Argumentative Paragraph
Argumentative Paragraph
Argumentative Paragraph
The debate between learning a language at your own pace, in other words, self-taught,
and learning in a group class is a controversial topic in language acquisition field;
although, the first always will be the best way to guarantee a safe and effective
language learning. In addition to these, there are special advantages that personally
benefit each person who decides to learn through this study method. First, the flexibility
schedules are a benefit to reduce the stress of the external pressure to follow the
rhythm of a group. This benefits, as Sebas Rodríguez mention (2007), to anyone with a
job, children, university studies, or other obligations that require time (Ways to study a
language: their advantages and disadvantages). Continuing along this line, the second
great advantage is that with a personal approach, students can focus on specific areas
that they find most challenging or interesting and this will increase their motivation in the
learning language process. This is reinforced by the researchers and teachers Maria
Ruedas and Marianne Wilburn, who say in their statement: “…because studying areas
or vocabulary of personal interest stimulates the brain and allows greater concentration,
which benefits the retention of information” (Theoretical approaches for the acquisition
of a second language from the horizon of educational practice, 2014). On the contrary,
many people consider that learning a language without a teacher is impossible, some
others may lack the discipline to maintain a consistent routine and the lack of social
interaction. In contrast to that thinking, and considering the modern societies that we
currently live in, there is an enormous amount of educational material on the Internet
which is free and to reinforce to become a self-taught person, who improves a lot of
skills that are part of a good second language speaker: reading, writing, speaking and
listening. In short, although learning in a group class is the traditional way, that does not
mean or guarantee that it is the most effective way to speak the language.
María Cristin Rueda Cataño and Marianne Wilburn Dieste (2014): Theoretical
approaches for the acquisition of a second language from the horizon of educational
practice. Mexico City, January, 2014. Provided by Perfiles Educativos. Published by