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TikTok Sues US Government Over Ban Law

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The US government is totally lawless, so it’s unlikely that going to the court is going to do anything.

But TikTok should make as much noise as possible, and show that this whole retarded clown show running the government is not all about “freedom.” In fact, it’s very much the opposite. They will completely destroy you if you question anything they do, even as they dance around at gay parties claiming to be the biggest freedom supporters.


TikTok is suing the US government in an attempt to stop the enforcement of a bill passed by Congress last month that seeks to force the platform’s China-based owner ByteDance to sell the app or face a complete ban.

In April, US President Joe Biden signed into law a bill that gives ByteDance 270 days to divest from its US business. If it fails to comply, TikTok will be banned from app stores serving American customers.

In the lawsuit, which was filed on Tuesday in the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit, TikTok argued that the bill violates constitutional protections of free speech.

The petition describes the ‘Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act’ as an “unprecedented violation” of First Amendment rights.

“For the first time in history, Congress has enacted a law that subjects a single, named speech platform to a permanent, nationwide ban, and bars every American from participating in a unique online community with more than 1 billion people worldwide,” TikTok claimed in the lawsuit.

The company also argued that invoking national security concerns is not a good enough reason to restrict free speech.

A number of American lawmakers have insisted for years that TikTok poses a “national security threat” due to its Chinese ownership, and have sought to force it to sever ties with its parent company ByteDance. Efforts to rein in the popular video-sharing app have persisted since 2020 under both the Trump and Biden administrations. The federal government and dozens of states have already banned the use of TikTok on government-owned devices.

Yes, it’s been years that anti-China activists and the tech companies losing market share wanted to ban TikTok. But it was only after the Gaza conflict began, and TikTok was the main platform for sharing information about what was happening, that the ban became reality.

It is very obvious that TikTok would not have been banned if it were not for Jewish claims that they were allowing too many videos of Israeli war crimes.

The entire media is saying this same thing: that JEWS are the reason for the ban.

The Israeli media speaks frankly on this issue. This is from the Jerusalem Post:

The TikTok ban has nothing to do with China.

This is yet another case of the Jews shutting it down.

The Chinese know this.

Everyone who is not a fat retard knows this.

When you see these fats defending the Jews, you understand why the Jews call them “goyim.”

What else would you call them?

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
The China/America Series
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  1. The left-right paradigm is dependent on stifling the free exchange of ideas. Dialogue between each sides reveals that the anarchist-left and authoritarian-right have a lot in common. To divide and conquer, and keep the American people fighting amongst themselves, freedom of speech cannot be permitted. A Vivek and AOC ticket must be avoided at all costs. The Tik-Tok ban isn’t about spying, but about the US government’s ability to censor content on the platform. It’s about influence. The relationship between the USG and Facebook is the same as the relationship between the Chinese government and Tiktok

    •�Replies: @xyzxy
  2. Wad the old meme ever more true? “Shut it down, the Goyim know!”

  3. xyzxy says:

    Nikki tried to warn us. She kept telling America that every minute a kid was on TikTok, they become that much more antisemitic. But no one listened to the Madris Milf. No one was willing to voluntarily remove the app. So Congress had to take matters into its own hands.

    It’s about time America stands up for what America was founded on. Jewish values. And if America has any sense of morality, any sense of humanity left, and if we remember the Holocaust(tm), then this case had better be assigned to a Jewish judge (or better yet, a negro woman judge) who will immediately throw out this frivolous law suit.

    It’s about the children. America’s children. Not dead Palestinian children who are really just smaller versions of taller terrorists. As Sean Hannity said, “If we don’t kill the children over there, pretty soon we’ll have to kill them over here!”

    •�Agree: JR Foley
    •�LOL: Female in FL
    •�Troll: Ann Nonny Mouse
    •�Replies: @Bro43rd
  4. Bro43rd says:

    I was going to auto-comment a LOL but figured it might ignite a firestorm of anti-bro43rd comments.
    Oh well. Just to clarify.
    I did LOL at the sarcasm, tyvm for the chuckle.

  5. Yababa says:

    When you see these fats defending the Jews, you understand why the Jews call them “goyim.”

    That’s right. These fat dumb pigs insist on sacking our cawks even when we tell them, stop enough of your fat pig saliva on our dacks, it’s dirty. It’s making us look dirty. Have some shame. But their love of money blinds them and deafens them so that they can’t hear the voice of the Lord telling them to have some shame and show some moderation.

    They can’t help it. Yahweh has instilled in their animal minds the worship of the chosen race of the Lord.

    Pigs can’t help being filthy and shameless.

  6. xyzxy says:

    The relationship between the USG and Facebook is the same as the relationship between the Chinese government and Tiktok…

    Do you have any evidence of that? What exactly do you mean? As far as I’m aware, TikTok as a hosting platform does not have any similar relationship with the Communist Party of China as Facebook does with the US government.

    For one thing, TikTok is not available in China, Bytedance instead offering the Douyin platform. So the question is, why would China interfere with a medium that does not impact their country?

    On the other hand Zukerberg openly admitted that the FBI ‘warned’ Facebook as a company to beware of allowing certain political content–specifically the Hunter Biden laptop story, along with alleged Russian ‘election interference’. Zuk admitted that he took their warning ‘seriously’–meaning that he adjusted the algorithms accordingly.

    I’ve not heard of any allegations that the Chinese government has interfered with TikTok platforming in order to influence US politics, one way or the other. Or that TikTok pushed certain feeds over others in order to sway public opinion about selected political issues that benefit the Chinese government.

    If you can provide examples I’d be happy to learn.

    •�Agree: Adam Birchdale
    •�Replies: @Suetonious
  7. TikTok should sue the ADL.

    They’d be heroes.

    •�Agree: JR Foley
  8. @xyzxy

    The allegation is not “that the Chinese government has interfered with TikTok platforming in order to influence US politics.” Rather, I’ve read that within China, the content available on Tiktok is influenced by the Chinese government, which is similar to the US government’s relationship with Facebook in America.

    The stated reason for the anti-Tiktok bill is something about China spying on users, which again is no different from Americans spying on users. It is reported in the article that a “number of American lawmakers have insisted for years that TikTok poses a ‘national security threat’ due to its Chinese ownership.”

    This so-called ‘national security threat’ has never been substantiated. The real reason for the Tiktok ban is likely because the US government lacks a backdoor into the app to control content, which the Chinese government seems to have with Tiktok and the American government has with American apps.

    I was not trying to imply that China is interfering in US politics. A Chinese app is providing a platform for free speech, which is evidently anathema to American politics

    •�Thanks: xyzxy
    •�Replies: @unzrocks
    , @unzrocks
  9. uncle tomsteins?

    kibbutz niggas?

    cum guzzling whores who never saw a circumcised hebrew dick they wouldn’t suck? that might be a bit wordy for a t-shirt.

  10. Blow Joe says:

    The Jews are not happy that they are not the ones making the money on this scam.

  11. unzrocks says:

    I don’t mind TikTok being banned in the US. What comes around goes around. I believe Vietnam has over 20 million facebook users. Hence, facebook is spying on 20 million Vietnamese citizens and have their data and can censor / propagandize the Vietnamese culture. Hence, facebook is a security threat to Vietnam and must be banned in Vietnam or have facebook division be sold and owned by a Vietnamese company so Vietnam can control the narrative for users in Vietnam. This would apply to the rest of the world that uses google, youtube, facebook, instagram, twitter, airbnb, uber, ebay, craigslist, etc. They should also apply the exact same principles and start banning US apps as well. The US needs a taste of it’s own medicine.

    •�Replies: @Dr. Rock
  12. unzrocks says:

    1) How can China influence US children and citizens? The CCP government and Chinese citizens aren’t posting or uploading anything on TikTok. It’s the rest of the world (1.2 billion TikTok users outside of China) uploading videos and comments on TikTok. The app’s uses AI algorithm to feed you what you want to view. If you only search / view cat videos, you only get cat videos. Get it? So why is there a Pro-Palestinian agenda on TikTok? Because the users of TikTok get to decide for themselves on what to upload, comment and support. The CCP government and Chinese citizens don’t even use TikTok so how are they involved in anything? Chinese citizens have their own censored version (called Douyin) in China.
    2) How can the CCP track and access US TikTok users when that data is stored in Houston by Oracle Cloud? The only way the CCP can get your data is through Oracle or by hacking into Oracle’s cloud servers and get the data without Oracle network securities knowing anything about it.

    •�Agree: A B Coreopsis
    •�Thanks: Bro43rd
  13. Anonymous[373] •�Disclaimer says:

    I ❤️ TikTok!

  14. Anonymous[152] •�Disclaimer says:

    Judea declares war on TikTok headlines:

    Holocaust survivor quits TikTok, cites failure to confront antisemitism


    Major US Jewish group backs bipartisan bill that could see TikTok banned


    Congress Passed a Bill That Could Ban TikTok. Now Comes the Hard Part.


    Biden signs a bill that could ban TikTok — after the 2024 election


    Senate passes bill forcing TikTok’s parent company to sell or face ban, sends to Biden for signature


    •�Agree: Dr. Rock
  15. Rich says:

    They’re not banning it, they’re taking over an apparently very profitable business. The idiots in Congress don’t understand that America has business interests in foreign countries that will now do the same thing. Just like they couldn’t understand that seizing Russian assets would result in another reserve currency emerging that will eventually destroy the dollar. I think, maybe, there’s been some kind of IQ dip in the families of America’s ruling class.

    •�Replies: @Suetonious
  16. @Rich

    The idiots in Congress don’t understand that America has business interests in foreign countries that will now do the same thing.

    The idiots in Congress just do as they’re told, but the people telling Congress what to do are not stupid. The people calling the shots know what they are doing, even if it is against the interests of the American people.

    Just like they couldn’t understand that seizing Russian assets would result in another reserve currency emerging that will eventually destroy the dollar.

    They are building a financial firewall around America, for the purpose of preventing assets from leaving the country. This project is known by multiple names, including Russian sanctions and anti-Tiktok legislation.

    Your guess is as good as mine, but it looks like preparations for the eventual collapse of the dollar, because they are building a ring around the dollar zone.

  17. Dr. Rock says:

    Historically, when the government makes a legal business, illegal, they have to pay the lost revenue for all involved.

    It’s literally been done with whore houses and prostitutes! (look it up)

    Banning TikTok, therefore, should cost the government BILLIONS! If they follow the law and precedent, which there is nothing saying they will.

    Nobody is really talking much about it, but this could be one of the biggest, most important legal cases in decades!

    Banning an entire social media platform, or forcing them to sell? That’s HUGE! I can’t see any court upholding it, because it is so outrageous, but I guess we will see what happens.

    And also, based on TikTok gathering American’s data?

    “Ladies and gentlemen of the court, allow me to present to you, Facebook, Google, YouTube, Meta, Instagram, and every other social media company in the US, and let’s talk about data gathering!”

    Anyone think that debate happens? I wish it would, because it could lead to ending all the data collection, but I don’t think anyone in that industry wants to have that conversation!

    •�Replies: @Abhuman
  18. Dr. Rock says:


    Once this can of worms is open, the whole gig is gonna spiral out of control!

    Which I think is great!

  19. Abhuman says:
    @Dr. Rock

    Banning an entire social media platform, or forcing them to sell? That’s HUGE! I can’t see any court upholding it, because it is so outrageous, but I guess we will see what happens.

    Nowadays the courts see it as their mission to retrofit the law with “novel” interpretations that serve the present aims to the regime, so don’t be surprised when the ban is upheld. We’ere living in an anarchotyrany after all.

  20. According to the ADL’s own website, a dog breed like the Pitt Bull is a symbol of horrifying White Supremacy! So anyone who owns a Pitt Bull is a White Supremacist or a Uncle Tom / Coconut per the ADL!!



    “””The pit bull has long been used as a skinhead symbol, presumably because of its reputation as a “fighting” dog. Many racist skinheads and other white supremacists own or even raise pit bulls.“””

    A whole shit ton of numbers are also deemed White Supremacist symbols! If you ever in your life used numbers like 12, 13, 14, 18, 311, 318, and many others, then you are a White Supremacist per the ADL.

    They have 11 pages dedicated to shit like this and all 11 pages ONLY go after Whites while leaving every other race alone. Racism is only something that White Goyim are capable of per the Jewish ADL.

    Most schools in the country along with Colleges are forcing their teachers to look over the list and become indoctrinated with this drivel too. Jews are obviously NOT a weak and powerless group since are able to force nearly all of Academia to listen to their bullshit.

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