Zain English
Zain English
Zain English
1. Exclamatory
2. Interrogative
3. Interrogative
4. Interrogative
5. Interrogative
6. Declarative
7. Imperative
8. Declarative
9. Declarative
10. Imperative
11. Imperative
12. Declarative
13. Imperative
14. Imperative
15. Imperative
16. Imperative
17. Declarative
18. Exclamatory
19. Exclamatory
20. Declarative
21. Exclamatory
22. Declarative
1. Imperative
2. Interrogative
3. Interrogative
4. Declarative
5. Imperative
6. Declarative
7. Interrogative
8. Imperative
9. Imperative
10. Imperative
11. Declarative
1. Compound
2. Simple
3. Simple sentence
4. Simple
5. Complex
6. Complex
On the first day of school, I meet my teacher. Declarative
My teacher’s name is Mrs. Wong. She is so nice! Exclamatory
We talked about the rules and she asked many questions.
These are some of the questions she asked our class.
What would you like to learn this year? Interrogative
Are you excited about third grade? Interrogative
What is your favorite thing about school? Interrogative
What are some of the things are you interested in? Interrogative
After answering these questions, we began reading a book by Beverly
Clearly. Declarative
I loved the book! Exclamatory
I was very interested in the main character. Declarative
She hated cursive! Exclamatory
Then we had circle time and talked about some of the things we will
learn in third grade this year. Declarative
I really enjoyed the first day of school! Exclamatory
Q: Directions: Add the correct punctuation to the end of these
sentences. Then on the line write whether the sentence is Declarative,
Interrogative, or Exclamatory.
1. Do you like chewing gum? ______________________
2. Drew dropped his book. ______________________ Declarative
3. My teacher likes to read. ______________________ Declarative
4. What is your address? ______________________ Interrogative
5. Who is your teacher? ______________________ Interrogative
6. What a beautiful day! ______________________ Exclamatory
7. I love this book. ______________________ Declarative
8. An island is surrounded by water. _______________________
9. You won! _______________________ Exclamatory
10. Computers are a great way to learn. ______________________