Teacher III: Mannielle Mae T. Oliva
Teacher III: Mannielle Mae T. Oliva
Teacher III: Mannielle Mae T. Oliva
Divisio n o f Ta n a ua n C ity
Distric t o f Ta n a ua n C ity We st
Sa n Jo se , Ta n a ua n C ity
Study Notebook
a.) Face to Face –
b.) this learning modality is the most common set up of the school because it caters opportunities for
active engagement, immediate feedback to the learners and provide socioemotional development.
It also refers to the delivery modality where there is a physical interaction between the learner
and a teacher.
c.) Distance Learning – form of education in which the main elements include physical separation
of teachers and students during instruction and the use of various technologies to facilitate
student-teacher and student-student communication. Distance learning traditionally has focused
on nontraditional students, such as full-time workers, military personnel, and nonresidents or
individuals in remote regions who are unable to attend classroom lectures.
d.) Blended Learning – is an approach to education that combines online educational materials and
opportunities for interaction online with traditional place-based classroom methods. It requires
the physical presence of both teacher and student, with some elements of student control over
time, place, path, or place.” how you can use blended learning as part of your eLearning strategy.
e.) Home Schooling – it refers to Alternative learning Delivery Mode (ADM) that provides learners
with access to formal education while staying in and out-of-school environment, with parents,
guardians, or tutors or facilitator. It uses various learning delivery modalities. is a progressive
movement around the country and the world, in which parents educate their children at home
instead of sending them to a traditional public or private school. Families choose to homeschool
for a variety of reasons, including dissatisfaction with the educational options available, different
religious or educational philosophies, and the belief that children are not progressing within the
traditional school structure.
Distance learning and home learning, school at home, distance learning, virtual learning, e-learning,
or remote learning all refer to learning done via teleconferences or video calls. Instead of the regular
classroom setup, teachers will implement the lessons via video conferencing during a set time during
the day.
Read two documents: Guidance on Distance Learning and Non-Negotiable Minimum Requirements for
Distance Learning. As you go through the readings , complete the Distance Learning Matrix. (Download
the template in google drive)
Distance Distinguishing Essential Role of Teacher Role of Parent or Role of School
Learning Feature Resources Household
Modality Member
Modular Learners use Complete set of Monitors the Guardians or The school
Distance self-learning SLMs and LMs, learners’ members or the orients the
Learning modules (SLM) Video lessons in a progress at family and other parents and
(MDL) in print or flash drive or CD. setting a stakeholders learners about
digital format. Digital or feedback within the the modular
technological mechanism community who learning policies
devices. are well equipped and directions to
as a learning ensure that
facilitator shall be everyone is
engaged to properly
provide learners informed and
with instructional guided.
support as
needed in the The school
absence of the provides the self-
classroom printed modules
teacher. and e copy for
quarter 1
available for
distribution .