Episode 5 Table of Specification (Tos) Content and Outcomes Based Education (Obe)
Episode 5 Table of Specification (Tos) Content and Outcomes Based Education (Obe)
Episode 5 Table of Specification (Tos) Content and Outcomes Based Education (Obe)
One mortal sin that teachers commit is giving tests that lack content validity. This means
that a number of teachers give tests which are not aligned to their learning outcomes or
objectives. This is contrary to outcomes-based education. The use of a Table of Specification
(TOS) can help address the problem of tests lacking in content validity.
Learning Outcomes
Learning Activities
Activity 5:1
1. For a TOS to ensure test content validity, what parts must it have?
To ensure test content validity, the parts must have objectives or measurement of goals
and domain to be covered based on the chosen subject content for the intended lesson.
The topics included in the test should have been discussed or was discussed during the
covered time frame.
2. Among the TOS that you have learned/research on which is the better TOS? Why?
The one that I’ve searched is better. It is organized, accurate and gives exact details and
example. As I remember the TOS given to us before wasn’t discuss very well and vague.
3. Can a teacher have a test with content validity even without making a TOS?
No, if a teacher created a test without using the Table Of Specification (TOS) there would
be conflict on whether the content validity is coverd for that specific subject and class.
4. Explain why the use of TOS enhances the content validity?
It outline the subject matter into smaller components. TOS is very important to validity of test. It
improves the validity of teacher made test and also it improves student learning. TOS help to
ensure that there is a match between what is taught and what is tested.
1. Reflect on your teachers’ assessment practices. Recall all your teachers since you were first year
college whether they were practicing having TOS, Content Validity and OBE. Write your
reflections here.
I have observed that most of my professor used TOS with content validity in giving test exams.
Like for example at the end of our midterm exam they usually gathered the number of the
students who got correct/wrong answer in each item. To reinforce those who got wrong answer
by explaining it again in a new and acceptable ideas. I have also observed that exams usually
consist of different types, multiple choice, enumeration and ect. Some of them also used OBE,
they presented their course subject and their goals at the beginning of the class, it is also student
centered and the teacher was task to be the facilitator of the class.
My Portfolio
Both taxonomies of educational objectives are beneficial and cannot be ignored. Blooms
taxonomy focused on the build-up of knowledge. It is a classification of the different objectives
and skills that educator set. This is helpful if the students are in their foundation years. Once the
students have their own foundation of knowledge they can be ready to a wide range of thinking
skills. On the other hand, Marzano and Kendall’s taxonomy is useful for higher level students
because they face more challenges that require decision- making, reflection and organization.
Episode 6
FS Student:. Major:Date:
A portfolio of a student is a direct evidences of learning. But it is not a mere collection of student’s
work or output. Therefore, a student’s reflection must accompany each output or work. The student’s work
is either a product or a performance.
Learning Activities
Activity 6:1
1. Growth/development portfolio
2. Showcase/Best Work portfolio
3. Assessment evaluation portfolio
1. What are the purposes of each portfolio and give possible inclusions to it.
Growth/development portfolio is used for learners to see their own changes over time. It also
helps them see achievement often as a result of their capacity to evaluate their self, set goals,
and work over time. Example; scrapbook of information and example, test, checklist and rating
Showcase/ Best work portfolio is the selection of the student best quality of works. This can be
used to highlight student success or to showcase a variety of accomplishment a student has
achieved over a period of time. This will allow them to describe and tell their own story. Example;
art project, photography project and more.
Assessment evaluation portfolio assess student learning with self-reflection. This is used to
document student learning on specific curriculum outcomes.
Activity 6:2
1. What is the most commonly used portfolio that you have observed?
Based on my opinion the most commonly used portfolio is the growth/ development portfolio.
When I was in my elementary grades we usually used this portfolio to keep our test papers and
quizes, then, through those we can assess ourselves if we achieved something or did we learn
Can these three types of portfolio be assessment portfolio as well? Explain your answer.
My Portfolio
Present what you have learned by showing a sample of your own work on the following (No
1. Growth/development portfolio
These photos were taken
during my teaching
demonstration in Matalam
High School. Students were
asked to create a
presentation based on the
provided learning materials.
2. Showcase/Best Work portfolio
3. Assessment Evaluation portfolio