TALUGTUG NHS Modules-Questionnaire - SDONE

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Name & Signature Date

Agency: Talugtug National High School
Prepared by: Benilda S. Baluyan
School Principal III

Audit Objectives: To determine whether a) learning opportunities are provided to learners in a safe manner
through different learning delivery; b) self-learning modules/online classes are being delivered with quality,
accesibility, relevance and liberating education.

No. Audit Procedure Remarks

1 Get the actual no. of enrolled learners per
grade level (both modular and online
2 Get the actual no. of printed modules per
grade level and per subject

Questions Yes No N/A Remarks
Printing of Modules
1 Are the modules printed through in-
house/by administration production or
/ In-house production
through procurement of printing service
from a capable supplier?
2 For in-house printing, are materials and Procurred by the school through
labor provided by the Division Office or MOOE
procured by the School through its MOOE
fund? Donation from stakeholders
3 Are there instances modules were printed Teachers print the materials in
outstide of school compound? If yes, who their respective home following
provides the materials and are they being the AWA arrangement. Materials
reimbursed for the expenses they have spent are all provided by the school,
such as bondpapers, ink, electricity expense, reimbursement are also made for
etc.? purchases made by the teachers.
Delivery/Retrieval of Modules
4 Majority of the modules are claim
How are the modules distributed? Is it in and return by parents in the
partnership with the LGUs or parents claim / designated date. There are five
and return modules in the school? barangays have partners with the
school to get the modules.
5 Modules are delivered/retrieved to
parents every two weeks under the
When are modules being
SLM 2 Weeks Program by the
delivered/retrieved? (How is the procedure /
school. For this quarter, we are
of the delivery?)
implementing One Month SLM
6 What is the ratio of modules to students? If / 1:1 ; Teachers are printing to meet

Questions Yes No N/A Remarks
the 1:1 ratio. Modules provided by
modules are being delivered in batch, SDO ranges from 46-51 copies
inquire for the details. only per subject versus 1510
Quality/Content of Modules
7 Are the modules printed in good quality
bond papers? Are these not capable of being /
easily crampled, torn or blotted?
8 Are modules printed clearly such that each
pages are visibly readable?
9 Are modules printed in colored or black and
Modules are printed in black and
white? If in black and white, how will the
white. But for modules that need
students be able to properly answer the /
colored pictures, this are printed in
modules for activities/questions that require
colored pictures?
10 Are there activities that require reference For those students who doesn’t
from the internet (such as youtube for have gadgets or internet, students
listening stories)? If yes, what is/are the / can approach learning facilitators
alternative/s for those who do not have or teachers living in the
gadgets/internet? community.
11 Are used references for the modules
updated and relevant to the subject/topics?
12 Where do students answer their activites?
Students answer the activities
On the module alone or on a separate sheet
using the provided learning
of paper? If on a separate sheet, what about /
activity sheets. They can used
the students in the pre-elementary, how can
separate papers if necessary.
they perform tracing and coloring activities?
Online Class
13 How are online classes being conducted?
Are these being recorded so students can go /
back to the lesson?
14 How do they schedule the online class?
How many hours for each grade/subject?
15 Are there students shifting from online
classes to modular? If yes, what is the /
procedure? Inquire for more details.
Role of teachers/Feedback from Teachers on BLECP
16 Text messaging and Phone call is
How do teachers communicate/reach-out to
/ the best communication of
their students?
teachers, parents and students
17 Teachers conduct home visitation
How do teachers attend to the
following the IATF Protocols or
concerns/questions of students especially to /
Health protocols against COVID
those who are in modular approach?
18 How do teachers inform the students of the / Corrected answer sheets are
result of their activities? Are answer sheets returned every distribution
being returned after checking? (Inquire for schedule. Post conference to

Questions Yes No N/A Remarks
details) parents are conducted.
19 What are the pros and cons of the modular Students usually has incomplete
approach? What are the answered to learning activity
hindrances/predicaments that the teachers sheets, lack of learning capable
have encountered? facilitators.
20 What are the pros and cons of the online
class? What are the
/ Not applicable
hindrances/predicaments that the teachers
have encountered?
21 What are the common
Students cannot understand the
hindrances/predicaments encountered or
lesson very well without the
being voiced-out by the students to their
22 Do teachers consider these approaches
No, specially in the TVL. Face to
(modular and online class) effective as to /
face interaction is still needed.
delivering quality education to students?

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