronald Reagan but at several occasions has aligned with Leftwing views, especially in International affairs, in which he is strongly pro-Russia. Also pro-Russia are Israel Shamir, The Saker, and Anatoly Karlin. Shamir and Roberts (and possibly Karlin and The Saker, but I don’t know them that well) seem to tip to whatever side of the spectrum that most favors Russia, depending on the subject. The site owner himself, Ron Unz, ran for the Senate for the Republican party, and seems to embrace a moderate conservatism. Philip Giraldi is not easy to pin down as one or the other. He apparently writes mostly about Israel, which he attacks with arguments from both the “progressive” and “conservative” fields. I tend to think as James Thompson, a science writer, as a conservative, but this may be an illusion caused by his field of expertise being a bête noire of Liberals. Linh Dinh seems to be more of a reporter or chronicler. Fred Reed is unclassifiable.
Thank you for your reply, and I agree but for one change, we need Multi-MILLIONS to study these factual Truths on the issue of them aka Jewry Vs Us all who they call goyim aka cattle herds.
Folks also need to slowly read and comprehend the Christ Parable of, Wheat Vs Tares in the NT bible.
Once understood, there can be zero doubt as to which two groups are represented by wheat and tares. No two other races or groups of people so fit that parable, as do European White are Wheat and Tares are The Jews. Every detail in the parable well describes the entire historical record, and shows how in every nation that ever played Host nation to Jews…It always, always, was first created as a nation by Others, usually by Euro Whites in most cases of nations infiltrated by Jews. And to at some point become another unfortunate Host nation. Written 2,000 yrs ago and all prior 2,000 yrs human history since has well proven it correct as can be.
Again, and again thru all past history this has played out. Only to again, and again see Jews booted out again. Then Wash/Rinse and Repeat. With most times it being a European White founded and created nation……Why? Like the parable describes tares are a Weed that looks so alike to real actual Wheat, it is near impossible at first, when Younger and still growing, to distinguish the difference between the two. However and again per that parable, once Tares get close to maturity, and close also to time of Harvest, tares go thru some changes and soon become so easy to see for what they really are, Weeds, that then even a newbee field worker man can spot the differences.
(I cannot recall actual scientific weed name for a Tare weed?…However, it really exists, and really does look so alike to real wheat it is often mistaken as wheat when in early stages of growth. Tares are also a Mildly Poisonous weed if eaten. Seems the more one learns about that Tribe, the more the parable makes sense, eh.)
That is main reason in the parable, when a few, more seasoned worker men are alarmed at finding tares growing beside the good Wheat, and they run to tell their master and land owner (God) what they discovered, and offer to then and there uproot tares….Their master warns them to await Harvest time. Because the wait will assure that No wheats, not a single stalk will mistakenly be uprooted. Only every last tare weed is to be uprooted, then bundled and taken to get thrown into the Fire pit and destroyed for all time.
And another huge Cohencidence is how it states that, both wheat and tare weeds have Fathers…God is Father of Wheat Vs Satan as Tare weeds father!
Also how that every tare weed was infiltrated into the wheat fields only After Dark of Night, and after all wheat workmen were fast asleep…Satan, father of Darkness aka evil, is whom “planted” tares in the fields.
A person can read and re-read that very parable a hundred times, and yet never really Get it. Until one day they re-read it After becoming Jewised Up. And then…Its truthful real meanings all create that proverbial, Blindingly Bright Light Bulb that just went on inside a persons head! Ah Haa!! Soooo that’s what this parable is really telling and Warning Us about!….Try it out for yourself and see…A quick read, not long, but filled to the brim with more great truth and insight than one can obtain in a six year master degree course at any Jew run university…Just remember no others will see this reality and historical agenda unless first they are Jewised Up.
The best societies are ones where socialism serves nationalism. The cooperation among the classes based on shared identity, trust, and culture of responsibility. Globalism and Diversity undermine all this.
Oh, boy.
Socialism is generally understood in today’s world to mean Marxism or a descendant of Marxism. It is therefore by definition internationalist or globalist. “Workers of the world, unite!” and all that.
Nationalist socialism or socialist nationalism is, you know, National Socialism, and therefore inherently evil.
Brazil is not exactly a small country.
joe web, very well stated. And is the Main things most libertarians& repubs shun and rage about. They keep promoting an end totally of any and all forms of govnt regs or rules and laws, that act as a watch dog over corporations etc. At least every libertarian I ever met and listened to says those things are bad and wrong. Yet even a small kid today can see what happens with all recent deregulations, and Privatizations like GW Bush is famous for constantly repeating as best policy agenda for Americans.
Its always, Let market of consumers decide and huge corps be forced to self regulate. Well, how? Not when we see a single huge corp like PepsiCo that began with One type Soda Pop brand…Yet now today owns and fully controls production, prices, supplies of well over 600+ Different products daily consumed. Many, many folks cannot exist without. Same for daily News and important Info updates people rely on and need…How do consumer people market decide rules when just six huge corps own and control Every TV Channel etc?..What ever happened to fed Laws that controlled and stopped Gouging of consumers? And Monopoly Laws? Are they still on the law books? If yes, why not enforced? If No? Why Not? What another Cohencidence that all six tv news corps are Jewish owned and run too.
Deregs and Privatizations act swell for corporate ceo greed, but where is the benifits for the little guys at?….Alaska has laws to mandate a once per year equal amount per person cash check, based upon big Oil yearly profits from Alaskan Oil…And to date, not a single big oil CEO or anyone else has gone broke or bankrupted due to passing out a small portion of oil profits per alaskan citizen.
Any quick research shows that our fed gov officials have been in cahoots with ceos etc of large and massive huge corps of every type. In Cahoots on locating proper best sections of usa lands to find oil and gold and various other bonanzas on or in. Then fed officials invent fed land laws to off limit reg avg persons from buying those lands…This is usually done via lagre cash grants from fed gov and corps to Scientists, who get tasked with finding proper lands for oil etc. And also for good sounding Reasons that land need be placed Off Limits…Such as say, “We just Must protect Spotted Owls!”..How? Easy…Shut Down all forms Lumberjacking, and Timber opps, stop all related Jobs, and have lands taken by feds…Wait a few years, then again get crooked scientists, payed yet more huge cash grants, to now determine spotted owls have nicely recovered, and while still No Lumber or Timber jobs or buisness’s can go back there, Other corps such as Oil or Mining corps can now safely operate with zero harm for spotted owls…Then fed officials okay land to be sold cheaply to some Land Protection private tax free org, like the Wildlife Fund or such, who then wait a couple more years, then re-sell lands at huge high profits to…Big Oil or Big Gold miners. Then all involved make huge political campaign donations to same fed officials, and more cash grants to same Scientists.
When in reality, like in Alaska, USA Lands are Owned equally by every legit usa citizen. And we all should share in corp’s profits. For us agreeing to allow them to mine or drill etc. And when we see todays ceo’s earning $500 million per year, with added bonus of $450 million worth of corps shares they have to wait a 1/2 year to Sell off to reap share profits, after they arrange for corps shares to Rise biggly…..None of them will go broke if shared profits with usa citizens occured like in alaska.
Their personal Greed and lack of caring about anybody else is main obstacle to such a plan. That, plus most have a vast Hatred for the Goyims.
How long do you envision yourself as being a rootless cosmopolitan Global Villager in search of the next gig and airport taxi?
Fred Reed is very classifiable:
I’ll put it this way. My last month as a working middle-class young white guy things reached a crescendo pitch. I walked into a Circle K that had just been robbed and the clerk was in shock. Mexicans chased by roommate from the shopping mall back to the complex for no reason.
And I had dead roots in Southeastern Michigan anyhow. Parents had a bad divorce and Dad sold the house. Moved on to a job in Maryland-he was a scientist. Mother and brother moved to California.
A shared flat in Dubai would not seem great but it was better than Phoenix or Southeast Michigan. There were no chimp outs on the public buses. The redneck tweakers who seemed to be everywhere in Phoenix in the late 90’s were not around. When I walked into gas stations in Dubai late at night I did not discover the clerk going into shock because someone had just robbed him like the Circle K I walked into in Tempe, Arizona.
Since I left the US relatively young-aged 25-I never had dependents or financial obligations or house payments to make.
So forever.
And since 1999 when I left at age 25, the US seemed to decline further and further. It happened when Bush was elected. I don’t know why.
So with no house and never married in the US and never had any kids there I would have no reason to return and nowhere in particular to return TO.
Are’t you aware that Muslims don’t eat dog & pig? So what pets are people keeping there for these migrants’ feasting, horse, cow, goat, chicken, duck?
Ivan Milat summed up the type that you get. Seems as if the real tough ones went to Oz.
Latin America not dangerous.
“…Latin America is home to just 8 percent of the world’s population, but 33 percent of its homicides. In fact, just four countries in the region — Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Venezuela — account for a quarter of all the murders on Earth…”
No doubt there are lots of nice places in South America.
It’s somewhat the same in the US. Most murders are from 4 or 5 cities and Blacks are the murderers.
This Brazilian dude and Trump is what you get after decades of Demo-commies.
The next guys are going to be brutal, and they know it or no nation will survive.
Bet on it.
All blacks need to be sent back to Africa.
They ruin everything/place they touch and with enjoyment.
“Southern Italy, specifically Catania and Sicily, which are darker in skin color than English-descended Americans.”
Catania is the second largest city in Sicily, do you mean Calabria which is a region in the boot, Southern Italy?
He’s a monster i tell you, a MONSTER!!
Sorry, I meant Campania.
I have a 75 y/o eccentric third cousin (I guess he’s still alive) who has been living in Thailand for about 25 years and about 15 years prior to that in Europe as a sort of carney, magician, bon vivant wise guy on a budget. He probably still has the first nickel he earned selling GRIT newspapers as a seven year old.
I guess it’s just another way of life that comes about from the confluence of disposition, intelligence and circumstances. I have no idea who among us will go to his grave more or less content than the others.
Good luck on all of segments of your voyage.
“Globalism is not Capitalism or Socialism. ”
I think Globalism is a hybrid system where we are the private property of the Globalists who provide for us the meager crumbs of socialism to keep us quiet. Thank God people have not remained completely quiet.
It is the most ruthless aspects of both..
You cannot be completely stupid and last overseas. If you were to meet your third cousin or any other guy (We are mostly male) you would find that he was not a deadbeat or complete loser. Most of us are fairly worldly and adaptable. We have to be in order to get by overseas.
As for eccentricity we are no different than “white flight” from urban hellscapes. We leave because as whites able to make a living elsewhere left cities like Baltimore or the French left Haiti and it turned into a garbage heap.
You’d be surprised how little white males actually need what the US offers. Hood Rats need our taxes, Mestizos need the jobs we create, most women of all races need us (As providers, law enforcement, extractors of primary resources such as oil or food). Jews need us to create a surplus economy that supports the bread and circuses of the stock market, electronic and print media, litigation.
…However, white men don’t need a thing from them.
Television? It is all garbage anyhow and I have Netflix. There are video kiosks.
Women? You might actually meet more overseas.
Crime? Phoenix is FAR more dangerous than Dubai or most of Asia.
Moreover, things have gone downhill in the States since the 90’s.
Which African country do you have in mind? US blacks are a composite of various countries from Angola to Senegal. They are not like whites who are Irish-American, or Italian-American or Jewish-American.
Israel Shamir is an old school Communist. The Saker is a conservative. James Thompson leans conservative as well, as does Fred Reed. I too am much sooner a conservative than a liberal or leftist. Obviously, most of the people here will resist easy categorization since the reason we are here is that we don’t fit in anywhere else (see this website’s masthead).
Thank you, Mr. Karlin, for the corrections. To be honest, by now I was already aware of James Thompson and Fred Reed’s profiles. I wasn’t sure about you and The Saker, but if fits with what I vaguely suspected. As for Shamir, I am totaly flabbergasted. How can he accommodate his fervorous Catholicism with “old school Communis[m]”? Perhaps he’s not as “old school” as all that?
1. Shamir is a Jewish convert to Orthodox Christianity, he’s not a Catholic.
2. It’s not exactly unheard of. Zyuganov, for instance, also professes to be a believer. Shamir votes for KPRF candidates, likes Stalin, likes Lenin, writes pro-Communist articles, claims Solzhenitsyn is a liar, etc.
Thanks again, Mr. Carlin. Yes, I of course Shamir is an Orthodox Christian. I had no idea it was improper to use the term “Catholic” for Orthodox Christians, seeing as their church is named Orthodox Catholic Church.
As for your reference to another Christian Communist, I am grateful for the information. I find it very interesting. My very minor quibble is just concerning the adjective “old school”. In my opinion, both Shamir and this Zyuganov are “new school” communists. If you can produce some names of people from the beginnings of Communism who were also believers, then I might reconsider.
Mr. Cook’s casual usage of “far-right,” “neo-liberal,” and “neo-fascist” adds little to our understanding of anything. Is there a “far-left” in his thinking? Thankfully, he spared us the mysterious “post-modern” and the always electrifying “neo-Nazi.”
Good luck to him in his search for true leftists. Chavez was a leftist opportunist and it was his own stupidity that was his enemy, not “powerful interests” who rejected his right to rule. It’s odd for Cook, otherwise an insightful analysts, to gloss over his obvious leftist miscalculations.
Speaking of “a different way of organising our societies” can mean anything at all. The American Constitution was a noble attempt to do just that and could be reinstated to good effect with 200+ years of experience to aid us in improving it. But I am sure Cook only has dreamy, vague socialist visions in his head where really nice people rule benevolently and with saintly indifference to personal advantage. As the witticism goes, the solution to problems of capitalism is always socialism but the solution to problems of socialism is always more socialism.
Orthodoxy is catholic, but Catholicism by itself presupposes Roman Catholicism in ordinary Anglo parlance.
Shamir, Zyuganov, etc. are Communists but socially conservative ones (at least not socially radical ones). “New school” commies are generally taken to be SJWs, radical feminists, cultural Marxists, etc.
Okay! Thank you for the information bits. I hope I haven’t been too aggravating. Anyway you were exceptionally kind.
Well, here against is the Old Testament garbage about hating people just because they don’t agree with you.
If the author is right hard experience will change minds and not his vile religiously themed rants and ravings.
That’s setting the bar for fanaticism pretty near to the ground. 😛
Among the leftists/liberals, I forgot to include Eric Margolis.
I disagree. In Brazil, whatever little middle class there is lives in one of the better houses in the favelas, or in fewer cases, cheap newer housing (usually govt provided, or pvt housing built by firms who mase their wealth w juicy govt contracts). America by comparison has a larger middle class, and more dependent on the private sector at that. Of course, this has drawbacks, and I’m no lolbertarian (being a nationalist is effectively being an old school class-collab fash); but at least American capitalism has kept the dollar strong and investments coming, and needs more modifications to keep both labor and capital happy and less decadent revolutionaire-functionnaires fighting for control of state resources amidst a sheepish population, which is what “genuine” socialism eventually devolves to. Even China had to switch it up a bit post-Mao; even if he was successful cleansing the cadres and uniting the nation (by erasing the cultural past and any opposition, true), he could only because of his war hero status and because Chinese society before him was so unequal any peasant given a bowl of rice a day wouldn’t mind Maoism, so long his backyard furnace worked and he kept his mouth shut and pockets open when it didn’t; furthermore, the Chinese placed much more emphasis on discipline and learning historically, all it needed was a joint nationalist vision like the Japanese found in their post-Meiji fascism; and most importantly, from then on, Deng and others thankfully introduced some reform (and perhaps Tiananmen Square moderated it too much, or just enough?), settling the nationalist state finally, the Marxism-Leninism but a veneer on the top. At any rate, just like the US before it, and other countries/empires in the past, the huge labor market advantage enjoyed by the Chinese will eventually (in the really long term) become unsustainable, and/or resented by enough population who don’t enjoy the benefits (may even be a challenge from the left, specially as the yuan goes lower); it might just take way longer due to the different evolutionary upbringing of Asian people (used to being subjugated to powerful empires for longer), but the mind meld into the New Man will eventually happen, and from then on instability.