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By the end of this Module, you will be able to:

1. Differentiate between the learning delivery modalities prescribed by the LCP
and between the different types of distance learning modalities
2. Apply lesson design and assessment considerations for distance learning in
light of the COVID-19 crisis
3. Create a weekly home learning plan to guide your learners as they do
independent study at home
4. Create an individual learning monitoring plan to keep track of the progress of
learners who lag behind in completing the prescribed learning tasks.


Lesson 1. Understanding the Different LDMs

Lesson 2. Designing Lessons and Assessments in the Different LDMs
Lesson 3. Guiding and Monitoring Learners in the Different LDMs
LAC Session 3A


1. Do a quick check of your knowledge of the four modalities prescribed in the LCP—face to-face (F2F)
learning, DL, blended learning (BL), and homeschooling. In your own words, define each modality. Write
your own definitions in your Study Notebook.

Face-to-Face Learning - A traditional way of teaching and learning process where learners usually to go
schools in order for them to acquire the learning competencies designed for them. It also requires the
presence of a teacher with aids for teaching and providing learning resources to the class for better
Distance Learning - Refers to a learning method where learners are provided with materials or tools that
they can study at the comfort of their home. This could also be an online teaching and learning process.
Blended Learning - This method can be a combination of online learning and F2F learning or any
combinations of learning delivery modalities.
Homeschooling - This is a home-based learning method where learner is not required to go to school.
They study at their own pace with the help of their parents/guardians

2. Question: Which of the LDMs do not have a face-to-face learning component?

Distance learning
Home schooling if done via distance learning



Role of
Distinguishing Parent or Role of
Learning Essential Resources Role of Teacher
Feature Household School
Modular A printed Self-Learning Pack modules and Guide and Provide
Distance materials/ Modules Learning Activity assist their modules
Learning modules adapted Learning Activity Sheets to be children for
(MDL) to the condition Sheets (LAS) distribute to education learners.
of the program Textbooks parents. at home.
use and provide Help deliver Return
quality education modules. modules to
that response to Provide Weekly assigned
the call for Home Learning Plan person.
education who Attend to learner’s Contact
prefer traditional queries on tough teachers if
way of teaching topics thru text or needed
of learning phone calls.
Gather modules.
Check modules
Online Involve in-person Learning Activity Provide Weekly Guide, Monitor
Distance interaction Sheets (LAS( Home Learning Plan assist, teachers
Learning (ODL) between teacher Textbooks Provide power point monitor and
and learners in Power point presentation. and help learners
which the main Presentation made Provide self- made their inter
elements include by teachers video children on action via
separation of Teachers lesson/presentation. their online
teachers and improvised video Check learners online learning.
students during lesson/presentation output thru e- class.
instruction and learning. Contact
use of various Attend to parents teachers if
technologies to and learners queries needed
facilitate student on hard topics thru
teacher and phone calls, text or
student – messages.
student Check learne
TV-Based Concise, detailed Smart TV Provide Weekly Guide, Provide
Instruction and precise Television with Home Learning Plan assist, learning
(TVBI) presentation of cable connection Provide Learning monitor videos
the T-learning . Textbooks Activity Sheets (LAS) and help and
Learning Activity Attend to parents their activities
Sheets (LAS) and learners queries children. thru TV-
on hard topics thru Based
phone calls, text or learning.
Check learners
Radio-Based A form of distant Radio Provide Weekly Guide, Provide
Instruction learning that able Textbooks Home Learning Plan assist, learning
(RBI) to expand access Learning Activity Provide Learning monitor activities
to education by Sheets (LAS) Activity Sheets (LAS and help thru
bringing it to Attend to their audio
where the parents/learner’s children.
learners are and queries on tough Contact
enable them to topics thru text or teachers if
acquire phone calls. needed
equivalency in Check learners
basic education output
broadcast of

Blended Increased Self-Learning Self-Learning Guide, Provide
Distance student Modules Modules assist, modules
Learning engagement in Learning Activity Learning Activity monitor for
learning. Sheets (LAS) Sheets (LAS) and help learners
Enhanced Power point Power point their Monitor
teacher and Presentation made Presentation made children. teachers
student by teachers by teachers Contact and
interaction. Teachers Teachers improvised teachers if learners
Responsibility of improvised video video needed. inter
learning. lesson/presentation lesson/presentation action via
Improved Textbooks Textbooks online
student learning learning

Note that when a vaccine is already available and F2F will be allowed by the Inter-Agency Task Force
(IATF) and by the local government unit (LGU) concerned, any of the DL modalities may be combined
with F2F learning to come up with a BL. Learn more about BL in the Supplementary Handout on
Blended Learning Delivery Modalities.

Consider the situation in your School/Division—your organizational capabilities, your level of
resources (infrastructure, financial, human), level of experience in DL, health and safety status, context and
capacities of your learners and their households, etc. Then rank the DL types—MDL, ODL, TVBI, RBI, and BL—
from easiest to most difficult to implement. Give the reasons for your ranking of each. Replicate the following
table and write your answers in your Study Notebook.

(1 to 5, from
easiest to Type of DL Why?
hardest to
Modular Distance Most of our learners belong to less-fortunate families who are
Learning apparently not capable of providing the necessary tools and
equipment like computer, smartphones, internet connections,
television, etc. in order for them to participate in Online Learning
1 and other learning modalities. Many of them also reside in far-
flung areas where signal reception is not possible so modular
distance learning is the best fit modality for them.

Blended Learning When the current situation due to this pandemic becomes better,
the school may include the face-to-face instruction along with the
existing modular learning. This is to provide better instructional
support, monitoring, and evaluation to the learners to ensure that
the quality of education is being delivered.

TV-Based Instruction TVBI is possible but not to everyone. As mentioned above, most of
the learners’ families are not capable of providing this type of

Radio-Based Instruction Most families in the community now-a-days do not use radios
anymore. In some households this is still present but the signal
4 reception is still their biggest hurdle.

Based from the data collected from the LESFs, a very small number
of learners selected this type of instruction simply because most
the learners are not capable of this as stated in the above
Online Learning explanations.

The LCP assures that all possible measures will be taken to ensure that no child will be excluded from
learning during the COVID-19 crisis. Think about groups of learners in your School/Division who might require
special consideration to be able to participate in DL. Describe what targeted interventions you would develop
to include them. Listed below are some examples which may be relevant to your context. Add others as
appropriate. Write down your answers in your Study Notebook


Learners without
parents or household Make a weekly supervisory plan for them and check their module and activity sheets.
member who can Organize, if possible, a learning support system in the area that can be composed of
guide and support volunteers to provide assistance to these learners.
their learning at home.

Provide additional reading materials in developing their reading skills. Attach

Beginning readers (K
monitoring sheets that parents/guardians may check. Constant communication with the
to 3)
parents/guardians should be implemented.

Provide remedial reading materials. Attach monitoring sheets that parents/guardians

Struggling readers may check. Constant communication with the parents/guardians should be
(Grades 4-12) implemented. Organize, if possible, a learning support system in the area that can be
composed of volunteers to provide assistance to these learners.

No access to devices Provide self-learning modules and other additional learning materials.
and Internet

Inaccessible (living in Coordinate with their barangay officials to assist the teachers in delivering theself-
remote and/or unsafe learning modules and other additional learning materials.

Provide self-learning modules and other additional learning materials that are cultured
Indigenous People

Persons with Assess the particular needs of these learners and provide them with the materials that
Disabilities would suffice it.

Other? Specify.


Read DO 42, s2016 on Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation. As you go through the document, write
down your answers to the following questions in your Study Notebook:

1. What is Lesson Designing or Lesson Planning?

Lesson designing or lesson planning is the process of determining what learning opportunities
students in school will have by planning "the content of instruction, selecting teaching materials,
designing the learning activities, and grouping methods.

2. Why is lesson designing important?

Lesson designing is imperative to ensure that time is maximized for instruction and learning,
lessons are responsive to learners' needs, teachers set learning targets for learners, and for the teachers
to carry out lessons successfully.

3. What are the three elements or components of a well-designed lesson?

-A clear and articulated set of objectives or what the learners need to learn or acquire.
-A well-selected and well-organized group of learning activities to ensure that the objectives are met.
-Appropriate and timely assessment activities that provide relevant information and feedback for both
teacher and learners. (How should learning be assessed?)


The second component of a well-designed lesson asks teachers to select and sequence teaching and
learning activities that would help learners meet the learning objectives. These learning tasks can be
presented (1) before the lesson, (2) during the lesson proper, and (3) after the lesson. In your Study
Notebook, copy the following table:

Before the Lesson Lesson Proper After the Lesson

 Review and clarify  Provide learners with  Wrap up activities

concepts and key points feedback  Emphasize key
from previous lessons  Check for learners' information and
 State lesson objectives understanding concepts discussed
as guide for learners  Explain, model,  Assess whether lesson
 Present connection demonstrate, and has been mastered
between old and new illustrate the concepts,  Transfer ideas and
lesson and establish ideas, skills, or processes concepts to new
purpose for new lesson that students will situations
 Check learners' prior eventually internalize  Ask learners to recall key
knowledge about the  Help learners understand activities and concepts
new lesson and master new discussed
information  Reinforce what teacher
has taught


In your Study Notebook, copy the components of the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)
listed below, then highlight which part/s is/are accomplished after the lesson is delivered.

Components of the DLL/DLP

I. Objectives
II. Content
III. Learning Materials and
IV. Procedures
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection


Learning Delivery Modality (select one): MODULAR DISTANCE LEARNING- PRINTED


Lesson/Topic: Geographic, Linguistic and Ethnic Dimensions of Philippine Literacy History from Pre-Colonial
to the Contemporary

Learning Objectives:
1. Identify geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to
contemporary and representative texts from the regions.
2. Write a close analysis and critical interpretation of literary texts.
3. Show a sense of adaptability of the Philippine Literary History

Learning Resources/Materials Needed: PRINTED MODULES

Additional Remarks:
(ex. can be done via voice calls, can be
facilitated by a household partner,
Check if already
can be done via a learning activity
Part of Lesson / Learning Tasks present in the
sheet, can be presented via an
internet based resource, can be
facilitated during a synchronous
learning session, etc.)

Before the Lesson

1. Review previous lesson
2. Clarify concepts from previous /
3. Present warm-up activities to /
establish interest in new lesson
4. Check learner’s prior knowledge /
about the new lesson
5. Present connection between old /
and new lesson and establish purpose
for new lesson
6. State lesson objectives as guide for /

Lesson Proper
1. Explain, model, demonstrate, and / Clarifications and verifications about
illustrate the concepts, ideas, skills, or the lesson can be done through
processes that students will eventually messenger/phone call
internalize communication.
2. Help learners understand and /
master new information
3. Provide learners with feedback /
4. Check for learners’understanding /

After the Lesson

1. Wrap up activities /
2. Emphasize key information and /
concepts discussed
3. Ask learners to recall key activities /
and concepts discussed
4. Reinforce what teacher has taught /
5. Assess whether lesson has been
mastered /
6. Transfer ideas and concepts to new
situations /

Answer the following questions in your Study Notebook:

1. For learning tasks not found in the SLM you examined, what materials or resources can you create or
curate to supplement the SLM?

Create printed materials that would supplement the missing learning tasks in the SLMs.

2. What kind of additional support can you give: a) the learner, and/or b) the household partner so that
they are guided throughout the lesson?

Providing additional learning resources like activity sheets/worksheets and constant

communication with the parents/guardians for proper instructions and monitoring.
2. How can the teacher gather feedback on the different learning tasks, in order to refine or modify
current and future lessons?

In MDL, the only way is to retrieve the modules and additional activity sheets/worksheets/outputs
for checking. Teachers may also set up a communication procedure with the parents/guardians for the
feedbacks, comments, and suggestions.


Assessment is always a part of designing instruction. Read the DO 8, s2015 on Policy Guidelines on Classroom
Assessment to learn about assessment. In the policy, you will find out about the two types of assessment:

formative and summative. Take note of the similarities and differences between the two. Write your answers
in a Venn diagram in your Study Notebook


Which assessment methods can you adapt in DL considering the content area that you are teaching? In your
study notebook, recreate the following table and list five methods that you would like to try. For each one,
write how you plan to use it in DL.

How to Adapt the Assessment Method in DL
1. “ WORD Items or word familiarization in the topic that will be found in the “Word
SEARCH” Search Table”. This will be given before the lesson to prepare the learners
what to expect in the succeeding discussion
2. Content or Text The learners exercise their creative minds in analyzing the text given and
Analysis express thoughts and ideas depending on their comprehension. Rubrics will
be used to assess the output of the learners.
3. Graphic Organizer For the learners to identify the similarities and differences of the different
Making literature genres. Creating a clearer picture on their understanding
regarding the topic.
4. Essay Writing As a teacher, I want to check how well my learners’ communication skills in
Activities writing by showing their well-crafted sentences
5. Multiple Choices This is to assess the learners understanding regarding the topic. Evaluative
questions will be given in the form of multiple choices. This will be given at
the end of the lesson.

1. What assessment methods are common among the group members?

We would assess our students of distance learning by essay, report, and projects

2. What are the challenges in doing assessment in DL?

Distance learning did some inherent problems, especially in the area’s isolation, support,
technology, and discipline.

3. Despite the challenges, what opportunities can you and your colleagues explore to make assessment
doable in DL?

Deped were turned towards distance learning as an alternative teaching method as either a
supplement to regular classes or back up plan in this crisis. Asynchronous communication was to
lessen the troubles of not being face to face with the students. Also creating rubrics for students to
follow, enable them to fine- tune the objectives and expectation of the assign task.


Sample learning outputs obtained from different assessment methods may be

collected to build a learner’s portfolio. Read Guidelines on the Preparation of
Portfolio and e-Portfolio to find out how to construct and use it.

After reading the references, answer the following quiz to check your
understanding about using a portfolio to assess the learner.

Question True False


1. A portfolio mainly displays the academic achievements of the learner. √

2. Testimonies of parents/guardians and learning facilitators regarding the learner’s

progress may be included in a portfolio. √

3. There is a fixed list of items that should be included in a portfolio.

10 | L D M 2

4. The teacher can only comment on a learner’s portfolio. √

5. For asynchronous learning, teachers allow learners to work on their outputs during
the given time. The latter will submit the portfolio within the schedule that the √
teachers set.

6. The learners may submit, store, and manage their portfolio via files-sharing
programs or they may submit the actual soft copies of their work saved on a √
CD/DVD/USB flashdrive.

7. Portfolios of the learners with outputs in hardcopies or physical forms may be √

handed over to the teacher by the parents or learning facilitators.



Answer the simple check-up quiz below. Read and match the descriptions in column A with
the terms in column B.

Column A Column B
C 1. These are the knowledge, understanding, a. learning area
skills, and attitudes that learners need to
demonstrate in every lesson and/or b. mode of delivery
learning task.
D 2. These are the formative learning c. learning competencies
opportunities given to learners to
engage them in the subject matter and
to enhance their understanding of the d. learning task
A 3. This refers to the prescribed subject that
learners take.
4. This refers to the method of submission of
learning outputs preferred by the
learner/parent based on their context.

11 | L D M 2

Read items 1 to 6 of the Appendix D of the DepEd Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00162 which

discusses what WHLPs and Individual Learning Monitoring Plans (ILMPs) are. After that, view the
three Sample Weekly Home Learning Plans.

Now, based on what you have read, create a WHLP for your class. Take note of the following when
creating your WHLP:
Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) Individual Monitoring Plan (IMP)
Purpose A tool to guide learners and learning A tool for monitoring learners who lag
facilitators or household partners in behind based on the results of their
tracking the subject areas to be tackled formative and summative assessments
and activities to perform at home.
For whom? Learners and learning facilitator or Teachers and learning facilitator or
household partner household partner
Components Learning area, learning competencies, Learner’s needs, intervention
learning tasks, mode of delivery strategies, monitoring date, learner’s

Has to be communicated to Yes Yes


• For grade levels where learning areas are taught by different teachers, coordinate, plan,
and discuss the WHLP with the learning area teachers.
• Adjustments should be made on the timeframe for accomplishing the learning tasks if there
are any suspensions of classes due to calamities (DepEd, 2020).
• Enjoyable learning activities scheduled on Saturdays such as designing portfolios, should
also be reflected in the WHLP.
• Be guided by the recommended screen time for learners set by the American Academy of
Pediatrics (AAP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) which are as follows:
» Key Stage 1 (K to 3) – at most one hour daily for Kindergarten and one hour to 1.5
hours for Grades 1 to 3
» Key Stage 2 (Grades 4 to 6) – up to two hours
» Key Stage 3 (Grade 7 to 10) – up to two hours for Grades 7 and 8 and up to four hours
(two in the morning and the other two in the afternoon) for Grades 9 and 10
» Key Stage 4 (Grades 11 to 12) – at most four hours (2 hours in the morning and the
other 2 hours in the afternoon)

(Insert Weekly Home Learning Plan)


Read items 7 to 11 of the Appendix D of DepEd Memorandum DM-CI-2020-00162. After you read the
guidelines on creating an ILMP, copy and fill out the table below in your Study Notebook to see how the ILMP
differs from the WHLP.


Assume that after going through the outputs submitted by your learners, one of them has problems
12 | L D M 2
completing the learning tasks for the first two weeks. Think of a possible difficulty the learner may have
encountered in accomplishing the learning tasks. Apply what you have learned about ILMPs in Activity 3 and
create an ILMP for that particular learner who lags behind. Read and use the Individual Learning Monitoring
Plan Template. Consider the components of the ILMP that were described in Activity.


Learner’s Name: RIA JEAN FLORES

Grade Level: Grade 12 - HEPHAESTUS

Learning Learner’s Intervention Monitorin Learner’s Status
Area Needs Strategies g Date

21st Century Create a blog Sent related Insignificant Significant Mastery

Literature in post using the video examples October 29, Progress Progress
the different of the activities 2020
Philippines literature to be done via
and the genres messenger.
World discussed. Use
the rubric as For further
your guide. explanations,
phone calls
made to the
student for
clarifications of
doubted areas
regarding the
Share the ILMP that you made for that specific learner during your next LAC Session.

Check the Lesson 3, Activity 3 Answer Key to find out how well you did.

Remember also that in monitoring the progress of your learners, it is important to get
in touch with the household partner who provides assistance as needed while the
learner is doing the learning tasks at home.

Before leaving this Module, take note of the following key messages:

• There are no perfect lessons, but with careful planning, reflection, and
continuous adaptation before, during, and after lesson delivery, you will be
able to design lessons with your best efforts, and maximize learning in this
new context.
• It is important for teachers to keep track of how the students are doing, get
feedback from the learners (learners’ self-assessment), and from the learning
facilitators or household partners, in order to continuously improve lessons and
provide support for learners as they learn.
• One way of getting feedback from learners is by communicating regularly
with them and their families. As teachers, you need to make your presence
felt, and send the message to the learners that they are not alone in this
situation. This will greatly help them stay motivated.
• As teachers, you are part of a larger community of learners, and would need
support from your Coaches, School Heads, and fellow teachers as you adapt to
the new normal.

13 | L D M 2

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