Basketball (Pre Assessment)
Basketball (Pre Assessment)
Basketball (Pre Assessment)
In this activity, your prior knowledge on basketball will be diagnosed and pre-assessed.
A. Below is a table indicating three columns namely: team sport, basic skills and
components of physical fitness involved in performing the basic skills. The sport at the
first column have already been provided together with the respective basic skills. All
you have to do is to identify the component of physical fitness involved in performing
the respective skills. Write your answers in the given column. (25 points)
Bardinas, Raymon V.
Name: __________________________ BSIS-2A
Course & Section:__________________
B. Below are critical questions prepared for you to answer. (10 points each)
a. What do sports mean to you?
Sport mean a lot for me, Sport is a great way for people of different backgrounds and
cultures to join in and play a game they love. It brings people together and teaches
valuable lessons such as respect, teamwork, selflessness and perseverance. Sports are
what helps build a person, both mentally and physically.
In doing a Team Sport basketball, you can develop your sense of trust to your
teammates. You can also develop a sense of responsibility for the performance of the
game and for the entire team. Team sport also develop your sense of sportsmanship
which means that whatever you do in a game, win or lose, you will be able to accept it
and learn from defeat and earn how to be humble during success. And also develop the
leadership skills, confidence. concentration and self-discipline.
c. What benefits can you derive from participating in basketball?
Good basketball player must have Awareness, Strong Mind, Desire to get Better,
Determination, Passionate, Mentally Tough, Being Coachable and Confidence.
The ability to shoot, dribble, pass, defend or rebound are all skills required to be great.
All of the great players have a skill routine that they perform regularly and all great
players identify their weaknesses and work tirelessly to turn them into strengths.
Basketball Teams must be follows, are focus only on things they can control. Hold each
other accountable. Recover quickly from adversity. Embrace Pressure. Demonstrate
Selflessness and team that have a sportsmanship in game for an interesting good
LeBron James and his versatile skill set in field basketball. an extraordinary all-around
game, with his playmaking skills making him one of the most talented players in NBA
history. He is one of the greatest passer of all time.
C. When you’re done with the preceding tasks, state your targets/goals on involving
yourself, your family and community in basketball programs. (15 points)
An example is hereby given:
Personal Goal/Target:
In basketball and in life, I will be focus on working hard and developing good habits, And I will achieve
success and healthy body and good/professional basketball player.
Family Goal/Target:
I will be helping to teach my brothers/family who wants to learn or decisive in playing basketball. For
helping others builds character and brings them together as a unified team .
Community Goal/Target:
I will actively participate in community team sports activities and sharing knowledge about basketball
within in my community.