100 Fuller Lessons

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1. e as in hen 51. sl as in sleep

2. a as in cat 52. br as in bring

3. o as in dog 53. cr as in crab

4. i as in pig 54. dr as in drum

5. u as in cut 55. fr as in frog

6. e as in me 56.gr as in grass

7.ee as in feet 57. pr as in pray

8.ea as in meat 58.tr as in tray

9.ie as in chief 59. sh as in ship

10.a as in cake 60.ch as in chin

11.ai as in rain 61.sc as in scan

12. ay as in day 62.sk as in skim

13.o as in note 63.sl as in slap

14. oa as in boat 64.sm as in smile

15.ow as in cow 65.sn as in snap

16.ow as in row 66.sp as in spin

17. oy as in boy 67.st as in stop

18. oi as coin 68.sw as in swim

19.ou as in loud 69.tr as in train

20. aw as in saw 70.tw as in twin

21.au as in Paul 71.th as in thin

22.i as in pine 72. th as in bath

23. y as in my 73.ar as in bar

24.ie as in pie 74.er as in her

25.u as in tube 75. ur as un fur

26.ew as in new 76.rb as in herb

27.oo as in moon 77.rd as in heard

28. oo as in door 78.rk as in jerk

29.sh as in fish 79.rl as in curl

30.ch as in rich 80.rm as in warm

31. k as in duck 81. rn as in yarn

32.ll as in bell 82. rp as in harp

33.ld as in gold 83. rt as in cart

34.lk as in silk 84. ce as in rice

35. lt as in belt 85.ci as in city

36.nd as in hand 86.cy as in cindy, icy

37. ng as in sing 87. scr as in scrub

38. nt as in hunt 88.spr as in spring

39.sk as in mask 89.str as in string

40. sp as in gasp 90.le,ly as in file,truly

41. ss as in kiss 91. gh as in laugh

42. st as in nest 92. ght as bought

43. ct as in fact 93.are as in care

44. ff as in off 94. air as in fair

45. mp as in jump 95. ey as in key

46. bl as in black 96.oe as in toe

47. cl as in clam 97.kn as in know

48. fl as in flag 98.ge as in page

49.gl as in glad 99. dge as in edge

50. pl as in play 100. alk as in talk



1. /E/ e-bed

2. /ae/ a-cat
3,7,3 /a/ a-bag a -bar

4. /I/ I - pig

5. 74-75 /∂/ u-but

6-9 /iy/ e-me e-her


94 ey-key

10-12, /ey/ a -cake ai-rain : ay-day


13-15 /ow/ o-note oa-boat: ow-row

28-96 oo-door oe-toe

oo-book o-wolf

20-21 /u/


No. Sound Orthography

16-17 /aw/ ow-cow ou-loud

18-19 /oy/ oy-boy oi-coin

22-24 /ay/ i-pine y-my ie-pie

25-26 /yu/ u-tube Aw-new


No. Sound Orthography No. Sound Orthography

20 /sh/ fish 72 /th/ bath

30 /ch/ rich 76 /rb/ herb

31 /ck/ duck 77 /rd/ heard

32 /11/ bell 78 /rk/ jerk

33 /ld/ gold 79 /rl/ curl

34 /lk/ silk 80 /rm/ warm

35 /lt belt 81 /rn/ yarn

36 /nd/ hand 82 /rp/ Harp

37 /ng/ sang 83 /rt/ Cart

38 /nt/ hunt 90 (silent) little

39 /sk/ mask /li/ curly

40 /sp/ gasp 91 /gh-f/ laugh

41 /ss/ kiss 92 /ght-t/ bought

42 /st/ nest 98 /ge-dz/ page

43 /ct/ fact 99 /dge-dz/ edge

44 /ff/ off 100 /alk/ talk

46 /mp/ lump


No. Sound Orthography No. Sound Orthography

46 /bl/ black 61 /sc/ scan

47 /cl/ clam 62 /sk/ skim

48 /fl/ flag 63 /sl/ slap

49 /gl/ glad 64 /sm/ smile

50 /pl/ play 65 /sn/ snub

51 /sl/ sleep 66 /sp/ spin

52 /br/ bring 67 /st/ stop

53 /cr/ crab 68 /sw/ swim

54 /dr/ drum 69 /tr/ train

55 /fr/ frog 70 /tw/ twin

56 /gr/ grass 71 /tw/ thin

57 /pr/ pray 87 /scr/ scrub

58 /tr/ tray 88 /spr/ spring

59 /sh/ ship 89 /str/ string

60 /ch/ chin 97 /kn/ knows


No. Orthography Beginning Sound Ending Sound

84 cc cell-/se/ rice-/s/

85 ci city- dancing -/si/

86 cy Cynthia-/si/ Lucy- /si/


1. Teach the child the names and forms of all the letters in the English Alphabet. He needs not know which are consonants and vowels.
2. Teach him the sound then review the form. Do this by group (consonant or vowels)
3. Choose on lesson that jibes with PELC.
4. Teach him to blend the letter indicated in the lesson (vowel, blend, cluster) with a consonant (another syllable) to form a syllable (word)
(e.g. a blended with t becomes at)
5. Teach him to blend another consonant with the syllable formed to form a word
( c blended with at becomes cat)
6. Guide the child to look for other consonants to blend with the same syllable to form words that will then be put under the same column.
7. Repeat nos. 4,5,6, but this time blend the letter with another consonant depends upon the group of words that are formed out of the blending of letters.
8. Present the words in a column with the use of a window card or a marker. Say the first word in the column aloud to the pupils. Then move the marker down to the next word
in the same column and ask the child to read it. Because the words use the same endings, the rhyme will help them recognize each word in the column.
9. Go to the next column, pointing out to the child that the ending is changed. Let him read down the column. Do not let him attempt to read across the page so this will make
confuse him.
10. Develop mastery among the children in recognizing these words. Use flashcards and charts.
11. Develop vocabulary among the pupils by giving exercises on word picture association.
12. use the function words within the Fuller Lessons:
Lesson 1-5 - I, to, she, when
Lesson 10-15 - they, them, this, these, from
Lesson 13-15 - inside, beside, outside, behind
Lesson 17- 19 - under, over, above, that, those
Lesson 20-24 - why, how
Lesson 25-28 - because, since
These are other words in English language whose structures do not follow those introduced as word families, but may be introduced as whole-words such as:
Hear, give, niece, doll, live, here
13. Group words to form phrases, sentences, ingles or rhymes and again associate them with pictures (concrete objects, etc.)
14. Ask the questions about the rhyme or jingle where answers are found in the selection for developing comprehension.
15. Develop further the comprehension of the child by asking questions requiring higher order thinking skills.

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