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Israeli Death Tolls for the October 7 Hamas Attack on Israel
Incinerated Israeli Cars

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I’ve been studying this issue for a while now, and I’m finally able to come up with some totals that I feel confident about publishing. Unfortunately, there are still significant error bars within these totals, but it does give you a general snapshot of what is the closest we can come to an actual Israeli death toll for the 10-7 attack.

Galloway’s Latest Death Toll

This latest from George Galloway on X is a summary referencing new totals from the liberal Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. It supplants previous totals I had from an earlier summary by Ha’aretz.

Israeli Deaths on 10-7, Civilians and Security Forces

Total: 1,009

IDF: 673. Some of the IDF were killed by their own army via Hannibal Doctrine. Israel called in an airstrike on their own base, killing the wounded soldiers still there. Four IDF POW’s were killed by a helicopter while being taken back to Gaza per Hannibal Doctrine.

Police and Shin Bet: 43. 30 police and 13 Shin Bet reported by Israel. Many of the 30 police were killed by the IDF per Hannibal Doctrine (see below).

Total security forces: 716

Security forces by IDF via Hannibal Doctrine: 34+.

Civilians: 295

Baby or infant: 1. The latest toll does include one infant, however, it’s not known how the baby died as it could well have been killed by the IDF tanks that slaughtered 122 civilian hostages deliberately as per the Hannibal Doctrine.

Civilian hostages by IDF tanks in Be’eri via Hannibal Doctrine: 122

Other civilians by IDF: 4+. Four in a vehicle by a Hellfire missile from a helicopter.

Civilians by IDF: 126. This figure is probably much higher as it does not include the dead from the festival parking lot.

Civilian hostages and military POW’s in Gaza by IDF bombing: 60+

Total by IDF via Hannibal Doctrine: 216, 122+ civilians and 35+ security forces.

Civilians by Hamas: 169

Possibly armed civilians: 50+

Unarmed civilians by Hamas: 119. Possibly too high as it does not include the festival parking lot.


Civilians by IDF: 126 (too low)
Civilians by Hamas: 119 (too high)

What is absolutely shocking here is not only the very low Hamas unarmed civilian total of 119, which is no doubt already too high, but that even this elevated figure is surpassed by the IDF civilian total of 126, which is clearly too low. In other words, Israel killed more unarmed civilians on 10-7 than Hamas did.

Furthermore, the Hamas total of 119 civilians killed, while surely deplorable and obviously war crimes, is far below the endlessly repeated, “Hamas murdered 1,400 unarmed Jewish civilians.” Um, no. Reduce that figure by 92% as it’s over 10X too high.


Unarmed civilians by Hamas according to pro-Israel media: 1,400

Actual unarmed civilians by Hamas: 119.

Equally incredible is that Israel killed 216 of its own civilians more or less deliberately by the Hannibal Doctrine. The number of their own people they killed deliberately versus this psychopathic doctrine is nearly double the number of Israeli civilians killed by Hamas.

I tallied up neither Ha’aretz total by myself, though I saw the first one. I concur that there were many military deaths, but I didn’t count them. So I had to rely on summaries for both Ha’aretz counts.

Israel itself is claiming 343 IDF dead since 10-7. It listed zero deaths in the north, though there are 160 badly wounded in a hospital and 48 soldiers’ bodies in a freezer trailer who killed in the north, the state is refusing to turn these bodies over to the families or admitting to the deaths.

673 – Galloway (latest Ha’aretz)
310 – Official Israel figure. Official IDF is 343, but this includes Gaza, so we need to subtract from that.

Obviously those tolls don’t make sense.

Known Unknowns about the Death Toll

Festival Mess

Hamas showed up and started shooting. People started dropping and running everywhere. A number were shot as they ran. Others hid under bush clumps. Some of these were ordered out by Hamas and killed when they appeared. We have many testimonies of fleeing festival-goers reporting Hamas gunmen shooting them down and zero reporting IDF at the scene.

A walk through the site afterwards shows gunned down civilians everywhere, probably all by Hamas. There is footage of armed men at the festival taking cover under bushes, and our side says this means the IDF was there right away and everyone was killed in “crossfire.” Except those armed men are several festival security guards, not IDF. There was no IDF at the festival til everyone was gone or dead.

People run towards their cars. Some of the cars make it to the road but the road 1/2 mile ahead is already blocked by IDF. So you see it’s a lie that Israeli troops did not appear for seven hours. Some were there very quickly. There are cars stalled along this road with their doors flung open, people dead in their cars and lying in the road. All obviously shot dead by Hamas.

Many who run for their cars make it to a huge parking lot where the festival people parked.

This parking lot somehow gets turned into a kill zone but no one knows what happened there. All the cars are burned out and there are scorch marks all over the pavement. Hamas had automatic weapons and RPG’s. They don’t do that.

That whole parking lot obviously got sprayed with devastating fire from IDF helicopter gunships. The burned out cars and scorched pavement are clearly from missiles from the gunships. Can’t be anything else. So these helicopters shooting blind shot up that whole parking lot and killed many festival goers.

260 dead at the festival is correct. But how many killed by Hamas and how many by IDF? No one knows.

Cops at Sderot police station

30 police officers were killed, mostly in Sderot. I figured Hamas killed them but Hamas took over the station and the cops surrendered. Hamas ended up taking them hostage or POW and holding them at the station. IDF tanks show up, assess the situation and blow up the station, killing all cop hostages and all Hamas people. So many cops were killed by the IDF. How many? All of them? No one knows.

Israeli Atrocity Propaganda Debunked

I will barely cover the endless lies that Israel told about the 10-7 attack, all atrocity propaganda:

40 babies beheaded. 0 babies beheaded.

40 babies killed. 1 baby killed, but it’s not known by whom.

A baby was cut out of its mother’s stomach and then the mother was murdered. Didn’t happen. Israelis are projecting here. If you study them, they project constantly.

This is a reference to a documented atrocity committed by Lebanese Maronite militias in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Lebanon, all done under the watchful eye of Ariel Sharon’s soldiers, who stood watching on nearby rooftops in case the killers encountered any armed opposition to their murder spree. A video of this has shown up on Israeli channels but to my eyes, it’s a poorly done fake.

A baby was put in an oven and burned to death. Didn’t happen. Once again, more projection. This references a documented case that occurred in an Arab village in 1948. A Jewish militia member placed an Arab baby in an oven and turned it on, killing it.

Sometimes the two stories above are combined, with the baby being cut out of the mother’s stomach, the mother killed, and the baby then put in the oven and burned up. A video of this is said to exist, but as the last one was a fake, this one surely is too. This story is accompanied by photos of burned bodies. Apparently one is supposed to represent a burned baby. These photos were actually taken from one of the homes burned down by IDF tanks shells, so these were Jews deliberately burned to death by their own army.

There was an earlier photo of a burned baby stating only that the baby had been burned when Hamas set a house full of civilians on fire. Hamas did set one and only one house on fire. Israel had previously said the whole town was set on fire by Hamas. This photo is AI or Photoshop. They took a picture of a puppy on a vet’s table and somehow charbroiled the puppy, thereby creating the “dead baby.”

Multiple reports of rapes:

Various reports of rapes have been reported. Some even sound credible. However, Palestinian armed groups, perhaps especially Islamists, heavily look down on rape as a crime or even a punishment for Jewish settlers. A Palestinian abducted, raped, and killed a young Jewish woman a while back. Hamas and other groups barely mentioned it.

Surely they were ok with the murder, but I found that the Palestinian groups despise rape in all circumstances as it is seen as a low, disgusting crime. Jewish female civilians are never to be raped under any circumstances. Sure, kill all you want of them, but no raping please.

In fact, Palestinian revulsion for this crime is so severe that I think if any 10-7 fighter was found to have raped an Israeli woman and caught, I think they may well execute him. This makes any reports of rapes by fighters on 10-7 dubious.

Further, it has now surfaced that the IDF ordered no rape testing done on any Israeli victims, alive or dead. Apparently the IDF itself doesn’t think there were any rapes at the same time they insist that some Israeli women were raped. So far, there is no evidence that a single Israeli woman was raped on 10-7.

Shani Louk Case

Shani Louk was a 30 year old German-Israeli woman who was at the festival. She suffered a gunshot wound in the head, surely by Hamas. She also somehow broke both of her legs, but no one knows how that happened.

She is seen in widely seen video footage in the back of a pickup truck followed by wild mobs of boys and young men spitting on her and trying to climb into the truck. Obviously, maniacs spitting on this woman’s sparsely clad and immobile body are is not a good look. However the armed men squatting over her body seem to be protecting her from these mobs more than encouraging them to abuse her.

She is in the back of the truck either passed out or dead. She is wearing full clothes and Israeli propaganda said she was stripped and raped by gunmen. Problem is she was barely wearing anything at the concert either, so she was probably not stripped. Nor is there any evidence she was raped. Her story is very confused.

Some say she survived and was taken to a hospital where she survived a few days and then died while Hamas doctors tried to save her life. Another says she was already dead in the pickup truck. Neither story can be confirmed but she is presently deceased.

The latest Israeli story is that Shani’s body was found in Gaza, abused and beheaded. This seems quite dubious. Hamas cared enough about this woman’s life that a story was put out about her being treated in a hospital, so she’s a known and famous victim.

She dies in a hospital, they take her body out, abuse it after death, behead it, and leave it out in the open for the IDF to find to make a propaganda coup out of it? Real doubtful. Even if she was dead in the pickup she was obviously quickly buried by Muslim tradition. In short, little is known about this sad woman’s case other than that Hamas no doubt shot her in the head. Everything else is pretty uncertain, but the Israeli propaganda additions are almost surely false.

Naama Levy Case

There is widely seen footage showing a young Israeli woman being roughly taken out of the back of an Israel army vehicle and placed in the backseat. All of the videos carry the title, “Israeli Civilian Woman Abducted by Hamas in Gaza.” Problem is the title is not true. It’s been known for weeks now that she’s not a civilian, but not one network has bothered to go back and change the title on their video, which should be trivial. I suppose the lie sells better.

The woman has been identified in Israeli media as Naama Levy, age 19, and she was indeed an IDF soldier on the Home Front at a base on border. I have seen a video of her and two other soldier women being taken POW at their base. The fighters are treating them decently enough. She has also been seen all over TikTok parading about in her uniform. In addition, if you understand Arabic, you can hear that the mob is shouting, “She’s a soldier!” as she’s being put in the back seat.

One argument that she is a civilian is that her clothing does not look like a military uniform. I have no idea what’s going on with her clothes, but the two other women arrested with her at the base were wearing the same clothing. Perhaps this is what they sleep in? Perhaps this is their uniform? I have no idea but the charge is refuted.

True, she’s being treated pretty roughly, but POW’s are often treated roughly in wartime and that’s when they are lucky. Many times they are tortured, murdered, or both. She’s lucky to be alive. She has blood on her arms and on her ankle. Sadly, her Achilles tendon was cut, an unnecessary and cruel act. Worst of all, she has a huge stain on the rear of her pants.

Many people think this is a blood stain and say that she has obviously been raped brutally and anally multiple times by these men. The same people often say she’s in for for more of the same treatment from these captors, but see above about why I am dubious about rape charges against these fighters. Close examination of this stain and comparison to a similar stain on the rear of another female IDF soldier shows that she has clearly soiled herself. People, perhaps especially women, loose their bowels in sheer mortal terror. Some call these “terror poops.”

Many are insisting that she is obviously dead now, but we have no reports of POW’s being killed by the militants.

10-7 Was by Far the Most Humane and Ethical Major Attack the Palestinians Have Ever Done

Surely that headline looks like a joke, but it’s true.

Shortly after 10-7, Mohammad Deif, commander of Hamas, issued an order to his forces to refrain from killing minors, women, and elderly Israelis. He also ordered that hostages be treated well and POWs receive humane treatment. He justified this by the laws of warfare in Islamic laws and he is correct on that score, not that Muslims typically follow them.

No such statement has ever been issued by any Palestinian leader during this century-long irregular conflict. Any chance an armed Palestinian had to get close to any Israelis, they tried to kill as many of them as they could. They’ve killed the only civilians they took hostage. They’ve taken only a couple of POW’s. One was treated well and another was killed by his captors as the IDF raided the home he was kept in.

The fact that these armed Palestinians on 10-7 flat out refused to try to kill or even harm many Israeli civilians they captured, choosing only to take a number hostage while releasing others unharmed, affording at times polite treatment to their captives while choosing to take so many IDF soldiers POW shows that this is actually by far the most humane and civilized war that Hamas or any Palestinian armed group has ever waged.

There may be many reasons for this, but the best analysis is that Hamas has been moderating since at least 2009 and dramatically in the past three years. In the transition from an illegal armed group to an actual government of a de facto state, pragmatic moderation was an obvious and intelligent choice. That even the bloodthirsty Deif was humane enough to issue such an edict about ethics in warfare was probably a result of the massive negative blow-back Hamas and the Palestinians received from the brutality of the 10-7 attack, especially on civilians.

Commenters all over the Internet were reporting that they had supported the Palestinians before, but after 10-7, they were so sickened that they were retracting all support from them, often throwing it to Israel. A casual look around the Net showed that Palestinians lost a lot of support in the West after 10-7.

Indeed, polls in the US also showed loss of a lot of support, especially among liberals and Democrats, sometimes up to a 15-20 point loss. As a response to this PR catastrophe, Deif issued his remarkably ethical orders for his troops, demanding that they follow many though not all of the rules of war.

It’s Not Only Israel That Is Lying – the Pro-Palestinian Side Is Too

All civilians were killed by the IDF.”

Nope! Hamas killed civilians. That is clear.

“All of the deaths at the festival were by IDF helicopters.”

No. Both sides probably killed quite a few people at the festival.

(Republished from Substack by permission of author or representative)
•ï¿½Category: Foreign Policy •ï¿½Tags: American Media, Gaza, Hamas, Israel/Palestine�
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  1. Also killed millions of brains of mindless cunts bursting into useless support for either the Jew terrorists or Palestine.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  2. Nico X says:

    Jews have to report fictitious deaths/kidnappings of Israelies, to provide them the moral justification to reduce Gaza to rubble & ice Arabs. The ulterior plan of course is for the Palestinian survivors to be transported to Europe/America/UK (as is happening now) where they’ll be setup in new flats to organize their Muslim sex grooming gangs targeting white girls to rape & pimp out.

    •ï¿½Troll: Justrambling
    •ï¿½Replies: @ld
    , @Yukon Jack
    , @Intrepid
  3. Notsofast says:

    excellent explanation and summery of this highly confusing event. the fact that the “peace festival” was moved, within the range of the new wunderwaffen paragliders (after bibi had been directly warned, by the egyptian government, of the impending hamas attack), combined with a 7 hr stand down on the army and airforce, makes one wonder if this might be some kind of israeli false flag? of course any who would espouse those views might be smeared as:

    zealous conspiracy-activists (that) are still absolutely convinced that the Hamas attack was a diabolical “inside job†promoted by the Israeli government.

    immho, this false flag, did not turn out as intended, (and with that said, i am in no way implying the complicity or coordination of effort between hamas and mossad), leaving the israeli’s no other option, than following through on their thoroughly preplanned genocide of the palestinian people, doubling, tripling, quadrupling, their murderous and bloody reign of terror, as is the zioneocon way (as to a hammer…). well how the fuck is that turning out for you, israel? well let me tell you how that’s turning out…. not very well, as the entire world, short of those consuming the mockingbird media electric kool-aid, now see you for the bloodthirsty, child murdering demons that you are.

    for all my spiritually challenged “stem only” atheist friends, let me assist you in understanding what is happening here, there is a new day and age dawning, ma’at rises simultaneously with ra. the truth and the light, rising and shining on good and bad alike, the good rejoice, and the bad shriek in fright. that high pitched shriek, you may hear off in the distance to the east, that is the coming of the dawn, slowing emerging as the cosmos puts thing right, once again.

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Thanks: Justrambling
    •ï¿½Replies: @TitusAlone
    , @Unknowing
    , @anon
  4. anonymous[139] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    I sort of wonder about this much mentioned “Hannibal Doctrine” and how much of a role it really played. It seems that a lot could be attributed to just craven behavior on the part of the supposed defense forces as well as confusion and reckless ineptness. Better somebody else gets killed than the glorious guys in uniform, calling in airstrikes from the safety of a bunker, shooting through civilians caught up in a crossfire, well tough luck, better them than me. All these years of bullcrap PR about how they’re a bunch of super soldiers is laid bare as its shown how they’re great at getting unarmed civilians killed, theirs as well as others. Not so good when your own supposed defenders are a greater danger to you than a sworn enemy.

    •ï¿½Agree: cousin lucky
    •ï¿½Replies: @grr
  5. Dr. Mahathir Mohamad: “Israel’s Genocide ☠ï¸.”

    Exposing Bribed Blackmailed Brown-Nose Politicians💩 In Just 3 Minutes.

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Thanks: Yukon Jack
    •ï¿½Replies: @DanFromCT
  6. Zane says:

    It wuz a false frigging flag. Planned and orchestrated by – who else – da Israelites.

    Coz that’s how they roll.

    Hamas Schmamas.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Yukon Jack
  7. Wokechoke says:

    how many hours did the Palestinians get out of the walls? That ought to give us an idea of possible numbers. Around 1700 gunmen for 12-24 hours? How many people could that have seized anyway?

  8. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    The ” festival ” was an obvious set up to drug Uncle Stupid and his armed forces in to fight Iran while Gaza is cleansed of all Palestinians.

    As time passes this war will surely get uglier. Bibi and Biden seem hellbent on World War III.

  9. @Notsofast

    That’s always the question – how could this have happened? It could be an inside job, yet not by the Israeli government. Mossad is not half as smart as it should be, and one can take it for granted that the Russian intelligence services are well placed in Israel. They like the deep fake – agents with a created identity – living for years in their persona, till it is time to act.

    The timing of the Gaza fracas is convenient to Russia, and has finally obliged America to close its wallet to the Ukrainians. They need all the money for Israel.

    On security at the border, it is described in this article (along with the sickening brutality of the occupation.)

    The Gaza “border fence” was a huge deep area, surveilled constantly.

    We were the only people in this vast space. Hundreds of computer-controlled searchlights flashed on and off. … Then, stretching beyond as far as the eye could see was a steep towering metal wall dotted with more searchlights and look-out towers. Surveillance cameras were placed every 20 metres, all twisting and turning and operated remotely from Tel Aviv. Drones buzzed constantly through the air overhead … As a final flourish, we were greeted with a half-kilometre walk through an enclosed metal cage across no-man’s-land. This stretch had been a Gazan farmer’s land which had been confiscated from him to serve this purpose.


    •ï¿½Replies: @annamarina
  10. TG says:

    1. The attack by Hamas had no military purpose. It was designed to provoke Israeli into massive over-reaction, and to thereby galvanize world/Arab opinion against Israel. Perhaps this was a good strategy, but it was guaranteed to produce massive Palestinian casualties. I’m no fan of Israel but Hamas was pretty callous and amoral, too.

    2. The Israeli slaughter of Gaza civilians on the surface looks like a bad PR thing for Israel – but is it really? It might just be a way to cement the idea that Israel can do ANYTHING and get away with it so shut up and know your place, heathen. Swear fealty to Israel or be blacklisted for life. We shall see.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wild Man
  11. ghali says:

    It is good analysis debunking the anti-Palestinian/anti-Muslim Jewish hideous propaganda. Some of the Jewish lies have already been exposed.

  12. You mean you don’t believe Hamas fighters high on dope and Viagra went running around with their dicks out went on a Jewess raping spree and beheading babies to shove them in ovens? You antisemite.

  13. Dumbo says:

    Nonsense. Why would the Israelis need to kill their own people? Just fake it, like you fake a lot of shootings and terrorist attacks. Hamas? Actors, like ISIS.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Verymuchalive
    , @Kumbaresu
  14. Looger says:

    The digital, internet age is going to bring some big big changes to the socio-political connecting tissue of the former-western world.

    This Israeli adventure is going to pull it to a near breaking point.

    Normies won’t be able to ignore such insane numbers forever.

    Tick tock.

  15. Did Israel call it the “Hannibal Doctrine” because he had one eye and the rest of the world was blind?

  16. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    It is the Bibi & Biden show; blatantly corrupt criminal leaders of completely despicable governments hellbent on bringing about World War III.

    May the heavens rain misfortune on their diabolical enterprises.

  17. Anon[413] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    “People, perhaps especially women, loose their bowels in sheer mortal terror. Some call these terror poopsâ€

    This is what the body is supposed to be doing. It is to decrease infection if you get injured. In the military we were always told to go to the toilet before any planned tactical situation, for the same reason.

  18. useful de-bunking of the – as usual mendacious – Zionist version. Those smashed and burned cars are a tell-all, along with the blown-up and singed buildings. TY

  19. Those cars remind me of the nuked vehicles on 9/11.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Che Guava
    , @Che Guava
  20. ghali says:

    President Putin had an arrest warrant issued against him by the U.S.-West-controlled International Criminal Court (ICC) for bringing children out of Ukraine warzone. By contrast, Israeli Netanyahu is praised by the ICC and U.S.-Western regimes for murdering more than 5000 Palestinian children and babies. In fact, many heads of Western states visited Netanyahu and assured him of their unconditional support. More than 17,000 unarmed Palestinians have been killed by Israel in cold blood. The UN Secretary General Guterres said, Israel has turned “Gaza into a graveyard for children†and unarmed civilians.

    •ï¿½Agree: Che Guava
    •ï¿½Replies: @cousin lucky
    , @anon
  21. Brosi says:

    My major objection to this article is that Lindsay seems to make “Hamas” equivalent to “Palestinian Militant”. We have absolutely no reliable information on which groups were involved or the number of “militants” they sent over. All we know is that this was NOT just a “Hamas” operation.

    Festival Mess
    Hamas showed up and started shooting. People started dropping and running everywhere. A number were shot as they ran. Others hid under bush clumps. Some of these were ordered out by Hamas and killed when they appeared. We have many testimonies of fleeing festival-goers reporting Hamas gunmen shooting them down and zero reporting IDF at the scene.

    Lindsay really needs to provide some video to support his statements. I have seen no video of armed militants “showing up” and “starting shooting”. I am still waiting for some believable Paraglider footage that will never appear because there were no Paragliders, just psyop. Initial claims were that there were 3000 attendees to the festival, and in all these clips Lindsay is talking about there are never more than a dozen people. If 3000-260 = 2740 survivors, there would be loads of video on the internet by now, instead we have a just a few very narrow and short video segments.

    A walk through the site afterwards shows gunned down civilians everywhere, probably all by Hamas. There is footage of armed men at the festival taking cover under bushes, and our side says this means the IDF was there right away and everyone was killed in “crossfire.†Except those armed men are several festival security guards, not IDF. There was no IDF at the festival til everyone was gone or dead.

    How does Lindsay know they were “Hamas”? How does Lindsay know that those are even festival guests?

    People run towards their cars. Some of the cars make it to the road but the road 1/2 mile ahead is already blocked by IDF. So you see it’s a lie that Israeli troops did not appear for seven hours. Some were there very quickly. There are cars stalled along this road with their doors flung open, people dead in their cars and lying in the road. All obviously shot dead by Hamas.

    This statement is absurd. Even if we were certain that it wasn’t IDF/Mossad/Haganah/Irgun/Stern we cannot know which group of “Palestinian Militants” might of done this and who their sponsors are. But the road was apparently blocked at both ends, so there would have no way for 3000 visitors to escape the blood bath, just like at Lahaina.

    260 dead at the festival is correct.

    LOL. First of all, the narrative is that 260 had been found by Oct 8, and that “more than 260” were killed at the festival. I don’t believe it. Perhaps they will eventually identify 260 corpses, but I doubt that all of them will have been from the festival.


    •ï¿½Thanks: Verymuchalive, NeverTrustaWizard
  22. pq says:

    The Haaretz list is no longer completely reliable. It is constantly being edited in real time and the numbers of combatants with their titles has been reduced from the original list. The newly added filter function includes as civilians armed kibbutz security.

    I have looked at the Haaretz list about three times:
    around late Oct (700-800 names)
    early November ? (902 names)
    a couple of days ago (1,152 names).

    right now the list is a complete mess because that 1,152 includes casualties since Oct 27 on the ground in Gaza (about 40),

    -“killed by rockets (10) these were not present in the original lists in late October.

    It is no longer ONLY a list of Oct 7 victims.

    – it includes two killed by terrorist attacks…..IN EGYPT!!! Huh??

    The list also includes foreigners (Thai farmworkers, Filipino caregivers, Nepali students and a Cambodian). The Filiponos and Cambodian were not present when it was 902. About 33 in total.

    -I saw footage from pro-Israel Rebel News Canada where a settler said that Hamas shot military and moved on but other random nasty Palestinians did horrid things and ran to the fields, stripped and pretended to be foreign workers whereby they were shot. How would a Palestinian pretend to be Thai? More likely shot by IDF.

    Hamas has never said they were at a rave but Israeli helicopter gunships were and rave numbers have now gone UP from the original 260 to 333. The footage of random men in t shirts and sneakers shooting stuff at a rave, eg shooting at porta potty doors emerged much later and is not Hamas who always wear uniforms. It seems totally fake.

    -when the list was at 902 I counted everyone with a military title and it was over 400. Max Blumenthal said something similar in a podcasr.

    – the first person to write about this on Oct 22 was mondoweiss.net followed on Oct 24 by Robert Inlakesh at the cradle (683 names). At that time 331 combatants and 339 civilians. He has an updated version on unz. https://www.unz.com/article/what-really-happened-on-7th-october/
    Since then Blumenthal and others have elaborated inluding Ron of course.

    There is a comment under the Haaretz list from 24.10.2023 17:46 when someone else counted and it says
    769 names, of which 462 military
    55 soldiers
    13 privates
    59 corporals
    200 sergeants (45 majors)
    48 commanders
    32 lieutenants
    5 lieutenant colonels 6 colonels
    13 captains
    37 officers
    10 inspectors
    6 intendents
    2 Lance Corp.
    [-22 doublets]

    There is also a whole lot of other strange stuff. At the beginning they had a person’s name, hometown, and location of death. Now there are many many names with only on location given and these locations are all over Israel including Jerusalam.

    They came up with “1,400 dead” (including 260 ravers) in only a few hours of the events. IMHO they thought anything below 1,000 is not sensational enough, anything over 1,500 is pushing it, so let’s go with the higher end, 1,400 sounds like a good number.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Brosi
    •ï¿½Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Brosi
    , @pq
  23. Iris says:

    On Nov 9th, the Islamic Jihad, a militant group fighting alongside Hamas in Gaza, made a communique announcing that they had decided to unconditionally release two Israeli hostages for humanitarian reasons:

    1)- A elderly lady called “Hanna Katzirâ€, because her deteriorating health meant they could not provide her with adequate medical care. She spoke in this video:

    She said she has been very well treated by her captors, who provided her with all necessities despite the situation.
    She accused Netanyahu of being the cause of all this tragedy, for hurting Israeli society as well as other nations’ societies.

    2) – A young Israeli boy called Yagil Yacob, around 12-years old, healthy, clean and good-looking with a mane of curly blond hair. He too spoke calmly, asserting than he had been very well treated and confronting Netanyahu as per why he, on the contrary, was massacring Palestinian children.

    The contrast between the morality of the Palestinians and the absence thereof of Israel cannot be clearer.

    Despite as many as 50 hostages having already been killed under the Israeli bombing of Gaza, Netanyahu and his government have refused the unconditional release of these two hostages.

    The cruelty and barbarity of the Israeli leadership has no limits.

    •ï¿½Thanks: MasterMorality
    •ï¿½Replies: @Brosi
  24. @Dumbo

    Dumbo, I never thought you would be so naive. They’ve been killing their own people right from the start. Here’s an early example, the 1950-51 Baghdad bombings. The aim was to panic Iraqi Jews into emigrating to Israel. It worked. Even Ziopedia tries to obfuscate on this matter, so you know it’s true. Here’s a recent article ( 2023 ) confirming the story.

    Here’s a couple of later ones. The 1992 Bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, which killed a Roman Catholic priest and 2 Israeli diplomats’ wives. It was blamed on a suicide truck bomber, allegedly connected to Hezbollah and Iran. Problem, no evidence of a dead suicide bomber or the Brazilian branch of Hezbollah. Also, Hezbollah and Iran don’t do suicide bombers. No person has ever been charged.

    The 1994 AMIA bombing

    The AMIA bombing occurred on 18 July 1994 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and targeted the Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA; transl. ”Argentine Israelite Mutual Association”), a Jewish Community Centre. Executed as a suicidal attack, a bomb-laden van was driven into the AMIA building and subsequently detonated, killing 85 people and injuring over 300.[11]

    At least Ziopedia gets the dead and injured right. As before, the Jews were blaming Hezbollah and Iran. Again, zero evidence, and no body of suicide bomber. Much more interestingly, every forensic investigator, both Argentine or foreign, employed on the case refuted the theory that the building was destroyed by an external bomb, or a bomb resting against the external surface of the building. Damage was consistent with a large bomb placed in the interior of the building. The logical inference was that this was an inside job.

    AMIA was a well-secured building. Only a trusted employee or member would have been able to smuggle the requite number of explosives into the building. And MOSSAD certainly was behind it.
    There were other reasons Israel bombed the building, apart from trying to blame Iran and Hezbollah. Carlos Menem, Argentine President 1988-98, was an Arab-Argentine. He had been trying to arrange oil deals with Syria and Iran. Ideally, Israel wanted him removed from office, and the deals abandoned. Also, there are still several hundred thousand Jews in Argentina. Creating an atmosphere of terror amongst them might result in more emigration to Israel.
    Here’s a photo of the destroyed AMIA building, which backs my case.


    PS There must have been hundreds of Jewish dead on 9/11. Dead Jews are martyrs for Zion, even if the Israeli Government kills them.
    That evil bitch Golda Meir said to the Palestinians: ” We will not forgive you for making us kill your sons”

    Netanyahu 2023: ” We will not forgive you for making us kill our own citizens.”

    •ï¿½Replies: @Dumbo
    , @MGB
  25. 716+295=1011 not 1009

    Please count your numbers carefully or I suspect you’re being paid by the Israeli government to run a scam

  26. Wild Man says:

    I guess the way this Israeli JQ shtick works is like this:

    1) Continue to push for more and more Israeli territory (at the expense of neighbors) always, but never ever suggest a negotiated settlement involving payment for the stolen lands

    2) Kill a bunch of people to make #1 happen

    3) Get the globalist’s America hegemon to park aircraft carrier in the vicinity, seen as threat to the Arab World, so that the Arab World is too afraid to use their golden opportunity to smash the globalist head (it is the Arab World that first realized that what Henry Ford was past claiming about ‘The International Jew’, is actually more-or-less true, and they have the receipts to back it up this time, …. and then they began to tell us in the western world, of these geopolitical facts, by the early 1990’s, in the wake of the first gulf war).

    4) In the west, use Jewish controlled lying MSM to cover for the massive Israeli misdeeds

    5) So what we have here, is an Israeli kill-racket, to steal land (and never pay) as upheld by the globalists that control our western governments, for which the Arab World may well be petrified that, if they use their golden opportunity to go for the kill-shot on the dastardly ‘head’ of the globalist’s hegemon (‘head’ by way of Israel’s long-time leadership sentiment, as they have long publicly held is the case, as per historical Algemeiner Journal editorials, and such, … which means this Arab World’s hoped for ‘globalist’s-head-smashing’ action can be seen as limited to eventuating a real change in Israeli leadership, …. i.e. – a complete Israeli regime-change ), … that in the very least, it probably means Tehran will get nuked.

    6) So what this means is that we are all complicit in this Israeli action. In the west we let the globalists run roughshod over the body politic (and we don’t have to, … if the people actually did rise up, this could be changed). The Arab World may well now blink, because of those aircraft carriers there, and let these genocidal-type actions continue until Israel routes Hamas in Gaza (but isn’t that going to mean something like at least 50,000 dead Palestinians?, … unless countries like Ireland and Canada [or the Arab World] start taking Palestinian refugees for which Hamas fighting men will then, be in the mix). But do you see how this works?, …. if the regular body politic in the west, and the leadership of the Arab World, folds in the face of the Jewish duplicity but yet again, … that makes us all complicit, and that is what the Israeli leadership-psychopaths are counting on, … the psychopath’s social-controlling slippery slope (which we should all know about by way of irl anecdotes with psychos that we have personally known), …. agree to some of the psycho’s demand to look the other way, and now you are with him …. capeesh? That means when the psycho is done with the psycho-killing-for-land-to avoid-paying, both the western body politic, and the Arab World leadership will turn a blind eye, but yet again, because of their own slippery-slope-accepting complicity.

    7) Look … the only way to break out of this sad sorry dynamic is this: The rally cry, far and wide, and everywhere, and within all counterargument to this Jewish psychopathy should be this: Jews pay. Pay. Pay. Money. Hundreds of billions. Stop killing and pay instead. You can afford it. Pay. Stop being so anal with your money, so that you can stop killing to protect your precious money. Pay. If you don’t make a no-joke offer, we won’t comply. If it comes to that, we are gonna ‘steal’ your money, then, so as to arrange to use it to have you pay.

    8) Many people will argue that what I said in #7 is stupid because: – ‘this is just the way human geopolitical conflicts go so as to eventuate the stealing of territory from neighbors’. No not stupid. This conflict is different. It’s the chance to address the globalist’s head, head-on. If we blink we are just going to end up even more fucked than we already are, in the west, with all this Jewish subversion around us all the time. What the hell is wrong with us? At least the Arab World has an excuse, as it feels the nuke-pressure bomb-sighting on Tehran. But are the globalists gonna nuke western jurisdictions? Not likely, any time soon.

    Anybody, making any move, to allow the Israelis to continue with the genocidal actions, or have others (like Canada) resolve the problems they created, for them (which just amounts to toxic enabling behavior), for these globalist-converged Jews in Israel, without paying, is either deluded or covert opposition. Because all the action indicates that in the main, the Jewish incentive here, is to avoid paying.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Robinski
  27. Unknowing says:

    ‘there is a new day and age dawning’

    Indeed there is and even the numbers allude to this because 7/10 in numerology can be viewed as 7 1 because the 0 can be viewed as having no value and the sum of 7 and 1 is 8 and 8 is the quite recently passed 8 billion humans in the world and in ancient god given and ‘spiritually pure and completely non evil’ ancient and mystical Kabbalah ‘8’ has the meaning of ‘brings one into the spiritual realm’.

    Actually 7/10 can also be viewed as 7 10 and 7+10 =17 and 7+1=8.

    Àlso interestingly 71 was the year Nixon ended the gold standard in U.S which allowed for all the funny money unaccountable spending at the press of a Federal Reserve printing press button…..on Israel’s war budget of pure loving kindness for their fellow man.

    Soon to be 2024 is 53(5+3=8) years after 1971 so we shall see what transpires in 2024 to see what the numbers were telling us all along and always remember 2024 sums to 8 and if you just have to use the 0 in that sum take note that 20+24=44 and what is the sum of that?.

  28. ld says:
    @Nico X

    I believe you are confused

    Mossad child sex and organ traffic are pumping up the GDP and using their dark money to control Uncle Schmuel

    I am gonna drop my little song here forya

    everybuddy singalong


    Our leaders pledged allegiance
    to the land across the sea
    making sure that they have everything
    thanks to you and me
    they don’t have to pay for
    University is free
    And the gifts keep going on.

    Glory glory halejuha
    glory glory halejuha
    gory gory halejudah
    the shit keeps going on

    They own our politicians,
    the banks and media too
    there is nothing we can say
    or Hasbara’s on you
    You cannot run for office
    lest you represent the Jews
    this shit keeps going on


    They can sink our ships
    and shoot our sailors as they swim
    we pretend it didn’t happen
    cuz we know that it was them
    but there’s nothing we can do
    bcuz they own us through and through
    so this shit keeps going on


    They danced upon their van
    when the buildings were destroyed
    they just happened to be filming
    when the filthy bombs deployed
    we are outright owned
    by these psycho paranoids
    so the shit keeps going on


    We know they kill their neighbours
    and lock em up inside
    of an open-air gulag
    committing genocide
    Anyone who mentions it…
    professional suicide
    and the whole world looks away


    They can murder babies
    they’ve a right to self defense
    one just threw a stone
    better reenforce the fence
    you can bet your ass
    it’s time to mow the grass
    when they need uncle Schmuel


    We must fight their battles
    until the end of time
    killing who they say
    inventing silly crimes
    even though Americans
    stand in a bread line
    we must defend the Jews.

    gory gory halejudah
    gory gory halejudah
    gory gory halejudah
    this shit keeps going on

    •ï¿½Thanks: Anonymous author, anarchyst
  29. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    The End of the Era of Justice by Paul Craig Roberts!


    In the year 2023 Justice Is Nowhere to be Found in the Western World.

    Examples are numerous. I have written about the injustices inflicted on Julian Assange, Donald Trump supporters, and those forced to submit to Covid “vaccination.”

    This time I will illustrate the point with the “fraud case” against Donald Trump for allegedly overstating the value of his real estate holdings and with the entire world standing aside, the genocide of Palestinians under the rubric of Israels “self-defense.”

    The “fraud case” against Donald Trump consists of an unsupported allegation against Donald Trump by George Soros disciple NY attorney general Letitia James who is on record as a Donald Trump-hater.

    It is not a trial. There is no jury.

    The staged proceeding is only for the judge to determine how big a fine Donald Trump has to pay for allegedly-no proof is supplied, only Letitias accusation-overstating the value of his holdings.

  30. The author, Mr. Lindsay, said…

    There are cars stalled along this road with their doors flung open, people dead in their cars and lying in the road. All obviously shot dead by Hamas.

    DEAD WRONG, Mr. Lindsay. NOT “all obviously shot dead by Hamas” AT ALL.

    Perhaps “obviously IMAGINED by Mr. Lindsay to be shot dead by Hamas” would be closer to the truth.

    Had Mr. Lindsay observed the videos taken by the Israeli Apache gunships which busied themselves massacring anyone and everyone anywhere near the vicinity of the notorious music festival, then Mr. Lindsay would have seen those gunships SHOOTING UP CARS, wherein the car doors all flung open and people tried to escape on foot, only to be GUNNED DOWN by the Israeli gunships.

    Moreover, eyewitness accounts reveal that Israeli GROUND FORCES were also involved in SHOOTING UP CARS full of Israelis attempting to flee the music festival, quite separately from the Apache gunships.

    Which all casts rather a cloud over Mr. Lindsay’s statement that they were “all obviously shot dead by Hamas.” A rather severe DOWNGRADING of the casualty count attributable to Hamas appears to be in order, with the Israeli forces likely to have been responsible for the BULK of all Israelis killed – civilian AND military – on 7 October 2023, INCLUDING at that music festival.

    Those in doubt can verify all of this for themselves with a minimum of effort, eg…



    •ï¿½Agree: Brosi
    •ï¿½Thanks: threadhopper
  31. Demented article written by an obviously demented author. Most comments from a bunch of ignorant jagoffs. The Scumastinians should be wiped off the face of the earth. Dead Scumastinian babies, who cares. boo F’ing hoo. A more convoluted story has never been published. Facts, ha, a bunch of hatred from a low intelligence level so called author. All Scumastinians should burn alive, the world will be a better place.

    •ï¿½Agree: dixonsyder
    •ï¿½Troll: Wizard of Oz
  32. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    Columbia has filed a complaint against Mr. Netanyahu for the Gaza genocide.

  33. anon[380] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Is Portugal a Western state?

  34. whataliar says:

    i appreciate unz publishing this essay by robert lindsay. i had read with interest, his description of the many different arabs/muslims he has known and interacted with. it gives this piece a bit more gravitas than the usual ones written by folks not acquainted with the areas or people they write about.

    as time goes on, it becomes clear that this was a hostage taking situation. all the fake hand wringing in the media is just more proof of their mendacity.

    also kudos to lindsay for his attempt at fairness. something missing everywhere when the issue of the middle east is concerned.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Robert Lindsay
  35. anastasia says:

    Eventually, the civilian Jews in Israel will figure out that their government doesn’t give a hoot about their lives, just as we are all figuring out that our government doesn’t give a hoot about our lives.

  36. Jett Rucker says: •ï¿½Website

    (caption) Incinerated Israeli Cars

    By whom?
    I LOVE guessing games!

  37. DanFromCT says:
    @loner feral cat

    The Republican debate amounted to an endorsement of war crimes and genocide from every candidate. There’s no arguing this when the Geneva Conventions on war crimes prohibit denying civilians food, water, electricity, and safety as they go about their lives, or forbid desecrating corpses, using human shields, etc. And there’s no arguing that Israel ticks off every atrocity defining genocide under the UN Convention. This is the imposition of the Hegelian Second Reality, Tikkun olam, otherwise known as occult mind fuck alchemically turning people of the West into Republican candidates.

    •ï¿½Agree: Jett Rucker
    •ï¿½Replies: @loner feral cat
  38. “This makes any reports of rapes by fighters on 10-7 dubious.”

    Islam and the Palestinian culture in particular is so open that the Muslim young men of ages 18 to 30 are up to their necks in plentyful free sex and therefore would look at a beautiful and voluptuous young Israeli woman and say, “nah, not for me… been there, done that.” Yeh, right!

    •ï¿½Replies: @Jett Rucker
  39. While any civilian death is a blot on any military action, the 10/7 civilian-military death ratio seems to compare favorably to that of the NATO/Yugoslav war (about 50-50) and may be downright stellar compared to the U.S. war in Iraq, some 70% of whose victims were civilian.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Iris
  40. Wokechoke says:

    They could have tongue in cheek claimed 1488 dead.

    •ï¿½LOL: Brosi
  41. Brosi says:

    Hamas has never said they were at a rave but Israeli helicopter gunships were and rave numbers have now gone UP from the original 260 to 333. The footage of random men in t shirts and sneakers shooting stuff at a rave, eg shooting at porta potty doors emerged much later and is not Hamas who always wear uniforms. It seems totally fake.

    If Hamas always have uniforms then at least 90% of the film I have seen is not of Hamas. If Hamas didn’t participate in the Festival “massacre”, then it was definitely a false flag.

    Do you have a source for the 333 [LOL] number of dead?

    •ï¿½Agree: Robert Lindsay
    •ï¿½Replies: @pq
  42. Brosi says:

    the Islamic Jihad, a militant group fighting alongside Hamas in Gaza, made a communique announcing that they had decided to unconditionally release two Israeli hostages for humanitarian reasons:

    I know you follow the Arab media, Iris. Do you have any kind of a break down of the organized invasion forces that gives an overview of which group with how many soldiers invaded which Kibbutz? Without this information it is not possible to determine which “war crimes” were committed by Hamas, if any.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Iris
    , @Robert Lindsay
  43. Dumbo says:

    I’m familiar with the AMIA case. There’s so much obfuscation, like in 911. I am not sure if anyone knows exactly what happened there (well, except those who did it). False flag by Mossad? Perhaps, but I’d like to know more. Even the prosecutor who was investigating the case was murdered at some point (he was Jewish himself). Supposedly, because “the Kirchners were trying to cover up Iran’s role in it”. Hmm. Strange story.


    Also, Hezbollah and Iran don’t do suicide bombers.

    Says who? Are you sure?


  44. @DanFromCT

    (((U.S. Congress))) Approves Gun Sales In Ukraine/Israel ☠ï¸

    Video Link

  45. MGB says:

    I just ordered Avi Shlaim’s memoir in which he discusses the history of Zionist violence against ME Jews to bring them on board. He is a British professor from a prominent Iraqi Jewish family who were eventually driven into Israel.

    See also below:

    The Patria disaster was the sinking on 25 November 1940 by the Jewish paramilitary organization Haganah of a French-built ocean liner, the 11,885-ton SS Patria, in the port of Haifa, killing 267 people and injuring 172.[1]

    At the time of the sinking, Patria was carrying about 1,800 Jewish refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe whom the British authorities were deporting from Mandatory Palestine to Mauritius because they lacked entry permits. Zionist organizations opposed the deportation, and the underground paramilitary Haganah group planted a bomb intended to disable the ship to prevent it from leaving Haifa.

    The Haganah claims to have miscalculated the effects of the explosion. The bomb blew the steel frame off one full side of the ship and the ship sank in less than 16 minutes, trapping hundreds in the hold. The British allowed the survivors to remain in Palestine on humanitarian grounds. Who was responsible and the true reason why Patria sank remained controversial mysteries until 1957, when Munya Mardor, the person who planted the bomb, published a book about his experiences.[2]

    Yeah. Mistakes were made.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Verymuchalive
    •ï¿½Replies: @Verymuchalive
  46. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website
    @Jesuitic Ziowahhabiz

    ‘Also killed millions of brains of mindless cunts bursting into useless support for either the Jew terrorists or Palestine.’

    ? Can you explain why we should not support Palestine? Are we supposed to reserve our support solely for groups of immaculate saints?

    Let me know who you had in mind.

    •ï¿½Agree: Robert Lindsay
    •ï¿½Replies: @Antediluvian Doomer
    , @ken
  47. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    I suspect Israel deliberately left the gate open for a Hamas attack; they’d been baiting Hamas for weeks, and they needed such an attack.

    However, I don’t think they anticipated Hamas being as successful as it was. More like a dozen dead and maybe one or two captives; that’s what Israel had in mind.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Notsofast
  48. Hamas is a Mossad front, this was a false flag by the Mossad/Hamas to give Israel the excuse to genocide the Palestinians, this is a war crime , just like the false flag attack on the WTC on 911 by Israel and zionist neocons in the ZUS regime , and blamed on the muslims to give the excuse to destroy the middle east for Israels greater Israel agenda, which genocided millions of innocent people in Iraq, Syria , Afghanistan , Libya, and Iran.

    Zionists are destroyers of nations and humanity.

    •ï¿½Agree: Yukon Jack
  49. @Nico X

    Jews have to report fictitious deaths/kidnappings of Israelies, to provide them the moral justification to reduce Gaza to rubble

    That is correct. The pre-planned carpet bombing and extermination campaign of Palestinians could not happen without a pre-text, which is why the Oct. 7th attack is 100% probability either a LIHOP or MIHOP or a completely staged event.

    Thus the real totals of Jews killed by Jews is 100%. The fact is Netanyahu is the king of false flags, the brains behind 9-11-2001 which killed initially 3800 Amerikans. This time around he killed around 1,000 Israelis, an acceptable loss to get this war on. You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

    And those Nova Peace concert goers were for a 2 state solution, thus were political rivals. The poster girl Shani Louk was raped and beheaded by Hamas – she was an active protester of the Netanyahu regime. She was raped and killed, how convenient, and a message sent to Bibi’s rivals. Shani Louk was made an example of just like Ghadaffi, who was raped and killed also.

    Bibi Satanyahu is a murdering Khazarian thug, and will kill anyone who stands in his way of Greater Israel and his genocidal campaign to cleanse land around Israel of all non-Jews. This means there will be more false flags, more staged events, to wipe out every Arab from the Nile to the Euphrates. And with each slaughter campaign, the MSM and Evangelicals will cheer Israel on.

    Every week Israel bombs Syria, they bombed Lebanon yesterday. Israel did 911, and got the USA to bomb Iraq. Look on the map, the Jews are exterminating Arabs between the two blue lines – which is the symbol on their flag. The Jew plan is to kill Arabs and take the land, and they will need false flags to create moral outrages so they can carry out this agenda. Thus any thinking person immediately suspects Israel as the false flagger in the Oct. 7th attack.

    And that also means Nico a whole lot more Arabs going to white lands.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Robert Lindsay
  50. pq says:


    This list. I did a key search on rave. Scrolling you can see that all of those are “killed at outdoor rave”. That’s 331 + 2 where it says “Killed at the Re’im music festival”
    And now there are not two but THREE killed in freaking EGYPT.

    Meanwhile the total list has gone up from 1151 to 1165

    The total death count in the introduction to the page has dropped to 1,200. It was 1,400 the first time I looked at it and then 1,300 the next two times.

    I listened to some interviews on MSM from Hamas (heavily edited so we don’t know most of what they said) but they seemed genuinely baffled by the sensational accusations. The thought occurred to me that Hamas didn’t have time like me to go to look at some MSM and see what the hell they’ve been accused of. When they get the chance I can imagine them looking at these videos and saying, Who the F is that???????

    Here is one video where Hamas is allowed to speak.

    This article has some important info about Hamas’ operation.

    By all accounts, they had not expected that the military bases would offer such poor resistance so they went on to kibbutzes. It is from an unnamed source but it corroborates with the official Hamas interviews I have listened to, that it was aimed at military bases.


    The source claims that only 100 fighters were killed in the operation on Oct 7 but I distinctly remember Israel claiming that they had killed 1,500 in the early days.

    Honestly Hamas are more believable. They make short statements saying “We did x,y,z”.

    The part that makes me wonder if Israel itself was involved is this part:
    “Once that happened, other forces, smugglers with weapons, lay people, criminals all flooded through the fence”

    Gaza is a small place, how many criminals and smugglers can they possibly have? And how would these people know that the fence was down and the IDF would be on holiday for 6 hours?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Brosi
  51. Iris says:

    There is no such breakdown made public that I know of. Frankly, I doubt very much it would be made public anyway, because the Palestinians are not giving any figures, neither for the size of their military forces, nor for the extent of their related losses(a).

    Regarding who invaded which kibbutz, it could even sometimes be random Palestinian individuals opportunistically crossing the wall, with no affiliation to any organised movement.
    When Netanyahu pretended to have “liberated “this only female hostage soldier, the news was not dismissed by Hamas, but they stressed that she hadn’t been “liberated” from them, and that random people might have taken hostages as well.

    It is however certain that there were several Palestinian movements involved from the get-go in the Oct 7th attack, something that was not suspected during the first days.
    – The Islamic Jihad, another Sunni faction, was involved, since the spokesperson for their Al Quds Brigades is making declarations on behalf of the Resistance, too.
    – It is now clear, from recent declarations, that secular Palestinian movements, the FPLP and FDLP, also have combatants on the ground fighting alongside Hamas.

    (a) (For clarity, the Palestinians don’t speculate about the size of Israeli military losses neither, but instead simply communicate the number of armoured vehicles they destroyed, which then allows to make educated guesses. According to the Hamas-affiliated al-Qassam Brigades’ military spokesman Abu Obeida, the resistance has so far documented the total or partial destruction of more than 160 military vehicles, including more than 25 in two days. This shows that the official figure of 30+ Israeli military casualties is probably vastly underestimated.)

    •ï¿½Thanks: Brosi
  52. Intrepid says:
    @Nico X

    No Palestinians have been connected with rape gang activity in the UK. It’s second generation Pakistanis generally.

  53. Iris says:
    @Sorel McRae

    may be downright stellar compared to the U.S. war in Iraq,

    Yeah, of course, no need to count the 13,000+ dead Gazan children, women and elderly, they are just “less than animals” as your leaders says.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Sorel McRae
  54. anon[367] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    the coming of the dawn, slowing emerging as the cosmos puts thing right

    And the Heavens IT has raised high and Established the Balance. That you may not exceed the Balance. – Qur’an Sura Ar-Rahman:7-8

    In Sura Ar-Rahman, God indicates that IT ITself established the Balance (the TAO aka Al-Mizaan) and that the purpose of TAO is to address imbalances in the Universe. For an in depth look at the TAO, see TAOist scripture.

    The Balance (TAO) operates at the level of the Field (see Bhagavad Gita for detailed treatment of the Field and the Knower of the field) of the Knower (Aalim). The field is the realm of consciousness. (Sura Ar-Rahman guides you into proper ‘reading’ of the Field and orient yourelf for ‘bliss’ instead of ‘tormet’).

    •ï¿½Replies: @Notsofast
  55. Robinski says:
    @Wild Man

    What kind of nonsense are you spouting? Have Jews pay for land that God has granted to them? Ha ha ha ha oh, stop, please, my sides hurt from laughing!

  56. According to Garland Nixon, lot of Jews are opting for the Samsonite Option. Like rats on a sinking ship have a sixth sense and abandon it, so are many wealthy dual citizens.

  57. Anonymous[293] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Don’t matter what “side†he’s on, or what this arrogant prick is yammering about…. He is a race traitorous piece of shit.

    Always check your source information.

    You are just a clicked ‘like’ to most of these shit-stains .

    99 % of the people on this fouled, dick-stained planet don’t give a fuck if you live, love, or die.

    Remind yourself of that as you drift off to sleep each night . Keep yourself in your place. That is if you’re lucky enough to be able to sleep.

    * either that,or just do whatever the fuck you want like the rest of the atomized larva.

    And no…I’m not your teacher.

  58. @MGB

    Thank you very much for that information, MGB. And Haganah became the Israel Defence Force (sic), as even Ziopedia has to admit.

    Haganah (Hebrew: הַהֲגָנָה ha-Haganah, lit. ’The Defense’) was the main Zionist paramilitary organization that operated for the Yishuv in the British Mandate for Palestine.[2] It was founded in 1920 to defend the Yishuv’s presence in the region, and was formally disbanded in 1948, when it became the core force integrated into the Israel Defense Forces shortly after the Israeli Declaration of Independence.

    The track record of these evil people is long and bloody.

  59. @Zane

    I agree, it was an Israeli false flag all the way.

    Hamas did NOT behead any babies.

    Hamas did NOT put Jew babies in ovens.

    Hamas did NOT behead Shani Louk like the New York Post says:

    NY Post – “The young German-Israeli tattoo artist who was paraded through the streets of Gaza after being kidnapped by Hamas has been found dead after “sadistic†terrorists “chopped off her head,†Israel’s president revealed Monday.”

    It was the IDF head choppers who did it. Remember ISIS head choppers? ISIS is Israel. ISIS was a proxy army for Israel and did all kinds of atrocities, and ISIS was run by the Mossad.

    Remember Ghadaffi? He was raped and killed by NATO forces, and the same for Shani Louk. That is how the Jews roll, they make examples out of anyone who opposes their insane barbarianism.

    Shani Louk was a naive young German Israeli who had no idea how vicious and barbaric the Satan regime in Tel Aviv actually is.

    And this ISIS head choppers being a proxy is now believable because of the total barbarism in Gaza, just today the IDF snipers surrounding the Gaza hospitals are targeting the nurses.

    So now is the time to realize that all of the barbarity in the Middle East is being generated out of Tel Aviv by these mad Zionist Jews. Israel ran ISIS – Israel was the responsible agency for all of the ISIS beheadings.

    •ï¿½Agree: cousin lucky
    •ï¿½Thanks: Zane
  60. @Colin Wright

    How about no support? It’s not my problem. WW3 will be the result of a baseless illusion of interconnection and interdependence between peoples on opposite sides of the planet and a tawdry mimetic desire to participate in the day’s happenings, every day, ad nauseum, regardless of our present and pressing local needs. I don’t give a Jew rat’s festering bubonic ass pustule about Palestinian children or Jew children, my own country is (deservedly) falling apart. I have no support to give. Not that I care, but If every American person realized how truly indifferent they are to the deaths of Palestinian and Israeli children, and stopped pretending they care in order to squeeze Narcissism juices and social credit points out of today’s happening, the conflict would likely end instantaneously.

    •ï¿½Agree: TKK, Bro43rd
    •ï¿½Thanks: Looger
    •ï¿½Replies: @muh muh
  61. @Iris

    I was referring to the 10/7 Hamas assault, even attributing all the deaths to them (not true, as it turns out), it seemed to have a lower civ/mil death ratio than the U.S. wars in Iraq or Yugoslavia.

    I would imagine the ratio in Israel’s subsequent attack on Gaza is worse than all three.

  62. Brosi says:

    You are right, Hamas does not mention the Rave in that Middleeasteye article, but Amnesty International does.

    Amnesty said it had verified videos showing Hamas fighters abducting and intentionally killing civilians in and around Israeli residential communities.

    It said it had also verified videos showing armed groups shooting at civilians at the Nova music festival, where at least 260 people were killed. Footage from the festival appears to show both heavily armed fighters in military uniforms and others who were armed but not in uniform involved in the attack.

    I have seen some footage of supposedly “abducted” prisoners, but I have seen no footage of any “abductions”.

    •ï¿½Replies: @pq
    , @Brewer
  63. This “Hannibal Donctrine” has got to be working wonders for Isreali morale. “OK men- if you are pinned down and surrounded, don’t worry- we’ll just drop a stick of 1000g bombs on your position.”

  64. Che Guava says:

    The photo sure is not what it is represented as. At the least, they’ve been bulldozed out of a path. Three high in places.

  65. @Dumbo

    You’ve not refuted my information that all forensic investigators have concluded that the building was destroyed by a large bomb placed inside the building, not a truck placed outside. It is remarkably similar to the Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995. This could not have been destroyed by a truck parked outside the building. Likewise, it is consistent with a a bomb placed inside. Both were inside jobs.

    As regards Hezbollah and suicide bombing, Ziopedia’s article on suicide attacks makes a very weak case.

    It claims that between 1982 and 2015, Hezbollah carried out 7 suicide attacks resulting in 28 deaths. It cites one source, the “Chicago Project on Security and Terrorism Suicide Attack Database”. The small number of alleged attacks and deaths immediately makes me suspicious, as does the alleged source. Obviously, the American Government and other Western states want to make the case for Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation, but can only allege or attribute a ridiculously small number of suicide attacks to them. Tony Blinken, eat your heart out !

  66. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘How about no support? ‘

    But you do support it — voluntarily or not. You’re part of a collective that arms Israel, subsidizes Israel, guards Israel from censure, and made Israel possible in the first place.

    To claim you don’t support Israel is like saying you’ve nothing to do with the lawn growing even though you pay the water bill every month.

    It would indeed be fine if we did nothing to support Israel; in fact, as far as I’m concerned, that would largely solve the problem.

    But that isn’t the situation, is it?

    •ï¿½Agree: muh muh
  67. Robert Lindsay says: •ï¿½Website

    All of these groups participated in the attack.

    Group followed by total forces:

    Hamas (Islamist) 40,000
    Islamic Jihad (Islamist) 13,000
    Mujahedin Brigades (Islamist) Tens of thousands
    Small Salafist groups (hardline Islamist)
    Al Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades (Fatah rejectionists) ?
    Al-Nasser Al-Saladin Brigades (Fatah rejectionists) ?
    Popular Resistance Committees (Left, close to Iran) ?
    PFLP (Left) ?
    DFLP (Left) ?

    The DFLP and Al Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades are also known to have killed civilians during the attacks.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Brosi
  68. Jett Rucker says: •ï¿½Website

    Rape is historically the prerogative of armed men, especially (but not exclusively) victorious ones (even only momentarily, or locally, so). They all do it, especially when among a hostile, or alien populace.

  69. Robert Lindsay says: •ï¿½Website
    @Yukon Jack

    The poster girl Shani Louk was raped and beheaded by Hamas.

    See post above. She was not raped or beheaded.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Yukon Jack
  70. ken says:
    @Colin Wright

    People who shout, “Allahu Akbak”, while humiliating/torturing humans don’t deserve my support.

    People who sacrifice their children don’t deserve my support.

    •ï¿½Troll: Colin Wright, Brewer
    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  71. Brosi says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    The DFLP and Al Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades are also known to have killed civilians during the attacks.

    Known? by whom? UN blue helmets? It seems to me that you are far too ready and eager to accept Judeo-MSM announcements at face value. Jews created Hollywood and propaganda.

    Also, it would seem that 9 groups “attacked” Israel on Oct 7 in a plan that took 2 years to develop, but we are told that there is no way that Israel could have had foreknowledge.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Robert Lindsay
    , @Iris
  72. Why is George Galloway being quoted as an authority?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
  73. Brosi says:

    Sometimes a picture is worth 1000 words.

    Yes, we are all subjects of ZOG. US, Canada, UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Holland and Denmark. All of the US, all of the UK Common Wealth, and all of the EU are ZOG.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @mulga mumblebrain
  74. Brosi says:

    This is still the best image I have found of the paragliders zooming in like Stukas…

  75. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘People who shout, “Allahu Akbakâ€, while humiliating/torturing humans don’t deserve my support.

    People who sacrifice their children don’t deserve my support.’

    The opinion of people who mindlessly believe every lie they’re told don’t deserve respect.

    You might as well be in Germany in 1942, believing what you’re told about the fierce bad Jews.

  76. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website
    @Henry's Cat

    ‘Why is George Galloway being quoted as an authority?’

    As opposed to who? The government of Israel and its servants?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Wokechoke
    , @Henry's Cat
  77. Robert Lindsay says: •ï¿½Website

    Known? by whom? UN blue helmets? It seems to me that you are far too ready and eager to accept Judeo-MSM announcements at face value. Jews created Hollywood and propaganda.

    I’ve seen video stills that seem to show both groups killed civilians.

    Also, it would seem that 9 groups “attacked†Israel on Oct 7 in a plan that took 2 years to develop, but we are told that there is no way that Israel could have had foreknowledge.

    I’m not understanding all of this, but it looks like there were some warnings ahead of time, but they were dismissed by the Israelis.

    •ï¿½Replies: @muh muh
    , @Brosi
  78. muh muh says:
    @Antediluvian Doomer

    Not that I care, but If every American person realized how truly indifferent they are to the deaths of Palestinian and Israeli children, and stopped pretending they care in order to squeeze Narcissism juices and social credit points out of today’s happening, the conflict would likely end instantaneously.

    How ridiculous.

    Whether you like it or not, your government has chosen a side for you, that being Israel. Your ambivalence will not change the situation one iota. In fact, it only helps Israel.

    As I said to another poster yesterday, you’re free not to take sides, but you lose standing to complain when the chickens come home to roost and America experiences a 9/11 of exponentially larger magnitude.

    Ending this situation doesn’t necessitate full-throated support for Hamas, but at the very least, it *does* demand we end our special relationship with Israel.

    •ï¿½Agree: Colin Wright
    •ï¿½Replies: @Antediluvian Doomer
  79. @Robert Lindsay

    She was not raped or beheaded.

    I agree, I quoted the stories about what happened to her in another post, comment #59.


    Let me clarify my position, and it aligns with yours.

    Shani Louk’s death was used as the poster girl to frame Hamas. The media claimed she was raped and beheaded.

    Business Insider – “Shani Louk became the face of Hamas’ brutal massacre. Her family says they’ll remember her as a ‘pacifist’ with a pure soul.”

    International Business Times claims she was gang raped then shot in the head:



    To make Hamas look as bad as possible, a peace loving hippie was the worst abused.

    I believe she was killed on purpose for the psyop, and selected for her anti-war beliefs and protest of the Netanyahu regime. She was for a two state solution and peace, so the warmongers killed her to make an example of her, on purpose, and then frame Hamas.

    I believe, based on the evidence, that Oct. 7th was orchestrated by Israel, and all the rapes and murders were done by Israelis and contractors who staged the event. This includes US special forces and probably UK also.

    •ï¿½Agree: cousin lucky
    •ï¿½Replies: @Robert Lindsay
  80. Brosi says:

    Shani leg position:

    Shiva statue at CERN:

    •ï¿½Replies: @Brosi
  81. TKK says:


    If one can agree that even one person was shot in the back at the music festival by Hamas, are the whole of the posters here comfortable…even giddy of that fact?

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
    , @Notsofast
  82. pq says:

    If it’s this from Oct 12, it’s my personal opinion but it reads like a press release from IDF. It was way too soon for them to have verified anything especially since IDF was only letting in very few reporters and vetting everything that was written.
    They keep using the term “military uniforms” which could be literally anyone….
    They make no mention of the firing from the helicopters which we now know were present…as if nobody noticed?

    Their Oct 7 press release is pretty neutral “unprecedented escalation in hostilities”
    while the Oct 12 one sounds like they got an earful from Hasbara:
    “Israel: Palestinian armed groups must be held accountable for deliberate civilian killings, abductions and indiscriminate attacks”


    I’ve also never heard any official Hamas confirmation of paragliding but the Economist did have a cover showing Hamas gliding in 2012….

  83. muh muh says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    Appreciate the article.

    While I realize it may be time-consuming to produce a comprehensive litany of hyperlinks, can you provide at least a few to support your claims?

  84. Brosi says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    I’ve seen video stills that seem to show both groups killed civilians.

    I have seen all kinds of video and stills that are claimed to have come from 10.7. I believe very little of it and instead search for credible images, or images captured by multiple sources from different angles. I have found very little substance but reams of outrageous claims, such as Joe Bidens 40 beheaded babies.

    I’m not understanding all of this, but it looks like there were some warnings ahead of time, but they were dismissed by the Israelis.

    There is a long debate running over multiple threads about whether this was a false flag here at UR.

    Ron Unz’s article about this “hoax” with over 450 comments:


    I fall in the MIHOP camp (Bibi Made It Happen On Purpose). Iris, Robin and Ron Unz, if I am correct, still believe that Hamas, and now 8 other “terrorist”/militant groups, all caught Bibi, the CIA, MI5, the Mossad and the IDF all with their pants down.

  85. @muh muh

    your government has chosen a side for you

    The United States government is comprised of heartless dirtbag Americans who, in lieu of being genuine moral agents acting on behalf of their own consciences and overall human betterment, narcissistically virtue-signal in an exaggerated, lachrymose, completely pathetic manner, for nothing more than the desire to increase their own social status. Like I said in my above comment, if Americans would only realize their complete indifference to the suffering of people on the other side of the planet, or possessed the self-honesty and practical human wisdom to at least admit that they have no rational, reasonable reason to give a fuck about people on the other side of the planet (the norm for humanity, by the way) the international support for Israel would evaporate instantly. American Jews are a vanishingly tiny minority who compel false rhetorics of fraternity with, and paternalism toward Jews by controlling the means (mass media and finance capital) by which the retarded goy masses acquire the social standing which is the primary motive factor in their retarded goycattle lives. The “American dream” of universally-available social mobility is the only ideological component that binds the innumerable moral, political and aesthetic factions present in the USA, and that dream has always been a neurodegenerative narcotic, a soma forced into Americans’ bloodstreams by Jew money and media shylock-warlockry. The American Revolution was not by any means the beginning of this phenomenon, rather it was a continuation of the same old shit.

    Your ambivalence will not change the situation one iota.

    I’m not ambivalent. I said unequivocally that I do not care — at all.

    Ending this situation doesn’t necessitate full-throated support for Hamas, but at the very least, it *does* demand we end our special relationship with Israel.

    I agree with you on that.

    •ï¿½Agree: cousin lucky, Robert Lindsay
  86. Brewer says:

    Amnesty International is bent. This became manifestly obvious during the lead up to and during the Libya atrocity. Same playbook – Gaddafi issuing viagra to soldiers so they could have rape-breaks during pitched battles.

    The Libyan authorities must thoroughly investigate the case of a woman who said she had been raped by forces loyal to Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi, Amnesty International said today.

    “Iman al-Obeidi’s allegations are stomach-churning. The Libyan authorities must immediately launch an independent and impartial investigation and bring those responsible to justice if the allegations are well-founded,†said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Director.

    Their star witness, Iman al-Obeidi, turned out to have major alcohol and mental health issues and is currently serving 6 years in Colorado gaol for assault after five arrests.

    Judge Andrew Macdonald said, “It’s terrible, I don’t know how else to describe it… It is really clear to me that Ms. Ali has a pretty serious mental health issue, most likely related to the trauma in Libya. But it’s also concerning that she is refusing to get treatment.” Concluding the hearing, Judge Macdonald told al-Obeidi, “I have grave concerns that when you get out, you’ll be right back in this situation.”

    I suspect that the alleged “trauma in Libya” was a symptom of her condition rather than the cause.

    •ï¿½Agree: Robert Lindsay
    •ï¿½Thanks: Brosi
    •ï¿½Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  87. Wokechoke says:

    And suddenly for no reason Third Republic France collapsed in 1940 to be replaced by General Philipe Petain’s hate.

  88. Wokechoke says:
    @Colin Wright

    If I’m not mistaken he is something of an authority on the region.

  89. cousin lucky says: •ï¿½Website

    Vivek Ramaswamy Mops the Floor in Republican Primary Debate by Robert Bridge!


    It’s becoming clearer why Donald Trump has chosen to excuse himself from participating in the Republican primaries, as he is undoubtedly aware that he has met his match in devastating one-liners with Mr. Ramaswamy.

    GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy resembled a young Donald Trump in the third Republican primaries, eviscerating not only his opponents and the Swamp, but the media hosting the event as well.

    The biotech entrepreneur’s opening statement took aim at Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, calling her to hang up her spurs over the terrible Tuesday night election results.

    “I think there’s something deeper going on in the Republican Party, and I am upset about what happened last night,†Ramaswamy remarked in a stunning opening statement that electrified the audience. “We’ve become a party of losers.â€

    The articulate son of Indian parents, however, was just warming up.

    “There is a cancer in the Republican establishment. Let’s speak the truth. Since Ronna McDaniel took over as chairwoman of the RNC in 2017 we have lost 2018, 2020, 2022, no red wave; that never came. We got trounced last night in 2023 and I think that we have to have accountability in our party.â€

    Vivek Ramaswamy: “We’ve become a party of losers.â€#debatten pic.twitter.com/GUeD2r5Dr5

  90. “Israeli Death Tolls for the October 7 Hamas Attack on Israel”

    Oy Vey! It’s another Shoah!

    Who cares?

    Q: How many Jews can you fit in a Volkswagen Beetle?

    A: Twelve. Four in the seats and eight in the ashtray.

  91. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website


    If one can agree that even one person was shot in the back at the music festival by Hamas, are the whole of the posters here comfortable…even giddy of that fact?’

    What we have here is definitely a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

    It’s akin to Nazi Germany’s treatment of the Poles in 1939-45. One doesn’t need to demonstrate that Poland was a nation of saints to condemn Nazi Germany.

    Ditto for Israel.

  92. Notsofast says:


    you care more about one person shot in the back by hamas, than you do about the hundreds of your fellow israelis murdered by their own government, to foster acceptance of the attempted genocide of the palestinian people. thanks for burying the lede for your zioneocon masters, troll.

    •ï¿½Agree: Iris
    •ï¿½Thanks: Brosi
  93. @TitusAlone

    The “most moral” and the “most victimized” have one and only one god– Money!

    They would genocide and holocaust anyone (including children) standing between them and Money.



  94. My deepest thanks for your work, Mr. Lindsay.

    This is kryptonite for Israel.

    So sad. C’mon Jews, break away from your deranged, evil leaders. When Jews act like normal human beings, people accept them as such.

    •ï¿½Thanks: Robert Lindsay
  95. Iris says:

    Also, it would seem that 9 groups “attacked†Israel on Oct 7 in a plan that took 2 years to develop, but we are told that there is no way that Israel could have had foreknowledge.

    From what I gathered, it appears that many of the Palestinian militants had taken part in the war against ISIS in Syria, alongside other foreign resistance movements supporting the Syrian national army, Lebanese and Iranians.
    This explains their experience and remarkable professionalism.

    Hamas may be Sunni Islamists, but as an organised movement, they stand against ISIS/Al Qaeda/Al Nusra.
    Unlike the ragtag Saudis, Palestinians have an ancient and sophisticated culture, producing a different type of militant Islam.

    The division between their supporters and opponents appeared clearly during the so-called “extraordinary” Islamic summit that took place yesterday in Saudi Arabia.

    The more secular or multi-confessional countries (Algeria and Lebanon) were the only ones to propose a radical, efficient action, the boycott of all energy supplies to Israel. This was opposed by more “religious” participants, Bahrain and the UAE.
    Saudi Arabia, although the host and most powerful country, did not propose anything concrete to alleviate the suffering of Gazans, which shows that her role was to actually divert and bury the issue.
    No need to remind that Saudi and the EAU were the staunchest supporter of extremist Islamists, particularly in Syria.

    Finally, the two secular Palestinian faction who currently publicly support Hamas traditionally comprised a large fraction of Christians. The historic leader of FDLP, Nayef Hawatmeh, is a Greek Catholic, while FPLP’s George Habache was Greek Orthodox. So it is possible/likely that Christians are also fighting among Hamas ranks.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Robert Lindsay
  96. Notsofast says:

    the tao is the way, and ma’at is the way, the truth and the light. i have come to see the two as one, for in fact ma’at is the ma’ati, the two truths, twin goddesses, that are often depicted identically to the twin goddess sisters ast and nebhet (isis and nephthys), the only distinguishing feature being the ma’ati’s single feather headdress and ast’s throne crown (representing her status as queen to ausur (osiris), and nebhets grail (as the goddess of beer).

    this is the coincidentia oppositorum, or the unity of opposites, i.e. the yin and the yang. once i understood the ma’ati, everything became crystal clear to me. ma’at is is the divine feminine, that rises mutually with ra (or atum) from the sea of chaos. to understand the ma’ati is to understand true bliss.

  97. Zane says:

    The world’s greatest expert on false flag terrorist ” attacks ” is Ole Dammegard.

    Ole Dammegard believes Oct 7 was a false flag.

    Of course, he may be wrong. But he’s usually right.

    False Flags are an Israeli trademark. The list of false flag events carried out by Israel would fill a thick book.

    Mossad mantra: ” By deceit we wage war. ”

    Most Unz content creators be like ” Shikes! Hamas done it! Hamas caught Israel off guard! Oy vey! Hamas! Hamas! Hamas! ”

    Yeah? Let’s see their badges. We want proof they were card-carrying Hamas regulars. Were they wearing official Hamas T-Shirts??? In any case, Israel created Hamas. So Israel attacks Israel. Hmmm. Something smells fishy. Very fishy.

    Schlomo, is that you? 😄

  98. Zane says:

    Re. that German Israeli girl supposedly killed.

    They often use crisis actors in these staged events. The ” dead ” body could well be a dummy. The bereaved family is rented. Put simply, it’s all faked. It’s a media stunt.

    Nothing can be believed here. Nothing at all.

  99. homer d says:

    instead of all the blah,blah,blah ,show us all the unedited video from all sources and we can decide for ourselves,dont need curated commentary.It always has an agenda.Publish links to all the video .

    •ï¿½Agree: Bro43rd
  100. Kumbaresu says:

    I am not an anti-semite and I am not an anti-khazar. I don’t hate Arabs, Jews or anybody in between. However, I despise crisis actors. Something seems to be wrong with the Gaza story. Please, correct me if I am wrong.

    Video Link

    •ï¿½Troll: mulga mumblebrain
    •ï¿½Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
  101. Priss Factor says: •ï¿½Website

    Since Ukraine is going down, hang the Nordstream albatross around its neck.

    •ï¿½LOL: Notsofast
  102. Ed Case says:

    I weas told, by [Indian] Buddhist Monks, that the suicide bombers are orphans brought up in NW Pakistan and brainwashed into it.

  103. Robert Lindsay says: •ï¿½Website

    Hi, best analysis so far is that neither Hezbollah nor Iran was involved in either that awful embassy bombing or that terrible Jewish center bombing. Neither Hezbollah nor Iran has ever attacked Diaspora Jews, so there’s no reason for the AMIA bombing and the embassy bombing killed a lot of other people. The (((Hezbollah and Iran did it))) line has fallen apart over time, but the (((usual suspects))) keep pushing it of course.

    Right now the best theory is that local Argentine neo-Nazis bombed both the embassy and the AMIA center. There are many in Argentina, they were very active in the Dirty War from 1978-1983, and they are fanatical antisemites, basically Nazis.

    Of course Hezbollah does suicide bombings but they have not done one in quite some time now.

    Even the prosecutor who was investigating the case was murdered at some point (he was Jewish himself).

    Considering he was Jewish, the Nazis may have killed him.

    Not buying the “Mossad false flag” thing. I don’t think they do those very often though the Beirut port bombing with a nuclear weapon could be seen as one perhaps. It’s more like they do an attack, kill a bunch of their enemies, usually hundreds or thousands of “evil Arab civilians,” and then say they didn’t do it. Usually something along the lines of “the enemy attacked their own people.”

    Of course (((Moronicans))), who think Jews are the most honest people on Earth and hang on every word that flows from their silver tongues, fall for every single lie the Jews tell, except those so outrageous that even the US disbelieves them (40 beheaded babies), although the Jews continue to stubbornly repeat this even long after it has been disproved.

    71% of (((Moronican))) idiots believe the lie that a Hamas bottle rocket killed 471 people at that hospital when it was really an Israeli GBU-32 JDAM bomb set to airburst mode. That’s one of the stupidest lies I’ve ever heard, but a huge majority of Americans believe it, and our lying intelligence agencies even “confirmed” it LOL.

    My opinion is that (((US Gentiles))) are basically a “Jewish” people, as in “Jewish in spirit.” Americans are indistinguishable from Jews. This probably explains downright fanatical (((US))) support for Israel.

    Another similar way to see it is that (((Americans))) are not an antisemitic people at all. At this point, a teaspoon of antisemitism in our coffee every morning might even help us see straight through the day, but alas, it is not to be. Instead, (((Americans))) are wildly, almost fanatically philosemitic. I call (((Americans))) “pathological philosemitic” or even “delusionally philosemitic.”

    Excess love of the Jews, who are really just another silly little tribe of petty humans, is as irrational as deranged antisemitism. One could argue that our ridiculous philosemitism got 3,000 (((Americans))) killed on 9-11.

    Since then, it’s been one “War for the Jews” after another in the Middle East while the bodies pile up and the hospitals fill. The (((American “Wars for the Jews”))) are ongoing in Syria (where our (((presence))) is illegal) and Iraq (where we have been ordered by Parliament to leave the country and take all our (((bases))) with us). In addition, (((wars for the Jews))) are ongoing in a sense with our (((fleet))) in the Mediterranean, the Persian Gulf and now the Red Sea.

    *I use Echoes or Cohencidence Marks not to delineate Jews but to mean “pro-Israel.” So it includes both (((pro-Israel Gentiles))) and actual Jews. The distinction between the two is increasingly irrelevant. By “pro-Israel” I don’t mean “controlled by Jews.” I think we need to get over this. So many (((American Gentiles))) are simply down with the Jews for one reason or another. We’re a nation of Jew-lovin’ fools!

    This “controlled by Jews” line suggests that Jews are putting guns to these (((Gentiles)))’ heads and forcing them to support Israel. Not buying it. “Jewish control” is basically consensual. You aren’t controlling someone if they’re going along with it.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Dumbo
    , @Brewer
  104. Robert Lindsay says: •ï¿½Website

    I would say that the number of Christians fighting in the ranks of Hamas and Islamic Jihad right now (53,000 fighters), is less than can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

    Nevertheless, Hamas is in a deep alliance with the Marxist PFLP. I’m not sure how many Christian fighters there are in the group anymore, but the PFLP and DFLP have long had a lot of support among Palestinian Christians. Most people in the PFLP and DFLP are just Leftists. Most are secular and I would imagine quite a few are atheists or agnostics. So Hamas is in a deep alliance with a Marxist group of seculars, atheists, and agnostics.

    Hamas may be Sunni Islamists, but as an organised movement, they stand against ISIS/Al Qaeda/Al Nusra.

    Unlike the ragtag Saudis, Palestinians have an ancient and sophisticated culture, producing a different type of militant Islam.

    Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. But the Ikhwan has always been unpopular in Palestine because it is relatively secular as Arab countries go. So they hide their MB origins and never mention them.

    There are Salafists in Gaza and they hate Hamas because Hamas refuses to implement Sharia. That they won’t do this shows their moderation.

  105. @Yukon Jack

    I agree, I quoted the stories about what happened to her in another post, comment #59.


    I’m still looking into the rape. Perhaps women were raped. But keep in mind that the IDF has not yet ordered one rape kit to test any of the many Israeli female victims, alive or dead. One witness says she say Shani being gangraped though.

    The part about her body being found beheaded is apparently a lie by Herzog. Later in the article it quotes her mother saying her body had not been found and that only a part of her skull had been found and she had been identified thus.

    I’m not sure how we are ever going to prove if any of these women were raped or not. So much contradictory evidence. I’m beginning to think some rapes were possibly committed.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Han
    , @Brosi
  106. Anonymous[414] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    All of these analyzes and news are trash.
    All the news written above are lies!

  107. I keep thinking about how similar the 10/7 narrative has been to the holocaust narrative. Like the holocaust something did happen on 10/7. It is true that the National Socialist in Ww2 did persecute the Jews and it is also true that Hamas launched an attack on Israel on 10/7. That much is undeniable. However, it is also now increasingly obvious that in both cases the Jews have greatly inflated what happened and then have turned around and used the inflated narrative for their own political agenda. And interestingly in both cases if you try to point out that the facts have been inflated you are accused denying the whole event. So everyone goes along with it. It’s very educational.

  108. Han says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    Robert Lindsay:

    It’s Not Only Israel That Is Lying – the Pro-Palestinian Side Is Too
    All civilians were killed by the IDF.â€
    Nope! Hamas killed civilians. That is clear.
    “All of the deaths at the festival were by IDF helicopters.â€
    No. Both sides probably killed quite a few people at the festival.

    Do you really believe that Hamas breached the security fence at 15 places and then attacked Israel without Israel knowing ?

    LOL!!! ROTFL!!!

    Who was responsible for October 7 if not Israel itself?
    Hamas was created and funded, is still funded by Israel.

    October 7 was a JEWISH FALSE FLAG OPERATION just like 9/11.


    Israel needed a pretext to attack and finish off Gaza.

    Genocide the Palestinians and steal their land. They will be doing it with the West Bank too where there is NO Hamas.

    The EFFING JEWS will then have achieved what they set out to do in 1948.

    Next will be to establish their wet dream of ERETZ ISRAEL.

    “To your descendants I have given this land, from the Egyptian River as far as the great river, the Euphrates.”
    Bereshit (Genesis) 15:18


  109. Brosi says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    Shani: As above, so below…

    Tree of life… check
    Hidden eye… check
    Baphomet horn hand sign… check

  110. BuelahMan says:

    Is this to say that jews lie?

  111. Dumbo says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    Nazis?!? I don’t think so. There are arguably a few Nazi sympathizers in Argentina but they have very little political organization or support. Even the U.S. or modern Germany have more “Nazis” than Argentina. But perhaps it could be something internal. There’s lots of political corruption in Argentina and this happened when Menem (Syrian origin) was president.

    Supposedly, a “Islamic Jihad Organization” (linked to Hezbollah) claimed the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992, so it’s unlikely a different group was behind the AMIA bombing just 2 years later. But I think it could be a Mossad false flag, too — in order to incriminate Iran/Hazbollah. Honestly, I don’t know. It’s strange to me that Iran would attack Jews in Argentina, of all places.

  112. @Colin Wright

    But why quote Galloway ‘referencing new totals from the liberal Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz’ and not the newspaper itself? Has nobody else noticed these figures? Lindsay leaves us none the wiser.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Colin Wright
    , @Robert Lindsay
  113. Che Guava says:

    No, except for the burn-marks from HE weapons (almost certainly Israeli), it now looks just like a car junkyard in a semi-rural area anywhere.

  114. Colin Wright says: •ï¿½Website

    ‘No. Both sides probably killed quite a few people at the festival.’

    At least overall, one reason — ironically — to lower the estimate of how many of the fatalities Israel was responsible for is the extremely skewed age distribution.

    The last I looked, only 3% were minors; overwhelmingly, the identified dead are adults, and usually of military age.

    That implies Hamas was not exactly randomly killing everyone — but it also implies that not many of the dead came from the IDF indiscriminately shelling everything as they blasted their way back into the kibbutz.

    Personally, I think what really upset Israel was not the atrocities Hamas committed — of which, there no doubt were some — but that Hamas was so successful. The myth of Israeli invincibility was shattered.

    And now they’re bent on restoring it. Hence the incredible slaughter in Gaza.

  115. Notsofast says:
    @Colin Wright

    thank you colin, for your insightful comments and vp’s. i agree fully with your first paragraph, i don’t agree with your second, as i feel this was a very carefully coordinated effort requiring the full participation of the israeli government (at least the part that wanted this for justification of their hideous doctorine of religious supremacy). that said, immho, it did not turn out, in anyway as they planned, and now they have to attempt to find a justification for their obvious war crimes and crimes against humanity. good luck with that criminals, bringing back david cameron, ain’t going to solve their innumerable problems. this is the end of the spell of jewish supremacy, this shit won’t fly anymore, the world now sees them for what they are. even if half of the west, buys their outrageous lies, that is less than 10% of the world, stick a fork in their fat ass and flip them they are done.

  116. Robert Lindsay says: •ï¿½Website
    @Henry's Cat

    At the time I wrote this, I figured the Ha’aretz article was paywalled. Everything I try to read is paywalled on there, and this one is too. And even if it wasn’t I was not relishing having to go through and count numbers up one by one. I just now realized that this article is free for anyone to read and they’ve added up civilians, IDF, police, and first responders, so the work is a lot easier. I’ve since updated my piece and I arrived at some pretty different figures. My apologies but it’s a constantly shifting story.


  117. Brewer says:
    @Robert Lindsay

    I did a piece on the AIMA bombing years ago that may be of interest. https://brewerstroupe.blogspot.com/2009/08/aima-bombing.html

  118. @Brewer

    ‘Amnesty’ has been run by the US State Department for years.

  119. @Brosi

    The CRIF CREATED Macron and his ‘party’. After years working for the Rothschilds.

  120. pq says:

    Further to my comment that I had never once heard any Hamas official talk about a rave Israel now admits there is no proof anyone at Hamas knew of the rave. There is also no proof that I know of of anyone in uniform being at the rave.


    Much of the rave footage is really silly and unconvincing and only shows guys in jeans and sneakers asking people to get on motorcycles with only a little pushing. Those videos came out with a long delay and those guys could be anyone.

    It also shows that Amnesty International completely changed its position between Oct 8 and 12. The second press release just repeated verbatin unverified info from IDF.

  121. Brosi says:

    In this chat transcript Louk is talking about Shiva and her third eye, which is what she is wearing in the background photo. This is quite creepy, and it shows that there is likely something Kabbalistic going on, perhaps even a ritual.

    Here is another shot of Louk doing devils horns.

  122. Brosi says:

    Double Cross .. A rare and more sophisticated devil hand sign…

  123. Brosi says:

    More evidence has been coming in that the “Supernova Festival” was some kind of a psyop, perhaps even a ritual. The implausibly released tapes from the Israeli Apache Pilots which would incriminate them for crimes against humanity are added proof that there is more here than meets the eye.

    Video Link

    By insuring that these images were broadcast across the planet these satanists got a large proportion of the entire planet to be unwilling participants in their death ritual.

    As the comment about Shiva above says:

    “When Lord Shiva opens his third eye it brings destruction.
    Now your third eye wll destroy Hamas forever”

    And then we have Shiva in the form of Apache helicopters deliberately butchering and sacrificing the “Supernova Festival” ritual participants.

    •ï¿½Replies: @Brosi
    , @Brosi
  124. Brosi says:

    At about half way through Max Blumenthal goes into detail about the Nova Festival.

    He says that the festival had been going on for 2 days when on the last day supposedly the organizers got “special permission” to extend the festival for 1 day. This extension would have included guards, many of who were killed. Originally we were told there were 3000 guests at the trance festival. The smaller numbers of participants in the videos/pics seems to align with special 1 day extension. Blumenthal also states that Hamas was completely unaware that Nova was taking place. He claims that when Hamas arrived they asked the participants “Where are the bad guys?”.

    He also says that by 10:15 am on Oct 7 (IIRC), all Hamas soldiers had returned to Gaza, and everything that happened afterwards was the result of other Gaza citizens and militias who had gone over the wall on their own volition. He says they were likely looking to take hostages back to trade for family members.


    •ï¿½Replies: @Gvaltar
  125. Gvaltar says:

    gone over the wall

    Gone through the wall/fence that had been removed by Hamas, passed by the Israeli soldiers killed by Hamas?

  126. Brosi says:

    In this clip from the “Nova Festival” site, Max Blumenthal exposes some kind of fake crisis actor psyop. I am not sure what is going on.

    I find it interesting that in the second half of the clip the IDF can be seen putting up perimeter fencing with visibility protection so no one can see what is going on at the scene of the “nova festival massacre”.

  127. Brosi says:

  128. Kumbaresu says:
    @mulga mumblebrain

    Thank you for reading my comments, you seem to be the only one.

  129. grr says:

    “All these years of bullcrap PR about how they’re a bunch of super soldiers is laid bare”
    The lies of their superiority as a fighting force were laid bare in 2006.
    And prior to that ’67 & ’73 showed they are less than shit too.
    The IOF have always been a colonial terrorist army of occupation.

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