DLL WEEK 5 Q1 Music 10
DLL WEEK 5 Q1 Music 10
DLL WEEK 5 Q1 Music 10
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technologies. The group will share and present their
(25 minutes) (See Attachment) work to the class.
http://youtube.com/watch? (5min)
D. Discussing new concepts Video Clip Presentation The teacher will The teacher will discuss the role of The teacher will present the physical
and practicing new skill #1 discuss through video presentation a every cast in the performance. Allow fitness and its components: Health
short biography of Arnold Schoenberg. the students to give their personal related fitness through PowerPoint
Guide Questions: observation about the performance presentation.
Who is Arnold Schoenberg? and role of the casts.
What influenced him to compose (15 minutes)
such kind of music?
Observe how the composer express
his emotion through his
What is the famous composition
done by Schoenberg? Follow -up
What marked the music in the 20th
What inspired the composers in the
20th century to compose such kind
of music?
What musical elements do music in
the 20th century differs from the
previous periods.
E. Discussing new concepts The teacher will discuss the composers’ Ask the students to name some The teacher will ask students to form 4
and practicing new skill #2 lives and characteristics of music in the instruments and other new groups. Each group will demonstrate
expressionism period. technologies that help improve d and the health-related fitness test within 5
marked the significant innovation in the minutes. Teacher will facilitate the
(30 minutes) 20th century music industry. activity.
(10 minutes) Group A- Zipper Test
Group B- 3 min step test
Group C-3 min step test
Group D- Sit & Reach
(5 minutes)
F. Developing Mastery The teacher will ask: The teacher will say: Group Work: the learners will
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- What characterized 20th century Music nowadays and other form of simultaneously execute the physical
music? entertainments become more fitness health related test by circuit
- How historical and cultural sophisticated. If you were given a station.
backgrounds affect the music in the chance to produce or create a simple (20 min)
20th century? production, how can you come up with
Let the students choose one musical to meet the demands of today? Ask the students to record the result of
composition of Arnold Schoenberg that (5 minutes) the test in the Physical Fitness Record
they like most and ask them to write a Card
short reaction paper about the music. (5 minutes)
(15 minutes)
G. Finding practical Call on volunteers to The teacher will ask the learners about
applications of concepts & act as singers/performers, camera men the following questions:
skills in daily living and crews. Ask them to create scenes - What is significance of conducting
that portray the style of music in the the health-related fitness?
20th century. - Why do we need to record the result
(20 minutes) of the health-related test?
- How will you encourage your
classmate/family member to
become physically fit?
- What are the different home chores
that can develop one’s health
related fitness components?
- What are the school activities/works
that could develop your health-
related fitness?
(5 min)
H. Making generalizations & Divide the class into 4. Have them The teacher will ask the students to
abstractions about the lesson create and explore other arts (Multi - complete the following statements.
media) that portray 20th century Open Ended Statement:
musical styles (Impressionism and 1. The different health related fitness
Expressionism) through a 10 -minute is __________.
video clip or MTV using their digital 2. Zipper test is a test to measure
cameras, mobile phone or any other __________.
gadgets. Let them research or look for 3. The cardiovascular endurance of a
videos on the internet. person is measure
Let them show and discuss their video 4. The sit and reach are a test to
works in class. (20 minutes) measure __________.
5. Health related fitness__________.
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(5 min)
I. Evaluating Learning Research on the popular composers of Rubrics on the conduct/ execution of
electronic music period. physical fitness test.
J. Additional activities for Ask the students to watch any video clip
application or remediation of West Side Story
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