FS 6 - Course Syllabus

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Field Study 6 : On Becoming a Teacher

Credit : 1 unit
Time Duration : 17 hours
Course Description :
This course is designed to complement the professional education
subject, The Teaching Profession. It shall bring about real life and vicarious
experiences of a prospective teacher with emphasis on the characteristics
of a teacher as a person and as a professional. It shall provide a wide
array of opportunities for self-reflection that would prepare one to become
a student teacher.
Field Study 6 is anchored on the Professional Education subject, The
Teaching Profession.
 Describe the characteristics of a teacher as a person.
 Identifies the competencies that make up a professional teacher in
the classroom, in the community, and in the world.
 Document best practices of outstanding teachers.
 Clarify one’s personal values, attitude and beliefs about teaching.

Suggested Activities:

Focus Specific Task Learning Domain Competen

Evidence cies/
s Performan

The Develop a survey Social Identifies

Teacher questionnaire Regard for personal
as a designed to be used Learning qualities of
person with pre-school/ good
elementary/ teachers
secondary students through the
to find out what survey.
personal qualities
make a good
teacher. Planning, Uses non-
Administer the Assessing traditional
survey instrument Survey and assessment
to at least one Results Reporting techniques.
Consolidate and Student’s
interpret the survey Creative
results. Product
Create a
presentation of your
summary findings
through any of the
ff: Music, Poetry,
Narrative Story or

The Interview a teacher Profession Planning Provides

Teacher to find out who or al Growth Assessing timely and
as a what contributed to Timeline and accurate
Professio his/ her professional Reporting feedback to
nal growth. learners for
Make a professional them to
growth timeline reflect on.
based on the Reflective
interview. journal
Write a reflective
journal on this

The Interview a teacher Personal Learning Discusses

Teacher on his/her roles and Growth Environme the learning
in the responsibilities in and nt processes
School the school setting. Profession and the role
Setting al of the
Developm teacher in
Reflect on the ent the school
teacher’s sharing. setting.


The Interview at least Interview Explains

Teacher three people in the results educational
in the community processes
Communi (parents, barangay and relate
ty officials, these to
representatives larger
from community social,
organizations) on cultural and
teacher’s political
involvement Communit processes.
community y Linkages
activities and
utilization of Reflects on
community the
resources in Communit relationship
teaching. y list of among the
expectatio teaching
Reflect on the ns on the processes,
sharing of the Role in the skills, and
community people. the broader
Communit social forces
Make a list of y Linkages in order to
expectations of improve
community people teaching
on the teacher’s skills and
community practices.

Make a list of
resources that are
utilized by the
teachers in

The Find out through Qualificati Diversity Facilitates

Global interview what ons of of learning of
Teacher qualifications are Global Learners diverse
necessary to Teacher types of
become a global learners in
teacher. diverse type
of learning
Conduct a survey of List of Learning environmen
the number of the Teachers Environme t.
teachers in the employed nt
school who are in Other
opted to work Countries

The Field Study Teacher may decide:
1. To choose all or any of the suggested activities.
2. On the mode of implementing the tasks (i.e., individually, dyad, or
by group)
3. On the time allotment for each activity to sufficiently cover the 17-
hour requirement of the course.

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