Chapter II SSR

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A systematic research should have enough theories to lead the researcher

in accomplishing a research especially with the data analysis. This chapter

presents the review of related literature which gives detail information taken from

some references. The references focus on reading comprehension and the

Sustained Silent Reading Strategy.

A. Reading Comprehansion

1. Reading Skill

Reading is one of the skills human must possess. Currently, most of the

information is submitt in writing so reading skills need to be studied people

especially by students.

Harmer ( 2003 : 70 ) reading is an active process that goes on between the

reader and the text. It means while reading a text, the reader try to understand

what a writer means. Reading text also provides opportunities to study language,

vocabulary, grammar, function and the student’ way to construct sentences,

paragraph and the text. In other word, reading is the process toi get information

and vocabulary from the text.

Henry Guntur Tarigan ( 2015: 7 ) reading is a process that is done and use

by the reader to obtain a message the writer wants to convey through the media of

words or written language. Dalman ( 2013: 5 ) suggests that reading is an activity


or process cognitive effort that seeks to discover the various information contain

with in writing.

It can be concluded that reading is not a simple process. It is not only

decoding the message from the text but also getting the meaning from the text. It

involves an interaction process between the writer and the text and also the

transaction between the reader and the writer through the text.

2. Reading Comprehansion

Reading comprehansion is more than just reading what it reads, the ability of

a child to understand the meaning of words that are heard and relate to them in

several ways. When children read a story, for example, a good reading

comprehension allows them to understand it, remember it, discuss it, and even

recount it in their own words. This is an important skill to develop even at an early

age, because good reading can add to the vast knowledge. Almost students,

readers, or students do not know what the definition of reading is. This chapter

will present the definition of detail reading below.

Snow ( 2002 : 11 ) defines reading comprehension as a process of extracting

and constructing meaning in a written text. The readers construct the meaning

from the text that they read. They absorb the information, and then they connect it

with their background knowledge ( prior knowledge ). Reading comprehension is

a process that involves the intergration of decoding ability, vocabulary knowledge,

background knowledge and the use of strategies to make sense the text and

understand it. In this process, thos parts interact dynamically to get meaning from

the text.

The theories above suggest that reading comprehension is very complex

activities. The readers are view as active participants that extract and construct a

meaning from a written text. In extracting and constructing the meaning, they

active their background knowledge to connect the data with what is already know

in their brain and draw information that is found in the text. They also use various

kind of knowledge, vocabulary knowledge, and appropriate strategies to get the

meaning from text.

3. Teaching Reading Comprehension

Teaching is to guide and facilitate learning, enable the leaner to learn, set the

condition for learning ( Brown, 2000:7 ). Thus, it can be implied that teaching

reading is to help, guide, provide knowledge, and give instructions in the teaching

and learning process.

Related the explanation abouve, teaching reading helps the students to drive

meanging from the written text and playing strategis to get the meaning. The

teacher plays important role in this process. The teacher should facilitate and

promote the students with the appropriate materials, strategies and set situation in

which enable the students to learn reading effectively.

Teaching reading comprehension is very crucial in language learning. It gives

many contributions to the development of other skills. The successful of teaching


reading comprehension can not be separated from the role of teacher. According to

Hammer ( 2007: 57 ) the teacher,s role is to help the students to learn and to

facilite them.

Teching reading comprehension is a process to help the students to derive

meaning from the text an d apply appropriate strategies to get the meaning. The

teacher’s task is to facilitate them with the appropriate materials and treat them in

order they to activity and enable them to learn reading effectively.

4. The Models of Reading

There are three ways to process the text. They are bottom – up processing,

top – down processing, and interactive processing ( Phirie, et al, 2009 : 9 ).

Bottom-up processing ( data – driven ) in this process, the readers determine the

meaning from the text by decoding the smallest textual units, for example letter by

letter by letter, word by word to the large unit phrase, clause, sentences, and texts.

Top – down precessing ( concept – driven ) in this stage, the readers use

their pre – existing knowledge or background knowledge to relate the topic of the

text in order to understand the text. They can make prediction, interpretation and

guess from the title, pictures, knowledge of the world, etc. then they compare

those parts that are found in the text with their background knowledge to

comprehend the text.

Interactive processing this process is a combination of top-down and

battom-up processing. In this process, they complement each other to derive the

meaning from a written text. The readers adopt the top-down processing to predict

possible meaning using their background knowledge. The they move to the

bottom – up processing by recognizing letters, word, phrase, clause and sentences

to confirm the writer’s intended meaning.

Factors influence students’ reading comprehension is the influency

from many aspect that make the students able to read the articles and

comprehends the article. Proficient comprehension of text is influenced by : (a)

Accurate and fluent word reading skills. An accurate and fluent word reading skill

are to increase the ability of the students in comprehending type of the text, such

as narrative text, spoof text, descriptive text, hortatory and exposition text. (b)

Accurate skills, is one of the skill that must be used for increase the students

ability in comprehending the text, these accurate need for comprehending the

organization, orientation, and conclusion of the text. (c) Oral language skills

( Vocabulary, linguistic comprehension) extent conceptual and factual knowledge.

As an oral language skill needed as to influence the misunderstanding of the text.

(d) Knowledge and skill in use of cognitive strategies to improve comprehension

or repair it when it’s break down. (e) Knowlegde of structure and genre. Is used to

knowing the structure and the genre of the text because of there are many

structure and genre of the text. (f) Reasoning and inferential skillss. In some text,

there are many problem, the students must be identify the inferential of the text by

the right reason. (g) Motivation to understand and interest in task and materials.

By higher motivation the students can comprehending the text easily, because the

students have interest with the text although in tasks and material.

B. Sustained Silent Reading ( SSR )

1. Definiton of Sustained Silent Reading

Sustained Silent Reading is a form of recreational reading activity in

classroom, or in another definition, it is a form of voluntary reading activity where

a student reads something by his or her heart in a duration of time without being

burdened by questions that might come after the reading activities. This

independent method is not only interasting and challenging but also : can improve

students’ reading skill, can provide peaceful reading activity and can give a chace

for teachers to gives individual guidance.

Sustained Silent Reading is one of reading program or strategy that can be

used to improve student reading skill that provides much practice. According to

Stave ( 2005 : 15) Sustained Silent Reading is a time during which a class, or in

some cases an entire school, reads quietly together.

Sunstained Silent nReading offers a strategy to increase student reading

comprehension. It is based on the theory that the the more a student reads, then

the better he or she will comprehend what he or she is reading. According to

Birmingham ( 2006 : 15 ) sustained silent reading is a strategy that set aside time

during the week to give students silent, uninterrupted reading time. The

connection between sustained silent reading and effective teaching practice,

effective te teachers of reading provide time or silent reading every day,


encourage reading for varying purposes, and devolep creative ways for students to

respond to literature.

As one of the reading strategy, sustained silent reading can use to measure

students reading fluency and comprehension, besides the teachers can also knew

the reading interest of their students. Students has a time for themselves to read

silently and sustaining themselves for at least 15 minutes an it hopes that students

will becomes hooked on the habits of reading for a lifetime not only in the class

during English class time but also when they outside class and in their free time

they will love reading.

2. Implementation of Sustained Silent Reading

Farida Rahim ( 2005: 131) explains that sustained silent reading program

is a very simple activity. Learning done with students and teachers choose the

reading, then read in the heart without interruption for a few minutes. According

to Farida Rahim (2005: 130-131) sustained silent reading programs require

teachers to follow certain rules, such as following. (a) Every student should read

(b) Teachers should also read when students are reading (c) Students do not need

to make any report about what they have read (d) Students read for a certain

period of time (e) Students select the reading material they like.

Farida Rahim ( 2005: 131) reveals sustained silent reading programs

should be scheduled at the same time each day. With sustained silent reading

program, students are expect to read as a fixed activity done every day. This

activity is intent for students to make reading as a fun activity. Next, Kasihani

K.E. Suyanto (2007: 65) argues that Sustained Silent Reading is a reading

technique which needs to be applied in the higher classes.

3. Characteristics of Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)

Dalman (2013: 67) argues that reading in the heart or Sustained Silent

Reading has the following characteristics. (a) Read silently, without lips moving,

without any hiss. ( b) Read without any head movements. ( c ) Reading faster than

reading aloud. ( d ) Read without using fingers or other tools as a pointer. ( e )

Understand and understand reading material. (f ) Demanded eye speed in reading.

( g ) Reading with a good understanding. ( h ) Adjust the speed with the level of

difficulty contained in reading.

C. Review of Previous Research Findings

Research on the influence of Sustained silent reading strategy towards

learning process especially for reading comprehension has been done by some

previous researchers. In this study, researchers also showed recent research results

related to this study.

The first is the research from Endang Susanti from Universitas of Sultan

Syarif Kasim Riau in year 2013. The design of the research is experiment and the

title is The Effect of Using Sustained Silent Reading ( SSR ) toward Reading

Comprehension of the Secon Year students of MA Dar El Hikam Pekanbaru. This

research is done in MA Dar El Hikam Pekanbaru. This research involves 162

students in 5 class which consist of 3 classes for XI science department and 2

classes for XI social department. The null hypothesis in this study which says that

there is no effect of sustained silent reading strategy in reading comprehension is

rejected. This is shown from the post-test was higher than mean score of Pretest. It

can be seen that the t-score is 30,862, then score of sig.(2-tailed) is 0.000. if we

act to null hypothesis (Ho) that is 0.05, it is mean that the score of sig.(2-tailed)

was small then score of Ho. From the data above, it means that there is a

significant effect of using sustained silent reading (SSR) toward reading

comprehension at the second year students of MA Dar El Hikmah Pekanbaru.

The second research from Nofingatun Munawaroh. The researcher from

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta in year 2017. The design of the research is

Classroom Action Research ( CAR ). The title of this research is Improving

Reading Comprehension Skill Through Sustained Silent Reading ( SSR ) at Fifth

Grade Serang State Elementary School Pangasih Kulon Progo Distric. This

research was done in SD Negeri Serang. This research involves 22 students of

fifth grade students. The resecher do this reaserch through two cycles, increased

of students activity in the learning process 46,36 % before treatment, cycle I 59,54

%, and cycle II 75 %. Besides, the mean score of reading comprehension skill

increased from 60, 72 before treatment, mean of cycle I is 66,69, and mean of

cycle II is 76,84. From the result above, the researcher conclude that there is

improvement toward students’ activity during implementing susutained silent

reading strategy toward reading comprehension. In the second cycle, there is a

significance improvement. After using sustained silent reading strategy the

students to reading comprehension is good.Actually, the improvement is almost

100% and all the students is looked more spirit and active to study by using

sustained silent reading strategy. From the result of this research, the researcher

conclude that sustained silent reading positive impact toward learning process.

Table of 2.1 Previous Related Research Findings and This Research

Subject of
Title / The Research Research Data
The Result
researcher Approach Method Collecting
The Effect of Experiment Eleventh Sample Pretest- There is a
Using Sustained grade Posttest significant
Silent Reading ( students at and positive
SSR ) toward MA Dar El effect of using
Reading Hikam sustained
Comprehension Pekanbaru silent reading
of the Secon (SSR) toward
Year students of reading
MA Dar El compre-
Hikam hension
Endang Susanti
Improving Classroom Fifth Grade Sample Pretest - That sustained
Reading Action Serang State Posttest silent reading
Comprehension Research Elementary positive and
Skill Through School significant
Sustained Silent Pangasih impact toward
Reading ( SSR ) Kulon Progo learning
at Fifth Grade process
Serang State
Pangasih Kulon
Progo Distric/
The Experiment Eleventh Sample Pretest – The
effectiveness of Social 3 Posttest researcher
Sustained Silent Grade MA expect from
Reading toward Negeri 1 this research
Reading Mojokerto will there is a
Comprehension positive and
of the Eleventh significant
Social 3 Grade using
of MA Negeri 1 sustained
Mojokertoin the silent reading
Academic Year (SSR) toward
of 2017 /2018/ reading
Laila Iqlimatuz compre-
Zahroh Ibrahim hension

D. Conceptual Framework

Conceptual frame in the research is a relation among one concept toward

the other concept from the problem of the research. The function of conceptual

frame was connecting or explaining as wide as possible about the research topic.

This frame was gotten from the literature which suitable with the research

variable. In hope, this conceptual frame can give a general description and steer

the assumption about the variables. From this conceptual frame, the researcher

could give a hypothesis toward the research problem in this research.


Based on the theory of the variables, the researcher described the

conceptional frame in this picture below.

The Effectiveness of Sustained Silent Reading toward the Students’

Reading Comprehension of the XI Social 3 Grade of MA Negeri 1
Mojokerto in the Academic Year of 2017 / 2018

Sustained Silent Reading Success Teaching Reading

Strategy Comprehansion
1. Any time during the school
day, daily to read, 10 – 30 1. Students understand the
minutes information and knowledge
2. Students chooses any book from the text
to read 2. Students can answer the
3. At a signal, students begin to question
read and continue until they 3. Students get a good score
receive the signal to stop 4. Students interest with
4. read continuously reading
5. Teacher reads as a model for

Sustained Silent Reading Advantages :

1. Increase student reading proficiency :
- Comprehension
- Build a belief in self as a better
- Achievement
2. improve students’ motivation to read
3. Facilitate overall language development

Figur 2.1 Conseptual Framework The Effectiveness Sustained Silent Reading

toward Reading Comprehension Achivment.

E. Theoretical Hypothesis

This prediction must have theoretical as well as logical truth in it. This

theoretical and logical prediction is called hypothesis (Tuckman, Borg & Gall in

Latif : 2016 ). In this research, the theoretical hypothesis is “The students taught

using sustained silent reading strategy achieve better in reading comprehension

than those taught using non sustained silent reading strategi at the XI grade social

III students of MA Negeri 1 Mojokerto in academic year of 2017 / 2018”.

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