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Straining to Care About This Year’s Election

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Now that we’ve taken off our holiday party masks and furtively tiptoed into 2024, the presidential election looms only ten months away.

I find myself violently uninterested in the whole sorry affair. I can’t recall a time in my life when I cared less about the candidates or the outcome.

It wasn’t always this way.

I was barely out of diapers when Lyndon Johnson thrashed Barry Goldwater in 1964, so I can’t be faulted for not doing my civic duty and paying attention to that election. But when Richard Nixon ran against Hubert Humphrey in 1968, I recall the other seven-year-olds being passionately involved to the point where we held an event in our schoolyard in which the kids stumped for their chosen candidates. I remember little freckle-faced Kathy McNeila holding a pro-Nixon picket sign that read DUMP THE HUMP.

In sixth grade I defaced my wooden school desk with a “McGOVERN ’72” etching. I can think of no other reason for preferring him to Nixon other than the fact that I thought he had better sideburns than Nixon.

During America’s Bicentennial, when I was 15 and a toothy upstart from Georgia named Jimmy Carter ran against a wooden clod named Gerald Ford, I wanted Carter to win because not only did he tell Playboy that he’d “looked on a lot of women with lust” — just as I’d been doing — but he popularized the term “born-again Christian” for the American public, and even though I’d been lusting after women, I was also a born-again Christian.

The reasons I preferred one candidate over another were hardly profound, but I think that’s always been the case with most people — even those of voting age. If anything, voting for George McGovern because he had good sideburns was probably wiser than voting for his policies.

I’ve voted in only five presidential elections, and I only picked a winner once: Donald Trump in 2016. On a superficial level, he was far funnier than the muff-diving she-beast Hillary Clinton. But he also talked about deeper matters: illegal immigration, the national debt, and the offshoring of America’s economy. Most importantly to me, Trump seemed like the perfect antidote to censorship-hungry Leftists. As a writer who traffics in ideas and attitudes that aren’t rubber-stamped by the reigning culture czars, I felt I’d have an easier time finding paid work under Trump than under Obama.

But none of the things he promised came true. Deportations of illegals decreased, the national debt increased at a record pace, and America suffered a net loss of manufacturing jobs. Worst of all, the censorship, ostracism, and financial deplatforming of non-Leftists reached levels that were previously unimaginable.

When I ask people who still support Trump what he accomplished as president, the typical answer is that he “owned the libs,” but the record suggests that the libs owned him.

And for all of his vaunted racism, Trump was an absolute disaster as a racist — possibly the lamest racist of all time. He failed to directly address white people as a constituency even once, and he rewarded black Americans for rioting throughout the summer of 2020 with a half-trillion-dollar “Platinum Plan.”

So Trump was either conning us from the start, or a president can’t really accomplish much. I suspect it’s more of the latter. Trump is now promising that if he gets reelected, he’ll finish what he never even managed to start during his first term.

He’s better than Joe Biden, but that’s like saying foot fungus is better than anal warts. Biden is a sclerotic, doddering embarrassment and the least presidential of all the presidents, but he’s also a perfect symbol of America in its current state. I’m angrier at Trump because I never expected anything from Biden.

And now, before the primaries have even started, it appears that 2024 will be a repeat of 2020, only with more body fat and Alzheimer’s. But no matter who is declared the winner, you can bet your last worthless Federal Reserve Note that there will be riots. Beyond the unconquerable national debt, a clear sign that we’re a broken country is that in the past two elections, the side that was declared the loser refused to accept the official results. In 2016, Democrats blamed Russian collusion. In 2020, Republicans blamed voter fraud. I’ve never bothered to get into who was right and who was wrong because I don’t trust either side and I don’t think it ultimately matters when the entire system is built on lies.

The saddest thing of all is that democracy would be stupid even if it was honest. Social media is a virus that led to many plagues, but at least it revealed how painfully vapid most people are about politics. If you think ordinary rappers are dumb, you’d be correct — but have you ever seen a MAGA rapper?

Some tribes are more authentic than others. Some emerge from organic processes based on self-preservation, while others are intentionally fabricated as a distraction while everyone gets marched to the slaughterhouse. There is nothing about the Left-Right/blue-red/Dem-Repub antipathy that is natural, nothing that hasn’t been calculated and manipulated to set the rubes at one another’s throats. But don’t you realize that our side is the good side and their side is the bad side? Sure, they think they’re the good guys and we’re the bad guys, but they’re wrong and we’re right. There are no good guys and bad guys in all this — only morons and assholes.

So I’ll be sitting this one out, and you can call me all the names you want. You can keep pretending that your vote matters and that politicians will listen to you rather than to their donors. Maybe I’ve been manipulated into not caring just as you’ve been manipulated into caring, and we’re all idiots, or else we’d be the ones doing the manipulating. I’m open to that option.

America’s problems are far bigger than which guy gets elected president. The country’s population has been diversified to the point where even pretending it’s a nation is imbecilic. The economy has been indentured to hostile interests to a degree where it’s mathematically impossible to ever break even. America’s decline has almost certainly been engineered, and it has proceeded apace regardless of who gets elected president. When a patient is on his deathbed, calling in a new doctor won’t help — especially when you have to choose between two doctors who both helped make him sick.

(Republished from Counter-Currents Publishing by permission of author or representative)
•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Joe Biden
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  1. Rurik says:

    The country’s population has been diversified to the point where even pretending it’s a nation is imbecilic.

    I won’t vote for Trump, but I still hope they put him in, just to watch the heads explode on the left, and most of all, the ‘Liz Cheney / William Kristol’ “right”

    •�Replies: @WorkingClass
    , @Alden
    , @follyofwar
  2. Anonymous[366] •�Disclaimer says:

    Very true. You can’t vote your way out of this. What remains is what East Germans called Abwicklung: dismantling or winding up this failed state. Our real decision is how best to accelerate the process.

    As Martyanov pointed out, this is a revolutionary situation,


    The dominant parasitic class cannot govern as before. They had to avert populism or reform with electoral fraud of unprecedented scope and scale:


    There’s a reason why we have always had two fake parties. That’s the arbitrary power conferred on CIA by impunity. That power, and the criminality that goes with it, is being curtailed by the outside world at gunpoint, and it threatens CIA’s hold on domestic public opinion.

    One synthetic party, the GOP, is a big tent – all you have to do is hate the other side. That permits loons to push repression and persecution. The other synthetic party is nominally reformist, but it crushes or dissipates any significant reform of CIA corruption or repression. That’s why the (D) party is leading attacks on unauthorized candidate Kennedy in breach of ICCPR Article 25 and UDHR Article 21 (fuck the US shitlaw that CIA perverts to rig the system.)

    So there’s no point voting now. If you would like to vote someday, then go over this government’s head to the world. They’ll help you fumigate the CIA out.

  3. BuelahMan says:

    I’ll say it! They are ALL owned by jews. That’s the problem in a nutshell.

    •�Agree: Lucky Jackson
  4. it’s been a Zionist Uniparty from Reagan’s 2nd term onward. Nice that Jim Goad finally noticed.

  5. “When a patient is on his deathbed, calling in a new doctor won’t help — especially when you have to choose between two doctors who both helped make him sick.” …..added: “and now they will just go to see what else they can steal to ensure their own future.”

  6. the appearance of democracy in the United States has been exhausted, no one believes in it anymore. Fuck over Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders for decades and this is what it gets you.

    Vote libertarian or green party. it signals you will still got off your ass to reject the uniparty. Deny them your apathy they desire.

    •�Agree: Thrallman
  7. roonaldo says:

    Even a desert island castaway has learned the Russian collusion stuff was disproved and the 2020 election stolen.

    Thanks for the rundown of innumerable Trump failures. And recall the record of his caving to the covid lockdowns and criminally murderous “vaccines” from Operation Warped Greed, which should be carved in stone and hung about his neck as he is keelhauled and tossed over the rails of the ship of state he’s helped doom. And his french-kissing of Israeli ass was utterly disgusting.

    Take Trump’s uselessness, multiply by ten, and it’s Joe Biden…sigh, only in “Nightmare-ica.” Where’s a Gus Hall-Angela Davis ticket when ya need one?

    Get the pom pom girls going… “Election, ‘lection, there’s no doubt–sit it, sit it, sit it out! Yay, team!”

  8. I am a white, Christian, heterosexual, working class American man. A deplorable. The last time I voted for anybody for President I voted for Ralph Nader. I am not planning to vote in this election. For all his short comings I still prefer Trump to his enemies. But the Deep State will decide who will be President. Not the voters. It appears our rulers have settled on (feckless cunt) Nikki Haley. The money spigots have opened up for her. She is diverse.

    Separation from DC is the only way forward for white American normies. The lower 48 is balkanizing as we speak. We can see the beginnings of a parallel economy. Stop the hate. Separate.

  9. @Rurik

    Billy Kristol and Nancy Pelosi are in the service of evil and they know it. And Liz Cheney’s daddy made a deal with the devil. He will never be completely dead. But Liz I think is collateral damage. She doesn’t have a clue. She could plead insanity.

  10. The main reason I’m voting Trump is because the Deep State HATES him. All this Election Interference with Trump persecuted by 4 phony indictments, Kangaroo Courts, democrat prosecutors’ intent on throwing him in prison, corrupt democrat judges, and efforts in several Blue States to throw him off the ballot is Banana Republic stuff.

    And if all that doesn’t work there will be another round of mail-in ballot fraud, probably necessitated by another fake Covid scam, and another round of BLM/Antifa riots. Or, as a last resort, Trump might suffer the same fate as the two Kennedy’s.

    It’s doubtful if Trump can be any more effective in a second term than he was in his first, (the Deep State will make sure of that), but anyone suffering such daily persecution and refusing to quit gets my vote. Of course, the incompetent war-loving Russo-phobic Biden Regime might lead the world into a cleansing nuclear winter first, rendering this whole election nonsense moot.

  11. Alden says:

    Election of 2016 I didn’t even watch the returns and stayed off the internet. Because I was convinced he’d lose and another 8 years ofHildabeast. . And didn’t know Tump won until about 11 am. I was so happy seeing and reading the liberals heads explode. I’d love to see him win again, just to enjoy the liberals reaction.

    •�Replies: @Sick n' Tired
  12. When I ask people who still support Trump what he accomplished as president

    He pissed off Europe. That’s an accomplishment. The first step toward recovering sovereignty and sanity is getting Europe out of our hair. Israel too, but that will be tougher. Never forget though that Genocide Joe is just as bad if not worse than Trump in licking Israel’s taint.

    He also humpty dumpty’d shitlibs to the point where they had to rig an election, burn down half the country and push a fake pandemic to get rid of him. Thanks to Trump, they showed who they really are–authoritarian thugs who want to censor everything and put their political opponents in concentration camps. Even the far (non-shitlib) left has noticed this.

    I mean, if the 2024 election isn’t an easy call, you need to re-examine things.

    •�Agree: follyofwar
  13. @Rurik

    If you REALLY felt that way, Rurik, then you’d be voting Trump, whether the vote is legit or not. Personally, I’m skeptical if my vote is even counted. But in the odd chance it is, I’d feel terrible if I stayed home on Selection Day and watched the determined Cultural Marxists of the Left, whether it’s the current WH ghoul, pretty-boy Newsom, or laughing-hyena know-nothing Kamala, finish wrecking the Republic. I actually feel obligated to vote against the evil democrats because of what the Biden/Garland In-justice Dept did to the J6ers.

  14. @Alden

    I usually never stay up and watch the election results, but I did in 2016. It was amazing and funny to watch the crowd reactions shift on Hillary’s side, going from the absolute smugness of “we already know we won” to buckets of tears and trying to console each other as the realization of losing set in. It was some of the most riveting TV I’d seen in a while.

  15. Technomad says:

    I hope Trump runs and wins, if only because watching his opponents lose their collective minds in 2016 was comedy gold.

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