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YouTube Is Basically Killing Everyone

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(1) So yes, basically everyone Alt Right OR Alt Lite is now getting their channels deleted, demonetized, or at least having some of their videos deleted.

I don’t closely follow the vlogosphere, but here is a Twitter thread that seems to be pretty comprehensive.

It’s worth pointing out that demonetization is nearly as bad as an outright ban, as it demoralizes creators, and in some cases, cuts off their main source of income. Relying on Patreon or Subscribestars (a recent and less PC Russian alternative) is a bandaid – while we greatly appreciate the exceptions, anonymous readers are rarely very generous, and you need to be really big to make even a decent living off public donations. And they can always shut you down as well. Patreon is more than happy to kick controversial people off by itself, while Subscribestars had to cease operations for a period of time after PayPal cut them off.

(2) Guess the Alt Lite and BASED conservatives should have protested more when this started i.e. when Andrew Anglin (Daily Stormer) got deplatformed in the wake of Charlottesville almost two years ago. Now it’s too late.

(3) I am assuming that Trump is continuing to monitor censorship… all the way to losing in 2020 and going to prison soon afterwards.

At that point, most likely everything else will be shut down.

(4) I have a blog post ready to go about how the vlogosphere has superseded the old blogosphere over the past few years. Obviously, it will now have to be substantially rewritten.

But the main point to take from here is that YouTube is not going to become the center of anti-Establishment dissidence that we thought it might be, just as similar delusions about the power of Twitter and other social media were dispelled from around 2017*.

YouTube will become a repository for cat and unpacking videos.

(5) Yes, alternatives exist, but by and large, people are not going to bother going to Bitchute or RuTube. Three reasons why.

First, they are much smaller than YouTube, which is a de facto monopolist in this sphere, and so derives vast benefits from network effects.

Second, YouTube operates on an annual loss of a billion dollars. It is something that Alphabet subsidizes for presumably political reasons. No other site can afford to be a YouTube. Videos take up a lot of storage space, and HDD’s don’t come free!

Third, let’s be honest, many of the people driven off are not so much dissidents as assorted freaks and weirdos. Their presence will deter “normies” from migrating over. We already have a perfect example of that with Gab (Twitter alternative) and Voat (Reddit alternative).

(6) There are increasing signs that Alt Leftists are going to be progressively shut down as well – some of those deplatformed today were outright anti-Alt Right.

Moreover, apart from institutionalizing blank slatism, YouTube is also committing to fighting “falsehoods” such as 9/11 or Sandy Hook conspiracy theories. While I do not buy into those two in particular, imagine if YouTube had existed in the 1960s, and it censored “conspiracy theories” portraying the Gulf of Tonkin incident as the “false flag” it turned out to be. And we don’t even have to look decades back. The Saudis are clearly going out of the way building a case for war with Iran, with those ridiculous “Iranian attacks” on their oil tankers. Fortunately, false flagging is an O-Ring task, and Saudis are apparently too low IQ to accomplish that. And half of the US political elites don’t have it out for Iran anyway, so there is institutional resistance.

But what if there were similar attempts to false flag a war with Russia? Or with China, whose demonization has also become increasingly bipartisan? The inability to debunk false flags – or rather, to have it catch fire – may well result in avoidable wars.

(7) Prediction: The last dissident resources in the West to remain standing will be technically adept websites financed by moneyed individuals or groups (such as The Unz Review), or true cyberpunk “samizdat” outfits lurking in the deep web and kept afloat with crypto donations (such as The Daily Stormer).

(8) There is no reason for repression not to increase just as concrete genomic evidence of group differences in personality traits starts getting published on a large scale. Historically, it is often at precisely such moments of stress that repression is maximized. It also serves the elite’s interests, as spandrell has pointed out in a recent blog post. Nothing undermines their high status more than HBD, because it suggests that their success is achieved through genetic privilege, as opposed to their own hard work and moral superiority.

To end this on a futurist cyberpunk note, it will also very conveniently make it easier for them to ban genomic augmentation of intelligence and other desirable traits e.g. for social justice reasons, while many of them quietly make use of such “black clinics” in less regulated Third World countries.

Silver lining: Filtering out the more r-selected content?

(9) The one happy thing about all this is that more and more restrictions and censorship means higher quality output.

First, it weeds out the grifters – no point to grifting when you are blacklisted and deplatformed from everything.

Second, it may also impose a certain discipline on content producers, forcing them to pick their words with care while making the same points they used to. Note that most of the greatest “subversive” literature was produced in moderately repressive ancien regimes, not democratic republics with strong freedoms of speech. When everything has been banned, the novels of Houellebecq, for instance, may have that much more weight and resonance.

Assuming they don’t go full Leninist and turn everything into a wasteland, anyway.

•�Category: Ideology •�Tags: Censorship, Freedom of Speech, Silicon Valley, YouTube
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  1. Please keep off topic posts to the current Open Thread.

    If you are new to my work, start here.


    As reiner Tor points out, this was also probably a sign from God not to engage in vlogging. Since it now seems there is no way to be famous, edgy, and uncensored on YouTube, I am probably going to deprioritize these plans going forwards. I suppose it is good that it happened now, before I invested any significant time or energy into this enterprise (apart from ordering a mini-tripod for my smartphone). As for using Russian alternatives, apart from the aforementioned problem of all the significant Russians being on YouTube as well, I am certainly not going to be talking about Dagestani IQs on Russian platforms (i.e. for the same reason that German nationalists use VK over Facebook).

  2. anon[300] •�Disclaimer says:

    It will become a repository for cat and unpacking videos.

    As you said. No matter how big it seems to us, politics is minuscule part of youtube content.
    Of top YT videos, none is political.


    The normies are on Youtube to listen to music and watch cat and dog videos. This is core YT audience. If YT shut down all politics left, right and center, normies would not notice at all.

    The inability to debunk false flags – or rather, to have it catch fire – may well result in avoidable wars.

    Did it ever worked? When was the last time when war was prevented by brave citizen journalists debunking war propaganda?
    Remember Iraq war – there was open debate on the internet, the WMD scare was thoroughly discredited, millions of people worldwide protested, and it did not mattered at all.

  3. peterAUS says:

    Khm….ahm….you know…perhaps…..”we” could take a look at how people working against Communist regimes, especially Soviet Union/Warsaw Pact managed collaborating, exchanging ideas and similar stuff.

    True, that would, unfortunately, unearth some, how to put it, fundamental problems the alternative is facing today but let’s skip over it at the moment.

    Personally, I am looking forward to the time when all productive chat will be possible between TWO guys who trust each other, somewhere in public. Beach, park, places like that. Brief chat and to the point.
    Old fashion, I know…..
    Relic from era when it worked. When the men were serious and meant business.

    Not quite sure we can have such men anymore.
    The world has changed. Not quite sure for better in that regards.

    •�Replies: @iffen
  4. Bitchute uses p2p which scales pretty well without requiring youtube-like infrastructure. I wouldn’t dismiss it out of hand.

    For example, when Soph’s “Be not afraid” video was zapped by YT, the Bitchute version picked up 150k views (and counting). That is a decent chunk (maybe 20%) of what it would have got on YT.

    And if a whole bunch of people like Crowder and Sargon etc get booted from YT, bitchute would see a major uptick, and a network effect would kick in.

  5. Dmitry says:

    problem of all the significant Russians being on YouTube as well, I am certainly not going to be talking about Dagestani IQs on Russian platforms (i.e. for the same reason that German nationalists use VK over Facebook).

    If I recall, YouTube is one of the websites the authorities monitor. They are looking at VK and YouTube platforms if you look through the lists.


    They don’t (or didn’t until now) monitor Facebook, Twitter or Instagram though.

    Also when I skim the list, they are only very rarely banning English language material, and it’s really extremist material, not someone discussing IQs.

    Video format though could be good for a lot of topics you blog about. And especially anything related to outside world, travels, architecture, etc, where it could be incorporated into a text blog.

  6. @anon

    It’s impossible to prove, of course, but there were several times over the last few years that the West might have intervened in Syria if the alternative media wasn’t around to take the steam out of the globalists’ push for war. The same may even be true about Ukraine. I think so.

    •�Agree: Wally
    •�Replies: @anon
  7. Priss Factor says: •�Website

    In real estate, Location Location Location.

    In Big Tech, it’s Jews, Jews, Jews.

    •�Replies: @Cagey Beast
    , @mark green
  8. Anon[330] •�Disclaimer says:

    Trade war with China is driving this and most things. Everyone has to be on board now with the US. Wars do that.
    Trad media are easy to employ in the game – they hate not being able to dominate eyeballs.

    Trump promised not to put Hilary in prison. They both have people with access to the NSA. Any real threat to Trump and he starts to name names, and even Obama goes to prison. Too much dirt on all sides for blackmail to work anymore.

  9. @Dmitry

    The Russian authorities and the YouTube censors are both prioritising popular dissident content.

    So, the Russians leave English language conent alone.

    And YT don’t bother a channel like Brother Nathaniel (whose entire output consists of “What can I blame the Jews for, today?”). Instead, they go after centre-right anti-globalists like Sargon and Crowder.

  10. anon[113] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Cagey Beast

    It’s impossible to prove, of course, but there were several times over the last few years that the West might have intervened in Syria if the alternative media wasn’t around to take the steam out of the globalists’ push for war. The same may even be true about Ukraine. I think so.

    The only chance for intervention in Syria was in 2013 after Ghouta.


    Thank British parliament and Barack Obama, no evidence they were influenced by youtube videos that Ghouta was false flag.



    After we landed in Washington, Obama talked about the different ways in which the debate could play out. “The thing is,” he said, “if we lose this vote, it will drive a stake through the heart of neoconservatism—everyone will see they have no votes.”

    Obama was right, but after him came the orange man who pulled the stake out again.

    •�Replies: @Cagey Beast
  11. @Dmitry

    I am not interested in doing English language video (except appearing on the occasional podcast… which I do anyway).

    Reason I want to do Russian language video, as I did explain IIRC, is that I write things about 5x faster in English than I do in Russian. So writing essays in Russian (https://akarlin.ru/) is highly inefficient – and frankly, I don’t want to split efforts between UR and other projects. My longread on Russian IQ (https://sputnikipogrom.com/science/79791/russian-iq/) took me almost a week, whereas I could have banged it out in a day (if I worked hard) for UR. However, I can talk as fast and as fluently in Russian as in English, so in relative terms video is a much more attractive medium for me in Russian.

    However, the prospect of doing battle not just with Center E and Ukrainian brigades but the video hosting platform itself has rather cooled me on that idea…

    •�Replies: @Mr. XYZ
    , @Dmitry
  12. What is the social aspect of YouTube? What are YouTube’s network effects? I absolutely get why getting kicked off Twitter or Facebook is disastrous. But can’t websites just host their own videos?

    Also, YouTube has been flaky since… forever. Creators have long had complaints about its reporting system.

  13. @anon

    Who said anything about YouTube videos? Also, how do you think momentum builds in the British parliament to resist the push to war? Alternative media by its nature is an indirect force.

  14. @E. Harding

    Hosting video content can run into serious money due to the data rate. YouTube also give an invaluable service by attracting peopl wjo would otherwise never heard of you.

  15. @E. Harding

    What are YouTube’s network effects?

    Recommendations. You get vast numbers of new people getting funneled onto your channel e.g. you watch Molyneux –> JF Gariepy.

    Viewership is systemically higher than for similar profile blogs by up to an order of magnitude. For instance, the typical video by the psychometrist Edward Dutton – probably the most high profile HBD vlogger – gets around 10,000-20,000 views. I am reasonably sure that this is well above what the typical article by James Thompson here gets. My most popular “HBD” article ever – The Idiocy of the Average – got something like 40,000 views if I remember correctly. The Golden One, a Swedish alt right pagan bodybuilder, has 100,000 subscribers, and most of his videos – rather low effort productions with minimal editing or effects – get at least 20,000 views.

    The Alt Right child prodigy “soph” – recently profiled by Mr. Bernstein – is currently just shy of a million subscribers on YouTube. She has had 17 million views since she started her (rather irregular) vlogging career in August 2015. That’s approximately what the Unz Review currently generates in half a year, and we have far, far more visitors now than even just a couple of years ago.

    But can’t websites just host their own videos?

    I have no experience with this, but AFAIK hosting videos yourself is more complicated than with just a text/image blog. You’ll need to get your own hosting, you generally can’t do that on outside platforms, not for free anyway (e.g. on WordPress.com you need to buy video hosting and its quite costly). Now I recommend self hosting + regular backups anyway for any dissident these days anyway, I am amazed that Heartiste largely neglected that. But AFAIK with video bandwidth usage becomes a major constraint so it can get expensive fast.

  16. @Priss Factor

    Sure man, if it was just us Gentiles doing things, social media would be left open to anyone, even the political enemies of the oligarchs.

  17. 216 says:

    The only solution that I think is lasting is nationalization.

    Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Amazon.

    Uncucked red states should consider a “sovereign Internet”.

  18. They haven’t whacked slick Tim Kelly yet. If he is going to go down he is going down with style:

    Matthew Rafael Johnson today on the tubes (on the killing of the Czar and his family):

    Video Link

  19. peterAUS says:

    YouTube is one of the websites the authorities monitor…..


    They don’t (or didn’t until now) monitor Facebook, Twitter or Instagram though.


    My God, man, you almost gave me hernia.

    I’ve seen some articles/comments on this site, but this, well……


    •�Agree: Mr McKenna
    •�Replies: @Dmitry
    , @Anon
  20. They’ve actually de-monetized extremely innocuous stuff long before this new wave.

    For example: there are a few YouTube channels I watch that feature footage of people hunting deer and other American wild game. They show how to hunt; how to harvest the animals; and how too cook them. These videos get only a few thousand views, if that, and are not out to hurt anyone.

    But they show how to kill a deer, which was apparently bad, so YouTube de-monetized all of these guys’s videos (no reason was offered, of course), which made it less worthwhile for them to make good videos.

    This is actually really, really bad. It’s not just that we can’t have our politics. YouTube is or was useful for people showing other people how to do practical real things. Like hunting. They’re even getting rid of that stuff. Don’t try and tell me they’re not trying to turn us into sheep.

  21. Dmitry says:

    There seems to be no example of Facebook or Twitter posts in the extremist materials list:


    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  22. Dreadilk says:

    Let’s get real the new elite will not be stopped by anything they are doing. I have relatively high IQ and each repressive step they have taken was obvious to me and steps to circumvent it are not hard. Population at large has enough high IQ people to see this coming as well. They are buying them selves time that is all.

    Plus resource pooling and content for new elite does not need YouTube’s network effects. A lot of what you see on YouTube is low quality and useless.

    Look at unauthorized.tv it’s curates content for a specific ideological bend. All of these repressive steps are driving people and resources to islands of sanity.

    Now it does look like we may get to the point of new commies in the west and all the deleterious consequences that come from that. But China survived. Russia survived. The American nation and European nation’s will survive.

    I do appreciate your take AK. Black pills are good motivation for offline.

    •�LOL: Tusk
  23. Tucker Carlson and Glenn Greenwald discussed this tonight:

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @vinteuil
  24. peterAUS says:

    Just stop……..

    I’ll assume, for a second, that you aren’t trolling, so here it is, very simple: the “Five Eyes” monitor everything on the (open) Internet. Everything………

    Here is a personal piece of advice: do not send anything out of your LAN (business, home network, public library…whatever) paired with you name/pic. Not that, if “they” want to get you, will make any difference.

    I know that several characters just got that itch to start talking technology. Don’t.

    Yes…you can protect data leaving your LAN,true…and then you can really trigger “them” to start paying attention. I just don’t think you’d want that.

    Ah, yes, and if somebody still wants to get “technical”, fine. Let’s start with Intel assembly, at bit level, peripheral chip(s). And not even that is the lowest “layer” where “they” can hack into your systems. Analog/digital conversion thing, for example.

    There is more.
    If they want, they can put, into your, mine, LAN storage, enough of “something” which could lend you/me in prison.

    They don’t do it because it’s counterproductive. The sheep….I mean “normies” can get agitated.

    So, they do monitor. Some people can protect their data using a mix of technology and processes/procedures. Will just make the problem worse. They don’t really clamp because it’s, at this stage, much better to simply monitor.

    I know that my segment of the “Five” knows my name and place of residence. If they want they can pick me up….like …now. Squashing little me is nothing; agitating the “normies”, well, not at this stage.


    •�Replies: @Cagey Beast
    , @WHAT
    , @Dmitry
  25. @peterAUS

    Ah, yes, and if somebody still wants to get “technical”, fine. Let’s start with Intel assembly, at bit level, peripheral chip(s). And not even that is the lowest “layer” where “they” can hack into your systems. Analog/digital conversion thing, for example.

    Intel CPUs have their own complete, UNIX-based operating system baked right in.

    MINIX 3 is believed to be used in the Intel Management Engine (ME) found in Intel’s Platform Controller Hub starting with the introduction of ME 11 which is used with Skylake and Kaby Lake processors.

    Its use in the Intel ME makes it the most widely used OS on Intel processors starting as of 2015, with more installations than Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, or macOS.


    MINIX: ​Intel’s hidden in-chip operating system
    Buried deep inside your computer’s Intel chip is the MINIX operating system and a software stack, which includes networking and a web server. It’s slow, hard to get at, and insecure as insecure can be.

    •�Agree: atlantis_dweller
    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  26. peterAUS says:
    @Cagey Beast

    Something….. like that.

    Gets better. Zero-day exploit straight into your LAN, just for a couple of hours to take out, or put in, data of interest.

    As I said, I can harden my system(s) here so “they” can’t sniff onto what I am sending/receiving. Great…not.
    Because, if everybody else in my part of the city isn’t doing it…hehe…why “this fellow” is? “Let’s take a better look at what he’s hiding”.

    And that can, fast, bring the game up to the level I just don’t want to be at this stage.

    As for what’s leaving my router, well, it’s going into ISP router. Enough said.

    As for this site, for example. Do we know exactly where the hard drives housing all this data are? WHO has access to those drives? Physical access I mean. The rest doesn’t matter.

    “We” aren’t important. A bit of annoyance sometimes, but that’s it.
    We’ll know we are important when they shut us down completely.

    Until then….a bit of exchanging some harmless ideas (10 %) and having some fun (90%). Pub.

  27. Google and Facebook both need to go out of business. YouTube used to be good.

    Conservatives need to move to Twitch.

  28. Biff says:

    Second, YouTube operates on an annual loss of a billion dollars. It is something that Alphabet subsidizes for presumably political reasons.

    Who’s Alphabet?

  29. Meanwhile everyone mindlessly accepts the legal fiction that such a thing as hate speech actually exists.

    When you accept the enemy’s premises, then you will fight the wrong battles, and ultimately lose the war.

    •�Replies: @Robert Dolan
    , @Jake
  30. No other site can afford to be a YouTube. Videos take up a lot of storage space, and HDD’s don’t come free!

    Also bandwidth. Indeed, I think bandwidth is a greater cost than storage for anyone with decent traffic, which is why non-video sites like DailyStormer are costly to operate even without video: just serving low-storage text and images repeatedly to high volumes of visitors gets expensive.

    Speaking of which,

    true cyberpunk “samizdat” outfits lurking in the deep web and kept afloat with crypto donations (such as The Daily Stormer).

    According to the Anglin, they are not really being kept afloat by crypto donations, they are burning through existing capital. Consequently, he is offering new comment registrations for the next 24 hours or so in hopes of attracting new donors. (Up till today, DailyStormer commenters have been a closed pool for a couple of years.)

  31. @Monotonous Languor

    You’re right, there is no such thing as hate speech.

  32. @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    “Don’t try and tell me they’re not trying to turn us into sheep.”

    With the rise of women in the workforce and especially in secondary and university education, there has been a concomitant war on the manly virtues of valor and gallantry.

    Use to be, poets immortalized their civilization’s heroes by singing tales of their gallantry and sacrifice. Men fighting to the end when death was all but certain were commemorated and thus granted immortality–as much anyway as can be achieved by mere mortal men.

    Today, with the tearing down of statues and the feminine war on martial virtue, all that is lost. Bravery is no longer considered worthy. Instead, women teachers–and internet censors–promote a sedated, docile keypuncher as the ideal male.

    This goes against the grain of the Universe and won’t end well.

  33. @Biff

    It’s the parent company of Google and YouTube.

  34. Nehlen says:

    “The one happy thing about all this is that more and more restrictions and censorship means higher quality output.”

    “First, it weeds out the grifters – no point to grifting when you are blacklisted and deplatformed from everything.”

    “Second, it may also impose a certain discipline on content producers, forcing them to pick their words with care while making the same points they used to.”

    Surely you jest. Would have been nice for those folks bitching about their current predicament to have supported my proposed Shall Not Censor legislation

    AK: Removed link because website activates my anti-virus.

    •�Replies: @Anatoly Karlin
  35. WHAT says:

    They are talking about russian state. Anybody home?

  36. Agreeber says:

    “(6) There are increasing signs that Alt Leftists are going to be progressively shut down as well – some of those deplatformed today were outright anti-Alt Right.”

    Like who?

    AK: See the Greenwald Tweet here.

  37. Harvard Business Review is on the right track with this article: “Disruption Starts with Unhappy Customers, Not Technology“.

    “What these companies seem to have missed is that the most common and pervasive pattern of disruption is driven by customers. They are the ones behind the decisions to adopt or reject new technologies or new products.”

    YT has presented an opportunity. So kind of them.

  38. anon[337] •�Disclaimer says:

    “Trade war with China is driving this and most things. Everyone has to be on board now with the US. Wars do that.”

    There are now an enormous number of high-quality anti-Chinese YouTube channels clandestinely funded by the CIA through third parties. They promote all manner of anti-Chinese conspiracy theories and even blatantly lie, stoking animus among viewers. Some of this stuff I’ve seen is certainly a TOS violation. However, I doubt they will be booted any time soon.

    In fact, this action by YouTube looks state-sponsored to me. YouTube initially sided with Crowder, as they should have, but then backtracked in a way that looked like they were resisting under duress: “you violated our standards, but we aren’t going to tell you how, wink wink”. US tech companies used to do this under the Obama regime when his secret police would come by demanding customer personal data; they’d warn customers by a subtle change in their TOS wording (i.e. get out now while you can because we’re being raided).

    Under US deepstate pressure (the controlled media), RT has long been deranked on YouTube, now along with alternative opinion channels like Carl Benjamin – that after banning the guy they feel is responsible for helping Trump beat Hilary the most (Alex Jones); that despite the obvious hypocrisy since 2016: vids critical of Islam and Muslims are banned or demonetized despite YouTube permitting over a decade’s worth of horribly anti-Christian videos from radical Leftists; YouTube continues to allow radical Leftists to put words like “loser” in the titles of far Leftist vids aimed at Donald Trump (they are also allowed blur his face which is dehumanizing) but have banned videos mocking Michelle Obama as being secretly transgender; racism and promotion of violence is okay on YouTube if done by CNN (endorsed antifa), TYT (“oh, you white guys” on election night 2016 + “you wanna nother war!” threatening Texas with violence), and MTV (“Dear white people”); YouTube and other social media long allow promotion of racist “white privilege” language and feminism but have cracked down on anti-feminism; …

    I think this came from the US government. Do you think it’s a coincidence they’ve artificially promoted “authoritative” sources, many of which are used as propaganda against policies and politicians like Trump? Do you think it’s a coincidence they downranked RT and other opposition channels like PressTV? Do you think it’s a coincidence they are promoting late night “comedy” propaganda, nearly all of which has a political bent favored by the elite? This is all being on purpose to build a consensus for their views. The content being banned (racial differences) also makes me think this is a state-sponsored effort at bringing stability … and crushing government dissidents who notice the promoted narrative is logically invalid.

    Personally, I think US conservative red states would be well served by utilizing independent tech companies from China to build a state-sponsored internet alternative, including video services like YouTube. They already do so with public broadcasting, so I don’t see any reason not to expand this to other technologies.

    •�Replies: @Miro23
    , @BengaliCanadianDude
  39. anon[337] •�Disclaimer says:

    “No other site can afford to be a YouTube. Videos take up a lot of storage space, and HDD’s don’t come free.”

    What stops conservative Red States from banding together to publicly fund an alternative? Don’t they already do this for roads and other social services? State funding along with a few a few tweaks to storage polices (a user data limit or a posted time limit for really old, unpopular vids), could reduce costs without sacrificing functionality or quality. Not to be rude, but why do conservatives lack imagination?

  40. vinteuil says:

    YouTube will become a repository for cat and unpacking videos.

    And Ponies! Don’t forget Ponies:

    Video Link

    Ponies are absolutely monetizable!

  41. vinteuil says:
    @Cagey Beast

    Carlson makes the crucial point: if YouTube is going to act as a censor, rather than a neutral platform for free speech, then why is it receiving protection under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act?

    •�Agree: Cagey Beast
  42. Anonymous[165] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Anatoly Karlin

    ‘Since it now seems there is no way to be famous, edgy, and uncensored on YouTube’

    Have you tried makeup tutorials?

    You can have a career explaining how to insert tampons to 13 year old girls and when you are called out on it just ask people if they are transphobic.

    Also you might try reviewing vintage toys:

    Video Link

    Good luck cameraden

  43. @jimmyriddle

    YT don’t bother a channel like Brother Nathaniel (whose entire output consists of “What can I blame the Jews for, today?”). Instead, they go after centre-right anti-globalists like Sargon and Crowder.

    They’ll very seldom deplatform clowns. Clowns serve a valuable purpose in de-legitimating the opposition. Look how ridiculous our critics are!

    Meanwhile, I don’t watch videos so what happens (or doesn’t) on YouTube doesn’t matter much to me.

    And a very wise man once said: whatever the censors would cut out, should be cut out. Because if it’s obvious enough to the censors, it’s probably stupid as well. This is, I believe, what Mr Karlin is driving at when he says:

    it may also impose a certain discipline on content producers, forcing them to pick their words with care… most of the greatest “subversive” literature was produced in moderately repressive ancien regimes, not democratic republics with strong freedoms of speech.

  44. Miro23 says:

    Second, it may also impose a certain discipline on content producers, forcing them to pick their words with care while making the same points they used to. Note that most of the greatest “subversive” literature was produced in moderately repressive ancien regimes, not democratic republics with strong freedoms of speech. When everything has been banned, the novels of Houellebecq, for instance, may have that much more weight and resonance.

    Assuming they don’t go full Leninist and turn everything into a wasteland, anyway.

    I would bet on full Leninism because 1) they control the MSM 2) they know about Ancien Regimes vs.Bolshevism – they were the principal actors 3) the present comatose state of the US population 4) the need to ban firearms and quickly disarm the public.

  45. Miro23 says:

    The only solution that I think is lasting is nationalization.

    Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Amazon.

    Uncucked red states should consider a “sovereign Internet”.

    Agreed that states are large places with large populations – almost mini countries. They could each set up their own state broadcaster and internet provider/services/software separate from the MSM, to deal with local and international issues from a local benefit POV (i.e. no ME wars).

  46. this site will be gone within 1 or 2 years of trump leaving office.

    so enjoy bashing trump while you can, for not being the perfect president. yep, it sucks he’s failed on some issues. been good on other issues. best course of action as always is to continue to press him to deliver. he’s the only option, so keep holding his feet to the fire. worst course of action by far is bitterly posting about how MAGA was a mistake and hoping for him to be gone. it just makes you sound like a 12 year old complaining because he didn’t get everything he wanted for christmas. wah wah, my expectations were unrealistic, he was supposed to turn around 70 years of jewish country destruction in 2 years.

    things will go straight downhill under the next democrat president. that will have a silver lining. at least i won’t have to hear fringe rightists continuously bash one of the few republican presidents to actually try, even if he didn’t deliver on all fronts. instead, there will be a relaxing silence, as all the rightists bashing trump get exactly what they’ve been hoping for, good and hard.

  47. @Tired of Not Winning

    Conservatives need to move to Twitch.

    Getting banned from Twitch is probably easier than getting banned from Youtube:

    Dropping Your Pet Catfish
    Yeah, this is a weird one. Alecludford is an IRL streamer who mainly shares travel/outdoors content such as fishing and cooking streams. Last year, he received a 30-day ban after his pet catfish wriggled out of his hands and fell on the floor.


  48. @Nehlen

    I agree, and indeed, I endorsed you on that account for a brief period.

    Assuming you are who you say you are, it would have been even nicer if you hadn’t gone crazy and doxed your own people.

    •�Replies: @Nehlen
  49. @prime noticer

    Bush was a Republican and he trashed the US. No matter how you cut it, Bill Clinton’s economy and quality of life was better in the nineties than when Bush was elected in the year 2000.

    So it is not just Democrats that trash the country.

    •�LOL: ChuckOrloski
    •�Replies: @The Alarmist
    , @Justvisiting
  50. @Biff

    Who’s Alphabet?

    For your own safety please restrict your internet use to watching cat videos

    •�LOL: Twodees Partain
  51. Youtube vs MSM

    Mainstream media has a huge demographic reach. You Tube is interactive.

    Production values are lower for You Tube. Someone like Oprah can spend millions per show and advertising. Your average You Tube platform cannot compete with that. With millions of viewers.

    How many views does the average You Tube channel poster get? Maybe 100,000 hits. Opran has millions of viewers.

    Additionally, You Tube posting does not post jack. Oprah and Cooper earn millions per episode.

  52. @prime noticer

    Agreed (site won’t let me hit the “agree” button)

  53. @Tired of Not Winning

    “Conservatives need to move to Twitch.”

    an alternative that i hadn’t considered, but they already ban people at the drop of a hat with no warning under questionable TOS violations for non-political content, so i doubt they’d have any qualms about banning conservative streamers if somebody told them to do so.

    and amazon owns twitch. so eventually. they would be told to do so.

    bezos is less interested and less engaged with the left and their crusade. but amazon still bans books here and there. it wouldn’t be an issue to ban a popular conservative streamer. people are there to watch videos games. nobody would come to defend conservative politics guy.

    also, i’m under the impression that the game-o-sphere has a really vocal and aggressive leftist minority. they alone would probably raise enough complaints to get a conservative deep sixed.

    also, there’s less opportunity to BE political on twitch. you’d be able to be about as rightist as pewdiepie, or a little less. and that’s best case scenario. you will have 1% of his audience as well.

    •�Replies: @Tired of Not Winning
  54. Clyde says:

    How about an audio only operation like Sound Cloud? Much cheaper to pump out audio only.

  55. dfordoom says: •�Website

    Not to be rude, but why do conservatives lack imagination?

    It’s not that that they have no imagination. It’s partly that they have no guts. But it’s mostly the fact that they have no principles. They don’t do the things you’d like them to do because they’re not on your side. They’re on the side of their donors. They do what what their donors want them to do. They support the whole globohomo SJW agenda.

    What stops conservative Red States from banding together to publicly fund an alternative?

    The fact that conservatives do not want you to have an alternative. They are not on your side.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
  56. @anon

    The normies are on Youtube to listen to music and watch cat and dog videos.

    Don’t forget tutorials.

    “How to end-run social media censorship” could be a good one– if it gets through.

  57. @anon

    Not to be rude, but why do conservatives lack imagination?

    All the imagination on the right belongs to reactionaries. It’s been that way since Aristophanes.

  58. @dfordoom


    Republicans got George Bush elected and essentially destroyed the living standard of the US with endless wars which cost trillions.

    •�Agree: iffen
  59. Anonymous[381] •�Disclaimer says:

    (9) The one happy thing about all this is that more and more restrictions and censorship means higher quality output.

    Uh, you’re either drunk or stupid. Possibly both.

    •�Replies: @onebornfree
  60. YouTube will become a repository for cat and unpacking videos.

    And soft-core porn … in this case, it is both a Kat video and an unpacking video:

    Video Link

    •�Replies: @Kent Nationalist
  61. @jeff stryker

    “… Bill Clinton’s economy and quality of life was better in the nineties than when Bush was elected in the year 2000.”

    You might want to re-phrase that, because it implies Clinton inherited a country with a better economy and standard of life from Bush 1 and handed a country worse off to Bush 2.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
  62. @The Alarmist

    Hillary Clinton would have turned the US into one giant backward socialist ghetto possibly at war with both Ukraine and Syria.

    However, Bill Clinton inherited an early nineties recession and managed to pull the US out of it fairly quickly.

    He also managed to reduce high crime rates. End a crack epidemic.

    Bill Clinton left office with a surplus budget not a deficit.

  63. BTW, plenty of YouTubers have direct deals with sponsors like SquareSpace, etc. As long as YT is hosting the videos, e.g. Crowder’ videos are still there, he can read a sponsor’s ad as part of his content… assuming he can get a sponsor.

    Alt-Lite likes to live on OPM without actually having to work for it.

  64. @jeff stryker

    So, you believe everything you see and read in the MSM. I agree things were OK under WJC and only got worse under Bush 2, but the “facts” you cite have all been picked apart and somewhat debunked as being due to the salutary effect of a Bill Clinton Presidency.

    •�Agree: utu
  65. user_s says:

    Unz should host Heartiste.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Zeroh Tollrants
  66. neutral says:

    Are there still people here that seriously believe that jews are not in charge of internet censorship, if so what makes you think it’s not them?

    •�Replies: @Cagey Beast
  67. El Dato says:
    @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    Blue-haired ladies in the censorship room don’t like dat bambie killed!

    Go to the supermarket to buy meat like everyone else.

  68. ADL: “This is an important step forward, but must be followed by many more.”

    And when you think about it, cutting off their incomes isn’t enough. We should be literally starving these threats to Jewish power racists, sexists, Islamophobes, homophobes and assorted other haters. Cut off their food supplies! Ban them from buying so much as a baked bean. Let’s see them hate on Hymie on vulnerable communities of color when their calorie intake becomes zero. Famines for a fairer world, folks!


    •�Replies: @LondonBob
    , @jeff stryker
  69. neutral says:

    What stops conservative Red States from banding together to publicly fund an alternative?

    In the USA and all its puppet regimes (Germany, France, UK, etc) this is impossible. This is neither a technical or business problem, the politics of the land dictate what one is allowed to do, and in the US one is not free to do these things.

    Sure you can talk about “censorship is only when the government does it” nonsense, but in the US the government is simply a rubber stamping authority. What is dictated by the (((ADL))), (((Hollywood))), and the (((mass media))) is what ultimately matters, they will shut you down either by removing your advertisers, or deplatform you, remove your bank account, or even just remove your internet access at the lowest infrastructure levels.

    The solution can only be political, and at this point this means bullets in a lot heads, everything else will not work any more. As somebody already mentioned “conservatives” (really just cuckservatives) are cowards, so don’t expect too much from them.

  70. El Dato says:

    “Supiciously Bland Moniker” Company.

    They are also currently pulling in 85�10⁶ USD of profit per day.

    Always remember THAT TGIF meeting

    And what does YouTube do to have a loss of a billion dollar per year? Do they secretly manage bases under extinct volancoes? Apparently in 2012:

    If that advertising revenue is correct YouTube would be set to earn a net revenue of $2.4 billion in 2012 after paying out $1.2 billion in revenue to its various partners who create and post the videos relied on by YouTube’s platform.

    After paying, say, USD 500 million for the infrastructure, that would still leave USD 1.9�10⁹ of pure moolah.

  71. LondonBob says:
    @Viral Architect

    The ADL has been whining about the Internet for a while. They are finally making some progress, but it won’t work and the genie is already out of the bottle.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
  72. Miro23 says:

    Personally, I think US conservative red states would be well served by utilizing independent tech companies from China to build a state-sponsored internet alternative, including video services like YouTube. They already do so with public broadcasting, so I don’t see any reason not to expand this to other technologies.

    Agree with this. The problem is the centralized power of YouTube, Google etc. The defence is state funding (and political backing) for local alternatives or the break up of YouTube, Google etc. ( for example, a Texas Google under Texas political supervision).

    If the SJW’s want their safe spaces protected they can use Washington Google and Washington YouTube.

  73. @LondonBob


    Cases like Gary Glitter or other famous musicians being busted downloading child porn led to a resurgence in back-alley magazines and hard copy, which cannot be traced through a server.

    Possibly, it will work the same way with anything else. People will simply use other media besides the internet, which are much harder to censor or track.

    Drug dealers don’t use the internet, for example. You’ll never see a website for your local crack dealer.

  74. anon[211] •�Disclaimer says:

    “they will shut you down either by removing your advertisers, or deplatform you, remove your bank account”

    A couple of red state legislatures couldn’t nationalize local internet infrastructure or, alternatively, work with the Chinese to build alternative infrastructure and platforms? Don’t they already fund public broadcasting, so what’s the difference? Red state legislatures couldn’t copy Chinese payment apps and cut out banks and payment processors so they couldn’t remove customer bank accounts? Red states can’t make their own cryptocurrencies? Red states couldn’t tweak the business model of a YouTube competitor to make it viable while also incentivizing creators so they don’t have to rely on advertisers (make income donated to them by viewers tax-free)? There seems to be quite a bit that could be done if one has both the imagination and the will to do so. I guess the question is, why don’t conservatives do these things? Is it that they are being prevented from doing so or have IQs really fallen that much since the early 20th century?

  75. Anonymous[318] •�Disclaimer says:

    Yes! That’s a great idea.

  76. @Viral Architect


    Except that the deplorable white proles (Previously known as “peasants”) have the power to cut off the food supply because they grow the food. Of course in America most of these people themselves rely on Wal-Mart, fuel and Opoid rehab centers. Still, if the farmers and truckers simply ceased transporting goods (As Reed has mentioned) to Manhattan (THEY) would be cannibals in three days.

    The same is true in UK. Food is not grown in Mayor Khan’s backyard. If UK farmers cut the food supply to London for a single fortnight, that is all she wrote.

    Tacitly, this is why black rioting in the US no longer matters. People don’t care if there is rioting in Baltimore or Ferguson and blacks burn down their crack houses. After a few days of this, they will simply be hungry, having burned down the local curry take out and having no agriculture, so they simply stop rioting.

    On the other hand since (THEY) are backed by the Pentagon, it is possible that the military might resort to martial law and simply seize farmer’s produce. This would probably happen because officers on the East Coast beltway would also feel the effect of having middle-american deplorables cut off the food supply.

    •�Replies: @Hyperborean
    , @Jaakko Raipala
  77. iffen says:

    ”we” could take a look at how people working against Communist regimes, especially Soviet Union/Warsaw Pact managed collaborating, exchanging ideas and similar stuff.

    Sounds like a plan but.

    The big difference that I can see is that the “freedom fighters” against communism could count upon the allegiance of a large % of the population and the acquiescence of an even larger %. I don’t see that happening for the benefit of the “freedom fighters” conglomerated here.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
  78. @anon


    Red States rely on Federal bailouts. They are not autonomous. After all, it is their young people that volunteer-mostly out of the same economic desperation that motivates a lumpen Italian-American in North Jersey to join a “crew” and become a “soldier” for a “family”-to fight for the Pentagon in wars for (THEM).

    It is hard to get any grassroots movements going in Red States. None of these people seemingly earn as much as Blue State Democrats in academe, the media, law, journalism and so on. Red State whites will often rattle on about individualism, rugged self-reliance, freedom but then they need Fed baliotus more often than your average Blue State Democrat.

    You Tube cannot compete with the (MSM) because Red State whites never have any freaking money. Their own life choices guarantee this. They marry young because they believe sex should occur within the sanctity of marriage as oppose to with some DJ in a New York club who has offered them cocaine like the average 20 year old Blue State Democrat. They are more R-strategy (Seemingly) so have kids in their early twenties and have larger families than Blue State Democrats. Their parents tend to be poor so they have less education and less money. The exception are hicks in the oil industry. But these people have a good gig going and don’t want to mouth off.

    There is preconception among the poor and lower class that wealthy and upper class care what they think. They don’t. They are not interested at all, unless like Donald Trump they have enough money to get into the poker game.

    •�Troll: Fuerchtegott
  79. Whitewolf says:
    @E. Harding

    But can’t websites just host their own videos?

    That’s how things used to be done. Hosting rates now are a lot more affordable too. Most podcasts are still hosted by their creators.

    People have just got lazy with youtube and enticed by it’s huge viewer counts. Much of that viewer count is really inaccessible anyway since youtube can promote any video it wants. The sheer number of videos out there means it’s real easy to get lost in the crowd.

    •�Replies: @SimpleSong
  80. anon[855] •�Disclaimer says:

    “it would have been even nicer if you hadn’t gone crazy and doxed your own people.”

    Yep. The alt-right was self-sabotaged by people who lack any discernible tact, professionalism, or ability to strategize. Any future resistance movement needs to be broad-based to prevent any one person from screwing it up for the rest.

    “Conservatives aren’t on your side.”

    Yep. Guys like David French and his NRO are paid by tech companies (government proxies) to tell their constituents that they are entitled* to think they should be allowed access to a de facto monopoly that sets political discourse and determines election results. My, how “entitled” those people are. The purpose is obviously to prevent the masses from doing anything that allows them an actual voice in shaping policy, and sell out losers like French are part of it.

    *This is the same word used by extreme left-wing outlets to describe game customers who don’t want Leftist propaganda in their games, so the guy has revealed what circles he really runs in.

  81. Corvinus says:

    Telling for a friend…

    Build your own platforms, then you won’t have these issues. Free speech was reserved to citizens fighting against government intrusion, not private entities. Internet companies can do what they want with their property, right? Isn’t that a sacred pillar of capitalism?

  82. iffen says:
    @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    Don’t try and tell me they’re not trying to turn us into sheep.

    They don’t have to; we are natural born sheep. The Borg is the border collie that prevents anyone from breaking away and causing a herd breakup.

  83. Pericles says:
    @Anatoly Karlin

    The first problem with video is hosting costs, I would say. Disk and bandwidth costs. Media players no longer a problem. Storing the video in the cloud can be problematic since the cloud is owned by Amazon, Google and Microsoft. BitChute using torrents is the way I would go too. The second problem is discovery/search. The third problem is monetization, which might get difficult since the financial system seems increasingly poz. Also, getting a good mobile experience can be hard if you can’t get into the app stores.

    Someone suggested uploading to porn sites instead, which is a funny idea and might work for a while. But even if it does, I think that business is mostly run by the Porn-Jew, so it ultimately has the same problems.

    On the bright side, you won’t have to compete with YouTube-size investments out of the gate. It will still require some money to run, though. Good luck attracting and monetizing those eyeballs.

  84. neutral says:

    I don’t know how much clearer I have to make it, the US government has a much power as the North Korea peoples assembly, they are nothing more than a rubber stamping authority. This Red/Blue state thing is nonsense, it is as real as pro wrestling feuds are real. To ask a “Red state” to do something is as valid as expecting some member of the Korean peoples assembly to speak out against Kim Jong Un.

    •�Agree: Robjil, Kratoklastes
  85. @iffen


    Do you think most African-Americans or Mexicans would support Red State whites who want to reduce Federal taxes, cancel out Section 8, remove EBT and cut government spending on programs that give blacks or other minorities Affirmative Action jobs?

    Do you really think Jews, blacks, Mexicans and Asians have the same homesteading mentality as heritage Americans who live in a Red State? Is this is even a question a four year old would not have the answer to?

    Why do you think Jews, blacks, Mexicans and Asians live on the coast? Diversified economy. Money. Glorified poker games on Wall Street or IT stuff. None of these people are involved in primary economies like Red States are.

    The idea these “masses” would support freedom fighters running around the Ozarks or Montana is absurd.

    A good number of blacks would join the military if it declared martial law on these “freedom fighters” merely so they could storm the houses of farmers in Red States and rape their daughters. You think some politician like Octavio who is Latino is going to hesitate in ordering her National Guard troops to declare martial law. State governors in New Mexico might withdraw their troops from the border but they will happily massacre a Red State white rural “resistance”. Black and Hispanic NCO’s would tell their infantry “You may rape, but discreetly” and then you would see war crimes visited on white rural women unseen since Russians invaded Germany in World War II.

    The entire Red State idiom runs against what urban Blue States believe in-Mexicans, Italian-Americans on the East Coast, Hindus, Jews, blacks, Muslims are all tribal/extended clan mentalities who cannot relate to Clint Eastwood and John Wayne attitudes about “freedom” and “individualism” and “self-reliance”. If you have not noticed, Democrats want gun control.

    So there is no support for resistance fighters. Blacks and Mestizos and Jews and Asians who like big government are not going get behind that.

  86. iffen says:

    but why do conservatives lack imagination?

    Because the basic impulse is to keep everything the way it is right now. No need to think about a “better” way.

    •�Replies: @Matra
  87. lavoisier says: •�Website

    I am assuming that Trump is continuing to monitor censorship… all the way to losing in 2020 and going to prison soon afterwards.

    Exactly. Just like he continues to monitor the border and monitor the wars in the Middle East.

    The only good thing that will happen with his monitoring is that he will lose in 2020 and pay a personal price for his treachery.

    Where is Kris Kobach?

  88. @Corvinus

    It’s a natural monopoly, and monopolies are normally not free to abuse their monopoly powers. And of course monopolies abusing their power is not a “sacred pillar of capitalism.”

    •�Agree: Miro23
    •�Replies: @Corvinus
  89. iffen says:
    @jeff stryker

    So there is no support for resistance fighters.

    This was my point. It is what I wrote.

  90. neir says:

    Just make your video into parody and it wont get banned

  91. @The Alarmist

    What’s the point of this? Presumably the target audience for ‘try-on’ and ‘haul’ (for clothes) videos is girls. But are girls attracted by images of scantily clad women and cleavage?

    •�Replies: @The Alarmist
  92. @neutral

    It’s not just the Jews who are pushing for internet censorship. Pretty much everyone at the top of the social pyramid want to go back to the days of mass media gate-keeping.

    •�Replies: @onebornfree
  93. @jimmyriddle

    jimmyriddle—YouTube does bother Brother Nathanael. From his recent video, Soldier Boy:

    YouTube has censored probably most of my videos. Last week over a 20 minute period, I got 154 notices that YouTube believes in the ‘principles of free speech’. Doesn’t say the First Amendment, but ‘principles of free speech’. And then the big ‘Howwweeeever’. Do you realize they censored my religious video, Messiah Came to Conquer Death, because it’s offensive? Well, who is it offensive to, huh? A little tiny minority that thinks they rule it all.

    •�Replies: @jimmyriddle
  94. Robjil says:

    Operation Overlord 2019 – 6 month 6 day 6 hour – 666 day.

    Operation Overlord 1944 – 6 month 6 day 6 hour.

    The 2019 666 Operation Overland was an attack on the little people/citizens of the world.

    Somethings never change.

    Our Overlords want the power to rule us with impunity.

    No back talk is allowed.

  95. @Anatoly Karlin

    What about Vimeo? I sometimes hear that mooted as an alternative to YouTube.

  96. Jake says:

    Have any of the high IQ idiotic Libertarians awakened to the fact that Big Business is not only not the answer but that it is necessary for the State to maximize tyranny?

    •�Replies: @iffen
  97. Yes, it could be a prelude to war with Christian Russia and Shia Muslim Iran.

    Once homo marriage was legalized….it was onto homo pederasts in the Boy Scouts….gender-free maternity clinics….Satanic Looking Tranny Freaks reading books to 4 year olds in Public Libraries….

    Comet Pizza Global Homo is on rampage!!!…There is no going back for them….or should I say “IT”(Democrat Steven King is known pedophile…)

    How will the BIG WAR with Christian Russian and Shia Muslim Iran start?….Probably by accident….it will just happen…..One side will just bump into the other….at this point in time, that’s all it will take…….

    How do you say in Russia:”America is in a deep state of moral and spiritual rot………rot….rot…rot……and more rot….”…………..Blame JFK and the Beattles…..The Stones….The Who……Monty Python………..Beyoncé but…..tocks……

    •�Replies: @War for Blair Mountain
  98. onebornfree says: •�Website

    AK: (9) The one happy thing about all this is that more and more restrictions and censorship means higher quality output.

    Anonymous[381] • Disclaimer says: Uh, you’re either drunk or stupid. Possibly both.

    You got that right .

    Coupled with AK’s :”Note that most of the greatest “subversive” literature was produced in moderately repressive ancien regimes,” and “First, it weeds out the grifters – no point to grifting when you are blacklisted and deplatformed from everything.”

    State censorship [Google/YouTube = CIA/NSA etc.] is good because it produces better subversive literature and weeds out those he subjectively views as “grifters” ?

    Definitely both drunk and stupid, as far as I can see 🙂

    This just in: The US was not supposed to be even a “moderately repressive ancien regime”. It was founded as being the exact opposite.

    [And yes, I’m fully aware that it is now no different from a “moderately repressive ancien regime”, or even worse.]

    Regards onebornfree

    •�Replies: @WHAT
    , @DJS
  99. Jake says:
    @jeff stryker

    I think everything you write is the truth and that the smart Liberals know that and are doing all they can to bring this slaughter to fruition.

    Now, we are all about to be revealed as just like Palestinians. Now, they are revealed to be Cromwell, and we are the Irish Catholics that Cromwell intends to send to Hell or Connaught.

    And our mainstream ‘conservative’ leaders are just like Ulstermen, who always have been more than willing, who always itch, to do all the dirty work of the Elites, and then allow themselves to be shit on by those Elites, time after time after every time.

    This quote I found thought provoking: “Black and Hispanic NCO’s would tell their infantry “You may rape, but discreetly” and then you would see war crimes visited on white rural women unseen since Russians invaded Germany in World War II.”

    It made me wonder about the fact that on average, Germans from East Germany have better common sense about such matters than do Germans from West Germany. We should know that American and Brit troops, usually with payment, had their way millions of times with German women and would have fathered thousands of children. We also should know that Jews rampaged across the parts of Germany controlled by the US, UK, and France, raping multitudes and bribing even more into prostitution. Those Jews also would have produced large numbers of bastards on West German women.

    Is there any possible meaning that could be discerned from these events and what we see today?

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
  100. The Ergodic Hypothesis:What goes around…comes around…infinitely often…

    Well now, that’s a scary thought….isn’t it?…….Comet Pizza Global Homo….infinitely often….this would mean that the Universe is innately evil……Perhaps the Universe needs to be destroyed…….Has Frank Tipler ever considered this possibility?

    •�Replies: @War for Blair Mountain
  101. @anon

    To some extent, it goes back to a general issue of the Right as well, red states governments are not going to be generally well organized or technologically all that enabled. The mention of China is actually particularly amusing since that’s of course the kind of thing that would never happen not only due to the norms of red states but also because it’ll get them called traitors; yet at the same time, it was something that California actually did try to do, to run a “separate foreign polity” alone with China on some things.


    Of course, the other usual issues of Right-aligned organizations: low trust, typically not the highest levels of technical ability, etc.

  102. anon[210] •�Disclaimer says:

    We first need a nation (a natal, birth-related group) before we can nationalize anything. The US is not a nation anymore, but a mulikulti empire expressly set against nationalism.

    •�Replies: @Jake
  103. onebornfree says: •�Website

    This just in:

    Google/YouTube = CIA/NSA [and probably other at present unknown criminal arms of the criminal US gov., as well as foreign governments, eg China and the EU.]

    This also just in:

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_amendment

    Wake up, Mr Karlin!

    No regards, onebornfree

    •�Replies: @Anonymoose
  104. iffen says:

    Have any of the high IQ idiotic Libertarians awakened

    The high end has, but the low end is still libertarian.

  105. @prime noticer

    Yep, it sucks he’s failed on some issues. been good on other issues. best course of action as always is to continue to press him to deliver.

    Trump failed on the only issue for which he was elected: immigration. Press him? He serves The Nose now, and is a beacon of false hope. Fk him. Thanks to the demographic terrorism he refused to stop he’s the last retardican RINO to ever fart in the Oval Office chair.

    Let the rains fall. We were never going to vote our way out of this.

    •�Replies: @neutral
    , @onebornfree
  106. neutral says:

    Isn’t that a sacred pillar of capitalism?

    I think that you are still thinking using the establishment narrative that “conservatives” are supposed to be capitalists and liberals are more concerned about the worker. This was always a fake narrative, but now hardly anybody pretends to even follow this fakeness. The left are all about being anti white, they care nothing about workers, they very openly support woke corporations that crush white people speaking out.

    The only ones that still support capitalism are fake conservatives, that despite all the evidence, still support corporations, the same corporations that are destroying conservatives.

    •�Agree: DreadIlk
    •�Replies: @Corvinus
  107. Jake says:
    @Monotonous Languor


    If, for example, you use Marxist language and argue as and how and about which Marxists want, then Marxism wins.

    We have been browbeaten and bribed and miseducated into Cultural Marxist language.

  108. @War for Blair Mountain

    Just as scary……the ugly Sheboon face of Condeleeza Rice yapping about the negro MLK…followed by thermonuclear threats against Christian Russia….to the “music” of Beyoncé farting in the general direction of Christian Russia during the SUPERBOWL HALFTIME SHOW….followed HINDU-JAMAICA POTUS KAMALA HARRIS…launching the nukes in the general direction of Christian Russia…………..

    America has become a nasty smelly NEGRO FART JOKE…………….INFINITELY OFTEN….converging to the NEGRO FART JOKE AMERICA…..

  109. onebornfree says: •�Website
    @Cagey Beast

    Cagey Beast says: “It’s not just the Jews who are pushing for internet censorship. Pretty much everyone at the top of the social pyramid want to go back to the days of mass media gate-keeping.”

    Including the dim-witted author of this article [although I assume he’s not even “at the top of the social pyramid”].

    Regards, onebornfree

  110. neutral says:
    @Sick of Orcs

    He serves The Nose now

    He was always loyal to the jew. I am still perplexed by people like Andrew Anglin that for some time thought that Trump was pro white. He let his own daughter marry a jew and let Kushner run the White House.

    •�Replies: @Sick of Orcs
    , @Cassowary
  111. Jake says:

    That was true of the Brit WASP Empire no later than the 18th century. The nationalism of what people like Chesterton called ‘Little England’ was despised too, just not as much as Irish or Scottish nationalism. The Brit WASP Empire also murdered almost all of what made ‘Little England’ worthwhile.

    •�Replies: @Kent Nationalist
  112. WHAT says:

    Nonargument, lol. Proper art is always created within boundaries, without boundaries all you get is piss christ and vagene monologues.

    Same with political copy.

    •�Replies: @onebornfree
  113. onebornfree says: •�Website
    @Sick of Orcs

    Sick of Orcs says:“Let the rains fall. We were never going to vote our way out of this.”

    I’m pleased to say that I’m one of the very few who knew this before Trump got elected:

    “The Donald Trump “Make America Great Again” Scam…..or, “Why Donald Trump Won’t Work”:

    “You,Trump,Sanders Etc., Vs “Dictator Syndrome” :

    Regards, onebornfree

    •�Replies: @Sick of Orcs
  114. onebornfree says: •�Website

    WHAT says: “Nonargument, lol. Proper art is always created within boundaries, without boundaries all you get is piss christ and vagene monologues. Same with political copy.”

    This just in:

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1st_amendment

    No regards, onebornfree

    •�Replies: @neutral
  115. @Kent Nationalist

    She also has in addition to her various social media outlets a long list of patrons, the vast majority of whom seem to be men. The girls watch for the clothing ideas, the boys for the candy.

    Point being for the Alt-light that they need to develop multiple streams of income not entirely dependent on the benevolence of one corporate plantation master.

    •�Replies: @Kent Nationalist
  116. neutral says:

    Except when they pass laws making sure blacks are not discriminated against by any religion, same applies to homosexuals, or when they arrest journalists like Assange, or when they pass laws banning BDS, or when…. The list is endless.

    •�Agree: onebornfree
  117. @Jake

    Look at the Amazon Indians in the Brazilian rain forests. When Hispanic governments/businesses want to log or mine, they simply order the military to shoot the Amazonian Indians.

    When America becomes Brazil pt 2, same thing for rural white resistors.

    The reality is that Red States have no power. As far as Jews on Wall Street, Hispanics in their barrios and machete-worshiping drug cartels, blacks in the hood and felch-breath gays are concerned Red State whites are only good for handing over things like toilet paper from forestry or breakfast cereal.

    None of them give a fat rat’s ass how Red State rural whites feel.

    •�Replies: @frankie p
  118. Here is Carlos Maza, the social media superstar whose complaints allegedly kicked off this latest YouTube purge. Listen to him unironically explain the media’s rightful role as gatekeeper:

  119. onebornfree says: •�Website

    Corvinus says:“Internet companies can do what they want with their property, right? Isn’t that a sacred pillar of capitalism?”

    Why yes, except for the inconvenient fact that Google/Youtube is not a private company that can [therefor] censor any content it does not like.

    If you dig a little, you’ll discover that Google is a CIA funded creation. Always has been, always will be. Same goes for Amazon [ probably Facebook Twitter, and others too].

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”

    Regards, onebornfree

    •�Replies: @DJS
    , @Corvinus
  120. @Jake

    There was no such faction in 18th century British politics; the Tories did not want involvement with Continental affairs but they supported, even more than the Whigs, colonial expansion.

    •�Replies: @Jake
  121. nickels says:

    It makes things easier, really. Now, to find out the truth, just tune in to youtube and invert everything you hear.
    It is a blessing in disguise. Talking was becoming a crutch. The will move dissidence into the sphere of connections in the real world.
    They just destroyed their best sedative.
    I started dowloading gigs of videos last year. If anyone needs to find videos on why the aliens who did 9/11 planned the whole thing in Antarctica after subverting all the penguins and recruiting to jews to push the whole agenda through the third reich-just hit me up.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  122. @jeff stryker

    Even if the farmers could manage this, the government would simply import food from abroad until they crushed the rebellion.

  123. @The Alarmist

    Why would you (pay to) watch this woman natter on when you can find millions of images of genuinely beautiful women?

  124. onebornfree says: •�Website

    A good summary of the power play behind the newest round of YT censorship:

    Regards, onebornfree

  125. Agent76 says:

    May 24, 2019 Facebook Censorship BACKFIRED, Major Brands FLEE Platform

    Facebook Censorship BACKFIRED, Major Brands FLEE Platform. As Predicted Facebook Censorship Is DESTROYING The Company.

    April 3, 2019 Big Government and Big Tech versus the Internet and everyone

    Governments around the world began trying to bring the Internet under control as soon as they realized the danger to their power represented by unfettered public access to, and exchange of, information.


  126. E says:

    Bitchute and DTube are decentralized in terms of how they HOST the videos, but both have the power to remove videos from their main site. The only difference from Youtube is that they don’t need the expensive server farms.

    PeerTube is the only one that’s decentralized AND federated, making it harder to censor, especially if you get Ron Unz for example to run an instance of it (ideally you’d need the capability to easily move your channel with all its videos from one instance of Peertube to another – I’m not sure if this is yet implemented).
    Subtitles also seem to work well on it.

    are good for adding subtitles to any random videos uploaded on other sites.

    There was also MediaGoblin, a part of the GNU project, but I’m not sure how active that is these days.

  127. DJS says:

    @AK: I think six of the above comments explained again and again that there is no network effect on YT. None of the fash videos are ever shown on the “related” sidebar, and YT does not host a individual-to-individual recommendation system of any sort.

    You need to make good videos, and stop worrying about technicalities. I remember trying to get my social network onto Telegram, and getting all sorts of lame excuses about Whatsapp’s superiority. In the event, I realized that people who refused to install a second messaging app on their phone were not talkative, at least to me, on Whatsapp. It wasn’t the platform, it was the content that didn’t attract.

    Conversely, I visit Liveleaks a fee times a month, despite the horrible player. They have good stuff. I like videos with Gypsies caught stealing and receiving extrajudicial corrections.

    Second, if Ramzpaul has 3 videos a week, each with 5K views, each consuming 50 MB, that’s 750 GB a week. Most of these numbers would be lower for these people, or for you. In fact, you can bet on a viewership an order of magnitude smaller. If you feel insulted by the 500 views I predicted for you, buy 50 dollars’s worth of ads every month, until they ban you. If anything, my professional website has unlimited traffic, and costs some 10 dollars a month.

    Just make your stuff, and, yes, spend money on it, if you are committed to it. Don’t worry about the money (see below) or the platform. You are not a professional specialist in social media, so how would worrying change anything? I can worry as much as I want about brain surgery, but chances are I’ll never get a brain operation right.

    Because, finally, there is something fundamentally wrong with the way everybody approaches monetization. Dick Morris or Sloppy Steve got pennies from the TV stations. They made their money from his political masters. There is no market for opinions, in the way you imagine. There is a market for bootlickers, and another market for advertisement-inflated entertainers. You would be neither. Most of the people who complain about demonetization are neither, and probably make money by waiting tables, when they don’t post smart-ass vlogs.

    Long story short, make good videos, if your heart is in it, and stop worrying about platforms or profit.

    OTOH, you may want to think hard if it makes any sense to speak to 500 people. To use the above example, Ramzpaul doesn’t seem fazed, since many videos uploaded by PBS, TYT, RT are at the same level. But do you?

    @iffen: There is no difference about a “freedom fighter” opposing Communism during the Soviet-era and an islamist demanding Sharia for New Hampshire. The majority of the sane people go with the flow, in particular when the “dissident” narrative is pushed by enemy governments (Radio Free Europe in the eighties; Press TV and Saudi-sponsored madrasas today). There is no reason to idolize a handful of operatives and useful idiots.

    @anon: Red states are hardly able to upkeep their schools (check their SAT scores) and their hospitals (see their life expectancy).

    Also, you were supposedly woke enough (or is it anti-woke?) to believe, without questioning, that the state can’t do anything, schools, hospitals, or video streaming websites. I wish I could explain it it to you, it’s some sophistry said by Thatcher or Reagan. I don’t know how to explain it, but I know the short version. I think it boils down to “governments can’t do shit”, although it may be limited to governments ran by Thatcher, Reagan, Piyush, and Nimrata.

    @jeff stryker: You seem to be disconnected from real life. There are several vlogs made by East Europeans who work as truckers in US. They think it’s cool to make 45K a year as a contractor, because it sounds a lot more than at home. The general feeling is that the the “white truckers” you describe don’t exist, and very few Americans still work in trucking.

    Perhaps you are so disconnected that I need to explain to you how US agriculture works. Three quarters of agricultural workers in US are foreign born. Almost a half of the total are illegals. SeeYou and your imaginary “white workers” can block your asses in an office chair.

    Also, what’s with the guns? We’re talking about YT censorship. Do you think that if everyone had big guns, YT would have trembled in fear? Why not add something about stem cell research, to go full retard?

    •�Replies: @homahr
    , @Kratoklastes
  128. @El Dato

    Go to the supermarket to buy meat like everyone else.

    Wild game tastes better and makes a boy into a man.

  129. homahr says:

    Uncucked red states and cucked blue states have one thing in common: they love getting raped by israel

  130. DJS says:

    Who cares about how the US was founded? It’s been a while since the Founding Fathers have gone.

    In any event, if you want me to believe you are attached to their values, you need to show me that you are wearing clothes just like theirs. If you can’t stick to simple things like length of a shirt, in era when everyone is free to wear whatever clothes they want, how can I trust you are attached to the Founding Fathers vision and values on more complex issues, like Occupation of Porto Rico, Annexation of Hawaii, District of Columbia v. Clawans, or abortion?

    •�Replies: @onebornfree
  131. @neutral

    Some believe Trump was a con man all along. I don’t. There’s a noticeable difference in him starting in 2017.

    Either way, the result is the same, I’m only sorry the Orange Bullfrog will never have the awareness to realize how badly he failed history and us.

  132. homahr says:

    Saudi-sponsored madrassas are allies of the West, not their enemies.

  133. DJS says:

    “If you dig a little, you’ll discover that Google is a CIA funded creation. ” It seems you have done your share of digging. Congratulations on your hard work. What stops you from bringing a law suit? Perhaps inability to distinguish “funding” from “ownership”?

    •�Replies: @Jake
  134. @onebornfree

    I agree with your assessment. Trump’s value lied in buying us some time. We got 12-18 months and a few good things, none of which are lasting or will stop ongoing demographic terrorism.

  135. Jake says:
    @Kent Nationalist

    Your second assertion contradicts your first. If you are about colonial expansion, you are an imperialist, and imperialism must necessarily always pollute the imperial nation. You cannot have any meaningful Little England while you have the British Empire.

    The founding of Freemasonry was a stroke of genius, the kind of thing that marks WASP culture (WASP is necessarily Modern only – there, obviously, was no WASP culture in 1200 or 1400). Freemasonry provided a club to replace the former guilds and such that helped tie men to ‘little’ nations and even more so their local communities, but with a huge difference: because Freemasonry is universalist, it is a perfect vehicle for imperialism. Freemasonry quickly began to become the de facto ‘church’ for its members, who intended to take the Lodge global – and Lodge rode on the coattails of British trade and then the Empire’s troops.

    Oliver Cromwell made the deal with Low Countries Jewish bankers precisely to forge a centralized ‘UK” (run by Parliament, his idea of Parliament). The “Glorious’/’Bloodless’ revolution was to make certain that the restored monarchy could never oppose that new WASP culture as it intended to spread itself across the globe.

    •�Replies: @Kent Nationalist
  136. Rich says:
    @jeff stryker

    I don’t think Jews end up with the blacks and/or the Mexicans. Jews in the US are a pale-skinned people and neither a skull cap nor a curly beard is going to change that. Here in NYC, all the “anti-Semitic ” attacks being carried out against Jews have been by blacks and Hispanics. The media, the NYPD, and the politicians try to hide these facts, but there are too many security camera and phone videos to keep it under wraps. The Jews will either stand with other White skinned people, or be wiped out in any real race war.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
    , @neutral
  137. @ThreeCranes

    The 19th was a mistake.

    •�Replies: @ThreeCranes
  138. aandrews says:

    “(7) Prediction: The last dissident resources in the West to remain standing will be technically adept websites financed by moneyed individuals or groups (such as The Unz Review), or true cyberpunk “samizdat” outfits lurking in the deep web and kept afloat with crypto donations (such as The Daily Stormer).”

    I think it would be a really good idea to become familiar with Tor (and setting up and using a VPN).

  139. Gg Mo says:
    @Anatoly Karlin

    Anti-neocon , Ryan Dawson has been massive deplatformed over the years.

  140. Agent76 says:

    Jun 7, 2019 David Icke on Perception, Censorship, Vaccines, The Medical System and Anarchy

  141. @Rich


    Look at Jews in France. Sarkozy knew that his own people would be wiped out by unchecked immigration and that is exactly what happened.

    I completely agree with you. Also, in urban centers where blacks who seethe with resentment at their poverty and comparative lack of wealth the richest whites around are mostly Jews.

    In the case of Hispanics, I suspect they see Jews more as a political demographic that could block Reconquista. Easy enough to dismiss poor whites who lost their job in the Arkansas poultry factory, but it is the Jews who are the judges, lawyers, politicians with the money and influence who will prove more formidable adversaries.

    •�Replies: @Matra
  142. @ImmortalRationalist

    Not too many years ago, used guns were sold in The Fivecenter, Little Nickel ad papers, classified ads in the local newspapers, yard sales and on local noon radio programs. Then we had few if any mass murders. Today gun sales are tightly regulated and mass murders are a monthly occurrence. What has changed?

    Obviously, there is not only a simple positive correlation between the availability of guns and murder and mayhem. Some other, broader factor is at work. (It’s just like climate change. While it may be true that warming periods in the past were correlated with elevated atmospheric CO2, it does not follow that elevated CO2 causes warming. There may be a larger cause that drives both. Or, as we used to say, the appearance of robins doesn’t make it rain in April or flowers bloom.)

    Anyway, it seems as though as women exert more control over the mores of our society, the worse men react. It’s as though these rouge boys and men are lashing out against the feminization imposed upon them and society. It’s like a boy who grows up in a house in which there is no Father presence. Biologically, psychologically, he misses the strength, weight and restraint that a man brings to bear upon things. Where a woman flutters her wings in helplessness, a man grabs a corner and heaves. It’s no accident that criminality is worst among black boys who are the product of single mother families.

    We men are being denied our space and our virtues, which are boldness and active response. Every place we gather is now invaded by girls and women who aren’t content until they have turned our treehouse into a doll house. In some psychological way, this is the cause of the school shootings.

    •�Replies: @Miro23
    , @Occams
    , @Clyde
  143. onebornfree says: •�Website

    DJS says: “Who cares about how the US was founded? “

    Well obviously, neither yourself, or Anatoly Karlin, for that matter! 🙂

    “Regards”, onebornfree

  144. neutral says:

    Here in NYC, all the “anti-Semitic ” attacks being carried out against Jews have been by blacks and Hispanics

    The Jews will either stand with other White skinned people, or be wiped out in any real race war

    Those jews getting attacked in New York is good for the jews, it serves the likes of the ADL very well. It lets them publish their stats and news stories about how the jews are under so much danger, thus letting them clamp down on whites even more.

    Once white numbers get to South African levels then they won’t need to resort to such tactics, they will just control an African type strong man with expensive gifts, this man will make sure that no such incidents of jews being attacked by his own people will occur. Just look how easily that dim witted Saudi Prince can be controlled by them as a good example.

    •�Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  145. DreadIlk says:

    None of this shit matters until regular conversations on all dissident sites are about homesteads. The hold on power by the current regime is tenuous. While people are fat and lazy they will not fight. However once resources dry up and they get told to sit down and shut up they will do the repeat of what always happened in history. Russia. China. Etc.

    What you need to concern your self with is not finding your self in the meat grinder.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  146. @Johnny Rottenborough

    Ah well, I guess he popped-up on their radar somehow.

    But he had a pretty good run, considering the type of content he produces. Channels with far more innocuous fare were zapped before him.

  147. @Jake

    If you are about colonial expansion, you are an imperialist, and imperialism must necessarily always pollute the imperial nation. You cannot have any meaningful Little England while you have the British Empire.

    Tories in the 18th century thought differently.

    Blah blah banker freemason blah blah Jews blah blah

    Banking would have existed with or without Jews. Anyway what is the problem with banking when it allowed Britain to defeat its historically much more powerful enemy, France, and to spread the English nation across huge parts of the globe? Are you a propagandist for bankers?

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Jake
  148. @War for Blair Mountain


    How PROPHETIC was I this morning!!!….I just saw the video:Russian Navy ship…US homo Navy ship almost slammed into each other……

    What is really scary about this is that when two Navy Ships slide by each other very close…..physics kicks in…in a nasty way…..a macroscopic “Van Wal Der Force” kicks in that pulls the two large ships together……a macroscopic version of the Casmir Force in quantum mechanics……..

    We almost had fucking nuclear WW3 TODAY…everyone go look at the video today…..Nuclear War because Donald Trump and PEDERAST Pete TOWNSHEND want to impose global homo on Christian Russia and Shia Muslim Iran…..

    Nuclear War 3 is just a fender bender away….

  149. Fred V. Reed says: •�Website

    It isn’t just YouTube and its brethren. My mildly politically incorrect site, Fred on everything, has been banned a few times by corporate mommy filters.

    •�Agree: Anatoly Karlin
    •�Replies: @Jake
    , @Wizard of Oz
  150. Matra says:
    @jeff stryker

    Look at Jews in France. Sarkozy knew that his own people would be wiped out by unchecked immigration and that is exactly what happened

    When did that happen? There have been lots of reports in conservative media claiming Jews are fleeing France for Israel due to Muslim anti-Semitism but I’m yet to see any real evidence of this. France still has the largest Jewish population in Europe.

  151. @anon

    Cat videos will have to be banned as well. Cat “owners” are haters violating the rights of cats that should be free, at least according to radical animal rights activists!

  152. @War for Blair Mountain

    Ok…maybe there is no attractive force…but who knows…..too close for comfort for me…..

  153. Nehlen says:
    @Anatoly Karlin

    It’s me and thanks for being honest about your concerns.

    I’d ask you to read this synopsis written back at the time everything happened and makes it clear why I did what I did: https://christophercantwell.com/2018/04/08/doxing-and-anonymity/

    Embedded in that article is the contract RV floated to me at precisely this link https://christophercantwell.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Smartcheckr-Paul-Nehlen-Oct-19.pdf

    When you add everything up, it was clear the RV was a bad actor and his dox ultimately protected other candidates who might have fallen victim to this SmartCheckr scam.

    My policy positions haven’t changed since I ran in 2016: protect American workers and secure the border. I’ve been attacked on both fronts by (((neo-cons))) and (((liberals))) alike, not to mention the undermining done by “my own people” as you labeled them in your response.

    Ultimately, my battle to ensure that social media is treated as the new public square, where lawful speech ought to be protected hasn’t wavered. I’ve spent a small fortune filing an FEC complaint over my treatment by Twitter, where nothing I wrote was unlawful or untruthful.

    Thinking that taking away the dissident right’s voice on social media will lead somewhere other than violence (in Minecraft) is folly. You don’t tell people they have to pay taxes to support ZOG and then also tell them they have no avenue to voice their displeasure with the use of those taxes.

    •�Agree: Anatoly Karlin
    •�Replies: @Miro23
  154. @War for Blair Mountain

    Alright, boys and girls. Go to your kitchen tap and turn on the water. Now, hold a spoon by the tip of the handle lightly between thumb and forefinger of one hand. With it’s back i.e. the convex side, to the down-rushing stream of water, bring the extreme outside face of the cup of the spoon close to the stream until it just barely touches the edge of the flowing column. What happens?

    That’s what draws the two ships together. Remember Bernoulli?

  155. @jeff stryker

    The Republicans believe in putting the car in neutral while we head down-hill towards the cliff–the Democrats want to jam their foot on the accelerator.

    •�Replies: @Johnny Walker Read
  156. > Yes, alternatives exist, but by and large, people are not going to bother going to Bitchute or RuTube. … Second, YouTube operates on an annual loss of a billion dollars.

    Seems to me that evil RussiaChinaIranDPRK would have the motivation to surreptitiously fund something like Bitchute to allow anti-regime videos to flourish. After all, they won’t be reigning in anti-Putin or anti-Xi videos on CIA-tube anytime soon. #Cyber-infowar

  157. AaronB says:

    As Anatoly says, this is a good thing.

    Every society censors and imposes severe social costs on dissent.

    Oppression and persecution make you strong.

    You cannot achieve power before undergoing a period of severe testing and trial, where your psychological toughness is honed to a fine edge, where you develop stamina, resourcefulness, and flexibility.

    Despairing wilting flowers like Reiner Tor and German Reader will counsel surrender and submission, or beg the Chinese to save them and sodomize them, and the white HBD movement will “prove” that victory is genetically impossible because of 2,000 years ago cousin marriage was outlawed or something, but the strong will get stronger and better and more determined.

    •�LOL: AaronB, Dreadilk
    •�Troll: reiner Tor
  158. Anonymous[356] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Kent Nationalist

    Kent: “I’m a nationalist”
    Also Kent: “The global ‘British’ Empire was good and Jewish-dominated usurious financial manipulation is good for enabling its”
    You goddamn lying cuck.

    •�Replies: @Kent Nationalist
  159. @ThreeCranes

    Note: spoon should be dangling down, not held horizontally.

  160. Che Guava says:
    @Anatoly Karlin


    Talking head videos on u-Tube are, to me, as worthless as cat videos.

    The best way to present such ideas is in writing.

    A debate among several parties, where the opponents aren’t aware of exactly what the other side will say, sure, video and print are both valid, and have different effects.

    I was surprised by the rise of (mainly doctrinaire western leftist) solo talking-head videos on u-Tube.

    It has always seemed to me a symptom of cultural breakdown.

    Too many people are now semi-literate, so they can’t really read.

    A solo talking-head video only has value if it has very strong performance or background montage elements (whether to the point or nonsensical).

    Otherwise, why not just offer it for reading. Of course, all too many people can’t really read, thus the rise of this genre.

    Moronic western leftists were doing it (the plain talking head, usually while wearing a mask) over a decade ago, some had fairly large numbers of viewers.

    The only thing that says is that their viewers are morons.

    Anglin is pretty smart, and I would guess from this article, that you, Anatoly, also read the Stormer at times. It sure gives me a laugh after work at times.

    I said ‘no’ to a tape-loop and electronic music project of mine being made available for download (four or so years ago). ‘I hold the copyrights’.

    I checked, I would suppose it was the same person, since there were six different covers, and the u-Tube videos all have the same cover that was earlier on offer.

    I have better and more essential things to do than send Google a take-down notice.

    They would likely not respond in any case.

    Google has been allowed to massively viovate copyrights as an instrument of Judaeo-Yankee state policy.

    While Napster was shut down, and new Napster was shut down, Youtube was allowed to massively violate copyriights.

    It is an evil joke, an act of the state, pure and simple .

  161. Dissident videos are one of the most powerful anti-establishment forms of communication since Gutenberg’s printing press. In the long run, CIA-tube’s efforts to Shut It Down will be just as successful as the suppression of the printing press.

  162. Jake says:

    As the CIA, like the Mossad and the Saudi General Intelligence Presidency, was founded out of British Secret service, that which is CIA created and/or funded also serves the Israelis and Jews generally, as well as the Saudis and the British Deep State.

  163. Jake says:
    @Fred V. Reed

    Your defense of Mexicans and general avoidance of Jews, as well as your agnosticism, are PC-acceptable, in some quarters PC-demanded. But you have told far too many horrific truths about the Numinous Negroes to be tolerated across the board.

  164. Literally, ‘censorship kills’ – Poster that has been hung up recalling Ms Nasim Aghdam, who went into the YouTube offices in San Bruno, California, on 3 April 2018, and opened fire with her 9mm Smith & Wesson pistol, wounding four before allegedly killing herself

    Nasim Aghdam was age 39, born in 1979 to an Iranian family, and identified as a member of the syncretic Shia-offshoot Baha’i religion … Getting de-monetised & censored on YouTube pushed her over the edge

    YouTube … You Next, says the poster, images of it popular as memes on 4chan etc

    •�Replies: @Republic
    , @anon
  165. Ace says:
    @Mr McKenna

    Free men should not have to pick their words with care. And I’m decidedly uninterested in taking lessons from dissidents on how to conduct political discussions or write clever subversive novels under the noses of the official Ministry of Truth.

  166. Jake says:
    @Kent Nationalist

    Tories in the 18th century were incorrect. Just like the incorrect American ‘conservatives’ who arrogantly assumed that they could take over from London in dictating to the world without impairing, much less utterly polluting and then destroying, middle American values and ways of life.

    Jewish bankers did not finance the British Empire just to make a profit. They knew that the British Empire would serve their interests, the larger and more long term cultural interests.

    Cromwell and then the Deep State behind the Restoration (of a politically castrated monarchy) and then the ‘Glorious’ Revolution and the founding of Freemasonry knew that they were building an empire to be the anti-Christendom Empire.

    The British Empire murdered Little England as surely as it murdered Ireland and Scotland as necessary steps to create an empire that would please Jewish bankers and the moral and spiritual heirs of Cromwell.

    •�Replies: @Kent Nationalist
    , @Jake
  167. Part of Anatoly Karlin’s article above, is evidence for the theory that the big porn sites must be run by the governments … as the big porn sites are in fact bigger than YouTube. AK writes:

    YouTube operates on an annual loss of a billion dollars. It is something that Alphabet subsidizes for presumably political reasons. No other site can afford to be a YouTube. Videos take up a lot of storage space, and HDD’s don’t come free!

    A couple years back ZeroHedge was doing articles on the porn ‘business’ citing IT zines like TechCruch with stats saying that, e.g., the biggest porn site in the world at that time, XVideos, was at moments taking up 2% of the ENTIRE INTERNET BANDWIDTH OF THE WORLD, ha!

    Apparently the porn sites all have lots of advertising and links to pay-porn sites … but it’s hard to explain how they really supply enough income, given how every teenage kid in the world knows how to get thousands of hours of porn vids for free.

    It’s also notable that the copyright-censorship policing of porn, is very relaxed, versus the much more aggressive policing of recent Hollywood movie releases … It’s almost as if the porn content owners – apparently the USA porn is heavily Jewish in ownership – have a memo to ‘go easy’ on the pirating of their vids on PornHub etc

    Interestingly the Jewish groups like ADL so aggressive against ‘hate speech’ and at the heart of these censorship campaigns, are quite supportive of Jewish porn owners, actresses etc., and don’t hesitate to honour them as Jewish leaders in media, so you see Abe Foxman grinning with his Jewish porn friends etc

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Robjil
    , @Robjil
  168. @Jake

    Still not seeing an argument here, are you sure you’re not really a pro-banker propagandist?

  169. @Anonymous

    I’m a nationalist. I am also for things which make my country stronger. There’s not any contradiction between these two things.

  170. @ThreeCranes

    Of course, the CNN announcer woman in her monologue while the clip is being shown says (not exact) “Look how that Russian ship is veering towards our ship!”. Now this is sheer nationalist jingoism. In the real world, the stream of water acts fairly equally upon both. It cares not a whit that one is painted red and the other blue.

    •�Replies: @War for Blair Mountain
  171. Good, I hope Youtube shuts down all commentary. Go back to writing. I don’t have the time to watch your videos (no matter who you are). Write it out. I don’t want to see your neckbeard, have to look at your pimples or look at your weak chin. Go back to writing. I don’t want to be forced to hear your whiny, scratchy voice or listen to you go “ummm” over and over again. I can read your writing much quicker than you can read it on a video. Go back to writing.
    It seems most video commentators either look like they escaped from a Wizard of Oz reboot on Munchkin filming day or they are noodle necked hipsters. The snippets of video I have seen make it plain why so many Alt Right video commentators are incels.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  172. @jimmyriddle

    Crowder is a gutless chickenhawk who loved to promote war but never had the balls to sign his name to enlistment papers. He is a big man against idiot college kids, but when faced with grown ups he wets his pants.

  173. Anon[277] •�Disclaimer says:

    “While I do not buy into those two in particular, imagine if YouTube had existed in the 1960s, and it censored “conspiracy theories” portraying the Gulf of Tonkin incident as the “false flag” it turned out to be.”

    So, “conspiracy theory” + time = settled science. Good to know.

  174. “A maritime analogy of the Casimir effect”….American Journal of Physics….maybe yes……maybe this is how nuclear World War Three starts at sea…..

    •�Replies: @War for Blair Mountain
  175. Republic says:

    Getting de-monetised & censored on YouTube pushed her over the edge

    You Tube must have hired a lot of guards this week at its headquarters

  176. Matra says:

    One sees this in other aspects of their lives too: the culture/entertainment they consume – and I think consume is the right word; their holiday choices – Spanish/Florida beaches, Vegas, package tours, etc; a preference for familiar chain restaurants and stores that are advertised on TV. In general they are parochial and incurious, characteristics related to lack of imagination.

  177. @prime noticer

    Dang. Never mind then. Forget Twitch.

    Too bad Vimeo is not an open platform. But they probably pull the same shit, being founded by “Jack Klein”.

  178. Orwellian state, coming to a screen near you.

    Ron Unz needs to start a YouTube alternative.

    •�Replies: @War for Blair Mountain
  179. @War for Blair Mountain

    Has anybody seen the video yet?

    Was this incident in the South China Sea an another example of Trump being Putin’s bitch?

    •�Replies: @AnonFromTN
  180. it suggests that their success is achieved through genetic privilege, as opposed to their own hard work and moral superiority.

    Genetic “privilege” is not opposed, but rather a pre-requisite to hard work and moral superiority.

  181. @Priss Factor

    Hi Priss.

    Allow me to add just a few words to your concise truism.

    ‘In Big Tech censorship, search manipulation, and deplatforming, it’s Jews, Jews, Jews.’

    •�Agree: Republic
  182. @Tired of Not Winning

    Look…Trump is a filthy cockroach married to a filthy fucking Slovenian Whore with vaginal and anal warts…..and she had these vaginal and anal warts before she met Donald….just ask Billy from Arkansas…..Billy Clinton…..Billy got there first before Donald………and Billy Clinton was waiting in a long line before he got his turn……

  183. And very credible rumors have it that Donald had to wait in line again to do the dirty deed with the old wrinkly Queen 0f England……Billy Clinton from Hot Springs Arkansas was directly ahead of Donald Trump to fuck the wrinkly old Queen Mother…….Donald Trump….What a LOSER!!!!….always waiting behind Billy Clinton to fuck old wrinkly SYPHYLLITIC whores……..This is who you voted for….

    •�Replies: @War for Blair Mountain
  184. @Justvisiting

    What’s funny is the “Mexican overdrive” will often times get you there quicker than WOT(wide open throttle), especially if the hill is steep, which it most certainly is.

  185. Anatoly Karlin has put so much material I just cannot address most of his points. As usual, I agree & disagree with some of his points, but it would take me too long (due to my ineradicable laziness) to tackle even a few.

    Suffice to say our chief points of disagreement lie in what I’d call fundamental world-view. I tend to agree with Gandhi: In the end deceivers deceive only themselves. But enough with ethico-religious differences; let’s see if anything constructive can be said.

    1. I think that developed West’s world-view is dominated by humanitarian-egalitarian-democratic- secularist -liberal-forcibly conformist- globalist-anti-national- faux individualist, i.e. ego-centric – hedonist – consumerist – …. “values”. This is a natural culmination of centuries of Western culture & its various strands.

    I also happen to think that this all is vulnerable & can in a very short period of time, due to radically altered material/way of life/energy circumstances, turn into almost cannibal super- fascist “civilization”, which could without remorse eliminate hundreds of millions, even billions of other human beings & completely dispense with anything humanist & democratic (also, it can collapse into a dystopian chaos beyond remedy).

    What the future holds, I don’t know. For instance, all predictions from 1900 for 1950, turned out to be laughable; they were not in Wolfgang Pauli’s saying “not even wrong”.

    2. as regards IQ- I don’t think public discussion of it is of any real importance. We all know that whites are the best & brightest; Asians are best zombies; blacks are dumb & not cut out for any type of modern civilization (except for some sports & rather idiotic forms of entertainment).

    Serious academic discussions on IQ have no real consequences, whatever their champions think of it. Whether it is possible to boost IQ through genetic engineering – I don’t know. Let’s not forget that the project of controlled nuclear fusion has been with us since 1950s & as yet, nothing serious came of it. Cloning is a few decades old; nothing spectacular.

    Future of genetic engineering in next 20-50 years with regard to transformation of homo sapiens- I very much doubt anything significant will come out of it.

    2. as for censorship of social networks, the author is completely right. Yet, what is expected from the contemporary Western culture? It is forcibly egalitarian & conformist & anti-individualist. Alt-right & other silly currents play no importance in the future of the West. No ideas & discussions do.

    3. true, many controversial & interesting contents have been removed from Youtube. But, they’ve been moved either to other sites & or made available somewhere else. For instance, perhaps the best antisemitic propaganda film, “The Eternal Jew”, can be seen at archive.org; others on Dailymotion.
    What is really visceral & makes one’s blood boil – black on white crime; migrant dysfunction & violence; Islamic savagery; whites in South Africa; Israeli plotting; African savagery; Mestizo drug-related crime & savagery; racial & religious-cultural & national eternal conflict… all can be easily found on Youtube & other sites. It’s there.

    4. if you type top 20 videos on Youtube, you’ll get idiotic & clownish “songs” & similar rubbish. More, the number of visitors is immaterial- people frequently go to see something not because they agree with the content, but to gloat over other people’s idiocy. Korean Gangnam something….

    5. as for Russians, I don’t know too much. All I can say that re politics, videos are of no importance- at least, that’s what I think. It is so because most people have formed their opinions on gut feelings & no amount of analysis, left or right, will change this. For most non-Russians, visual content of Russia is: pretty girls singing beautiful songs & weird traffic-crime accidents. Everything else is of tertiary importance.

    •�Replies: @ricpic
  186. It is and always was pretty clear to fair-minded people that YouTube, just like Google, Twitter, Facebook, Wiki, and lots of other web platforms, is subservient to narrow interests of a certain group (we all know who). So, it is and always was naïve to expect it to behave fairly. The only remedy is to create other venues, like Unz, until total censorship of the Internet comes to “free” and “democratic” societies. The first step in this direction is taken: thanks to the US Congress, Internet neutrality is already killed. Stay tuned.

  187. @DJS

    There is no market for opinions, in the way you imagine. There is a market for bootlickers, and another market for advertisement-inflated entertainers


    One caveat: the ‘Remnant’ types (to pinch Gary North’s term) do value ideas and their analysis, although by and large they take a dim view of anyone who thinks their opinions are of such high quality that they merit a paywall.

    It’s the old Catch-22; anyone who thinks they’ve got opinions that people should pay for, guarantees that their audience consists of people within sigma of the median… [I had to write ‘sigma’ in full because I’m using fucking iShit… this fucking iPad Pro has no mechanism for inserting Greek letters – but gives me a choice of a thousand fucktarded emojis. That alone tells you about the psycho metrics of their target market].

  188. Anon[277] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Mr McKenna

    “And a very wise man once said: whatever the censors would cut out, should be cut out. Because if it’s obvious enough to the censors, it’s probably stupid as well.”

    That seems a bit too cute to be true. However, there are likely more than a few cases like Stirner’s The Ego & His Own, where the anticipated censorship failed to occur, because the Prussian censor thought the book was too silly to be dangerous.

  189. @War for Blair Mountain

    Shouldn’t we remember that it is South China Sea, not South US Sea? Doesn’t it give the only correct perspective on the events?

    •�Replies: @Republic
  190. @216

    The problem with this is that the EU, European governments, Britain, Canada and New Zealand have been some of the biggest drivers for this censorship, and demanding YouTube and other sites do more to shut down “hate” for a couple of years now, including with ultimatums, threats to legislate etc.

  191. @Anatoly Karlin

    Once again Anatoly you seem to miss the important part: Youtube, Google, Instagram, Facebook and so forth are controlled by whom……The Fucking Mennonites and Amish …..Right! No the Magic Jews who run everything in the economic, social, and political pathways of this country and the world. This is just part of their plan to Dehumanize everyone who disagrees with their beliefs that they are the superior races and we must obey them.

    Lenin (who was part Jewish) used mass murder. Today’s Jewish Mob and their friends use mass social dehumanization.

  192. Clemsnman says:

    It would so much better if the Silicon Valley overlords were just greedy.

  193. anonymous[151] •�Disclaimer says:

    Hey Karlin, what’s up with the photo on the side? Fancy yourself the crusading christian warrior, yeh? Lol!

    Don’t you pussy armchair warriors know that true warriors do not pose in such a cheesy manner?

    Anyway, I take great pleasure that those alt-right hateful losers (including you, of course) have been denied their begging bowl.

    •�LOL: WHAT
  194. Acceleration is good.

    This will radicalize more people.

    In my experience, this kind of heavy handedness does not scare people, it just makes people double down with even more determination.

    The victimization of David Duke made him formidable. Same with Mike Enoch.

    And the censorship simply proves that the critics of jewish power are 100% correct.

    In the end, the jews’ paranoia will be their downfall. The very thing they dread will come upon them and it will be because of their own insane actions. It’s a very weird hermetic system revealing the same old pattern in the nazi/nose cycle.

    White people do not respond well to tyranny.

    •�Replies: @awry
  195. @jeff stryker

    Whatever good you experienced while the Clinton co-presidency was in office had nothing to do with them or anything they did. You sound as though you believe that presidents can actually control an economy and and improve a society.

    You really should stop huffing glue while you watch TV.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
  196. Republic says:

    That naval incident occurred in the East China Sea, not the South China Sea

    •�Replies: @AnonFromTN
  197. anonymous[151] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Anatoly Karlin

    The Alt Right child prodigy “soph”

    Goes to show that young age is no protective shield for the whisperings of Satan.

    If she continues along this path, then I wish her a long life… so that the pain can match her spiritual transgressions, see?

  198. @Twodees Partain

    …why was the economy better then?

    •�Replies: @Chris Mallory
  199. JONdfdgd says:

    THIS IS PART 1 OF 4 MEANING WATCH ALL 4. Dont fall for the strong delusion because the end is shortly after.

  200. @jeff stryker

    Except that the deplorable white proles (Previously known as “peasants”) have the power to cut off the food supply because they grow the food.

    That worked out really well for the kulaks.

    •�Replies: @iffen
  201. @prime noticer

    I was actually kinda sympathetic to your argument until I came to this:

    … he was supposed to turn around 70 years of jewish country destruction in 2 years.

    The problem is not merely that Trump has failed to “turn around” Jewish destruction. No, he has actually dialed up the Zionism to eleven. He moved our embassy to Jerusalem, kept troops in Syria (contrary to his campaign promises), is sending Jared Kushner to the ME to offer the Palestinians terms of surrender (good luck with that), and now the constant sabre-rattling against Iran.

    I don’t care what the New York Times says, one thing Trump is not is an ‘anti-semite’.

    •�Agree: Robert Dolan
  202. iffen says:
    @Jaakko Raipala

    That worked out really well for the kulaks.

    Whether one was a kulak or a peasant was determined by who had the gun.

    •�Replies: @Jaakko Raipala
  203. anonymous[151] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Tired of Not Winning

    A most appropriate platform for all you degenerate lowlifes exists already… it is called Hellfire.

    The sooner y’all move there, the better for all us normal* people. 😀

    *normal people are those who have no particular ill-will against other normal people, except for racist lowlifes, whom we hate viscerally.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  204. What if through genetic testing, these same people discover a genetic malady that makes them believe they have all the answers, and discourse is not necessary when they talk.

  205. The Trust Project: Big Media and Silicon Valley’s Weaponized Algorithms Silence Dissent

    Given the Trust Project’s rich-get-richer impact on the online news landscape, it is not surprising to find that it is funded by a confluence of tech oligarchs and powerful forces with a clear stake in controlling the flow of news.
    by Whitney Webb


  206. peterAUS says:

    …to find out the truth, just tune in to youtube and invert everything you hear.

    You are onto something here for sure.

    Talking was becoming a crutch. The will move dissidence into the sphere of connections in the real world.


    Not even that, in fact. Smart people can and will be able to use technology to exchange ideas and thoughts. In the coming stage information and (action) plans.

    The idea, vision and will are important. All the rest, Internet included, is just a tool.

    Before, it was a written letter and 9mm handgun.
    Next time it will be encrypted and compressed small binary blob sent over IoT and remote controlled (very small) drone. Or similar.

  207. peterAUS says:

    While people are fat and lazy they will not fight. However once resources dry up and they get told to sit down and shut up they will do the repeat of what always happened in history.

    They will certainly try.
    Will they succeed is another matter altogether.

  208. Delete that last photo of Gavin McGinnes.

    •�Replies: @homahr
  209. Anonymous [AKA "Ben Steinke"] says:

    Is Bitchute an option for alt-right content producers?

  210. @War for Blair Mountain

    The Queen Mother of England sure did fuck her way to the top……the top of a pile of raw untreated sewage…..

  211. Anon[258] •�Disclaimer says:

    It’s a leftwing Jew-led Kristallnacht against rightwing people of Anglo origin. Are people having their businesses and ability to earn a living destroyed? You bet. The comparison fits.

    •�Agree: Robert Dolan
  212. @jeff stryker

    Because the first two years of Clinton rule gave Republicans control of the House for the first time in 40 years and control of the Senate for the first time in 8 years. Clinton had split government for 6 of his 8 years. Since the House is where all revenue measures must start the House has a bit of control over the economy.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
  213. Anonymous[100] •�Disclaimer says:

    That’s a good point. The “bread and circuses” part is toxic sludge by design while the public forums are getting paved over and turned into slave pens.

  214. anonymous[763] •�Disclaimer says:

    With the rise of women in the workforce

    Women were always in the workforce, buddy.

    Use to be, poets immortalized their civilization’s heroes by singing tales of their gallantry and sacrifice.

    Translation: paid propagandists got the dumbest of the dumb, the ideal cannon fodder to kill and die for someone else wealth and power.

    valor and gallantry.

    You live in wrong century, this trash you are peddling was obsolete 100 years ago. If only you were born earlier, you too could be a hero, you too could prove your manly valor against poison gas and machine gun fire.

    So sad.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @ThreeCranes
  215. @jeff stryker

    Are you really that much of a cowardly cuck that you are afraid of an army of blacks and Mexicans? Black and Mexicans hate each other. You really think they will ally together?
    Remember, Jeffy boy, you are the one who ran off to Asia because you were too afraid to walk the streets in the USA.

    When we want your opinion on the military might of the black population, we will go out back and look for a cow pie.

    •�Replies: @Robert Dolan
    , @jeff stryker
  216. anonymous[763] •�Disclaimer says:
    @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    If killing defenseless animals from a distance is “brave” and “manly”, then the illegal Mexican immigrant working in slaughterhouse killing thousands of animals per day is 1000x braver and manlier than you.
    Deal with it.

  217. Anonymous[100] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Chris Mallory

    It’s not about you, moron. It’s about reaching the populace.

    Step 1: Quarantine truth-tellers by only allowing them to talk among themselves in small, isolated, “free speech” cages.

    Step 2: Blue-pill everyone else undisturbed as much as possible.

    Step 3: Dump the cages into the ocean and receive a standing ovation from the blue-pilled public.

  218. @Republic

    It’s still “China Sea”, no? Thousands of miles away from the US, according to the map. I don’t recall China ever inviting the US Navy there. Am I missing something?

  219. @Chris Mallory

    Well….you are partly right.

    I worked with non-whites for many years. Yes, the mexicans ran the blacks out of South Central, and for the most part they hate each other.

    HOWEVER……both groups are absolutely unified in their hatred of white people.

    Asians don’t like blacks either, but Asians hate whites more than they hate blacks, so they vote left too.

    The rainbow coalition is held together by hatred of whites, and they are taught to hate whites by the jews at the top.

    Essentially, jews weaponized ALL of the non-whites (and gays) against white Christian people.

    hispanic youth imitate black youth culture. hispanic youths listen to rap, wear “saggin” pants, caps backwards, tats, etc.

    The hispanics say, “Can’t be white so we gotta act black.”

    Yes, it’s extraordinarily weird. The first time I saw young latinos acting black I was really stunned and confused. After a few years I just got used to the silliness.

    hispanics have also fallen into the black’s R reproductive strategies, with their males having sex with as many women as they can, baby mommas everywhere, and lots of fatherless young men that usually turn to crime. I’m not sure, but I imagine that at one time the hispanics’ Catholicism used to keep the family cohesive, but for the most part I fear that has fallen by the wayside.


    •�Replies: @UrbaneFrancoOntarian
  220. @Jake

    Potently accurate on all fours, a volume in two sentences.

    Fred has, indeed, written some of the most fearlessly accurate pieces on black misconduct and the hideous PC which has not just silenced most people but has then expressing views about black behavior founded in television fiction rather than daily life real time experiences.

    PC has inflicted devastation on the black community, a losing team being encouraged to continue its bad habits instead of being coached with tough love to improvement.

    There was once a motto black fathers followed in raising their sons: “Discipline is love, but love is not discipline.” PC has voided all that.

    •�Replies: @Jake
  221. Anonymous[100] •�Disclaimer says:

    Martial provess and bravery was always highly praised because it was absolutely crucial for survival. Your ancestors knew it and that’s the only reason you’re alive and have a country to call your own.

    It’s ok to be able and ready to defend yourself. Just ask your wife’s boyfriend.

    •�Agree: Dreadilk
  222. @Anatoly Karlin

    Here you go Anatoly. I don’t make things up:

    Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, which researches anti-Semitism, said it had provided input to YouTube on the policy change.

    While this is an important step forward, this move alone is insufficient and must be followed by many more changes from YouTube and other tech companies to adequately counter the scourge of online hate and extremism,” he said in a statement.


    •�Replies: @Justvisiting
  223. @iffen

    Well, the point kind of was that rural resistance to city based communist coups historically tended to end up with rural peasants being starved by the urban commies, not with the cities starving.

    •�Replies: @iffen
    , @Johann Ricke
  224. @anonymous

    “paid propagandists got the dumbest of the dumb, the ideal cannon fodder to kill and die for someone else”

    “You live in wrong century, this trash you are peddling was obsolete 100 years ago.”

    As I said, “Bravery is no longer considered worthy. Instead, women teachers–and internet censors–promote a sedated, docile keypuncher as the ideal male.”

    You have proven my very point. Thank you.

  225. NYMOM says:

    Well there will come more bannings and deplatforming for political reasons, but I think that guy with the hunter videos is confused…

    I am not sure if they totally banned him but just covered up the sections where he actually killed and gutted the animals.

    I noticed that one of the U-tube sites I go to now does this during surgery. Vet-Ranch rescues dogs, cats or horses and then the Vet there either sets their bones or does surgery on them and the viewers contribute for the rehab and rehoming of the animal during recovery until they get a permanent home for the animal….Lately I noticed there is a big bubble over the animal during surgery and a little link comes up saying if you want to view the actual operation you can click on the link…the Vet mentioned otherwise they will ban the segment.

    U-tube started this to ban fights and ‘punishment’ video of children since people were complaining about these. Unfortunately there is a significant section of the public that will put anything up on U-tube to get attention, no matter how inappropriate…

  226. NYMOM says:

    Last point: I think they should begin banning certain rescue videos as well, especially the ones from Asia as I think they could be deliberately hurting the animals or starving them. Then they video the ‘rescue’ to get contributions…

    I am always getting emails about horse rescue groups on U-tube that were getting contributions for rescues and then shooting the horses or selling them back to slaughter houses…

    Just sayin…

  227. Ted Kaczynski wrote an interesting article on how the System can exploit social justice causes to give people the illusion of rebellion, and by “rebelling”, leftist activists inadvertently strengthen the System.


    So, in a nutshell, the System’s neatest trick is this:

    1. For the sake of its own efficiency and security, the System needs to bring about deep and radical social changes to match the changed conditions resulting from technological progress.

    2. The frustration of life under the circumstances imposed by the System leads to rebellious impulses.

    3. Rebellious impulses are co-opted by the System in the service of the social changes it requires; activists “rebel” against the old and outmoded values that are no longer of use to the System and in favor of the new values that the System needs us to accept.

    4. In this way rebellious impulses, which otherwise might have been dangerous to the System, are given an outlet that is not only harmless to the System, but useful to it.

    5. Much of the public resentment resulting from the imposition of social changes is drawn away from the System and its institutions and is directed instead at the radicals who spearhead the social changes.

  228. I’m cancelling my internet provider.

    Why pay $50/month if all the best content is systematically repressed?

  229. Agent76 says:

    Jun 7, 2019 Left Wing Media Activist Email Leak Shows How They Deplatform Political Rivals

    I recently received an email leak that I believe shows how activists working as journalists target their political rivals for deplatforming.

  230. Miro23 says:

    100% agree with this. Millennia of human evolution aren’t wrong.

  231. iffen says:
    @Jaakko Raipala

    I agree. AFAIK the elites have always been able to “take” the “surplus” from the peasants. I really don’t believe that we need the communist qualifier in there. They were just one in a long continuous line.

  232. Dmitry says:

    Our blog host (Anatoly Karlin) lives in Moscow.

    A problem for him is that in Russia, there is very strict federal law about not saying anything racist in your articles or videos. And people can be prosecuted and go to prison for producing material that is categorized as “extremist material”.

    However, when you look at the material they actually seem to categorize – it’s from VK and YouTube, but not from Facebook/Twitter/Instagram.

    So, currently it is they don’t seem to be looking onto Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, but they are looking a lot at YouTube/VK.

    He thought that it would be maybe safer on YouTube. I was just warning to be careful a bit in YouTube.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  233. Dmitry says:
    @Anatoly Karlin

    Just as my unimportant opinion as a blog consumer, I would say it would be still cool to have a YouTube channel, for occasional embeds.

    You could just use it to add video reports when you go to China, for example, and embed some to this travel videos to already very popular text blog.

    I can recommend (or send) video editing software like Magix.I don’t think actual video editing is difficult for that kind of video though. With travel blogs, probably just a steady holding of camera and narration.

    (If you wanted to make infographic videos, I guess it would probably be more time wasting and hard work though – although I wonder if it’s becoming easier with later software.)

  234. anon[605] •�Disclaimer says:

    Literally, ‘censorship kills’ – Poster that has been hung up

    Hello Mr. Smith. Thanks for your service in defense of freedom, democracy and apple pie. We all appreciate it, really appreciate.

    Ms Nasim Aghdam


    This incident was quickly forgotten, because leftist, vegan, animal rights defender woman of color doing gun violence does not serve the narrative (for now).
    If “Brabantian” gets his wish, and some alt-right MAGA hat wearing fascist shoots up some low paid YT employees, the TPTB dream will come true, and mother of all crackdown on all racists and 1fascists will come.

    Read about “propaganda of the deed”. Anarchists 100 years ago were killing presidents and kings, and achieved shit. What can result from some retards shooting low paid workers and random bystanders?

    Individual terrorism is stupid.
    Do not be stupid.


    •�Replies: @reiner Tor
  235. Miro23 says:

    Ultimately, my battle to ensure that social media is treated as the new public square, where lawful speech ought to be protected hasn’t wavered. I’ve spent a small fortune filing an FEC complaint over my treatment by Twitter, where nothing I wrote was unlawful or untruthful.

    1) you shouldn’t have to spend a small fortune filing a FEC complaint 2) you’re dealing with a public square which is in corrupted by private ownership. The problem is solved by putting the public square in public ownership.

    Thinking that taking away the dissident right’s voice on social media will lead somewhere other than violence (in Minecraft) is folly. You don’t tell people they have to pay taxes to support ZOG and then also tell them they have no avenue to voice their displeasure with the use of those taxes.

    The basic problem is the Jewish attempt to privatize America – the media – politics (lobbies) – special interests etc. Their principle is that if they hold the key positions, and pay the most, then they’re in charge
    They need to find out that democracy isn’t a commercial transaction and that they’re restricted to their 2% representation in the population and that’s it.

    •�Replies: @Nehlen
  236. peterAUS says:

    Our blog host (Anatoly Karlin) lives in Moscow….
    ….they don’t seem to be looking onto Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, but they are looking a lot at YouTube/VK.

    They ARE looking, just not acting.

    WE are looking..hahaha…very hard apparently, at MSM, ADL and similar. We are NOT acting.

    Makes sense?

    The local setup of Five Eyes are looking at my Internet presence. The State is not acting on that.

    •�Replies: @Anon
    , @ThreeCranes
    , @Dmitry
  237. Didn’t Tumblr already try this?

    Seriously, it sucks to be one of the people presently losing a revenue stream, but I see this as more of a fatal blow to YouTube, than a fatal blow to the Alt-Right (or whatever you want to call it).

    •�Replies: @dfordoom
  238. @ThreeCranes

    Yes…that’s very highly likely the physics involved….Bernoulli Principle…….but not really my main point……But your point raises the question why physicists use the maritime analogy of the Casimir Effect as if something like it…a macroscopic version of it as if there were a macroscopic version of it….The Casimir Effect…I think….Force range r^-4…..

    Main point:in light of the most recent US Navy at-sea-accident that killed over a dozen crew members…….God help us if the next close encounter by a Russian Frigate and USS Navy Frigate…especially if the US Navy Frigate has as its captain a Democratic Party Voter of this type:Annapolis Grad…Black Sheboon fond of giving Black Power Salutes with other Annapolis Sheboon Cadets:”Hail Obama”…..like the Sheboon Cadets at West Point are fond of doing in photographs that can be found on Google Images……So this is how it all ends……

    THE US CIVIL WAR WASN’T WORTH IT……800 thousand dead NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN MEN…for what? Sheboon Power?

    •�Replies: @War for Blair Mountain
  239. @ThreeCranes

    I’ll make it simpler for you: The filthy fucking White Whore CNN ANNOUNCER:”Look…the Russian ship is interfering with America’s DIVINE EDICT!!! to impose HOMO PEDERASTY UPON CHRISTIAN RUSSIA…AND SHIA MUSLIM IRAN!!!

    •�LOL: ThreeCranes
  240. @Robert Dolan

    Depends who they manage to exterminate first.

    It’s quite possible that the urban white leftists will be the first to be attacked, given their proximity to the vibrants.

    However, if the jews/white elite can keep control of the military and of the vibrants for long enough, conservative whites will get slaughtered. Liberals will be slaughtered after that.

    Either way it’s bad but it really depends on what happens.

  241. lloyd says: •�Website

    The Russian Soviet model is usually held as a model of the thought control State. The Russian people don’t recognise it unless they live in the West. The best model of contemporary thought control State is England in the Napoleonic wars and their post war era. That after all was also an Anglo police State. Anglo political censorship is arbitrary and full of inconsistencies. Its arbiters don’t actually like what they are doing. As bad disciplinarians, they neglect subversion and then panic and over react. They are not ideologists and just want a comfortable wealthy puritan life. That is not offending or upsetting power groups. The Church, Royalty and the gentry then. Zionists, feminists and minorities now. The open thinking of alt right and left, they actually esteem but futiley want it confined to technological progress. The ruling classes in the West are quite stupid and are easily tripped up. After the destruction of the artisan classes in England after 1848, England settled down to its class war between the haves and the have nots. Its official history then made that seem the natural order of things. I suspect that is what the globalists want now after the shocking events to them since Brexit and November 8 2016. The poet Blake got charged with sedition after he said a few honest things about the English King to a soldier who had urinated against his garden wall. After a trial with all legal jury procedures, he was found not guilty. He was more cautious after that but his coded language kept him safe. His greatest poetry was written after the garden wall event. Karlin raises this after his 1984 pessimism. Having been deplatformed myself, I see a hopeful more reflective time after the wild West of the Internet.

  242. Robjil says:

    Porn is good for destroying will power in men. The many no fap sites on the net talk about this. This is why Jewish power promotes porn. Israelis know this. When they invaded Palestinians towns in 2002, they hacked all the television stations and put on porn.


    “Israeli soldiers broadcast pornography on 3 occupied Palestinian TV stations, the Al-Watan, Ammwaj, and Al-Sharaq channels. A fourth local station, whose premises were not seized by the army, ran a written message across its screen letting people know it was the Israelis who were behind the graphic scenes. “Anything currently shown on Al-Watan and other local TV channels has nothing to do with Palestinian programs but is being broadcast by the Israeli occupation forces, we urge parents to take precautions,” the message said.

    The British use the word wanker to describe foolish,weak persons. British low culture figured this out too.

  243. Robjil says:

    Porn is good for destroying will power in men. The many no fap sites on the net talk about this. This is why Jewish power promotes porn. Israelis know this. When they invaded Palestinians towns in 2002, they hacked all the television stations and put on porn.

    “Israeli soldiers broadcast pornography on 3 occupied Palestinian TV stations, the Al-Watan, Ammwaj, and Al-Sharaq channels. A fourth local station, whose premises were not seized by the army, ran a written message across its screen letting people know it was the Israelis who were behind the graphic scenes. “Anything currently shown on Al-Watan and other local TV channels has nothing to do with Palestinian programs but is being broadcast by the Israeli occupation forces, we urge parents to take precautions,” the message said.

    The British use the word wanker to describe foolish,weak persons. British low culture figured this out too.

  244. @War for Blair Mountain


    Not to sidetrack Anatoly’s discussion framework

    Your streamline framework for understanding the attractive forces between ships…no doubt the most physically sensible….but I wouldn’t rule out a symmetry breaking physics interacting with the equilibrium of the hydrodynamics…….I just thought I give you something to think about for your personal amusement……..OK…back to the show……

  245. eah says:

    It’s important to understand who is pushing hardest for censorship, and why.

    •�Replies: @ThreeCranes
  246. Anyone who appreciates this blog post might enjoy reading C. J. Hopkins’s Zone 23, whose story is germane to it.

  247. Nehlen says:

    Largely agree with your sentiments, and to them I would add:

    The government has outsourced censorship to private organizations while protecting the actions of those private organizations.

    Those same private corporations are shielded from prosecution by any content posted by users, thus, are at no risk when compelled to allow lawful speech.


    •�Replies: @Monotonous Languor
  248. frankie p says:
    @jeff stryker


    You’re talking out of the wrong orifice again. A few questions should provide you with some food for thought. How many Amazonian Indians are serving in the Brazilian military? What percentage of the troops? How many Red State whites are serving in the US military? What percentage of the troops? Would white troops from Red States shoot their families, friends and the people from their ?communities? Or would they turn their guns on their officers? How many guns are in the hands of the Amazonian Indians? How many guns are in the hands of white people in Red States? Are they proficient in the use of those guns? Are they able to organize among their communities when they are faced with a real threat?

    They should give a fat rat’s ass about how Red State rural whites feel, because the fine thread that still binds America as a viable nation is those Red State rural whites, as Obama said “clinging to their guns and their religion”. They are actually at this point the only hope for America. God bless them.

    Frankie P

    •�Agree: UrbaneFrancoOntarian
    •�Replies: @UrbaneFrancoOntarian
  249. Cassowary says:

    His affinity to Jews was something many people were willing to accept as a major but non-fatal flaw, and that he at the end of the day wasn’t going to be truly pro-white. He could have reversed much of the rot and set things on the right course, even if he was highly favorable to Jews. And after all, he had Stephen Miller in his cabinet, who was seemingly quite atypical for Jews.

    He’s turned out to be as big of a boomer shabbos goy zionist retard as you can get. Oh well.

  250. @Nehlen

    You’re still mired in the old paradigm (the objective legal framework, the one that used to work).

    New laws are real spiffy, but they won’t do a damned bit of good if nobody will enforce them, and the leftist State Religion says “it’s not our values” to even try.

    I guess I’ll repeat myself, fat lot of good it will do:
    If you accept the enemy’s premises, then you will fight the wrong battles, and you will ultimately lose.

    •�Replies: @Nehlen
  251. Anon[119] •�Disclaimer says:

    The “some articles” outmatching the “some comments”, by the way.

  252. @Biff

    Alphabet Inc. is Google’s parent company

  253. @frankie p

    Yes, they are the Americans, the glue. The southern Dixies, the northern Yankees, the western men are all Americans, despite some conflicts and differences. Every year the glue is stretched a little thinner.

    But honestly. What good are they doing by saving their “country”? It has to come crashing down. This has been my realization. I used to be patriotic about Canada until I realized – this nation hates me. I fight for my race, my skin colour and values are my nation. I work to make the white community strong, not to make the nation strong now.

    Fuck canada. Fuck america. Maybe one day they will be great again, but …

    •�Replies: @Anonnuu
  254. Anon[119] •�Disclaimer says:

    It’s as simple as: nothing connected to the Internet can, ever, be out-of-reach for external parties.

  255. I don’t agree with any censorship, but I think they’re just using this gay dude as an excuse, they’ve been at this for a long time now. I disagree with pretty much everything the “alt right” has too say, most of it is nonsense. The “alt-right” is nothing but CIA and Mossad propaganda, serving the interests of the capitalist ruling class and the war machine. Keeping the slaves divided and fighting amongst themselves, keeping the slaves on their capitalist overlords plantation.

    Same thing they do in foreign nations to control people. Divide and rule. Scaring the mindless sheep with the century old Red Scare. Making them wet their beds having nightmares of radical Islamic terrorists that don’t exist. Terrifying them with stories of Mexican boogiemens “invading” from the South. Driving the sheep to suicide telling them theres a Jewish white genocide in progress while Wall St capitalist policies are actually killing them and replacing them, just as they always have, to maximize profits. Never telling you the true cause of all of the troubles, never telling you why those people are fleeing their homelands. Why is that? Easier to just scream about Jews! Socialists! Communists! Terrorists! Radical leftists!

    It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad, and stupid.

    Yeah ADL sucks, lots of Jews suck, some of the biggest hypocrites ever, but there are lots of Jews who do the right thing, Glenn Greenwald for example, all the screaming about Jews and not addressing the system as a whole is just pissing in the wind. You’re being played. You are the CIA’s useful idiots. There are plenty of legitimate things to criticize Zionists, Jews, Israelis for, no need to blame them for the skidmarks in your bloomers, or try to write off Americas/Wall St’s role in all the evil bullshit.

    You want people to take you seriously? Stop peddling lies perhaps? But that is what the CIA does best so I I doubt that will ever happen.


    Hassan Nasrallah: Israel is only a US tool

    Hassan Nasrallah: US ruled by huge Oil & Weapons Corporations

    Nasrallah on ‘real reason’ why US continues 40 years of war on Iran

    Hassan Nasrallah on the Oil and Gas Wars Raging in the Middle East (1)

    Hassan Nasrallah on the Oil and Gas Wars Raging in the Middle East (2)

    •�Disagree: Robert Dolan
    •�Replies: @fnn
  256. @peterAUS

    That’s the point of sites like this one; to flush us out and expose us (or allow us to expose ourselves) as the clamoring idiots we are.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  257. Dumbo says:

    Brother Nathanael has had several videos demonetized or downright censored, and it’s not from today.

  258. Dumbo says:
    @Mr McKenna

    I kinda like Brother Nathanael, why a clown? I think someone such as Andrew Anglin plays that “clown” role better.

    •�Replies: @Robert Dolan
    , @lavoisier
  259. @eah

    49 “hate” deaths over a period of 16 years? Jeez, that works out to three a year. And those were the doings of a population of roughly 200,000,000 whites?

    Humans aren’t angels. What can one say about this level of insanity? Except that it’s not insane at all. It’s part of a clever plan crafted by amoral sociopaths.

  260. peterAUS says:

    One of purposes.

    The main is to give “normies” perception of freedom, free speech and such.
    Next, to keep in touch with what people, who could be out of line, really think.
    Next is to have a place for those people to vent. Safety valve if you will.
    The last is, actually, to “flush” anybody out. Of course we are in some database, but that’s only “just in case”.

    Having said all that, well, could work for “us”. Whatever that “us” means.
    Just a little.

  261. @Dumbo

    I like both Brother Nathaniel and Anglin.

    At one time I went to BN’s site and watched nearly all of his clips and I learned a lot.
    He’s not a clown and he’s totally sincere, even if he looks a bit different.

    Anglin is a good writer and some of his content is great. But I really get tired of his boomer bashing and woman hating nonsense.

    The nose ruined our women, brainwashed the boomers, cucked the church. Our people are victims, not perps.

    Anglin’s hate for boomers is simply stupid, but all of the alt-right seems to think it’s hip and edgy to shit on older white people.

  262. dfordoom says: •�Website
    @Kevin O'Keeffe

    but I see this as more of a fatal blow to YouTube

    Yes, I’m sure they’re incredibly worried about the prospect of losing about 0.01% of their user base.

    You’re living in a dream world.

    •�Agree: reiner Tor
  263. Nehlen says:
    @Monotonous Languor

    I’ve moved past the old paradigm.

    We have virtually nowhere to speak the truth without triggering a ban of some sort.

    Pretty sure we all know what options that leaves us.

    •�Replies: @Robert Dolan
  264. @Whitewolf

    Does anybody have any recommendations or thoughts on good hosts/registrars that are politically agnostic? IIRC didn’t Anglin actually have both his domain name seized and his hosting terminated? To me, that is much scarier than youtube or twitter demonetizing–what are you supposed to do about that, build your own internet?

    WRT video, it seems like it would make more sense to host your own bare bones text/images site on a cheap host, load videos to bitchute, and provide links to the videos, rather than getting a video hosting plan.

    That leaves the question of monetization. Soliciting donations is an option but there’s certainly a ceiling to that. Something like adwords is a non-starter, obviously. You could solicit for ads on the site. Much more labor intensive, but on the other hand safer from demonetization. I actually could see people in mail order businesses that are very crowded, who have no other way to distinguish themselves, advertising on sites like this. I’m being serious–one of my neighbors was in a business like this and he said that for these sorts of crowded marketplaces the ROI for keyword advertising on google was zero–they basically sucked every last penny of value out of you. So someone like him, without a lot of options, might be willing to advertise on a site like that, particularly if there is a good fit with the demographic. Alex Jones seems to be doing this with supplements but I could see it working for other things.

    Anyway its a long row to hoe but not impossible.

    •�Replies: @Republic
  265. It is entirely predictable and logical for major internet companies to be political and seek to be tied into the State apparatus. Why not? In this stage of capitalism to think that Youtube is a public utility is just plain nuts–they’re only in it for the money and the power as is every other corporate-capitalist enterprise and they will do ANYTHING to get what they want and make deals with other powerful lords to do it. That’s reality and I can’t blame those companies for playing along with the state security services.

    The problem is not with all those social media companies–the problem is the public itself. Most Americans are quite happy to be told what to think and what to do–they want a solid mythological framework no matter how divorced it is from reality–that’s been clearly shown over and over and over again. I isn’t the ruling elites who are at fault–we have a public, in the USA at least, which is more than willing to pull the wool over their own eyes. You don’t need to drag people out of their homes and put them in Gulag to encourage them to conform to the State Narratives provided by the mainstream. Even if most people don’t believe CNN and the NYT and so on they still need the Narrative. There is little interest among any group I know in liberty, freedom, equality, cooperation or real community as long as there is 24/7 entertainment and drugs.

    If we really cared we wouldn’t be online complaining about all this but would be coming together with those of us who agree–I’ve seen this coming since the 90s and I’ve tried to encourage this for 20+ years and no one but no one is interested in forming any kind of true cooperative structures/communities despite the fact that it is the only way that change will come. That means structures that aren’t there for a day or week or month or even one election season but for all time. This is what made the union and civil rights movements so strong–both are now either weak or have turned into the left-wing fascism of identity politics.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
    , @Anonymous
    , @Corvinus
  266. @Nehlen

    If people do not have a voice they will turn to violence.

    •�Replies: @dfordoom
  267. gmachine1729 says: •�Website

    As an FYI, the Chinese video sites like iqiyi, youku, v.qq all play at least 30 seconds (sometimes even 90 seconds) of ads before they let you watch. The state owned ones like CCTV don’t have anywhere near as much if at all.

  268. @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    Wild game tastes better


    … and makes a boy into a man.

    Sorry, no. Only hard work and responsibility does that. Certainly not the recreational killing of wild animals.

    P.S. Seeing your comment gives me proof America is doomed.

    •�Replies: @Anonymoose
  269. @anonymous coward

    don’t think game hunting is a sign of doom. It’s one of the few traditional prmitive hobbies man can enjoy in this world caught up by souless consumerism or even worse going to drunken rave parties or getting herpes at that shitshow known as Coachella.

  270. dfordoom says: •�Website
    @Robert Dolan

    If people do not have a voice they will turn to violence.

    What people? Most white people are quite happy with the current situation. This massive seething resentment and anger of the silent majority that is sooner or later going to explode – it’s a myth. Most white people just don’t care. They’re so accustomed to living empty meaningless lives ruled by consumerism and hedonism that they think it’s normal. They don’t know any better.

    They think modern western society is the most enlightened most civilised most virtuous society that has ever existed.

    They’re not going to turn to violence. They’re not going to do anything. They don’t want a voice.

  271. @dfordoom

    The number of redpilled people increases by the day.

    If that were not the case, the nose would not be frantically censoring the shit out of social media.

    I pour over comments sections and as others have noted, comments sections today look like Stormfront.

    There are ever growing numbers of angry disenfranchised white people waking up and anxious to do something to fight back against the tyranny of the nose.

    Yes, many of our people are atomized, confused, disillusioned, demoralized, lost.

    But I don’t think they are simply fat and happy and satisfied with globohomo. Years of anti-white propaganda have taken a harmful toll on our people.

    It’s a race against time…..will whites wake up in time…..or will whites be tossed into the dustbin of history…..

    Trump….Brexit…..right leaning parties and leaders having success all over the world….nationalism on the rise…….the nose in panic mode trying to shut it down…..

    I guess we just have to see how it plays out.

  272. peterAUS says:
    @Chris Cosmos

    Most Americans are quite happy to be told what to think and what to do–they want a solid mythological framework no matter how divorced it is from reality–that’s been clearly shown over and over and over again. I isn’t the ruling elites who are at fault–we have a public, in the USA at least, which is more than willing to pull the wool over their own eyes. You don’t need to drag people out of their homes and put them in Gulag to encourage them to conform to the State Narratives provided by the mainstream. Even if most people don’t believe CNN and the NYT and so on they still need the Narrative.

    Pretty much.

    As for the second paragraph, especially

    …..it is the only way that change will come…

    I am sure there are some other options but this is neither place nor time to talk about it.

    In any case, it’s quite possible, as things do get worse, that people would go along that idea you mentioned above.
    I guess you’ll have a backup plan in place should TPTBs clamp, hard, on you.

  273. Okechukwu says:

    Most white people want hate speech censured, particularly on venues like YouTube, which is essentially an over the air TV network like ABC or NBC with no restrictions to access. Normal, rational white people don’t want their kids exposed to hateful alt-right dogma. They don’t want their kids to go down a rabbit hole of white nationalist indoctrination and radicalization, which has the potential to ruin their lives.

    I own Alphabet stock as do many other people I know. As far as I know, none of these people want to own stock in a cesspool of racism and hate speech. There have been very serious campaigns launched by stockholders and advertisers to clean up YouTube. Beyond that, private companies have always been able to police the speech promulgated on their platforms. This is not even a First Amendment issue, as it isn’t the government that is abridging speech, although the First Amendment too has its limits.

    Here is the First Amendment:

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    The alt-righters that style themselves as strict First Amendment absolutists apparently have never read it. Or having read it, don’t understand it. Because all the clauses therein, with the exception of Establishment, are designed to empower the majority with all the tools it needs to destroy a fringe movement like the alt-right.

    Freedom of speech works both ways. They can shout you down.

    Freedom of the press is lethal to you. There has been a constant drumbeat of anti-alt-right articles, particularly since Charlottesville. Big tech takes notice.

    Freedom of assembly means when you assemble, your opponents can assemble. And they tend to greatly outnumber you.

    Freedom to petition the government. Well, I don’t have to tell you that governments at all levels are being petitioned and not in your favor.

    So there you have it. The First Amendment you people say you are devoted to is actually your worst enemy.

    •�Disagree: Robert Dolan
    •�LOL: WHAT
  274. @anon

    There is a wide berth of anti muslim and anti islam videos as well as creators who make money off of these vids, and get to stay without being demonetized. In fact, the whole demonetization thing for many of these guys is a rallying cry to gather their nitiwtted supporters to show their pittance, and its a way to garner some tenporary attention while they obnoxiously complain and pretend how they themselves are the biggest victims. Come off it, plenty of these videos there not getting demonetized

    •�Replies: @UrbaneFrancoOntarian
  275. Ty says:

    Another comrade bit the dust, 911 is the litmus test

  276. @Okechukwu

    You are a disgusting little anti-white bitch.

    There is no such thing as hate speech, you lying POS, and no, white people do NOT want something that doesn’t exist to be censored.

    You are a LOON.

    You are exactly the kind of POS moron that sets people off.

    Please take a helicopter ride.

  277. @jimmyriddle

    BN has suffered the pangs of demonetization as well as censorship arising as a result of the current political climate surrounding us. His platform/output is constructed that way(as you say) because there is pinpoint accuracy contained within his words, and because there is an insatiable demand for the answers to many of the persistent problems ailling society and ((who)) is behind them. Brother Nathaniel fulfills that demand with his well-versed knowledge into the instincts and mindsets of them, coupled with his own unmatcheable personal experience( He’s Jewish).

    Crowder is an estabilishment republican, and the icon of Pop Culture Republicanism, stretching into a bit of hipsterism. They aren’t ans won’t be doing anything to him. He regularly attends CPAC, he’s a warmongerer and he’s an arrogant pseudo intellectual who ( like shapiro) can only handle unprepared college students who haven’t brushed up on their information before and don’t apply careful scrutiny to the rubbish that he sputters out. Both of these doofuses also engulf these college students with a billion points ina short amount of time as a distraction, as well as utlizing diversionary tactics like constant erruptions, twisting of their words, etc.. He is a pro-war philosemite who (if he could) would estabilish a “Holocaust Memorial Day”. Calling him a dishonest, and pathetic pseudointellectual would be doing a major injustice to the words. If I was a word, I would abhor being associated with the ranks of Crowder and company. Puh-Lease.

  278. @Mr McKenna

    Brother Nathaniel isnt a troll, not in the slightest

  279. Anonymous[100] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Chris Cosmos

    The problem is not with all those social media companies–the problem is the public itself.

    Congratulations! That’s no doubt the dumbest statement for June.

    The public was happily spreading red pills at an unprecedented pace on the Net. That’s why they’re gagging us, sparky. How can you be so blind?

  280. Miro23 says:

    What people? Most white people are quite happy with the current situation. This massive seething resentment and anger of the silent majority that is sooner or later going to explode – it’s a myth. Most white people just don’t care. They’re so accustomed to living empty meaningless lives ruled by consumerism and hedonism that they think it’s normal. They don’t know any better.

    When the consumerism and hedonism stop, at that point they’ll need to do some thinking. We haven’t got there yet, but the C&H life certainly stops when their dollars become worthless (quite likely given the massively debt based US system).

    •�Replies: @Nehlen
    , @dfordoom
  281. @Okechukwu

    Typical gaslighting and baseless assertions from the NPC echo chamber. Your feeble attempt at analysis of the First Amendment is illogical, since your conclusions are absurd non sequitur.

    So-called racism is simply pattern recognition. AI (as in, “I just loooove SCIENCE !!!”) is predicated on the same principles. You might want to read up on it some time, assuming you have the intellectual capacity and/or the requisite grounding in math to understand any of it.

    One fool’s racism is another man’s pattern recognition. At its core, racism is realism, and I’m proud to be a realist.

    There is no such thing as hate speech. It is nothing but a subjective legal fiction, a nebulous concept that is intellectually flawed from the outset. There is endless proof from case law that it’s a weapon successfully applied only by the left to punish their enemies via the judicial system. It also allows the left to cater to their self-hating subgroups and minorities who are unable to take responsibility for their lives or their emotions, constantly mewling about their victim status and seeking revenge for their own failings.

    Only the insane, or children, or animals are unable to take personal responsibility for their own feelings… which one are you?

    •�Agree: Robert Dolan, Anonymoose
    •�Replies: @Robert Dolan
    , @dfordoom
  282. @Monotonous Languor

    I can simplify the entire discussion because Vince at Red Elephants has repeatedly shown the stats on this issue.

    High IQ white people believe in free speech.

    Dumbfuck low IQ non-white people believe in “hate speech.”

    “Hate speech” is yet another jew/marxist term they pulled out of their asses to try to make white people shutup.

    Problem for the nose is that white people aren’t going to shutup no matter what they do.

    The more they try to shut us up, the more we are going to scream from the rooftops,

    •�Replies: @dfordoom
  283. awry says:
    @Robert Dolan

    This will radicalize more people.

    Who knows, maybe that’s the end goal.

    The very thing they dread will come upon them and it will be because of their own insane actions. It’s a very weird hermetic system revealing the same old pattern in the nazi/nose cycle.

    (((They))) already ran through this cycle several times, and at the end it was (((them))) who laughed last, until now. Where are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Rome, Russia, Germany now? Well some of them still exist in some form and (((they))) still regard them as their arch enemies, or (((they))) made them their most submissive bitches licking (((their))) boots (I could have used some other word, but let’s not be vulgar). Or both.

    White people do not respond well to tyranny.

    White people are on the road to extinction. Maybe (((they))) want to incite a last desperate white rebellion that (((they))) can put down and cement (((their))) rule over the world.

    •�Replies: @UrbaneFrancoOntarian
  284. @anon

    Anarchists 100 years ago were killing presidents and kings, and achieved shit. What can result from some retards shooting low paid workers and random bystanders?

    Individual terrorism is stupid.
    Do not be stupid.


  285. @Chris Mallory


    The House spent most of their time pursuing Clinton over his ill-advised fetish for chubby Jewish girls.

    It was Clinton himself who cut defense funding (Of course he was fortunate enough to preside between Berlin and 9-11) and raised taxes on the rich slightly.

    And the Senate and house were still Republican when Bush was elected and the US went downhill.

    •�Replies: @AnonFromTN
  286. Dmitry says:

    I was talking about a different topic.

    However, since we started talking, this comment section has attracted so many crazy weirdos and extremists who sound like terrorists (and some even started posting videos of terrorists), in the end – you unintentionally had a good point.

    Now you’re logged together with all these crazy people.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  287. @Chris Mallory


    It was not so much fear as a desire for a better quality of life. Michigan is freezing cold and the job market is no better than Asia, so why hang around?

    I’ve got college buddies from Flint and Greater Detroit who mortgaged houses and married right out of college. Now their property is worth nothing and they are trapped in The Great American Rustbelt.

    And yes, you can move to the sticks and maybe open an antique shop. But these sort of small towns and cities are fairly remote and cliquish.

    Dubai, Mumbai and Asia were not out in the boondocks but buzzing. I had some bad experiences with a few Indians and Filipinos, but nothing like the life-and-death situations one can run into on a budget in a city like Phoenix full of roving Mexican gangs.

  288. @niteranger

    The power to define “online hate and extremism” (and the police to arrest the “haters”) is all the power any future dictator would need.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  289. Anonymous[835] •�Disclaimer says:

    True. Here’s a much better article on the subject:


    In an increasingly fake world, where government actions are routinely narrative-based rather than reality-based, outlawing the ability to simply say “that didn’t happen, you made that up!” is incredibly powerful.

  290. Robjil says:

    All this censorship is about 500 BC Zion worship. 500 BC Zion culture is about as sophisticated as the Amazon blowdarters. Ironic, Amazon is one the big 500 BC Zion worshipers.

    Three big themes of this culture are = Amalek, Seven Nations to Destroy and Purim.

    In our time we have seen all three applied on a grand scale.



    “Therefore, when Hashem your God grants you safety from all your enemies around you, in the land that Hashem your God is giving you as a hereditary portion, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget! Deuteronomy 25:19

    This commandment requires killing all the men, women, and children, anywhere and at any time.”

    Mad Albright said 500000 Iraqi children dying of sanctions was OK.

    Antifa says the bombing slaughter of thousands of German civilians was OK.

    The US says the nuke bombing of civilians in Japan was OK. It “ended” the war. The US made sure it bombed the most Christian city in Japan, which was Nagasaki. The Nagasaki Cathedral was the target of the nuke on Nagasaki.

    Seven nations to destroy – Deut. 7/1-2 for the nine eleven false flag. Wesley Clark mentioned the seven. Why seven nations to destroy? I is for 500 BC Zion blow dart culture enrichment.



    “Esther’s uncle, Mordechai, discovers the plot and advises his niece to inform the king. The Jews are saved, Haman and his 10 sons are hanged, and the Jews go on to kill 75,000 Persians in defence of their own lives.”

    1917 – 1st Russian Revolution started on Purim

    1946- Ten National Socialists hung like Haman and his ten sons

    1953- Stalin poisoned on Purim

    1991-War on Iraq ended on Purim

    2003- War on Iraq started on Purim.

    2011 – War on Libya started on Purim

    2019- US says the Golan Heights is Israel’s on Purim

  291. Corvinus says:
    @reiner Tor

    “It’s a natural monopoly, and monopolies are normally not free to abuse their monopoly powers.

    Except there are ways for people to use the Internet to freely state their opinion without having to go through Facebook and Twitter. Those companies are but one avenue. A person is choosing to use those specific platforms to express their opinions.

    “And of course monopolies abusing their power is not a “sacred pillar of capitalism.””

    That’s not what I directly nor indirectly stated.

    I have no problem if the government breaks up Big Tech. But free speech historically is the protection of people against government interference, not business interference.

  292. Corvinus says:

    “I think that you are still thinking using the establishment narrative that “conservatives” are supposed to be capitalists and liberals are more concerned about the worker.”

    Actually, I am not using that paradigm here. A capitalism can be a person who holds a conservative or liberal ideology.

    “The only ones that still support capitalism are fake conservatives…”

    How do you define “fake conservatives”?

    “that despite all the evidence, still support corporations, the same corporations that are destroying conservatives.”

    What evidence? How is this destruction taking place?

  293. Corvinus says:

    “If you dig a little, you’ll discover that Google is a CIA funded creation.”

    According to Who/Whom? What are your sources?

  294. Republic says:

    didn’t Anglin actually have both his domain name seized and his hosting terminated?

    He was unable to register is site from many providers all over the world, from Hong Kong to Albania.
    He now has a tor site, read the wiki entry for full details.

  295. Nehlen says:
    @Robert Dolan

    It will play out violently, and 6 gorillion will be a low figure.

    •�Replies: @Corvinus
  296. Anyone who says these are strictly private corporations which can therefore set their own admittance and usage policies is a blatant liar.

    These corporations have received advantages from all American citizens throughout their organizational history, but have decided to enforce subjective politicized policies on only the ones they’ve been told to delegitimize.

    First of all, these huge corporations are rent-seekers. They’ve been in bed with government for years, bending regulations to suit their monopolistic status and ensuring that similar companies cannot possibly grow large enough to become viable competitors. Their technology is one of scale, i.e, quantity not quality; the latter was built on the backs of government research such as ARPANET from what is now DARPA. Then there is credible evidence to suggest they were financed during their early stages by money from Deep State organizations such as CIA. They are now operating with blatant disregard for Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, because by voluntarily acting as gatekeepers they have forfeited their rights as independent publishers. Finally, they adhere to all federal egalitarian laws such as affirmative action that are dictated straight from D.C..

    In all major respects they are arms of the government. Their actions fall within the purview of the First Amendment, which they are violating with arrogant impunity. They must be investigated within an inch of their lives, broken up if necessary, and forced to allow full access by all political viewpoints.

    •�Replies: @Justvisiting
  297. Nehlen says:

    Whether it stops after a Straights of Hormuz event sending oil to over $200/barrel or because of some chimpout gone awry, the next step after losing one’s voice is violence.

  298. @Monotonous Languor

    Excellent post. One connection you did not mention is that they have government contracts.

    Unfortunately .gov is part of the problem and usually not part of the solution–successful anti-trust prosecution would be a broken clock getting the time correct twice a day.

  299. @dfordoom

    Unfortunately, you are likely right. One correction: your prediction applies to people of all colors, not only white.

  300. Jake says:

    No doubt whatsoever, white Liberals have done incalculable harm to black Americans. There is no more chance of white Liberals realizing that and repenting than there was of Bolsheviks realizing how terribly they harmed the proletariat of the Russian Empire and repenting.

    This can’t be said enough: ‘There was once a motto black fathers followed in raising their sons: “Discipline is love, but love is not discipline.” PC has voided all that.’

  301. Jake says:

    You are not that stupid, which means you are duplicitous.

  302. @jeff stryker

    The US went downhill long before the Deep State falsified 2000 election results to make their favorite moron President. Clinton’s bombing of Yugoslavia that resulted in mass murder of civilians was a war crime. Doing so w/o UN approval ruined whatever international law was still alive. Clinton’s NAFTA was the first major international treaty that emasculated the US for the benefit of greedy elites. But the rot set long before Clinton, it just became more obvious during his two terms. I wish Clinton’s main sin was his love for the pleasantly plump whores: he would have been a great president if that were all.

    •�Replies: @Anonymoose
  303. Youtube is for entertainment (like watching lion or tiger videos) or for dry documentaries (e.g. the story of the jumbo jet). A new platform is needed for the political and controversial stuff.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  304. The people working against communist regimes are supported by the same people who give Nobel peace prizes and Oscar awards to organ harvest child pedophiles like white helmets.. Western elites.. They are not affected by any bans.

    Why would you work against a government that gives you free education, housing, food and work? You had many rebellions for this.

  305. Corvinus says:

    “They’re so accustomed to living empty meaningless lives ruled by consumerism and hedonism that they think it’s normal. They don’t know any better.”

    Of course white people know better, given their high IQ and high time preferences. They are only ruled by the decisions to live the life they prefer.

  306. Corvinus says:
    @Robert Dolan

    “The number of redpilled people increases by the day.”

    Not as many as you would like to believe.

    “Yes, many of our people are atomized, confused, disillusioned, demoralized, lost.”

    Not really. Perhaps they are simply doing things the way they want to do them, and you are opposed to their own choices.

    “It’s a race against time…..will whites wake up in time…..or will whites be tossed into the dustbin of history….”

    Why don’t you lead this charge with those redpilled people you know? Why is always a “waiting game” with you, considering that the enemy is everywhere?

    •�Troll: iffen
    •�Replies: @Robert Dolan
  307. Corvinus says:
    @Chris Cosmos

    “The problem is not with all those social media companies–the problem is the public itself. Most Americans are quite happy to be told what to think and what to do…”

    Not this tired argument. The fact is that most Americans think for themselves on a daily basis. They enjoy their liberty. They are not this “sheep being led to slaughter” as you like to imagine.

  308. Corvinus says:

    “It will play out violently, and 6 gorillion will be a low figure.”

    I see you are an armchair warrior.

  309. @Corvinus

    Are you trying to goad people into violence?

    You’re such a dick.

    •�Replies: @Corvinus
  310. @Okechukwu

    Looking through your comments you seem to be one of those pathetic “WE WUZ KANGZ” trolls. Can’t tell if you genuinely belief the horse shit you espouse.

    •�Agree: Robert Dolan
  311. @onebornfree

    Your a faggot. Curl your hands into a fist and thrust punch them right up your butthole.

    Fuck your regards,


  312. @Robert Dolan

    You’d be surprised at how many white people are thinking what we’re thinking, deep down. Many are simply afraid to talk about it, because as of right now the benefits they get from having a job are better than what would happen were they to be unemployed. However, those same people are groaning constantly – every year, the cost of living goes up up up, while wages stay stagnant. The squeeze gets tighter. At some point, something will give.

    5 years ago, the blue collar guys were thinking this stuff and maybe saying it quietly. Now they are quite out in the open with it. Middle class men are now starting to think along those same lines – in hushed tones at work in their friends cubicle. Thinking it, but not vocalizing it.

    But it’s happening. It truly is a race against time.

    I will also say this: whites are also quite psycho and good at what they commit themselves to. For instance, if the switch ever flips and the white people start caring about their race as opposed to “climate change” and “social justice” (as could happen), watch out.

    •�Replies: @Robert Dolan
    , @Corvinus
  313. @BengaliCanadianDude

    Notice that anti-Muslim content is allowed to flourish whilst anti-Jewish content is nowhere to be found?

    The Jews really are master strategists. Let in all these Muslims to white countries. This destabilizes whites. Let the whites hate the Muslims, which creates yet more friction and eventually Muslims become more cucked (Majority of USA Muslims support gay marriage).

    Meanwhile the puppetmasters are laughing while they orchestrate the whole thing.

    •�Replies: @BengaliCanadianDude
  314. @awry

    Maybe (((they))) want to incite a last desperate white rebellion

    I too have wondered if this is the case. It’s why the optimal strategy, imo, is simply for white people to start increasing the number of children they have. Get the TFR up to 4 and there won’t be too many problems.

    Of course, the opposite is happening (other races are also dropping in fertility). A desperate “White uprising” is somewhat futile when the white population is mostly over 50. America is probably the only nation on earth with a somewhat youngish white population.

    But basically – just have lots of white kids. It seems expensive, but having family members to take care of you will be alot cheaper in the long run than nursing homes, taxis, etc.

    •�Replies: @dfordoom
    , @jeff stryker
  315. @UrbaneFrancoOntarian

    Yes, you’re right.

    When I got redpilled in 2008 I tried to talk to people and it was impossible.

    But now people LISTEN to me, ask questions, show interest.

    Our people know the Jmedia is lying, the borders are open, black crime is epidemic, something is very wrong.

    Eventually folks start digging deeper and asking more questions.

    The outright panic from the nose is proof that the ground is shifting beneath their feet.

    •�Replies: @UrbaneFrancoOntarian
  316. peterAUS says:

    Extremists and terrorists, you say?
    Sounds……..what’s the expression, ah yes:respectable.
    That’s fine. Keep at it.

    I feel that some of those “crazy weirdos” of yours do have in mind Nelson Mandela and Menachem Begin. Gerry Adams too.


    ….Mandela was a controversial figure for much of his life. Although critics on the right denounced him as a communist terrorist…

    …..a letter signed by Albert Einstein, Sidney Hook, Hannah Arendt, and other prominent Americans and several rabbis was published which described Begin’s Herut party as “terrorist, right-wing chauvinist organization in Palestine,”[28] “closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties” and accused his group (along with the smaller, militant, Stern Gang) of preaching “racial superiority” and having “inaugurated a reign of terror in the Palestine Jewish community”.

    ….On 30 April 2014, Adams was arrested by detectives from the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Serious Crime Branch, under the Terrorism Act 2000, in connection with the murder of Jean McConville in 1972

    •�Replies: @iffen
    , @Dmitry
  317. Corvinus says:
    @Robert Dolan

    “Are you trying to goad people into violence? You’re such a dick.”

    Listen, there are a number of posters here who talk a good game. They talk about stopping the Jews and the Antifa dead in their tracks and taking back America, but it’s always not the right moment. It’s put up or shut up. Now, if they engage in violence, that’s on them. I thought white people are really good at taking ownership of their own conduct.

    •�Troll: reiner Tor
  318. Corvinus says:

    “You’d be surprised at how many white people are thinking what we’re thinking, deep down. Many are simply afraid to talk about it…”

    Not as many as you think.

    “I will also say this: whites are also quite psycho and good at what they commit themselves to. For instance, if the switch ever flips and the white people start caring about their race as opposed to “climate change” and “social justice” (as could happen), watch out.”

    Watch out for what? Time and time again, it’s been told that the Jews and their toadies have seized our land and taken our women. The moment is now, not later. And somehow I doubt that you or Mr. Dolan are going to be on the front lines if and when this “civil war” materializes.

    Again, more armchair warrior talk.

    “At some point, something will give.”

    Exactly, at some point. Meanwhile, the enemy gets stronger by the day, and there will be no point at all.

    •�Troll: Peter Frost
  319. @Robert Dolan

    But now people LISTEN to me, ask questions, show interest.

    In fact it’s something like gratitude. People are very happy to talk about these kinds of things. They are grateful for an outlet.

    I am viewed as somewhat of a though-leader. Surprising people will come to me with questions, concerns, etc.

    Just keep on keeping on. I’m just putting my head down and moving forward each day.

  320. TimothyS says:

    ” many of the people driven off are not so much dissidents as assorted freaks and weirdos. Their presence will deter “normies” from migrating over. ”

    A more significant barrier is the quality of search functions. On bitchute, to take one instance, you can’t sort results by date. So if you were to search for some political figure, you might get results on their vegan activism in 2015 – before they were caught taking bribes from United Horse Meat Co. last week.

  321. Okechukwu says:
    @Robert Dolan

    I pour over comments sections and as others have noted, comments sections today look like Stormfront.

    If you really believe this you’re even dumber than your posts would indicate. Some motivated and dedicated trolls sitting in their basements spamming comment sections does not a majority make.

    The white nationalists that went to Charlottesville were seduced by the same chimera, which was fostered as a result of spending all their time in online circlejerks. They mistakenly believed that their movement was growing in momentum, such that they could lay down their keyboards and operate in physical space. Well, we all saw what happened. There was a furious reaction in response that I’m sure caught most of them off-guard. Internet echo-chambers like Unz tend to promote a false sense of reality.

    •�Replies: @iffen
    , @Anonymoose
    , @awry
  322. “Second, YouTube operates on an annual loss of a billion dollars.”

    I assumed this for a long time too, but for the last few years, Wall Street analysts have been estimating billions of dollars of revenue being generated by YouTube. Obviously, revenue does not guarantee profit, and there are infrastructure (storage + network transit) costs associated with that, and those were once very significant, but both have been falling on a steep decay curve.

    This guy


    plausibly estimates that YouTube’s infrastructure cost is only $100m or so per year, which would mean that gross margins on billion dollar revenue streams are massive. Obviously there are other overhead costs such as staff, but unlike Eon Musk’s unachievable dream of a robotic “alien dreadnought” at Tesla, YouTube—being almost entirely a digital business—really can achieve almost person-less operation, so even by SV standards, its staff cost is probably very low as a fraction of revenue.

    In short, YouTube may not only be profitable, it might be very profitable.

    This does invite a question, however. If YouTube is so profitable in a business with low entry barriers (the internet), why aren’t there more competitors cropping up driving YouTube’s margin down to cost? This seems like a classic case of something that muh Free Market should automatically be correcting, and as a byproduct “routing around censorship” as the muh Internet people say, yet that does not seem to be happening.

    Wikipedia’s list of video hosting sites


    lists only 19 such services on earth, and the second largest one after YouTube (France-based DailyMotion) is less than 1% the size of YouTube. By contrast, the same page five years ago showed about double the number of competitors with the second biggest being 2% the size of YouTube, so the market is not only not getting freer and more competitive, it is getting more concentrated and more YouTube-centric.

    WTF? How is YouTube creating an intensifying 98% market monopoly in an ostensibly open market?

    The video hosting market has some elements of classic network effect monopolism, but fewer elements than the desktop operating systems market has, where Microsoft at its height was only able to maintain a 90% market share. So “network effect” doesn’t seem like a full answer.

    Government regulation? Which one? How? I don’t see any answer here.

    Hypnotic suggestion targeting 100% mindshare embedded in YouTube’s served videos? Well, that would explain a lot.

    •�Replies: @awry
  323. iffen says:

    The people that you list were a subset of much larger political coalitions; some of them massive like Mandela’s ANC. The people here are lone wolf types and I don’t think that it is a good idea to try and goad them like some of the commenters do.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  324. Anonymous[302] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Abelard Lindsey

    Ah, another “build your own Internet” genius.

    We already have those platforms – BitChute, Gab, Voat etc. The problem is that the Internet information monopolies have 99% of users which makes them effectively impervious to competition. Competitors need huge numbers of users to attract users which is a catch 22 situation (and even if successful, we’d end up with multiple echo-chambers).

    Public Forum monopolies must be forced to allow free speech on their platforms. Anything else leads to a dystopian nightmare.

    •�Agree: dfordoom, reiner Tor
  325. iffen says:

    Internet echo-chambers like Unz tend to promote a false sense of reality.

    And the MSM doesn’t as well?

  326. awry says:
    @Almost Missouri

    May be US patent laws, I am not familiar with them but regarding the things Apple was able to claim their intellectual propery (like slide unlock) and the amount of patent trolling going on, maybe Youtube would be able to successfully sue any site that provides the same services as they.

    •�Replies: @Almost Missouri
  327. awry says:

    Well, we all saw what happened.

    They didn’t anticipate that the authorities, like the VA governor and the city mayor (of the so called capital of resistance) will openly enable violence against them, that was a first. In the past even neo-nazi rallies were protected by police against counter-protesters.

    •�Replies: @Almost Missouri
  328. Okechukwu says:

    Second, YouTube operates on an annual loss of a billion dollars. It is something that Alphabet subsidizes for presumably political reasons

    For political reasons? What political reasons?

    In any event, YouTube does not operate at an annual loss of billions of dollars. The financials are opaque, but I think it’s reasonable to assume that YouTube makes enough money to more or less offset its massive overhead.

    But it doesn’t even matter if YouTube is profitable. Owning one of the most important websites in the world is a boon to Alphabet market cap. In that sense, YouTube is immensely profitable. Not every subsidiary of a conglomerate is going to be profitable. What’s important is the impact on the overall profitability of the conglomerate. YouTube is the anchor of the ecosystem Google has created.

    No other site can afford to be a YouTube. Videos take up a lot of storage space, and HDD’s don’t come free!

    There are no impediments to anyone starting a YouTube competitor even from scratch. But for it to be a high traffic site and to obtain substantial venture capital and corporate alliances, it cannot be a place where hate preachers go to take dumps. These alternatives already exist, but they are small, niche and increasingly marginalized. Someone wanting to spread a “message” is going to want the large mainstream audience represented by sites like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter rather than preaching to a very tiny choir.

  329. @awry

    Maybe, but I’d like to know specifically how such patents are inhibiting competition. Also, it’s not that there are no competitors, as might be the case if a patent (temporarily) prevented duplication, as with Xerox or Viagra. There are competitors, they are just puny and weak.

  330. Okechukwu says:

    I wouldn’t call that insignificant.

    You can always find 24 million white Americans who believe just about anything. Probably the same number of white Americans believe in black supremacy.

    •�Replies: @Almost Missouri
  331. @UrbaneFrancoOntarian

    Notice that anti-Muslim content is allowed to flourish whilst anti-Jewish content is nowhere to be found?

    Well yeah I’ve noticed that(along with many on here apparently) long time ago.

    Majority of USA Muslims support gay marriage).

    Source? Don’t get me wrong, that’s probably the case for our country as well, and yeah, it’s certainly within the realms of possibility…but yeah

    •�Replies: @UrbaneFrancoOntarian
  332. @AnonFromTN


    Powell didn’t like slick Willy dicking his bimbos. Never forget that.

    •�Replies: @AnonFromTN
  333. @awry

    I think that’s a good point. Also, in spite of the engineered violence and lawlessness, the only actual death at the event was from a traffic accident (judicially retconned into the most heinous murder since Emmit Till).

    Most of the mental landmarking of Charlottesville as a horrifying turning point was in fact retconned onto it by a massive MSM campaign to create a PR debacle that didn’t quite happen in reality.

    They thought they had all the ingredients for a perfect PR storm: armed angry protesters, stood-down law enforcement, agent provocateurs, and cameras—lots of cameras. They were hoping for Kent State on steroids for the Trump era. What they got instead was a land whale dying of “heart trauma”.

    Well, it turned out not to matter, since the MSM still has what Sailer calls “the Megaphone”. They just broadcast their version of reality on 24/7 blast relentlessly, and lo! Eventually it has been accepted as true.

    •�Replies: @Anonymous
    , @awry
  334. @Okechukwu

    In other words, about 85% of black Americans, and at 24 million, they are a potent political force who got the last president elected and may get the next one elected too.

    •�Replies: @Okechukwu
  335. anonymous[303] •�Disclaimer says:

    All the idiots who cheer for “mighty white urprising” and civil war, watch this video.

    This is what happens when one side have rifles and shotguns, and the other side have air force.
    Are you certain, and this means absolutely, 100% certain that US Air Force is on your side?

  336. Anonymous[302] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Almost Missouri

    Excellent points.

  337. Anonymous[302] •�Disclaimer says:

    You obviously have no idea how this is gonna play out. Funny.

  338. ricpic says:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    “…all predictions from 1900 for 1950 turned out to be laughable…”

    That’s true if you consider the rather shallow types in the prediction business. But in fact many of the greatest artists of the late nineteenth century “predicted” catastrophe in the sense that their work was almost without relief pessimistic and filled with a sense of doom. Strinberg, Ibsen, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche (more an artist than philosopher) the great Norwegian painter of The Scream (can’t think of his name)…the list could easily go on. All work filled with dread and doom. They sensed what was coming.

  339. awry says:
    @Almost Missouri

    Traffic accident? No, the guy intentionally hit those antifa, either because he panicked or got in a fit of rage. But yeah, Heather Heyer died of a heart attack.

  340. peterAUS says:

    The people that you list were a subset of much larger political coalitions; some of them massive like Mandela’s ANC.


    The people here are lone wolf types and I don’t think that it is a good idea to try and goad them like some of the commenters do.

    You do?

    “Free will”, “choice”, “make up own mind”?

    I’d like to know how to “goad” somebody, not only here, to donate, say, 10 000 dollars to me. Or something like that.

    And, as for those very comenters you mention (one, actually, we’d agree…), if anyone is such idiot to go with their/his “goading”, well, you know, maybe that’s not so bad for humanity. Clearing up genetic pool and such.

    •�Replies: @anon
    , @peterAUS
    , @iffen
  341. anon[220] •�Disclaimer says:

    I’d like to know how to “goad” somebody, not only here, to donate, say, 10 000 dollars to me. Or something like that.

    Easily. Get millions of followers, ask them for money, and some of them will respond. It works for teleevangelists, it works for the lizard and gay frog people, it will work for you too.
    Of course, step one is the hard part.

  342. TRM says:

    Use the Brave browser with their crypto BAT payment system. You pay the sites you want with ad dollars (BAT) from the ads you choose to see.

    It might not be the perfect implementation but I think it is on the right track. It, or something like it, will provide funding to those who use it.

    I don’t know if unz.com is signed up for it but I would recommend it.

    Failing that if you want to have some fun (and mischief!!!) load up the browser extension from adnauseam.io and fill Goolag, Fakebook & Twatter’s databases with garbage. Be the “GI” in “GIGO”. It is a protest method that disturbs Goolag enough that they banned it from the Chrome store. It strikes right at the heart of their advertising model and revenue!

    To quote Lee Camp from Redacted Tonight “Keep fighting”.

  343. @BengaliCanadianDude


    Sorry, but Evangelicals are clearly more based than Muslims. You can now safely convert.

    •�Replies: @BengaliCanadianDude
  344. Occams says:


    So. 9/11 – a WELL-PROVEN False Flag, and Sandy Hoax – another – are still ‘conspiracy theories’?

    And THIS!?

    “The Saudis are clearly going out of the way building a case for war with Iran…”


    Don’t know who’s paying you to shill, but I’ll trust outspoken Jew Stephen Lendmen;

    “The US and Israel are the 2 greatest threats to world peace today – and perhaps to humanity itself”

    When war DOES come, Anatoly, YOU will have blood on your hands for LYING. Hell, you already do, supporting that PREPOSTEROUS lie of 9/11.

    •�Agree: BengaliCanadianDude
  345. peterAUS says:

    Having said all that (mostly to please the resident “respectable characters” and as disclaimer for “monitors”) there is ……….more.

    The “respectables” should do their best to use “respectable” methods to get what (some of us) want/need. Hopefully, they’ll manage that……..

    Now, should they fail in that effort, well, it would be prudent to have (couple of us here only) a fallback option. Plan B if you will.

    The catch is, of course, that (hypothetical, mind you all…….) plan can’t be freely discussed in this online pub.
    But, smart and dedicated guys (maybe even some girls…) will find a way to do that, somewhere else. Discuss, I mean.

    Worked for those guys I mentioned above, plus plenty of others.

    As more and more “normies” allow, as we speak, heretical thoughts to invade their minds I am sure that sooner than later the same issue will affect some of “respectables”. 3 % should be enough I guess.

  346. Okechukwu says:
    @Almost Missouri

    In other words, about 85% of black Americans, and at 24 million, they are a potent political force who got the last president elected and may get the next one elected too.

    I doubt the Trump electorate would want to be described as alt-right or white nationalist.

    In any event, if Hillary had just coaxed more black voters to the polls she would be president. Similarly, if she had gotten the same percentage of the white vote as Obama, she would be president. That doesn’t exactly speak to a Trumpian revolution.

  347. Anon[867] •�Disclaimer says:

    And yours is a portrait of reality that still prettifies it, I find 😉.
    I mean, it is as you say, but worse yet.

  348. @neutral

    Aren’t you going a bit off track when you bring in the “dim witted Saudi prince”? The control by “expensive gifts” doesn’t make sense in his case.

  349. dfordoom says: •�Website

    When the consumerism and hedonism stop, at that point they’ll need to do some thinking. We haven’t got there yet, but the C&H life certainly stops when their dollars become worthless (quite likely given the massively debt based US system).

    While I’d love to think that the US economic system is about to collapse I have a horrible feeling it’s not going to happen. The US can and will use its military might to prop up its economic position.

    In the short to medium term the US will just grow gradually more totalitarian and go on growing more decadent and degenerate.

    Eventually it will collapse. Every society does. But I fear it will be a long time dying, and will take the rest of the world down with it.

    My greatest fear is that the US will increasingly see war as the way out of its difficulties, and will become even more insanely hyper-aggressive. The US has always acted to destroy actual or potential rivals (the destruction of the British Empire was one of the main US war aims in WW2).

    •�Agree: reiner Tor
    •�Replies: @peterAUS
    , @Justvisiting
    , @Miro23
  350. dfordoom says: •�Website
    @Monotonous Languor

    There is no such thing as hate speech. It is nothing but a subjective legal fiction,

    As a legal concept it’s obviously nonsense. It’s like passing legislation mandating niceness.

    Having said that, the alt-right dissident-right or whatever, does have the problem of containing a lot of nutters who seem determined to damage their own cause with endless rants about the evil and disgustingness of Jews, Muslims, blacks, Mexicans, etc. Some of these people are quite likely certifiably insane judging by their enthusiasm for silly conspiracy theories like the 911 truther thing.

    The worst enemies of the dissident right are found within its own lunatic fringe. They make life so easy for those who want to suppress their movement.

    •�Replies: @KenH
  351. @Anonymoose

    Is that why he shook a vial with laundry detergent at the UN? Looks like he got ashamed and disappeared from public life. The only person in moron’s administration, who has a conscience.

  352. @UrbaneFrancoOntarian

    Evangelicals? The biggest philosemites and Israel Firsters in the world? Thanks, I’ll pass.

    •�Replies: @UrbaneFrancoOntarian
  353. dfordoom says: •�Website
    @Robert Dolan

    High IQ white people believe in free speech.

    Are you sure about that?

    It may have been true a few decades ago. I’m not sure that it’s the case today.

    •�Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Robert Dolan
  354. @Fred V. Reed

    You mean the sort of filters ordinary businesses might instal to stop their employees using company computers to view porn?!!

    So, do you suspect something done automatically by Artificial Unintelligence or deliberate human decision at some and what level? (Different answer allowed for different censors I grant. And let’s not forget ass-covering, playing safe etc after AI pops up with the warning words “Trump, Mexicans, Wall”).

    I recall mentioning in an FT comment that UR was owned and run by a Jew when I gave a UR link to suggest unemphatically that Simon Schama’s ADL-compatible view of the Leo Frank case was susceptible to contradiction. I found my Comment deleted but a couple of critical replies to it left standing. I tried to get an answer out of the female weekend moderator with an exotic, but not Jewish, name but concluded she was overwhelmed because all comments were closed for the rest of the weekend. So…. I never got an answer to my question whether the FT had a filter which required comments to be automatically accepted as prima facie unacceptable if someone noticed the word “Jew” and objected. Does that tally with your experience of corporate filters Fred?

  355. @dfordoom

    Instant reply….. How’s this for analytical explanation? High IQ people, fortified by the best education and a modicum of automatic prestige and standing could afford, even take modest pride in, noblesse oblige and politely listening to others. That was then. Now most of the other over-3 SD (and, more confounding +1.5 SD) human phenotypes are up with you, often with PhDs in something that you know little about, and some sort of order should surely be imposed so you won’t be uncouthly shouted down or simply buried in the volume of emissions from myriad conferences, seminars, conversazioni, colloquies, forums etc which proliferate…..

    Maybe one should have a licensing system so a Harvard or Oxford (e.g.) doctorate allows you old fashioned free speech but merely getting a BA from Trump University only allows you to tweet with a Twitter warning tag that the tweeter is on probation…..

  356. dfordoom says: •�Website

    I too have wondered if this is the case. It’s why the optimal strategy, imo, is simply for white people to start increasing the number of children they have. Get the TFR up to 4 and there won’t be too many problems.

    Unless you have a way to prevent your children from having any contact with schools, universities, mass media or social media all you’d be doing is breeding more white liberals.

    There is no such thing as a white identity. White liberals do not identify as white people. They identify as liberals. The more white people you have, the more white liberals you have.

    The most deadly enemies we face are white liberals. Unless you can come up with a way of politically neutering white liberals any talk of birthing more white babies is just foolishness. It’s just more right-wing wishful thinking. Magical thinking.

    •�Replies: @anonymous coward
  357. @dfordoom

    Yes, I am quite sure of it.

    I’ve seen the stats.

    Vince James (Red Elephants Youtube channel) has gone over this topic numerous times and shown the results of polling on free speech versus “hate speech.”

    The negroes and mexicans vote overwhelmingly against free speech out of hatred for white people. They might be dumb, but on some level they know that the jews running the show want to stop white people from being able to defend themselves, so of course they are all for it and want whites to STFU.

    Whites, having much higher intelligence, and confidence in reason, logic, and TRUTH, vote overwhelmingly for free speech. Whites are genetically predisposed to seek truth, justice, fairness, decency, integrity, honesty, and all things NOBLE.

    Whites are the ONLY group on the planet that have tried to help ALL the races, and whites are the only group that have a sense of universal agape love due to the universality of the Christian value system.

    In this regard, jews are at the opposite end of the spectrum because their particularist philosophy is concerned only with the progress of their ingroup and to hell with the rest of humanity.

    •�Replies: @Okechukwu
  358. Okechukwu says:
    @Robert Dolan

    You need serious psychiatric attention. Hopefully, the FBI is tracking your movements.

    •�Replies: @Robert Dolan
    , @awry
  359. @UrbaneFrancoOntarian


    The Quebecois tried this at various points in history. It started with American refugees especially the US Civil War when loads of Americans fled North and aligned with the British government. They flooded Lower Canada.

    At various points, the Quebecois tried to protest. Just as Jews and Asians have driven the whites out of US coastal cities, the Brits expelled French-Canadians from Nova Scotia down to the US swamps of Louisiana.

    Then the worst of the US flotsam and jetsam came up during Vietnam to Hochelaga and Montreal. American biker gangs looking to expand drug markets, black army deserters, hippie dissidents, anarchists…etc.

    French-Canadians were never asked if they wanted the worst people America could vomit up North during its periodical instability because these Americans were Anglo and willing to side with the Crown.

    Quebec did attempt some grassroots movements towards independence but Ottawa had the purse strings.

  360. @Okechukwu

    Ooga booga, you stupid black bastard.

    Rot in hell.

  361. I have adblock plus installed in my browser. So Youtube and Google get no revenues from me. I mostly watch videos about gaming and animals at this point.

    I’m surprised there are still people who don’t use adblock plus.

    •�Replies: @awry
  362. @dfordoom

    Unless you have a way to prevent your children from having any contact with schools, universities, mass media or social media all you’d be doing is breeding more white liberals.

    I do. It’s called parenting and responsibility.

    Try it sometime.

    •�Replies: @dfordoom
  363. awry says:

    Why should the FBI track someone just for holding “racist” views? Should the authorities put them in a psyschiatric institute like the Soviets did with dissidents? Are you advocating for totalitarianism?

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
    , @Okechukwu
  364. awry says:
    @Felix Keverich

    Google is already killing ad blockers AFAIK. Didn’t notice it yet though.

  365. @Jaakko Raipala

    Well, the point kind of was that rural resistance to city based communist coups historically tended to end up with rural peasants being starved by the urban commies, not with the cities starving.

    Agreed. While it’s certainly possible that some or even a large number of peasants had the mental horsepower to organize and fight urbanites, the reality of farm work was that peasants had very little spare time to both grow crops *and* think about things unrelated to their livelihood. Mao Zedong’s father was a kulak, but Mao had to devote himself to armed revolution full-time to get the Communist movement off the ground as a fighting force, and it spent much of its time avoiding the Nationalists before the Japanese invasion of China saved the Chinese Communist Party.

  366. @awry


    The Nigerian is nothing but fang-baring white-hating racism personified. His stereotypes are wearying and cliche-rural poor whites eating pork rinds in their trailers. He is not even a unique or original black racist, but bog-standard. There is never any variation to black racism…it associates white Nationalists with rural poverty and small towns, pork diets and trailer parks.

    As racists go, he is pretty dull.

    And according to him he immigrated to a white-run country, no less.

    One thing about black racists, especially African ones, is that they seem to dislike white Americans in particular.

    Considering he is an immigrant, the FBI should watch HIM.

    •�Agree: Robert Dolan
    •�Replies: @Robert Dolan
    , @Okechukwu
  367. anon[273] •�Disclaimer says:
    @Anatoly Karlin

    Mike Adams started a video hosting website
    Maybe you might like to try that for vlogging?

  368. @jeff stryker

    I get a great deal of enjoyment out of triggering retards.

    I’m glad they are here!

    Ooga booga is a free source of entertainment and belly laughs.

    It’s incredibly satisfying to gut some gaslighting shithead.

    Free speech is a beautiful thing.

  369. Okechukwu says:

    Why should the FBI track someone just for holding “racist” views?

    It’s not about racist views. Most people on this thread hold racist views, including Karlin himself. But there is a certain unhinged volcanic evil that characterizes this guy’s comments that reads like the manifesto of a mass shooter. He’s certainly not alone. There are other people on Unz that bear watching and tracking and I’m sure the authorities are doing so, just as they do with daily stormer and stormfront.

    Anybody that thinks that Unz Review isn’t being monitored by the FBI is an idiot.

  370. Okechukwu says:
    @jeff stryker

    The fat, disgusting, doublewide dwelling, fried pork rinds eating, sister humping white nationalist shut-in troll chimes in.

    Hey, why don’t you regale us with your imaginary trips around the world?

    Btw, my birth certificate says born in the USA, you fat fuck.

    •�Replies: @iffen
    , @jeff stryker
  371. peterAUS says:

    In the short to medium term the US will just grow gradually more totalitarian and go on growing more decadent and degenerate.

    Most likely scenario.
    Now, a smart person (working as a member of small group of similar people) can do something in such environment.
    Decadent and degenerate most of the time is not competent.

    •�Replies: @dfordoom
    , @reiner Tor
  372. @Okechukwu

    You’re such a pathetic little bitch, Ooga Booga.

    If this were a bar, you’d never talk shit like you do here, because you know every well what would happen.

  373. @BengaliCanadianDude

    Went to Evangelical Church this morning. Full of white babies and young children. Each couple has at least 3. You guys can mope about muh Israel all day long but the white birth rate is what matters.

  374. @Okechukwu

    I would bet good money that anyone posting on Unz promoting violence is working for the FBI or some other 3 letter agency

    •�Replies: @Robert Dolan
  375. @(((They))) Live

    Nobody promoted violence.

    Ooga booga is making up shit, which is what Ooga booga does all the time.

  376. Harbinger says:

    This is all happening for obvious reasons, as we move into the Jew’s desperate effort of instituting communism throughout the west. However, what some people aren’t seeing is this isn’t just a killing of free speech, but it’s an attempt at reinstalling the indoctrination and brainwashing msm, back on top.
    The msm is hemorrhaging customers on a tremendous scale. We all know that it’s another vehicle for Jewish indoctrination and brainwashing. Therefore, there’s no way on earth that the lying media, has any chance of doing its job on the public, when there are so many channels out there that will instantly rip anything they state to shreds, backed up by overwhelming fact.

    YouTube is essentially going to become the domain of the failing MSM – CNN, BBC, Guardian and every other lying outlet, whether print, TV or radio. If anyone needed clear indication that communism is being enforced upon the western people, this is it. And if westerners don’t wake up fast and I mean FAST, then the horrors of Russia, post 1917 takeover by the Jewish Bolsheviks, will happen again, this time on a much larger scale, decimating at least 90% of the west’s population, of whites.

    •�Agree: Robert Dolan
    •�Replies: @Anonymous
  377. Anonnia says:

    White birthrate was 3+ when liberalism was first implemented as well.

    Evangelical movement is very recent and by far the most expansive version of Christianity in recent times.

    I wonder when it will lose steam.

    They also have no problem with interracial marriage and neither does Christianity.


    Future non white evangelicals might be used to destroy Whites who retain too much of their Pagan traditions.

    I don’t see a majority Evangelical country maintaining global Hegemony similar to the Haredi Paradox.

    Most whites feel closer to blacks than brown or yellow.

    You know the African birthrate going even until 2050 and what it will entail.

    Especially with non whites in charge who have fallen into the globo homo religion.

  378. Anonymous[319] •�Disclaimer says:

    However, what some people aren’t seeing is this isn’t just a killing of free speech, but it’s an attempt at reinstalling the indoctrination and brainwashing msm, back on top.

    Most people see it, actually. I’ve seen the stats. Even normies understand that the Western MSM is lying to them so it’s only a matter of time.

    That’s why we’ve entered an enforcement stage. The cockroaches are trying to force us to turn the lights off.

    •�Replies: @Harbinger
    , @dfordoom
  379. Harbinger says:

    People are certainly waking up to understanding the fake media and yes, that includes the normies, but what they’re not seeing is the killing of free speech on YouTube is about creating another platform for the failing, lying MSM. That was my point, not that most people are seeing the msm for what it is, a lying establishment, of media whores and presstitutes, who have zero journalistic integrity whatsoever.
    There’s no way, the lying MSM can compete with an outlet, viewed by hundreds of millions of people daily, by putting up stories that will instantly be ripped apart by many, immediately putting up videos to prove so. They can’t control the opposition on YT so they’re just deleting their channels.

    I only watch YT for the alternative media, that is channels like Red Ice, The Corbet Report, amongst many. I steer clear of ‘alt right’ channels, the Gavin McInnes, Stephen Crowder, Lauren Southern, Tommy Robinson, Candace Owens etc all Zionist sock puppets. Once the reason I go to YT is gone I won’t be viewing YT anymore. That day is coming. I see my main page growing with ‘Breaking News’ from msm channels that make me want to vomit. No matter if I press the ‘x’ button to not receive news from them, they keep coming me back, forcing their drivel upon me.

    •�Replies: @Anonymoose
  380. fnn says:

    The “alt-right” is nothing but CIA and Mossad propaganda, serving the interests of the capitalist ruling class and the war machine.

    Who told you that? Was it someone who works in Hollywood”

  381. @Anonnia

    I wonder when it will lose steam.

    I have wondered this too… hard to tell if their “growth” is simply cannibalizing the cuck Mainline Protestant churches, whose remaining members are migrating to the more vigorous Evangelical, or if they are actually gaining new converts too.

    They also have no problem with interracial marriage and neither does Christianity.

    This is true. However, the parents have much more say in the pick of the spouse. I see less race mixing in Evangelical churches than I do of a random sample of couples downtown… despite the church being quite diverse. Remember, conservative people are naturally more averse to race-mixing simply due to valuing tradition. Just because they’re OK with it doesn’t mean they will actually do it.

    Most whites feel closer to blacks than brown or yellow.

    This is also true.

    Anyways. You can either have cuck, pro-Israel white atheists who don’t reproduce, or pro-Israel, conservative, traditional whites who have 3+ children.

    •�Replies: @Anonnia
  382. @Harbinger

    None of those people are alt right. Gavin “I like to spread my ass cheeks and flash my bleached butthole on camera” Mcinnes is just a clown. Steven Crowder is another grifting regantard cocksucking faggot like Mcinnes. Lauren Southern is done working so who knows she’ll go back to swallowing and taking bb cock up her bleached ass. Candace Owens is a former doxxing cunt. Tommy Robinson is just a typical Anglo-Zionist cuckservative. They’re all just a bunch of ‘alt-lite’ grifters and clown jesters. There’s no need to look at them for any ‘intellectual’ insight.

    •�Replies: @Harbinger
  383. Harbinger says:

    Yes, I know, hence why I put alt right in quotations.
    All of them are fake right wing, predominantly liberal in their views and I’m defining liberal as classic British liberal, not American liberal, which is essentially left wing socialist. And yes, they are clown Jesters, all Zionist clown Jesters. They’ve been put in as controlled opposition, to steer the right into supporting Zion.

  384. Anonymous [AKA "Kopfz"] says:

    The inability to debunk false flags – or rather, to have it catch fire – may well result in avoidable wars.

    Did it ever worked?

    No, because the Military Industrial Complex marches on regardless of public opinion.

    It should be rather clear to all Americans on how to enact change, and if it isn’t, let me spell it out to you. Google up a list of US Senators, and then order that list by time in office. There, now you know why things never change. If you want to change the US, stop thinking in terms of who you want elected, and start thinking of terms of voting out entrenched warmongers. US needs to vote out any and every Senator that has been in power for more than a decade. That’s the deep state’s lever on power. If they’re running unopposed, then run against them.

  385. iffen says:

    Clearing up genetic pool and such.

    Yes, but they seldom do useful work like taking out politicians, they usually hit soft target innocent people.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  386. dfordoom says: •�Website
    @anonymous coward

    I do. It’s called parenting and responsibility.

    So you’re telling me that you can guarantee that your kids will have no contact with the education system, no contact with university, no contact with traditional media and no contact with social media? Because if you can’t guarantee those things then you can’t guarantee your kids won’t end up as liberals.

    Most of the crazy liberals who began the process of destroying society back in the 60s were raised by conservative traditional-minded parents. Then the kids went to college.

    The problem today is that the Poz is everywhere. I’ve known people who thought they could protect their kids by sending them to private Catholic schools. But the private Catholic schools turned out to be just as Pozzed as the government schools. I’ve known people who thought that belonging to a church offered protection. But the churches are thoroughly pozzed as well. In fact these days if you want to protect your children you’d be well advised to keep them away from church.

    The idea of trying to outbreed liberals seems superficially attractive but you’re seriously underestimating the difficulties.

    •�Replies: @anonymous coward
  387. iffen says:

    Btw, my birth certificate says born in the USA, you fat fuck.

    Actually, birth cerificates in the US use city and state.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
  388. dfordoom says: •�Website

    Decadent and degenerate most of the time is not competent.

    True. It’s also worth pointing out that just because someone belongs to the elite that doesn’t necessarily make him smart. Despite what IQ fetishists tell us accumulating power and money does not require very much intelligence. It requires luck, being in the right place at the right time, and it requires ruthlessness and an absence of inconvenient moral scruples. And most of all, it requires the right connections. And once you have power and money you don’t have much trouble hanging onto those things.

    So the elites are not necessarily all that smart, and not necessarily all that competent. It’s easy to make the mistake of thinking that they’re genius diabolical criminal masterminds.

    If the French elites of the ancien régime had been super-smart they wouldn’t have ended up losing their heads (literally) in the 1790s.

    •�Agree: Miro23
  389. Anonymous[381] •�Disclaimer says:

    fuck you you see no problem with attack white people thats okay to you

  390. peterAUS says:

    Ah………you said it.


    I guess we (you and me) could have a quiet chat over JD somewhere in private…..hehehe……

    How to write …something…and not put the owner of this site in a tight spot!?

    OK here it goes:
    So far, the “events” have been about guys going suicidal (majority). Tiny minority, how to put it….directed their angst outwards.
    From the later all of them went for soft (albeit symbolic, in their view) target or simply really innocent people.
    The guy in Norway did try a bit, how to put it, more productive venue, as well.

    My theory:
    So far the “own troops” (apologies to “respectables” around…..hahaha) haven’t been of high quality. Underclass, working class, lower middle class.

    As things go as they have been going we’ll, I am sure, see more of middle class guys going “active”.
    Imagine a PhD in chemistry going for that as he was going for his PhD dissertation.
    Or a pilot.
    Or top notch electronics/electrical engineer.
    Medical doctor…oh my…..

    Really careful selection of target; clinical execution.
    Hell, not even necessarily detected, as such. People in power do tend to drop dead of heart ailments and such, for example.


    •�Replies: @iffen
    , @reiner Tor
  391. homahr says:

    Those baby girls will grow up to fuck black and brown men.

  392. dfordoom says: •�Website

    Evangelical movement is very recent and by far the most expansive version of Christianity in recent times.

    I wonder when it will lose steam.

    When you consider that Christians have been reproducing faster than liberals/atheists for several generations the strange thing is that Christianity is still losing ground. It’s still declining. Even the Evangelicals are at best treading water. They aren’t growing at the exponential rate you’d expect given their birth rates.

    They also have no problem with interracial marriage and neither does Christianity.

    Christianity is inherently a globalist, inclusive, antiracist, feminised feelgood religion. Which means that in the present situation Christianity is doing more harm than good.

  393. dfordoom says: •�Website

    Even normies understand that the Western MSM is lying to them so it’s only a matter of time.

    I have a certain amount of contact with normies. From what I can see they have absolutely no idea that the media is systematically lying to them.

    The idea that the Western MSM is systematically lying is an idea that is pretty much confined to right-wing echo chambers.

    •�Agree: reiner Tor
  394. lavoisier says: •�Website

    BN is not a clown. Very entertaining and a bit odd for sure but he makes cogent arguments.

    He also is sincere in his words and in his work.

    Nothing to ridicule.

  395. @UrbaneFrancoOntarian

    muh Israel

    This is more important than you’re letting on.

    •�Replies: @UrbaneFrancoOntarian
  396. @Okechukwu

    The authorities are too busy locking up black people for shooting one another over $4,00 worth of crack cocaine.

  397. @Okechukwu


    I don’t doubt you were born in the USA because you would not have the intelligence or skills to immigrate.

    Anyhow, your labels are so dull and cliche. I’m an urban white, not rural. Can’t you find some cliche that fits?

    Your perceptions of other posters are so dull and cliche.

    •�Replies: @UrbaneFrancoOntarian
  398. @iffen


    This AIDS-monger African is actually a good reflection of why whites should build a border on the Southern wall…more and more Africans are beginning to figure out how to blend in with the Guacamoles illegally immigrating.

    We could have more and more simians like him with knee jerk hatred of white Nationalists on the loose in American shooting HIV viral loads.

    •�Replies: @Okechukwu
  399. @dfordoom


    In America, most of the Evangelicals are poor. I don’t know why, but wherever you find Evangelical Protestantism you will find poverty. This is almost a cliche in the so-called Bible Belt.

    Middle-class Christians are mostly Irish-Catholics and Italians.

    But evangelical Christianity can be associated with remote and rural poverty. I don’t know why.

  400. @homahr

    The don’t grow up that much…most of them are only 12 when Pakistanis attempt to groom them.

    But that would seem normal to Pakistanis because child brides are common.

    •�Replies: @homahr
  401. @homahr

    They’ll marry the white man their daddy tells them to marry.

    •�Replies: @homahr
  402. @dfordoom

    Christians have been reproducing faster than liberals/atheists for several generations the strange thing is that Christianity is still losing ground.

    That’s because the pleasures of the world still have a greater pull than does religion… also smaller and less clannish families means the former feels stronger still… for now…

    But stick around awhile. As traditional (since the Boomer gen, that is) white neighborhoods, activities, values, and culture gets thrown away, watch as people start coming back to the church. The worldly attractions are less and less lustrous to more and more white people each year.

    Evangelicals are “growing” because of a TFR of 2.4. About 75% stay in, plus more people are coming in from the mainline prot, plus some immigration.

    •�Replies: @dfordoom
    , @jeff stryker
  403. @BengaliCanadianDude


    You say, Jews are the chosen people! I say, ok fine. Let them trust in Him and they will be just fine, the way the always have been.

    No need for billions in tax money though. Or AIPIC. Or … etc.

    I do wish evangelicals were less pro-Israel though. People always expect me to be some pro-Jew wingnut lol.

  404. @jeff stryker


    All white people live in trailer parks and fuck their sisters. (According to negroes)

    Just another big ole COPE.

  405. dfordoom says: •�Website

    watch as people start coming back to the church.

    But the churches are pretty thoroughly cucked and pretty thoroughly Pozzed. Even the evangelicals. Plus the Evangelicals are seriously crazy.

    I wish I could believe that a revival of Christianity would be a good thing.

  406. @dfordoom

    Even when they are aware of lots of lies, they don’t think it’s systematic.

    •�Replies: @dfordoom
  407. @dfordoom

    The idea that the Western MSM is systematically lying is an idea that is pretty much confined to right-wing echo chambers.

    Plenty of people think that the media lies about particular subjects. Virtually all UKIP or even Tory supporting normies I know think that the media lies about immigration and Muslims. Corbyn-supporters almost always think that the media lies about him and anti-semitism. Left-wing pro-Palestinians and pro-Israelis think that it lies about Israel.
    Only the most apolitical people think that the media is not lying about something they care about.

    •�Agree: AaronB
    •�Replies: @reiner Tor
  408. @UrbaneFrancoOntarian


    French-Canadians are often quite devout Catholics, but in general the Canadian government manages to maintain a fairly round standard of living that would presuppose the dirt poor running to lunatic interpretations of religion.

  409. @Kent Nationalist

    They understand that the media occasionally lies about this or that. But it’s still going to influence them, especially on topics they know or care little about.

  410. iffen says:

    1) I reiterate my point that “leaders” have to have a following. There is no “following.”
    2) I don’t believe that the type person who has a career in chemical engineering is likely to be among the first to give up on the electoral solution and go straight to the gun.

    For some reason, I consider myself typically in some ways, and while I can see that Lady Liberty is being pulled to the ground, I am not ready to join the mob and kick her in the teeth.

    •�Replies: @reiner Tor
    , @peterAUS
  411. @iffen

    the type person who has a career in chemical engineering

    It will be someone unhinged and obviously mentally ill, like the Aurora shooter. Who actually constructed huge bombs, but then decided not to explode them. He could’ve killed way more people with the explosives than with his gun.

    Such acts of violence are mostly counter-productive. The example of anarchist murderers achieving jack shit back in the late 19th century is a very good one.

    •�Replies: @reiner Tor
  412. @reiner Tor

    Though he planted the explosives in his own apartment. Had he detonated it, he could’ve killed people similar to himself. I’m pretty sure it’s not a coincidence that these mass shooters etc. don’t seem to be able to kill many influential people: influential people are few and far between, and they are way better protected than ordinary people.

    Terrorism (and violence in general) seems to be a very dumb strategy. The only effect is to give legitimacy to the ever increasing oppression.

  413. @peterAUS

    People in power do tend to drop dead of heart ailments and such, for example.

    But it wouldn’t accomplish anything.

    The only case of terrorism or high-IQ violence actually achieving something I can think of was 1930s Japan, where a selective assassination campaign against anti-militarist political leaders resulted in an increasingly aggressive foreign policy, as intended.

    However, it seems to be a case where half the elite was already in agreement with that policy.

    This time, it’ll be more like the anarchists in the late 19th century.

  414. @reiner Tor


    If it were easy to get at the powers that be, Arabs would have done it already who had more money and fanatical dedication at their disposal.

    The people who feel the most marginalized are not anywhere near the Beltway or Manhattan. They are the lower-class and lower middle-class white males who are primarily distressed for economic reasons. One objection to illegal immigration, in addition to the savage gangs and drugs and crime, is the fact these people can do their jobs.

    And the ruling elite would get away anyhow. Antoinette lived in an era before the private jet and Swiss bank accounts. More recently, the upper-class whites of South Africa took off for UK and Australia and left Boer working people to starve in shanty towns. There was nothing they could do.

    The only time white working class people win is when they simply abandon cities like Baltimore or Detroit and these cities become ghost towns. This is voting with your feet.

    As for terrorism, it only works when its purpose is to draw a country into a long foreign war which of course was Bin Laden’s objective. And he succeeded. The US spent trillions, the economy went into the toilet…and 20 years later we are still in Afghanistan.

    •�Replies: @UrbaneFrancoOntarian
  415. @peterAUS

    Decadent and degenerate most of the time is not competent.

    It doesn’t have to be very competent. The technical possibilities increase by the day, while the push for oppression (in a very disorganized manner) is continuously getting stronger. Incompetent just means that some people won’t be repressed, while others will fall into it despite being completely innocent. I’m not sure if repression will ever fall into mass murdering and mass incarcerating wrongthinkers or suspected wrongthinkers, but that’d probably be unnecessary anyway.

    •�Replies: @dfordoom
  416. @reiner Tor

    We’re getting to the stage, technologically, where mass terrorism against influential people is becoming increasingly feasible.

    Not much point to radio jammers if the drones come with autonomous AI.

    Of course any such event would be the signal for the total and final clampdown instead of igniting any kind of anti-globalist revolution.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
    , @reiner Tor
  417. @reiner Tor


    Terrorism only succeeds when a country is drawn into a long expensive war. Bin Laden pulled this off.

    •�Replies: @reiner Tor
  418. @jeff stryker

    He got killed. He had also hoped to ignite a great Islamist uprising, which failed to materialize. If that’s success, then I guess white nationalist terrorists could also hope to have lots of success.

    •�Replies: @g2k
  419. @Anatoly Karlin

    How’d that work out after 9-11?

    As a young man, I brought an antique English musket from the Ottoman Empire I had purchased in Dubai Souk through LAX customs for my brother as gift. Try doing that now.

    NSA is reading every poster here. Of course if you use a scramble IP like I do and a fake e mail through which your username is registered, it makes it harder for anyone to know who you are but a forensics guy in Langley or wherever could figure it out if he had a mind too. People who post under their real names here are mad.

    •�Replies: @reiner Tor
  420. @Anatoly Karlin

    That’s a possibility, though the defensive methods are probably developing as well, so I’m not 100% convinced.

    But I agree with you about the likely political consequences: total clampdown on anyone commenting on websites like this.

  421. @jeff stryker

    if you use a scramble IP like I do and a fake e mail through which your username is registered

    Then they think you’re trying to hide something, and will go after you even more.

    a forensics guy in Langley or wherever could figure it out

    should be

    a forensics software in Langley or wherever could figure it out


  422. iffen says:
    @reiner Tor

    The only case of terrorism

    I think that you are wrong here.

    Are you claiming that the rise to power of the Nazis and Bolsheviks was not facilitated by selective terror?

    And on the subject of full scale war and violence, the abolitionists or sympathizers in the South were driven out by the fire-eaters in the run-up to the War Between the States.

    My point is that there is no “movement” where a leading intellectual group could step in as avanguard and push it in a desired direction. In the case of your anarchists there were multiple protest and political currents. We don’t have that today.

    •�Replies: @reiner Tor
    , @peterAUS
  423. Anonnia says:

    No evangelical have been growing fast everywhere in the third and first world.

    Concern is that because immigration for them would be co religious people there would be no need to couch it in economic terms.

    Now that it’s obvious that immigration is much higher than the 400k new citizens I posit the following:

    Conservatives probably do moderately reduce off the books immigration by tightening or enforcing regulations but they increase the number of citizenships as well.

    Evangelicals may basically import non whites even faster as seen with fucking Samoa gangs in Utah.

    Pagang is the only way but do your thing..

    If you have a discord drop it & I’ll introduce you to likeminded non faggots from around the world.

    This seems shill so I’ll straight I do work for the government

    My job is to jump out of airplane in camouflage and fuck bitches.

    If you gotta problem

    Fuck you.

    •�Replies: @UrbaneFrancoOntarian
  424. @iffen

    the rise to power of the Nazis and Bolsheviks was not facilitated by selective terror?

    In both cases there were parts of the elites who supported at least to an extent the general direction of the political turn – some kind of revolution was supported by the Russian elites (of course, they didn’t wish a Bolshevik revolution…), and some kind of nationalist power grab was supported by huge chunks of the German elite.

    Anyway, the Bolshevik terrorists only succeeded because the government collapsed following a revolution (by others), which was the result of a combination of a drawn-out and seemingly lost war and the incompetence of the government (both the Tsar and the local Petrograd police and military leadership). I’m not sure the situation is comparable. It’s also far from a clear-cut case that the Bolsheviks wouldn’t have succeeded in the absence of (pre-1914) terrorism.

    •�Replies: @iffen
  425. Mitleser says:
    @reiner Tor

    But it wouldn’t accomplish anything.

    Depends on your goal.

    If your goal is to destabilize the status quo and weaken the organization of the target, it might work and weaken them just the assassination of Pim Fortuyn doomed his party.

  426. homahr says:
    @jeff stryker

    I am not aware of Pakistanis grooming evangelical white sluts in the US. Beaners and blacks, definitely, they are all over the white sluts.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
  427. homahr says:

    White Evangelicals do not do arranged marriages. Those are only for Muslims.

  428. Okechukwu says:
    @jeff stryker

    This fat, disgusting, toothless slob claims he’s traveled all over the world. Yet if you peruse his “travelogues” they read more like white nationalist fantasies than reality. Imagine doing all this “traveling” yet all the people you encounter just happen to conform to the inane stereotypes invented in the puny brains of white nationalist retards, most of whom have no experience with the outside world, having never ventured far beyond their trailer parks. Besides, this piece of white trash is too dumb to negotiate the intricacies of acquiring a passport and visas.

    I also get a kick out of the presumption by people like this idiot that they speak for white people. Yeah, I can just see my wife, in-laws, friends, neighbors, employees and associates joining him in his filthy doublewide, strategizing on how to bring his warped vision into fruition. LOL.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
  429. @homahr

    If white Americans saw a Pakistani man hanging around a school with 12 year old girls in the United States they would call the National Guard.

  430. @Okechukwu

    Which white nationalist fantasies are you referring to?

    Visas are usually issued at most airports and the only country I had to wait for one was India, which took nine days.

    Which inane stereotypes?

    Can you be specific?

  431. @dfordoom

    Who do you think your kids would rather trust, their own parents, or the officials of the school system that feels more like prison than an educational institution?

    Protip, place blame where it belongs. Boomer kids are pozzed because “conservative” parents preached tolerance and understanding for poz and evil.

    Your diatribe just shows your own cowardice and inability to speak truth to evil, nothing more.

    •�Replies: @reiner Tor
    , @Harbinger
    , @dfordoom
  432. @anonymous coward

    Who do you think your kids would rather trust, their own parents, or the officials of the school system

    The issue is the other kids. Schools manage to kinda sorta convince many kids, who then convince the rest.

    Kids are super-conformist. If most other kids believe something, they are going to believe it, too.

    •�Agree: dfordoom
  433. Harbinger says:
    @anonymous coward

    Who do you think your kids would rather trust, their own parents, or the officials of the school system that feels more like prison than an educational institution?

    The whole concept of cultural Marxism was heavy indoctrination of the young. In the past, yes, children listened to their parents. There was no school ‘authority’ that there now is today back then. Parents taught their children, not school teachers. Look at the situation? Children now spend very little time with their parents. They see them for breakfast and are away for most of the day at school. Their teachers are their role models, along with their peers, not their parents as it used to be.

    How did we get to the situation where the younger generations, pretty much everyone 50 and under are far more sympathetic to homosexuality. The youngest generations predominantly condone it, along with transgenderism and gender fluidity. This is insane and it came about, not through children listening to their parents, but the heavily controlled and weaponised schooling system and government. Had there been no schools, guaranteed, there would be no condoning of homosexuality, let alone transgenderism. It’s taken 60 years to completely change the very ethos of society, destroying thousands, upon thousands of years of civilization in due process. All you need to do is watch some Yuri Bezmenov speaking of communist subversion tactics.

    And this is one of the main reasons, why I utterly loathe Jews and Judaism. They targeted the young to destroy not just the old, but their very civilization. They preached tolerance to degeneracy and depravity in order to bring in complete decadence. Once you openly allow one taboo, all others will come marching in with no resistance, as was their plan. The utter demolition of all good, honest, respectful and true has been their plan for day one. It’s about the obliteration of their enemy (all of the non Jewish world) in order that they rule over all and they’ve done this through complete infiltration and manipulation of every society they’ve ever been in.

    Your younger generations are controlled by academia and the msm. Very few, within still are brought up properly by their parents and it is they who face the most pressure from their peers, along with incredible persecution.

  434. @Corvinus

    Total empty pilpul despite being dead wrong, even buying into your idiotic framing. It’s already been settled by the American supreme court as to whether owning the means of public speech allows a company to act as censor (the case was about a company which owned a sidewalk stopping someone from distributing leaflets critical of the company on it), and it of course doesn’t. So even (dishonestly) pretending that these social media giants aren’t virtual monopolies doesn’t get them off fom having to allow a free public discourse, if the U.S. were still a country that enforced its laws consistently.

    But even if you weren’t hopelessly ignorant in addition to being a weaselly liar, your framing of the question is completely wrongheaded. It doesn’t matter whether the legal tradition was that they are free to censor as they please (it isn’t), the problem is that it is so obviously contrary to the public good that they be allowed to.

    Now I know that you’re just a mentally ill troll with too much time on his hands whom will likely respond to this with a declaration that whites are emminently well informed (despite most not having any exposure at all to the facts the ruling class don’t approve of) and are eager to clear-headedly choose a future of pointless suicide, but sometimes you make a post so immensely ignorant and dishonest that I feel forced to respond.

    •�Replies: @Corvinus
  435. g2k says:
    @reiner Tor

    He got killed, in old age, after more than a decade in relative comfort. Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia dodged any consequences at all for its complicity in 911, the us and its allies/satraps have effectively sided with aq offshoots in Syria, are closer to war with (shia extremist) Iran than ever before and anyone who criticizes islam in angloland had better be self employed and/or independently wealthy. You could be as rude about Islam/mohammed as you liked in the 80s/90s and still be welcome in polite society, so long as you weren’t abusive to Muslims themselves (If AK is to be believed, things are similar in Russia). What’s more, when ‘orange man’ leaves office, the Chinese will likely go from being ‘trade cheats’ to ‘Xinjiang genociders’, so, all things considered, obl has had a pretty good run.

  436. peterAUS says:

    1) I reiterate my point that “leaders” have to have a following. There is no “following.”

    For now.

    2) I don’t believe that the type person who has a career in chemical engineering is likely to be among the first to give up on the electoral solution and go straight to the gun.

    For now.
    BTW, not “to the gun”. Something else. Gun as a backup.

    For some reason, I consider myself typically in some ways, and while I can see that Lady Liberty is being pulled to the ground, I am not ready to join the mob and kick her in the teeth.

    Of course.
    Let’s give it some time. Say, five years, probably.

    Now, there is a catch.
    “You” don’t see reason to do “it” now. Reasonable, respectable.
    There is a possibility that, when (O.K., “if”) you see that reason it will be too late. Pointless in fact.

    One thing a “normie” or “respectable” people simply can’t seem to get is timing in any conflict.

    What do you think: would South Africans have done that then had they been able to see what would transpire out of it? Yes, maybe the result would’ve been the same. Maybe even worse. But it would’ve been as “sheep to the slaughter”.

    Haha….how about this:
    Had all those Jews, in Germany known what was going to happen, you really believe they would’ve been picked up so easily?
    Or the life in , say, Berlin, for those who participated, in any capacity, in that “picking up” would’ve had that easy? You know, enjoying pleasures of normal life.
    Something like that.

    And, as for the majority reading this, “violence doesn’t change anything”, keep at it. Sounds reasonable. I mean, no amount of violence will change the fact that sun will turn into red giant.

    Here is a simple test (call it selection process): watch the movie “Thief” with Caan. Either it resonates or not.
    Don’t worry. It doesn’t with around 90 %. Normies and respectables in particular.

    •�Replies: @iffen
  437. peterAUS says:

    My point is that there is no “movement” where a leading intellectual group could step in as avanguard and push it in a desired direction.

    For now.

  438. Dmitry says:

    You miss the point.

    In Russia, there is extremely strict law, as a result of the constitution, which can result in prosecution and even prison, for writing (or even reposting) things which are interpreted by courts as extremist in Russia, but which in the West could be merely controversial comments.

    I was simply advising the blog hoster to be careful in YouTube, as this is area which can be monitored by the authorities, while Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are not yet.

    You replied to me with some irrelevant boring stuff about NSA spying on you.

    However, your comment ironically became less irrelevant, after all these weird and crazy commentators arrived here in this comment section – some of these people sound like they are going to become mass shooters or terrorists, and the kind of discussions which could probably attract attention of the (Western) authorities.

  439. peterAUS says:

    You miss the point.

    My sentiment exactly. The other way around I mean.

    …the kind of discussions which could probably attract attention of the (Western) authorities.


    Let’s forget this conversation and move on.

  440. iffen says:
    @reiner Tor

    In both cases there were parts of the elites

    Where are the elites that support “our” side?

    I am agreeing with you. Violence at this point is counterproductive.

    IMO, the use of electoral politics to effect change has not been exhausted and this is a big deal with a big chunk of Western peoples.

    •�Replies: @dfordoom
  441. iffen says:

    would South Africans have done that then had they been able to see what would transpire out of it?

    South Africans tried to have their cake and eat it too, hardly ever works. They could have carved out a whites only country, but they wanted the benefits of cheap black labor.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  442. peterAUS says:

    IMO, the use of electoral politics to effect change has not been exhausted and this is a big deal with a big chunk of Western peoples.

    Within next, say, 10 years it will.

    South Africans tried to have their cake and eat it too, hardly ever works. They could have carved out a whites only country, but they wanted the benefits of cheap black labor.

    And that’s the wall one hits when trying to find the solution to the Problem of the increasing number of people in West.

    One day, perhaps. Would, probably, require a magic dragon with blue breath, or similar, but there is always a (tiny..tiny….) hope.

    And the reality will, most likely, be something like Brasil, on steroids.

    Which does bring us back to the “topic”.
    Individual “equalizing” the game. Like that show/movie.

  443. @jeff stryker

    The only time white working class people win is when they simply abandon cities like Baltimore or Detroit and these cities become ghost towns.

    That’s not a win… that’s cowardly white flight.

    A win is standing firm and protecting your community.

  444. @Harbinger

    We’re doing just fine, don’t you worry. But you’re right that we face the heaviest social pressure. There are many young white guys who were ‘semi’ redpilled back in the 2016 days with Trump, who have now retreated back to weakness and the bluepill because they couldn’t deal with not conforming.


    Anyways, you should hear what young non-white people think. Absolutely pathetic. ‘Yo, broo. You can’t support Trump on Twitter or else you get roasted’.

    90% of people, white and non-white, are globalist puppets and there’s no way around that.

    •�Replies: @Harbinger
  445. @Anonnia

    Appreciate the concern.

    I do have Discord, but I don’t want to give it to you, since you’re a Hindoo.

    •�Replies: @Anonn
  446. Anonn says:

    Saka Sikh, Hindoo cucks dont join the army.


    W/e do ur thing

    We gonna keep creating Nazis & Singhs for the upcoming Afro-Islamic Zerg.


  447. Anonymous [AKA "GreenManalishi"] says:

    Brother Nathaniel got shut down.

  448. dfordoom says: •�Website
    @reiner Tor

    Even when they are aware of lots of lies, they don’t think it’s systematic.

    Yes, and that’s a crucially important point. Normies have an incredible resistance to the idea that maybe our problems are not caused by a few bad apples but rather by a system that is fundamentally corrupt and hostile.

    They know that politicians lie. They know that all politicians lie. But they cannot accept the idea that the system might be broken.

    They know that the media tells lies, but they cannot accept the idea that telling lies is what the media is all about.

    They know that scientists and academics say ludicrously dumb and obviously untrue things but they cannot accept that maybe the entire scientific/academic establishment is rotten.

    They know that schoolteachers are teaching their kids weird sick sex stuff in school but they cannot accept the idea that maybe the education system is rotten all the way through.

    Normies will perform the most amazing mental gymnastics in order to avoid taking the red pill. And at this point in time almost all normies still believe that basically the system is fine.

    •�Replies: @iffen
  449. dfordoom says: •�Website
    @reiner Tor

    I’m not sure if repression will ever fall into mass murdering and mass incarcerating wrongthinkers or suspected wrongthinkers, but that’d probably be unnecessary anyway.

    There was an interesting British dystopian TV series back in the late 70s called 1990. In that program political dissidents simply had their citizenship cards revoked, which meant they couldn’t work, couldn’t get housing, couldn’t get medical care, couldn’t have a bank account, etc. So they lived on the streets and were usually dead within a year or two. But the government could truthfully say that weren’t imprisoning or executing dissidents.

    That’s how I imagine political dissidents will be dealt with in the near future.

    •�Agree: reiner Tor, Anatoly Karlin
    •�Replies: @iffen
    , @peterAUS
  450. dfordoom says: •�Website
    @anonymous coward

    Who do you think your kids would rather trust, their own parents, or the officials of the school system that feels more like prison than an educational institution?

    I think you’ll find that the school system has a much bigger impact on kids than their own parents these days.

    You have to remember that the indoctrination they get in school is backed up by peer group pressure. It’s backed up the mass media – movies, TV, comic books, you name it it’s loaded with Poz. It’s backed up by social media. Very few children are going to be able to resist such relentless indoctrination.

    The reality is that the chances of preventing your kids from succumbing to this relentless brainwashing are not terribly high. And the odds are going to continue to worsen.

    Your diatribe just shows your own cowardice and inability to speak truth to evil, nothing more.

    Getting angry and hurling insults won’t change reality. Wishful thinking won’t change reality. I don’t like the reality of the modern world any more than you do.

  451. dfordoom says: •�Website

    Where are the elites that support “our” side?

    That’s one of the weird things about the current situation. It’s unusual for the elites to be so united. Normally you’d expect there to be some potential fault lines within the elites. Elites change over time, old elites lose power while new elites displace them. There’s usually instability. But at the present moment the elites seem remarkably stable and united.

    •�Replies: @iffen
  452. anonymous[347] •�Disclaimer says:
    @reiner Tor

    This time, it’ll be more like the anarchists in the late 19th century.


    19th century anarchists targeted the elite, kings and presidents. It helped that security was absolutely abysmal. Some idiot could just meet Empress of Austria on the street and stab her – unthinkable today.
    And, in the end, it did not mattered. The anarchists believed that workers are on their side, but no matter how many crowned heads were killed, the working class refused to revolt and establish anarchist utopia.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  453. iffen says:

    But they cannot accept the idea that the system might be broken.

    You are correct, and I think that I understand their reluctance.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  454. iffen says:

    It’s unusual for the elites to be so united.

    I only see a few academics and a few others who are fearful of the political direction of the Leninist left.

    As with anything else you have to look at self-interest and start with the Benjamins. The current set-up is working great for all of them, no changes are needed. “We” have nothing to offer them that appeals to their self-interest.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  455. iffen says:

    For the benefit of Evangelicals, they shoud have had a sub-title of “666.”

  456. @dfordoom

    In the short to medium term the US will just grow gradually more totalitarian and go on growing more decadent and degenerate.

    Eventually it will collapse. Every society does. But I fear it will be a long time dying, and will take the rest of the world down with it.

    That is the current trend.

    But, we are dealing with chaos theory here and a very unstable and unpredictable future.

    Seeing the future has never been in the list of the skill sets of hairless apes.

    I am predicting an AI dystopia (a singularity that just sorta happens) with humans trained for neoteny and kept around for amusement (allowed to eat if they obey, and of course never allowed in the “office”) along with pet dogs and cats.

    It looks like we have primitive AI around practicing that stuff with universal propaganda that seems to appear out of nowhere.

    •�Replies: @iffen
  457. Corvinus says:
    @Athletic and Whitesplosive

    “It’s already been settled by the American supreme court as to whether owning the means of public speech allows a company to act as censor (the case was about a company which owned a sidewalk stopping someone from distributing leaflets critical of the company on it), and it of course doesn’t.”

    Please cite the actual case and respondents.

    “So even (dishonestly) pretending that these social media giants aren’t virtual monopolies doesn’t get them off fom having to allow a free public discourse…”

    I never directly stated nor implied that those companies were not monopolies. I am saying that those businesses are exerting their property rights.

    “It doesn’t matter whether the legal tradition was that they are free to censor as they please (it isn’t), the problem is that it is so obviously contrary to the public good that they be allowed to.”

    Except people are not bound to simply those companies to express their opinions. There are other companies that promote the public good, like Gab. People have the option whether or not to use social media.

    “Now I know that you’re just a mentally ill troll…”

    Project much?

    “that whites are emminently well informed (despite most not having any exposure at all to the facts the ruling class don’t approve of)”

    They are indeed informed well. They find facts that are alternative to your position, and that is why you are upset like a spoiled little girl.

    “and are eager to clear-headedly choose a future of pointless suicide…”

    Talk about being wrong-headed here.

  458. iffen says:

    It looks like we have primitive AI around practicing that stuff with universal propaganda that seems to appear out of nowhere.

    Driverless vehicles will be safer than vehicles with drivers.

    If you don’t believe that, just look at “the data.”

    When should we expect to see the first memorial to Hal on the mall?

  459. Harbinger says:

    We’re doing just fine, don’t you worry.


    90% of people, white and non-white, are globalist puppets and there’s no way around that.

    With all due respect, I really don’t think that equates to ‘doing just fine’.

    I don’t vote. The game is rigged and any political organization that hits the scene is instantly inflitrated by Jews, or the Jews destroy them, as with what happened to the British Nationalist Party (BNP) around 2007. More and more people no longer vote, because they know, even your average Joe, that politicians don’t represent them. However, the problem lies within the fact that they do nothing about this. Less people are voting, but politicians still remain in power. Surely, common sense would dictate that if less than 50% of the population are voting, there shouldn’t be any government system in place, due to no confidence. Quite the contrary. Government power is growing and worse, becoming more authoritarian.

    There is far more government influence within our lives than at ever in history. They have total control of the education system. The msm is virtually their mouthpiece, whether print, radio or TV. The most damaging of all, is of course the education system as explained above.

    The reality of the BNP sums up society as a whole. Had this party existed pre WW2, then certainly 90% of the electorate would have backed them. The united front, of left and right wing workers in London, coming to support Enoch Powell, showed that regardless of socialist and conservative standing, the majority of people, in the UK and we’re talking 95%+ here were nationalists. They saw the dangers of mass immigration. They knew their history and immigration to anyone with a modicum of common sense is legal colonization. Enoch Powell was defeated, destroyed by the msm, at the turn of the 70’s. Already, we’d had one generation of immigrants on our shores by then. I also strongly believe that the votes, for Edward Heath, were fudged and that the overwhelming majority of the British public supported Enoch Powell.

    This isn’t a history lesson in British politics, but to show that NO nationalist party will ever win in the polls. The Jews control politics. Non Jewish nationalism is anathema to Judaism. As long as Jews, remain in control of western politics, nationalism is dead. And this, of course is why they’re ramping up mass immigration. The conservatives, voted in after Blair and Brown’s mass immigration supporting NuLabour, were to stem it. They didn’t. Immigration reached new highs this year of 600,000 people. Enoch Powell spoke of “We must be mad to let 50,000 people in” and we’ve trumped that ten times over!

    The more immigrants coming into a land, the more of their young grow up with the indigenous in schools. They see them as no different to them. After all, they’re speaking the same language. Added to that, constant propaganda that they’re ‘British’ because they live there, when we all know that’s a blatant lie and they are accepted as fellow domiciles and worse, nationals, failing to realize that unless you are of the same racial bloodlines and ancestry as one another, you cannot be of that nation.

    Eventually, there is the situation where history is ‘blackwashed’ as we can see with blacks taking roles now in period dramas on the BBC and Hollywood. I was shocked to see a promo for Mary Queen of Scots with blacks within. There of course, weren’t any whites in Wakanda, but black Heimdals.

    The point I’m trying to make here is that our history is being dissolved. Children are growing up not to love their culture but be part of the global community. The Jew is winning. You’d have to be pig ignorant not to see this.
    I look at US politics and every politician is a Zionist, harping on about defending Israel and not a peep from the populous about “what about America first?” Quite the contrary, that’s now racist to think so.

    Americans are dying for Jews, Christian American males and females, dying for the kike in Israel, who laughs, spitting on the ground at the name of Jesus, while teaching his children that he’s burning in hot shit in hell and his mother, Mary, was a whore.
    There’s far more interest in who Kim Kardashian is having sex with, that what’s actually going on in this world. There’s more interest in whether the Stealers will win against the Giants, than the fact Americans are hated throughout the world, as their war machine bullies lesser nations.
    And it’s the same here in the UK. Heck, they even worship your deadhead celebrities too!

    I don’t call myself Harbinger for no reason. I don’t really see light at the end of the tunnel and if there is any, guaranteed, it’s going to come at a trememdous loss of life, should people actually pull their heads from their posteriors and wake up.

    You cannot defeat the Jew in elections. They have the game won, before anyone gets on the field.
    The problem facing our society is the same problem that faced hundreds of lands in the past. They dealt with it the best way they knew how, that is short of genocide. They of course, exiled the Jews, closed the doors, kicked them all out wanting nothing more to do with them. Now they’re back inside the gates, up to the same old mischief of divide and conquer leading to complete control over the goyim, courtesy of our traitorous aristocracy.

    And this thread, discussing the destruction of freedom of speech by YouTube, a company owned by Jews. There is only one solution to the Jewish problem, well two I suppose – the humane and inhumane. They want a world of their own. I say give it to them. Section off a land, somewhere in Russia, preferably between the Black and Kaspian Sea and build a massive wall/dig a huge chasm around it and put every Jew, on this earth within. Shut them off from the rest of the world’s people. Monitor them daily, to see they’re not developing weapons to murder the world’s population and have nothing to do with them. Don’t converse, don’t trade with, don’t allow any out or anyone into their lands. Make them become the forgotten people. Give them their world, where only they exist.

    Unlike today, our ancestors didn’t bother about separating the good from the bad Jew (which I don’t actually believe exists). They just kicked them out, lock, stock and barrel. They have clearly proven themselves to be anti non Jews, for thousands of years. Why on earth do people still put up with them I don’t know. The very fact they call themselves Jews, when Judaism is a religious ideology, not a race of people, clearly proves that they hold onto the teachings within Judaism, which is a hatred of Christ and religious supremacist beliefs, belonging to a group of people, within a cult of hatred, racism and supremacy.

    Remove the Jew from the west and our society would change overnight. Make the Balfour Declaration null and void. Send in troops, covertly, into Israel and remove all the Jews from within, to their new home in Russia. Give the Palestinians back their freedom and then start a ‘Nuremberg-esque’ trial scenario, arresting every politician, member of the security services, members of the police, judiciary and armed forces, oligarch, corporatist, member of the aristocratic elite, academic professor and media mogul and try all of them for treason. If found guilty, publicly execute every last one of them.

    We’re at war. People just don’t seem to realize this yet. This YouTube debacle is a sanction against freedom of thought and speech. If that isn’t an act of war, I don’t know what is.

    It’s also not so much that I’m a Christian. I don’t think I really can say I am, but when I look at the fact that Jews have a virulent hatred for a man who preached love and kindness to his fellow man, then that’s something to be deeply concerned about. More so, especially when one actually bothers to see what their Babylonian Talmud is all about.

    •�Replies: @Parbes
  460. Harbinger says:


    I would like to state that I do not hate Jews. I loathe Judaism.
    I truly do believe that if you were to remove Judaism from this world, then you would remove Jews, obviously. If those who would be Jews, through being brought up with Judaism, weren’t brought up with Judaism, but another religion, or none, then we wouldn’t have the problem that we have with Jews. It is the racist, hateful, supremacist teachings within Judaism that create the problem that there is with Jews. I mean, seriously, what does one really expect when a section of our society are brought up to believe they’re better than everyone, chosen by God to rule over all others who they see as their chattel? Heck, it’s like having a very large aristocracy in our society. The odd arrogant, supremacist, pompous member of royalty is bad enough, but 15million thinking just like them, that everyone not of their cult, is beneath them?

    Remove Judaism and you destroy the Jew. It’s in the teachings, not the individual.

  461. Parbes says:

    Why and on what authority are you “giving Jews land” in Russia, idiot? Who died and made you owner of Russian territory to give away as you wish? Have you asked the people living there about it?

    •�Replies: @Harbinger
  462. Harbinger says:

    Circa 94% of Jews are Ashkenazi Jews, originating from Khazaria, which if you didn’t know was an empire, destroyed by the Rus in the 10th century, its landmass between the Black and Caspian Seas.
    They have absolutely no right to Palestine, so it makes perfect sense to put them back in the land where they originate from. The British tried with Madagascar which the Zionists refused. Stalin offered them Birobidzhan which they also refused.

    I would think, first, before answering in future, more so calling people, you know nothing of, idiots. Regardless what you may think of “asking people there first” about moving the Khazarian Jews, back to their ancestral lands, the Jews need to be relocated so as to not continue their demolition of this world. Sure, you could always genocide every last one of them, but that avenue of thought isn’t really going to go down very well now is it?

  463. Parbes says:

    Ashkenazi Jews are not “Khazars” and they do not “originate from Khazaria”, you two-headed troglodyte. Ashkenazi Jews are Semites, and they spread to Eastern Europe from Southern and Western Europe in the Middle Ages. Khazars were a medieval Turkic people who fought the Muslim Arabs and prevented them from spreading into Europe by way of the Caucasus; they never converted to Judaism in significant numbers, and Ashkenazis are NOT descended from them, which would make them Turks – a preposterous idea that neither Jews, nor Turks, nor Muslims, nor Russians, nor any real scientists or historians, nor anyone else in the region or the world other than you moronic U.S. neo-Nazi wannabes entertains for even one second.

    THIS kind of thing is why noone takes you imbeciles seriously, and why you never have or will be able to accomplish anything for whites or anybody else.

    •�Replies: @Harbinger
  464. peterAUS says:

    …political dissidents simply had their citizenship cards revoked, which meant they couldn’t work, couldn’t get housing, couldn’t get medical care, couldn’t have a bank account, etc. So they lived on the streets and were usually dead within a year or two. But the government could truthfully say that weren’t imprisoning or executing dissidents.

    That’s how I imagine political dissidents will be dealt with in the near future.


  465. peterAUS says:

    …targeted the elite…..security was absolutely abysmal. …stab her – unthinkable today…

    How hard is to get a rifle, with a scope, today (for those keen but lazy; scope I mean)?
    Open/iron sight, anything up to 300 meters (with some training, true) is “open game”.
    You can see members of elite capable of maintaining 300 meters “bubble” wherever/whenever they move?
    I don’t.

    …..in the end, it did not mattered….

    You mean for the stabbed person?
    Doubt it, somehow.

    Or, in the future (I think….) a person who just destroyed lives (legally, naturally..) of thousands of people gets 7.62/8�57/.303/30-06 in guts, while enjoying his $10 000 lunch.
    I do believe it will matter to him. As very serious case of indigestion….haha.

    But, true, at the end, doesn’t matter. It will be red giant and then white dwarf.
    All good.

  466. peterAUS says:

    … I think that I understand their reluctance.

    Me too. Maybe even the same thought.

    Would you dare, first, to say it, in this pub?

    •�Replies: @iffen
  467. peterAUS says:

    The current set-up is working great for all of them, no changes are needed. “We” have nothing to offer them that appeals to their self-interest.

    Neither carrot nor stick.

    Tells something about “us”, perhaps. Not flattering I am afraid.
    Worse, about the world and life in general, probably. People.

    Somber thoughts.

  468. Harbinger says:

    It appears that you need to brush up on your bible.

    From the following link (I decided to include this link, because firstly I already have it so why bother wasting my time when I can copy and past and secondly I have absolutely no desire on engaging in debate with rude, ignorant people such as yourselves, who thinks that everyone who criticizes Judaism is from the US and/or a neo nazi. I am NOT from the US and I am most certainly not a socialist, in any way, shape or form):
    Are Jews the Israelites of the Bible?


    This is what the Bible has to say about the Ashkenazim in Genesis 10:

    1 “Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. 2 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. 3 And the sons of Gomer: ASHKENAZ, and Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 And the sons of Javan: Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. 5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.” (Emphasis Added)

    Today’s Ashkenazi Jews, or descendants of Ashkenaz, are some of the GENTILES (Goyim) the bible speaks of. Why then do Ashkenazim call Christians and other non-Jews Gentiles, while pinning on themselves the term Chosen People? Is it ignorance or deception? It’s definitely not ignorance. And if to those outside it looks like deception, to them it’s pure re-branding. The ultimate Chutzpah!

    Consider the terrible irony!

    Ashkenazic (and Sephardic) Jews are themselves the Gentiles that many rabbis warn their congregations not to marry. To further the re-branding, they also call themselves Semites or Shemites when they’re JAPHETITES, which means they’re not Hebrews either. This re-branding is much like the way most of them – if not the majority of them – keep changing their last names every time they settle in a new country. The reason is simple and quite pragmatic. It’s a survival mechanism.

    The Ashkenazim are a resilient, roaming Turkic people. They have a knack for reinventing themselves. They first surfaced in world annals as the notoriously barbaric Scythians or Sakadeans, depending on regional phonetic.

    “Here there is no Gentile or Judahite, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” Colossians 3: 11

    The word Scythian or Sakadean comes from the word Saka – with its Iranian verbal root Sak, meaning to roam.

    The Scythians settled Central Eurasia which they conquered with their Gentile brother Togarmath and various other cousins, expanding across a vast track of land that encompassed but was not limited to parts of present-day Turkey and Iran. Their Gentile brother Riphath along with their uncle Javan’s descendants settled in Greece.

    Later on, they reinvented themselves and settled a land they would call Khazaria – from the word Qasar, with its Turkic root Qaz, meaning to roam – following the break-up of the western Turkish Steppe Empire. Then the country converted en masse to Judaism/Pharisaism, sometime between 740 and 920 AD, just so they could remain independent of the two competing empires of that time, Christianity and Islam.

    “Judaism was the most actively proselytizing religion,” explained Jewish historian Shlomo Sand. “The most significant mass conversion occurred in the 8th century, in the massive Khazar kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas.”

    Then, Sviatoslav I of Kiev destroyed Khazaria around 1048 and absorbed it into Kievan Rus’, a territory that would later become part of the Russian Empire.

    In Imperial Russia, the Ashkenazim were kept under tight control and enclosed in the Pale of Settlement. Something the Ashkenazim never forgave Russia…….

    The Ashkenaz are the sons of Gomer, himself the son of Japeth and therefore NOT OF Shem. This therefore means that they ARE NOT Shemites and therefore not Semitic. Another convenient lie of the incredibly good at lying Jews.
    And of the Sepharad, from the same link:


    Sephardim is derived from the word Sephard or Sepharad. Its origin is from the Persian name Saparda. It appears only once in the Bible in a prophecy by Obadiah to Edom:

    “And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south.” Obadiah 1:20

    Sepharad was located in Mede where Iran is today (i.e., the land of the 3 wise Magi who paid homage to the infant Jesus). Therefore, people from Sepharad were not descendants of Abraham either, because the Medes of Northwest Iran were not Semites but Madaites, of Madai son of Japheth, uncle of Ashkenaz. Thus, the people from Sepharad, or the Madaites/Medes/Midianites, now known as Sephardic Jews, are Gentile JAPHETITES, not Semites….[continues]

    Therefore, the Sephardi, like the Ashkenazi are both NOT of Shem, but of Japeth. Thus they are Japethites, not Shemites. There is an incredible amount of deceit being promoted, for obvious reasons, by you-know-who.

    You suggest that no one can take us seriously when you don’t even know your history you profess to know of. The Ashkenaz reinvented themselves as the Khazars.
    This is my last reply to you. Learn to show respect to those you converse with. I suggest you read all in the above link. You badly need it.

    •�LOL: iffen
  469. Parbes says:

    Posting some crap from a nonsensical fake propaganda “source” doesn’t make your ahistorical bullshit true. Learn to engage in REAL historical debate, based on REAL facts – not cheap demagogy. This is why nobody takes you guys seriously.

    •�Replies: @Harbinger
  470. Harbinger says:

    Where does the word Semite come from, if not from the Bible you moron? And yet you have the gall to talk about ‘nonsensical fake propaganda’ and ‘ahistorical bullshit’ claims? I get it…..we’ll just pick and choose what we want and want not to believe shall we? I’m just angry I’ve wasted so much time on such an imbecile.

    •�Replies: @Parbes
  471. Anon[247] •�Disclaimer says:

    Youtube is hurting Hollywood and Television also. People used to “learn” about the world through entertainment. Now they can watch quickie documentaries on youtube and get the gist of things. Hollywood has lost its power to inform.

  472. ussr andy says:

    “Kocayne”, that posted turbo-folk songs from the Yugoslav wars (” Vojnik srece”, “Panteri”, “Sve djamije”, “Armija BiH”) seems to have “been gone”, too
    I could kick myself for not having downloaded the stuff…

  473. Parbes says:

    You’re hopeless, really… just another demonstration of exactly why you guys are not taken seriously, and never accomplish anything against actual Zionist Jews.

  474. iffen says:

    Would you dare, first, to say it, in this pub?

    I think that I have adjusted reasonable well to your writing style, but sometimes your crypticism is beyond me.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
  475. peterAUS says:

    I think that I have adjusted reasonable well to your writing style, but sometimes your crypticism is beyond me.

    Doubt it.

    The issue you mentioned (our elites not on “our” side) was actually brought up in a chat with a smart youngish fellow last week.

    Basic premise is that “we” (White hetero males of Western middle and working class) are in bad spot.
    In time the spot will get, most likely, worse.
    It would be good to try to do something to prevent that.

    The current idea, intent, approach, is to influence voting public in a way to vote, in various offices, people who would do something about the last sentence in the paragraph above. In essence, use the power of the state and enforce what suits “us”. That’s what respectable alt-Right/Light/whatever is trying to do. This site is one of ways to accomplish it. Or so they believe.

    Of course, there is a tiny minority which believes the above ain’t gonna work, but let’s skip over it for the moment.

    Now……..to the meat:
    In order to properly influence the voting public a serious effort has to be mounted. Not pubs as this site.
    A well organized think-tank with exceptional people etc.

    I was (WRONGLY) expecting to see that somewhere in the Internet, but the young fellow told me it’s not the way. I thought that by very nature of Internet smart people could converge and work well.
    Hehe…when you look at this site…anyway.

    So, the young fellow said: “we need a SPONSOR. An extremely wealthy fellow who would support the think tank so those guys wouldn’t be persecuted as we see at the moment.
    Just one big sponsor who has means and guts (will); as, say “our” own version of Soros.”

    There is none, obviously.

    The young fellow explained it as YOU said in one of comments above, something like: this system is perfect for rich fucks as it is.

    So, here we are.

    That’s for carrot. “We” have none.

    As for stick, well…hehe….you can’t be respectable and beat somebody into pulp with. Not…civilized.

    So, bottom line: we aren’t….smart enough, IMHO.
    And, that’s something you can’t really tell people. Insensitive. Not on in this touchy feely post-modern bullshit around.

    I’ll just reiterate what I believe:
    All that “nice” won’t work.
    Concur, the “not so nice” won’t work either, in a bigger scheme, most likely. But, at least, will give individuals the chance to …….”equalize”. You get your life destroyed. Two options: skulk away and die. From alcohol through hard drugs to simple suicide.
    Or…get “him/her/it”(more is merrier) and die.

    Free will and such.

    Bless invention of smokeless powder and high velocity ammunition. And a lot of other tools and means, freely available.

    And, who knows. “The skin in the game”. Maybe, just maybe, a sociopath will think, twice, before signing a document which destroys your life. Hell, maybe he’ll even be too scared to sign it.

    We’ll see……….

    •�Replies: @iffen
  476. iffen says:

    I thought that by very nature of Internet smart people could converge and work well.

    This has not been proven to be impossible.

    Maybe, just maybe, a sociopath will think, twice, before signing a document which destroys your life.

    Most of the signers don’t think this way, they are just followers.

    So, bottom line: we aren’t….smart enough, IMHO

    Smart is crucial, essential, but it is not the full picture.

    Bless invention of smokeless powder and high velocity ammunition. And a lot of other tools and means, freely available.

    You keep throwing comments like this out and it is a bit troubling to me.

    •�Replies: @anon
  477. peterAUS says:

    …it is a bit troubling to me.


  478. Anonymous[343] •�Disclaimer says:

    LMAO Forney calling someone else an “alt-lite grifter”.

  479. anon[113] •�Disclaimer says:

    Bless invention of smokeless powder and high velocity ammunition.

    You keep throwing comments like this out and it is a bit troubling to me.

    Comments like this should not trouble you. They shall make you grateful that your tax dollars (pounds, euros, roubles etc) are well spent.

    •�Replies: @peterAUS
    , @jeff stryker
  480. peterAUS says:


    In meantime:

    1 hour 11 minutes scene. Short and to the point.

    Disclaimer: viewing not recommended for respectable people.Try…..ah, yes, “American Sniper”. Or “Good Kill”.

    The tiny minority not minding watching the above well, could, next, try “The Ghost Writer”.
    There is even a harder, “USA version” of sort (hint: the shooter is African American).

    Speaking of the link above, I do find interesting that this thing hasn’t been taken down on Youtube.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
  481. @anon


    The only thing that would accomplish is what happened in Oz in the late nineties. The government manages to find a way to seize automatic weapons.

    And tell me, did Byrant make people in lower-class Australian suburbs safer. Now that meth-crazed bogans know that they won’t be shot invading their houses?

    I’m American, but visited Australia back around that time. So you tell me.

  482. @peterAUS

    John Heard was right.

    Purcell is from Australia, a country where the ruling elite seemingly feel more nobless oblige.

    What is however interesting to an America who has been overseas among Australians for so many years is why the fascination with the US.

    •�Replies: @dfordoom
  483. notanon says:

    When was the last time when war was prevented by brave citizen journalists debunking war propaganda?


  484. dfordoom says: •�Website
    @jeff stryker

    What is however interesting to an America who has been overseas among Australians for so many years is why the fascination with the US.

    You mean why are Australians fascinated by the US? We’re America’s bitch. We’re America’s whore. A whore always finds her pimp fascinating.

    •�Replies: @jeff stryker
  485. @dfordoom


    How is Australia America’s whore? In what sense?

    •�Replies: @dfordoom
  486. dfordoom says: •�Website
    @jeff stryker

    How is Australia America’s whore? In what sense?

    We fight America’s wars. We change government policies that Washington doesn’t like (such as the White Australia Policy). We ape American pop culture.

    We are a textbook example of a puppet state. If the U.S. decides the Russians are evil then we go along with the Americans. If the U.S. is anti-China then Australia becomes anti-China.

    We’re possible even more craven and pathetic than the British.

  487. Miro23 says:

    My greatest fear is that the US will increasingly see war as the way out of its difficulties, and will become even more insanely hyper-aggressive.

    I also see this as a very real risk. If the US Zio-Globs see their position weakening they’re going to be badly tempted to start a war and impose Emergency Rule (i.e. a dictatorship). The legislation and infrastructure is already in place (COG Continuity Of Government) and was actually up and running (for a day) on 9/11.

  488. peterAUS says:

    Re those links/movies, here is what,say…..1 % of people reading this could try to do:


    Beats watching TV and drinking, I guess.
    And, could be useful. More productive, so to speak.

  489. @user_s

    Yes! I would love for Unz to host Heartiste here. Lots of young men follow his site, great way to expose them to more info.

  490. Here is most of an article in The Weekend Australian (the Murdoch broadsheet) which, at the end, makes it clear that the time for the social media giants having freedom to deplatform honest reporting and advocacy on the one hand but being able to escape liability for what is said is surely coming to an end.


    [Awkward adopted Russian girl in Ireland….]

    The boys led Ana to an abandoned farmhouse about 30 minutes’ walk from town. What happened next beggars belief. The jury in this week’s murder trial was shown a concrete block and a metre-long stick with nails hammered in the end. Ana’s body was found naked and bound. When police searched Boy A’s home they found a backpack stuffed with a zombie mask, black gloves, shin guards and knee pads. Ana’s blood, her DNA, was all over everything.

    Both boys sat quietly throughout the trial, flanked by their parents. They were polite when questioned. They are middle-class kids, basically. When the guilty verdicts came back on Tuesday, Boy B’s father rose in court and started clapping loudly saying: “An innocent boy is going to jail!” He’s furious because although Boy B perhaps delivered Ana up, he didn’t lift a hand to kill her.

    Nor to save her, it seems.

    The boys, both 13 when they plotted and murdered, are due to be sentenced on July 15. The case has received the kind of attention in Ireland that the Jamie Bulger case received in Britain, in part because of the bullying that preceded Ana’s death. It’s a scourge, as we all know. There are also calls for “something to be done” about the source material on which Boy A feasted from about the age of 11.

    Gone are the days when young kids first saw naked women smiling up from the pages of their older brother’s Playboy. Boy A had searched online for things such as “the 15 most gruesome torture methods in history”, and of course he’d found them. He had 12,000 pornographic images stored on his phones, including many scenes of sexual violence: women bound to posts or roped to beds, being raped by men in masks.

    This is difficult terrain: in the 1990s, it was video games making boys into monsters. Before that it was TV. Before that, rock ’n’ roll. Before that, close dancing.

    It’s perhaps equally likely that Boy A was born bad. Evil exists. We know that. But this time the cowboy role played by social media has reached the courts. The two boys can’t be named because of their age, and maybe you’re not in favour of that, thinking the people of Ireland should know who they are. Boy A in particular.

    The mainstream media has dutifully adhered to the court’s ruling but pictures of both have appeared on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, along with their names; plus pictures of an innocent boy, wrongly identified as one of the killers, whose family has now had to abandon their home.

    Alerted to this, the Irish court judge, Michael White, on Thursday ordered senior executives from Facebook and Twitter to explain themselves. In the process, he asked the Garda — the Irish police — to pursue “with vigour” anyone in breach of his orders, adding: “The court has unlimited powers of detention.”

    Facebook’s community operations market manager Eoin McDonald, represented by one of Ireland’s top lawyers, was contrite, telling the judge that Facebook now has available image-matching technology that it can use to pull the images down.

    In a statement, the company said: “Facebook fully understands and respects the importance of protecting the identities of those involved in this case and of complying with Judge White’s court order. We will continue to remove and prevent the re-sharing of content identifying Boy A and Boy B as we become aware of it on Facebook, Instagram and Messenger.”

    Senior counsel Andrew Fitzpatrick, for Twitter, likewise made lots of right noises, and promises, but the position of both companies otherwise remains the same: that they are not publishers.

    The individual user is the publisher. They are tech companies providing not a platform but a product. Such positioning enables tech giants to avoid the restrictions — and the humbling responsibilities — that apply to other publishers, such as newspapers, news programs, and new websites.

    White, in dragging both companies to court, appeared sceptical, and if you’re wondering why both rushed in senior counsel to represent them, it’s because the stakes could not be higher: should this Swiss-cheese edifice crumble, these tech giants may well find themselves responsible for all the defamation, all the harassment, all the vilification and the encouragement to riot that routinely appears online … plus, of course, the incitements to kill.



    Caroline Overington has twice won Australia’s most prestigious award for journalism, the Walkley Award for

  491. KenH says:

    The worst enemies of the dissident right are found within its own lunatic fringe.

    That statement is one sided bullshit. As if the (((radical left))) doesn’t have a lunatic fringe? Come to think of it the entire left is now lunatic fringe.

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