Listen-Read-Discuss in Teaching and Learning Reading Comprehension: A Case Study of Private Senior High School in Lampung
Listen-Read-Discuss in Teaching and Learning Reading Comprehension: A Case Study of Private Senior High School in Lampung
Listen-Read-Discuss in Teaching and Learning Reading Comprehension: A Case Study of Private Senior High School in Lampung
Rija Dwiono
Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
[email protected]
Indonesians learn English as a foreign language. According to Harmer that English
as a foreign language described situation where student were learning English in order
to use it with any other English speaker of the world-when the student might be tourist
or business people. Student often studied EFL in their own country (Harmer, 2007).
Indonesians start learning English from elementary school until at university level as a
compulsory subject.
Reading as receptive skill has important part in English. Reading helps students to
build their vocabulary, improves student for understanding on written work. Moreover,
by reading students can discover new things. Even in now days book, magazine, journal
and internet are great learning tools which require the ability to read and understand
what is read in English. By reading, student will have more experience to elevate their
knowledge and their ability in English.
In fact, based on the experience of the researcher in teaching and learning English in
Indonesia, the students have difficulties to comprehend English text on magazine, book,
journal or TV, even to comprehend text in their English school books, while they have
to read their compulsory books or other materials related to their lesson. Students still
got confused to answer the question of the comprehension in reading text. There are
many possible reasons that might it happens. One of the reasons could be the teacher
teaches the students monotonously and ineffectively. Teacher does not use variety
Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Arts Language And Culture ISBN 978-602-50576-0-1
Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Arts Language And Culture ISBN 978-602-50576-0-1
Concept of Reading
Reading is an interactive process in which reader’s prior knowledge of the subject
and the purpose for reading, operate to influence what is learned from text (Ifrianti,
2009). Moreover, According to Johnstone & King (2006; 2), reading is decoding and
understanding text. Readers decode written text by translating text to speech, and
translating directly to meaning. Based on the theory above, it can be stated that reading
is a process in decoding and understanding written texts in which reader’s prior
knowledge of the subject operate to influence what is learned from the text.
Furthermore, Harmer states that reading is useful for language acquisition. Provided
that the students more or less understand what they read, the more they read, the better
they get at it (Harmer, 2009). In addition Patel and Jain (2007; 113) state that reading is
an important activity in life with which one can update his/her knowledge. It means that
reading has usefulness for providing more understanding in subject learning and it has
important part in life which can update her/his knowledge.
Based on the theory above, it can be concluded that reading as a process in decoding
and understanding written texts and to get meaning full of the texts in which reader’s
prior knowledge of the subject operate to influence what is learned and read.
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In reading, there are elements frequently asked questions that can build students’
reading comprehension. The teacher should notice of each element to build up students’
ability in comprehending the text. The following elements are:
a) Phonemic awareness
Phonemic awareness is the knowledge that words are made up of a combination
of individual sounds. For example, the word cat is made up of three sounds
(phonemes) /c/ /a/ and /t/. When these three sounds are combined fluidly, they
make up the word cat.
b) Phonics
Phonic is the relationship between a specific letter and its sound. Only as it
relates to the written word. Some children have a good sense of phonemic
awareness, but to differing degrees. Failure to master phonics is the number one
reason that children have difficulty learning to read.
c) Fluency
Fluency is the ability to read text accurately and smoothly. It helps children
move from decoding words to sight-reading. This means that less energy is spent
on deciphering each word and more is spent on comprehending what is read.
d) Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the words in the sentence. From the sentences, we have to know
every word on the page to understand what we are reading.
e) Text comprehension
Text comprehension is the interaction that happens between reader and text.
More than merely decoding words on a page, comprehension is the intentional
thinking process that occurs as we read comprehension should be emphasized
from the very beginning, not only after a child has mastered decoding skills. (Panel,
Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Arts Language And Culture ISBN 978-602-50576-0-1
inferences, implications and main idea in reading an English text, students are
concerned with two factors, to decode the text as what the writer says and to be
familiar with content schema, that include culture and background knowledge. The
mastery on these factors will provide students with accurate inferences.
3) Text selection
In the text selection, teachers are not confident to choose the reading materials.
Teachers mostly really upon English textbook available by which modifications are
not required.
4) Exercise to include
Exercises following the reading passage have been questioned as they impose the
teachers to implement teaching. Strategies at some artificial ways to format
exercises in the traditional comprehension follow a passage. Modification to the
exercise is hard to do since it wastes time and energy.
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a. Pre-Activities
1) Teacher greets the students.
2) Teacher gives brainstorming to students.
3) Teacher stimulates students’ curiosity.
Students predict what they will read.
4) Facilitating the task.
Teacher informs the class that teacher will present presentation which will
cover all details of the material, but they will need to read to discover what
questions these detail answer.
b. Whilst Activities
1) Teacher presents the information from the text in the customary lecture style.
2) Reading
Give the students times to read the textbook version of the same material.
3) Teacher puts the students into teams and provides times for students to delve into
a topic in greater depth.
4) Checking comprehension and facilitating comprehension.
Discuss the material students have heard and read. Teacher can use question,
adapted and extended from Smith in Manzo & Casale, these questions
recommended for provoking a fruitful discussion following reading:
a. What did you understanding most from what you heard and read?.
b. What did you understanding least from what you hear and read?.
c. What questions or though did this lesson raise in your mind about the content
and/or about effective reading and learning?.
c. Post Activities
Practicing reading skill.
1) The teacher gives the score and does reflection.
2) The teacher closes the meeting.
The researcher used descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative research is a
research that produces descriptive data in the form of written words or oral from the
subject and its behavior that can be observed, therefore the goal of the research is an
individual understanding and its background completely (Setiyadi, 2006). Creswell
(2012; 626) qualitative research is a useful inquiry approach for exploring and
understanding a central phenomenon. To learn about this phenomenon, the inquirer asks
participants broad, general questions, collects the detailed views of participants in the
form of words or images, and analyzes the informationfor description and themes.
The researcher used qualitative research. Qualitative research is a research that
produces descriptive data in the form of written words or oral from the subject and its
behavior that can be observed, therefore the goal of the research is an individual
understanding and its background completely (Setiyadi, 2006). By the qualitative
research, the researcher focused on the teaching learning reading comprehension
process by using Listen-Read-Discuss (LRD) at the eleventh grade of the second
semester of senior high school in Lampung
Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Arts Language And Culture ISBN 978-602-50576-0-1
Research Subject
The sample of population as the subject and as the source of the data in this research
were the English teacher of eleventh grade of second semester and the eleventh grade
students of the second semester of private senior high school in Lampung. There were
two classes consisted 70 students. The researcher took one class as the sample of this
research and the data was obtained from the students of XI A class consisted of 36
students. The researcher used XI A and English teacher as the research subjects.
The researcher analyzed the data that had been reduced in data reduction and
displayed it in the form of table and report. The analysis was done based on data
collected by each instrument. And the results are as follows:
Observation result
The researcher observed of teaching learning processes that were done by the teacher
in two meetings. The classroom atmosphere in teaching learning reading comprehension
by using LRD was the students looked active and enthusiasm to follow each step, but
some of them looked less responsive, bored, did not focus or even made noisy and
chatting each other. From the data gained through observation, the researcher assumed
that the teaching learning reading comprehension by using LRD was still less effective
and maximal. There were problems that could not solve by teacher during the teaching
process despite the teacher had followed the procedure well based on the manzo and
casale’s. There were still many weakness in several sides. The problems were; The
teacher did not manage the time well. Some steps in LRD sequences were done in hurry
by the teacher. The teacher did not have time to give feedback or reflection to the
students. She only discussed the material without discussed about the students’
difficulties in learning reading comprehension by using LRD. In addition, the students
looked bored in teaching and learning process. That was indicated that the students were
not had interest in learning reading comprehension by using LRD.
Interview result
From the result of interview to the teacher, the researcher concluded that teacher
applied LRD in teaching reading comprehension was running well although there were
some weaknesses in many sides. And the teacher had difficulties in applying the steps
of in teaching reading comprehension by using LRD. Many of the problems that faced
by teacher and the students. It can be explained as follows:
Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Arts Language And Culture ISBN 978-602-50576-0-1
Table 1
Teachers’ Interview Result
No Problems
1 Teacher had problem to understand the reading materials that were taught to the students.
Teacher had difficulties if the students cannot achieve mastery of the basics, the students read very
slowly, and the students cannot figure out inferences, implications and main idea.
Teacher had problems in designing or modifying the question and the exercise to engage students’
interest in learning reading comprehension.
4 Teacher had problems to establish or choose the teaching material.
Teacher had problems to give a feedback for the students in the process of teaching reading
Questionnaire result
The questions in questionnaire were designed into yes and no question. The
questionnaire is aimed as the proponent proof of the result interview to students of
students’ problems and their opinions in learning reading comprehension by using LRD.
Based on the questionnaire filled by the students, the researcher could describe students
response was varied and it was described in table as follows:
Table 2
Questionnaire Result
No. Question
Yes No
Does Listen-Read-Discuss help you to comprehend the text?
1 78% 22 %
2 Do you have problem in learning reading comprehension by using LRD? 92% 8%
Do you think that your teacher is able to make you being active during
3 39% 61%
learning reading comprehension by using LRD in the class?
Do you have problem in understanding the meaning of a word or a sentence
4 72% 28%
in the text?
Do you have problem to comprehend and figuring out of the inference of the
5 69% 31%
6 Do the texts that were given by the teacher can attract your interest? 67% 33%
7 Do you need a long time to read and understand a text? 94% 6%
Do you have problem to memorize words, sentences and the text that you
8 58% 42%
had been discussed before?
9 Except in the class, Do you interest to use and practice to read English text? 28% 48%
Based on the data number one, most of students agreed that LRD helped them to
comprehend the text. However, referring to the data number two, there were 92% had
problem in learning reading comprehension by using LRD, it can be concluded that
majority of the students had problem in learning reading comprehension by using LRD.
One of the reasons could be because teacher could not be able engage them to be active
during the teaching and learning process and the texts were used by the teacher during
the teaching learning process could not able to attract the students’ interest. Moreover,
the students claimed that they have problem during the process of the learning process
such as they had difficulty to translate a word or a sentence in the text because of their
lack vocabulary mastery, they had problem to comprehend and figuring out of the
inference of the text, most of the students had students habit of slow reading, and
students rarely practice to use or read English text at beyond of the classroom.
Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Arts Language And Culture ISBN 978-602-50576-0-1
Having discussed the result of the research, it can be concluded that:
1. Teaching and learning process by using LRD was still less effective and not
maximal. It happened because there were many problems that faced by the teacher
and the students during the process of teaching and learning. The problems appeared
from the teacher and the students that influence each other, so the process of teaching
and learning became less effective and not maximal. In other hand, the classroom
atmospheres in teaching and learning reading comprehension by using LRD were the
students looked active in learning reading comprehension by using LRD. But, many
of them looked less respond and did not have motivation.
2. The problems faced by teacher in teaching reading comprehension by LRD were :
a) Teacher had problem to manage the times.
b) Teacher had problem to understand the reading materials that were taught to the
c) Teacher had difficulties if the students cannot achieve mastery of the basics, the
students read very slowly, and the students cannot figure out inferences,
implications and main idea.
d) Teacher had problem to design or modify the question and the exercise to students
in teaching reading comprehension.
e) Teacher had problem to choose the teaching material in teaching reading
f) Teacher had problem to give a meaningful feedback or reflection for the students
in the process of teaching reading comprehension.
g) Teacher had problems in supporting, stimulating and engaging the students to
listen the presentation from the teacher, read the text and discuss the text.
3. The problems faced by students in learning reading comprehension by LRD were:
a) The students have no good vocabulary mastery.
b) The students had problem to decode words and sentences.
c) Students had problem to get main idea of the text and to figure out the inference
of the text.
d) Student had habit of slow reading.
e) Students had problem in working memory to remember the text.
f) Students had problems with finding motivation and interest in learning reading
comprehension. Then, they were being passive during learning process and they
did not confidence, they felt afraid to make a mistake in learning reading.
A.V. Manzo. Casale, U. 1995. Teaching Children To Be Literate; A Reflective
Approach. Harcourt Brace College.
Budiharso, Teguh. 2004. Prinsip dan Strategi Pengajaran Bahasa, Lutfiansyah
Setiyadi, Bambang. 2006. Metode Penelitian untuk Pengajaran Bahasa Asing-
Pendekatan Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif. Graha Ilmu.
Proceeding of 2nd International Conference of Arts Language And Culture ISBN 978-602-50576-0-1