The Story Deck Jermay
The Story Deck Jermay
The Story Deck Jermay
The performer pauses and places his left hand to his chest,
seemingly feeling his heart beating after a moment he
“Place your left hand, your psychic hand, onto your chest so
you can feel your heart beating. Once you feel your heart
beating say out loud; ‘I am ready and willing to accept this
The performer allows the participant the time they need to first
feel their own heart beating inside their chest and then for them
to say aloud ‘I am ready and willing to accept this experience.’
Once they have done so the performer continues:
“Then it will be yours… I want you to begin by thinking about the sound
of your mothers voice. Inside your head hear your mother telling you she
loves you. Hear her voice telling you that.”
“I have made your thoughts tangible… again hear the sound of your
mothers voice inside your head. Really hear it. Hear her saying ‘I love you’
inside your head now…close your eyes and hear that inside your head.
When you can hear it… and only when you can really hear it open your
“This is very strange but do not be alarmed. Right now pay attention to
the thought inside your head… where is it coming from. Literally right
inside your head… where is that thought. Now I have allowed you to feel
it inside your mind… use your finger and point to where that thought is…”
The participant confirms that they can indeed feel the thought
inside their head. The performer continues;
The participant does so. They close their eyes and remember a
sunset. They open their eyes and the performer continues:
“Now pay attention to where that thought is coming from. Use your finger
to point to the exact place you can feel that thought inside your head…”
“That thought lives in a different place than the other. Interestingly it also
feels different. I do not know which one of the two thoughts was soft and
which was hard for you… its different for different people but this thought
of the sunset is it soft inside your head or is it hard… pay attention to it…
how does it feel?”
“You are feeling a thought! Your thoughts have real form inside your own
experience of thinking. It is remarkable…”
“Now the thoughts inside your mind have form. We can move them. We
can even remove them entirely. Literally we can take them from the inside
and pull them out into the world on the outside… but only if you are ready
and will to expand this experience further… are you?”
“Notice how that thought feels inside your head. It is not like the others we
have been thinking about. It feels different. It hides in a different place. It
feels like heat. The more you think about how that thought feels inside your
head the more clearly you feel it. Now you have found where it is hiding it
will do everything it can to run from you… do not let it. Really feel it
inside your mind… it is hot correct? You feel that?”
The participant confirms they feel heat inside their head. The
performer continues:
“I can remove that thought from where it is hiding but only if you allow me
to remove it from you. You have to be ready to let go of it, to allow it to
leave, and I can do the rest. Are you will to let that feeling, that thought
“In a moment I am going to take that thought from the inside and bring it
to the outside. It will not leave any long lasting effects but in the moment
you might experience a short term pain. Negative thoughts are full of
pain… thats how they stay hidden bringing them to light causes pain so we
stop looking for them… so you might feel a moment of pain but inside your
mind and your body but it will pass very quickly and once the pain is gone,
the thought is gone… are you ready for that?”
“I can see this thought has been a problem for you for a long time. Now the
pain has gone, the thought has gone. It doesn’t have form anymore. When
you think about it, it won’t feel like it used to. It will not longer have a
place inside your head. It is nothing… hold out your hands…”
The Method
This demonstration is a genuinely powerful experience
for the participant providing they genuinely follow the
instructions and requests that are made of them during the
process. If the participant does not truly engage with the
process and is not really focusing their mind on the various
thoughts, memories and sensations during the process it will
have very little effect or impact.
The stage directions have been removed from the script below,
with the assumption that now toy have familiarised yourself
with the process they are superfluous to our need in examining
what is being said and the function of it.
“Not many people have. I have an ability to allow you to actually feel the
thoughts inside your head. It is not something meany people can do, at least
I have never met anyone else who can do it. I hope one day I will but for
now I can do this if and only if you are ready and willing to accept the
experience. If you are…”
“Then it will be yours… I want you to begin by thinking about the sound
of your mothers voice. Inside your head hear your mother telling you she
loves you. Hear her voice telling you that.”
“O.K stop that for a moment… Right now that thought is only imagined.
It has no form. You can not feel it but to give form to this thought all you
need to do is reach out and take my hand…”
“I have made your thoughts tangible… again hear the sound of your
mothers voice inside your head. Really hear it. Hear her saying ‘I love you’
inside your head now…close your eyes and hear that inside your head.
When you can hear it… and only when you can really hear it open your
“This is very strange but do not be alarmed. Right now pay attention to
the thought inside your head… where is it coming from. Literally right
inside your head… where is that thought. Now I have allowed you to feel
it inside your mind… use your finger and point to where that thought is…”
“It is strange isn’t it. You have never felt your own thoughts before but now
it feels like it has always been this way. You can feel it inside your mind
Here we will further the illusion. You can use any visualisation
you wish, however it is important the it not be a sound. For
whatever reason, when someone hears a sound in their head
and then locates it, even if different sounds, they tend to locate
them in the same area. By switching to a visualisation of an
image the area the spectator will locate will be in a very
different place on their own head. Once again we use the
‘double bind’ of eyes opening to avoid the need for verbal
confirmations and to continue with the true engagement and
action from the participant.
“Now pay attention to where that thought is coming from. Use your finger
to point to the exact place you can feel that thought inside your head…”
“That thought lives in a different place than the other. Interestingly it also
feels different. I do not know which one of the two thoughts was soft and
which was hard for you… its different for different people but this thought
of the sunset is it soft inside your head or is it hard… pay attention to it…
how does it feel… is it soft or hard?”
“You are feeling a thought! Your thoughts have real form inside your own
experience of thinking. It is remarkable…”
“Now the thoughts inside your mind have form. We can move them. We
can even remove them entirely. Literally we can take them from the inside
and pull them out into the world on the outside… but only if you are ready
and will to expand this experience further… are you?”
Once again we will increase the level of engagement in the
participant by having them confirm their willingness.
“Notice how that thought feels inside your head. It is not like the others we
have been thinking about. It feels different. It hides in a different place. It
feels like heat. The more you think about how that thought feels inside your
head the more clearly you feel it. Now you have found where it is hiding it
will do everything it can to run from you… do not let it. Really feel it
inside your mind… it is hot correct? You feel that?”
“I can remove that thought from where it is hiding but only if you allow me
to remove it from you. You have to be ready to let go of it, to allow it to
leave, and I can do the rest. Are you will to let that feeling, that thought
“In a moment I am going to take that thought from the inside and bring it
to the outside. It will not leave any long lasting effects but in the moment
you might experience a short term pain. Negative thoughts are full of
pain… thats how they stay hidden bringing them to light causes pain so we
stop looking for them… so you might feel a moment of pain but inside your
mind and your body but it will pass very quickly and once the pain is gone,
the thought is gone… are you ready for that?”
“I can see this thought has been a problem for you for a long time. Now the
pain has gone, the thought has gone. It doesn’t have form anymore. When
you think about it, it won’t feel like it used to. It will not longer have a
place inside your head. It is nothing… hold out your hands…”