Seminar of Language
Seminar of Language
Seminar of Language
Language have four skills. The four skills mentioned are divided into receptive
and productive skills. Speaking and writing are productive skills, while listening and
reading are receptive skills. First, Listening is the receptive skill in the oral mode.
When we speak of Listening what we really mean is listening and understanding
what we hear. Second, Speaking is the productive skill in the oral mode. It, like the
other skills, is more complicated than it seems at first and involves more than just
pronouncing words. Third, Reading is the receptive skill in the written mode. It can
develop independently of listening and speaking skills. Reading can help build
vocabulary that helps listening comprehension at the later stages, particularly. And
the last, Writing is the productive skill in the written mode. It is more complicated
than it seems at first, and often seems to be the hardest of the skills.
others. Reading comprehension is the important skill that must be applied. Reading
comprehension skills allow readers to move from elementary reading to effective
Based on the experience of the researcher when was in senior high school as
student, the researcher had some difficulties of reading especially for reading
comprehension. It was difficult for researcher to read some long text and comprehend
that text. It must be read over all and found the difficult vocabularies based on the
text and looked for the meaning words in dictionary and the researcher thought that it
was not interesting for the researcher to study reading and the class did not look live.
Reading is the things hard tobe learned. That is in students’ mind. They do not like
reading and not all of students like reading. The students always assume that study
reading is so bored like read a long text. It causes that teacher cannot give or apply
the methods or strategies. So it makes the students do not want to follow seriously
the learning teaching in class. So the teacher must know and solve the solution to
make students not to feel bored learn reading. In this research, the researcher will
apply the role playing. That is why this skill of language is very important issue to be
discussed, especially to improve the students’ ability in reading comprehension
through the role playing method.
D. The Formulation of the Problem
The problems of this research are formulated as the following :
1. How to apply the role playing method in reading comprehension to improve
the students’ ability?
E. The Objectives of the Study
In relating to the problems of the study, the objectives of this research are :
1. To describe the process of improving the students’ ability in reading
comprehension through the role playing method.
A. Theoretical Framework
1. Reading
1.1. Definition of Reading
Reading is one of the basic communicative skills of English. It is an
important part of English, this is the way of gaining information from written
source. Harmer (1991: 68), states that reading is useful for other purpose; it
provides good models for English writing and also provides opportunities to
study language. For the reasons it will be important to make the reading
activity as effective as possible. Reading is the effective way to get
Reading is the recognition of printed or written symbols, which serve as
stimuli for the recall of meanings built up through the reader's past
experience. It has also been described as a process of translating alphabetical
symbols into a form of language from which the native speaker has already
derived the meaning. According to Lawal (1996), readers use the symbols to
guide the recovery of information from their repertoires and subsequently use
this information to construct interpretations of the message. Adewole (2001)
describes “critical reading skill,” which students need to read, explore, and
appreciate a literary text effectively. The ability to read is a crucial skill for
information retrieval (Dike, 2006).
c. Reading to learn from texts
Reading to learn typically occurs in academic and professional
contexts in which a person need to learn a considerable amount of
information from a text.
Reading skills refer to the specific abilities that enable a person to read
with independence and interact with the message. Students at the university
do a lot of reading unlike in secondary school. Some tips to help in having
good reading skills are active reading and styles of reading. Reading skills
enable readers to turn writing into meaning and achieve the goals of
independence, comprehension, and fluency. Definition Reading skills are
specific abilities which enable a reader to read the written form as meaningful
language to read anything written with independence, comprehension and
fluency, and to mentally interact with the message.
2. Comprehension
2.1. Definition of Comprehension
Comprehension is recognized as an acquired skill that is focused on the
understanding of input. Well-developed comprehension abilities involve
interactive strategy use to come up with a meaningful understanding of the
input. Understanding a written text by extracting the required information
from it as efficiently as possible. And, for the purpose of comprehending the
written language, silent reading is commonly done” (Rivers in LB LIA,
2000). Comprehension is a highly complex cognitive process involving the
intentional interaction between the reader and the text to create meaning
(National Reading Panel, 2000). In other words, comprehension doesn’t just
happen; it requires effort. Readers must intentionally and purposefully work
to create meaning from what they read.
3. Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension is process of making sense of the written ideas
through meaningful interpretation with language. Reading comprehension is best
viewed as multifaceted process affected by several thinking and language
abilities. Reading comprehension involves taking meaning to a text in other to
obtain meaning from the text. Turner (in Alexander, 1988 : 159) stated and
individual may be said to comprehend a text fully when he can :
1. Recognize the words sentences of the text and know what these words and
sentences means (obtain literal meaning)
2. Associate meaning, both denotative and connotative, from personal
experiences with the printed text (obtain inferential meaning)
3. Recognize how all these meaning and/ or his perceptions of them fit together
4. Make the value judgements about and based on, the reading experience (rea
4. Role playing Method
The Dictionary of Education explains role-playing as "an instructional
technique involving a spontaneous portrayal (acting out) of a situation, condition,
or circumstances by selected members of a learning group." The situation to
which the person responds may be either structured or unstructured.
A general definition for role play has been defined by Van Ments (1999)
as an activity in which students are asked to view themselves or play another
person in a certain context and act out the situation. He suggests that students
learn about themselves, other students, and the situation of the role play. Salies
(1995) states that role play activities provide students with communicative
competence, so that students feel comfortable to interact with people in the
outside world. He proposes that role play activities are activities that offer the
potential for great learning since they simulate and allow for practice of real
world language.
practice oral interpretation, expression, vocabulary development, and overall
reading comprehension, as well as improve fluency. Flynn (2004) notes that
when students participate in Readers Theater, it is more engaging and interesting
for the students to perform; the use of appropriate movements and relevant
gestures can lead to a more dynamic performance as well as retention of the
The use of role play or drama is just one way that the foundational skills
of reading can be built. Some examples of such skills are; vocabulary
development, rate, fluency, expression, as well as the ability to read grade level
text with purpose and understanding.
4.1. The Application of The Role Playing Method in Classroom
4. Discussion (small group and whole class)
Advantages of Role play are a simple and low-cost method. Focuses right
on the problem and helps learners deal with it. Throws considerable light on
crucial issues within a short period of time. It provides low risk opportunities
to individuals to experiment with new behaviours and open oneself up- with
support and understanding in the group. There are some advantages of Role
Playing Method ;
1. Children have always learned from mimicking or duplicating the actions
of others, including their parents and peers. Role-playing is simply a
continuation of the learning already done by students.
2. People enjoy playing, especially young people. If students are already
motivated to play, learning through play would become even easier.
3. Role playing encourages the use of critical thinking because it involves
analyzing and problem solving, therefore role play is a cognitive learning
4. Role-playing teaches many lessons; some of the most important lessons it
teaches are lessons that are needed in society, competition, cooperation
and empathy.
5. Participation in role-play allows students to make decisions, and through
the feedback he or she receives, he sees the results of his actions, and can
therefore learn how to adjust his words and actions to produce more
likeable results.
6. Role-play allows for the interaction between classmates, and peers. It also
allows introverted students to speak out. It helps to break down ”cliques”
7. Role-play allows for the exchange of knowledge between students. The
teacher is also able to see the various capabilities of students at the same
Another disadvantage of role playing accuracy and relevance that is
being learned. The teacher can control this by putting constraints but the
more constraints the situation has the less effective role playing can be
for students’ learning.
B. Conceptual Framework
Reading is one of basic communicative skills of English. It is an important part of
English, this is the way of gaining information from written source. Reading is active
skill, where the reader interacts with the text and some extent the writer. Of course, if
we tell about reading, we will refer to text.
In reading, we do not just read the text. For understanding overall of the content
of text based on the elements, we must understand through the reading
comprehension. Reading comprehension means understanding something that you
read and not just read through. Whenever you read something, there may be instances
when you just browse through a paragraph which you are reading. On the contrary, at
times, you may try to understand what the content is.
So the researcher wants to be easy for the students to understand the short story
through the role playing game. So that, the students can know overall the content in
the story that they read with their action as like role playing game. In this case, the
researcher wants the students can get the best achievement for reading
comprehension, in order to all students arenot difficult to understand the meaning of
the story is about.
C. Hypothesis
the title is “Improving Student’s Ability in Reading Comprehension
through The Role Playing Method” . This research aimed to describes the process
of increasing students’ reading comprehension by The Role Playing Method. The
Role Playing Method suitable method for teaching reading. It can improve
student’s reading comprehension because the procedures are done groups so that
student can indicate, help each other and freely share their ideas about the text.
So, this method makes easier to remembering the story.
A. Location
This research will be conducted carry out at SMAN 15 MEDAN. It is located in
Pembangunan Street number 11. This study will be started on October 2014 until
March 2015.
Based on the opinion above, the population of this study was all of the
eleventh grade of 2013/2014 academic years which consists 308 students of
2. Sample
If the researcher intends to investigate part of population, the research so-
called sample research (Arikunto, 1997: 109). He adds that a sample is a part of
population that will be investigated.
In this case, the researcher take rhe sample by over all. The sample for
correlation research is chosen by using the method acceptable sampling.
1. Table of Population and Sample
C. Research Design
The research of this study will apply Classroom Action Research (CAR). Small –
scale classroom research implemented by teacher and direct at improving learning
outcomes is called action research. Action research is defined as the systematic
collection and analysis of data relating to the improvement of some area of
professional field. The purpose of action research are to improve the quality of
studying practice, to find solution and to solve the problem.
There are many possible reasons for conducting action research, they are :
1. To know more about our learners and what was found motivating and
2. To know more about ourselves as teachers – how effective we are, how we
look to our students, we are look ourselves of we will observe our own
3. To gauge the interest generated by certain topics or judge the effectiveness
of certain activity types.
Action research has three conditions that must be exits. Firstly, a project relates to
a social practice, regarding as form of strategy action susceptible of improvement.
Thus, action research aims at improving student’s learning and the outcomes of
teaching learning process. Moreover, it concerns to four steps namely: Planning,
action, observation, and reflection.
Concerning with the above statements, this research is categorized as descriptive
quantitative research because it consisted of one variable. In this study, the researcher
must collect data that related with the title; how to improve the students’ ability in
reading comprehension through the role playing method.
The data is collected by administering test, where the eleventh grade students of
SMA N 15 MEDAN is applied the role playing method to improve the students’
ability in reading comprehension.
In collection data, essay test is used. The students answer essay test. The
observation sheet is identify all the condition that will happen during the teaching
and learning process while questionnaire sheet is known the feeling, problem and
other condition of the students. It is useful to describe the students’ reading
comprehension improvement.
E. Technique of Research
As stated previously, this study is intended to find out the students’ ability in
constructing passive sentence, therefore, the researcher will use test as instrument for
collecting data. Arikunto (1985: 29) states that “instruments are set of questions or
exercises or other tools which are used to measure skill, knowledge, intelligence,
achievement, and attitude of someone or group of people”. Based on this opinion, the
test is absolutely needed to measure the student achievement after teaching and
learning process.
In this case, the instrument used to collect the data in this study is an achievement
test. It is aimed at knowing the improving the ability of the students of SMA N 15
MEDAN in the school year 2014 / 2015 in reading comprehension through the role
playing method.
The instrument was essay test from doing the role playing in action. It consisted
two items where the students were asked what they know about what they do.
a. Technique for Collecting Data
Before collecting the data is began, the researcher will be adminstered the
pre-test to identity the basic knowledge of students in reading comprehension.
The procedure of data collection is conducted by administrating two cycles.
Each consist of for meeting. Every meeting will include four steps. They are:
planning, action, observation, and reflection.
Cycle 1
a. Planning
phase, everything that will be planned. There are many activities in action they
are :
a. The students will think about the definition and the importance of reading
b. Then, students are taught about the procedure of The Role Playing
c. Students are made a plan about the methods of their discussion so that
e. Students will prepare the small group and discuss the topic.
c. Observation
learning process. Besides that, the observer the technique that is used by the
student learning the material given. The observation in classroom while the
teaching learning process. It is about the behavior, attitude and all the
d. Reflection
Reflection is the feedback process from the action that has been done.
revise. From the result of the observation, the problem that exist, the causes
Cycle II
In the second cycle, the researcher will make the plan based on difficulties
of the students. So, in this step, the researcher plan detail about the activities that
is done. After the researcher prepare the planning to, so the researcher will apply
in the action and develop it in to the procedure of role playing method to improve
a. Planning
2. Preparing and making the question are need when doing the teaching
3. Preparing the questionnaire sheet, and observation sheet and that is used
to know students reaction and class condition as a whole, and also to see
the development that existed since the applying of role playing method.
4. Giving chance to the students to ask about the role playing method if they
don’t understand.
b. Action
1. The students are taught about the definition and the importance of reading
2. Then, students are taught about the role playing as one method to improve
3. Teacher asks them to play their role in front of class with their each group.
4. After they role their play in front of class, teacher asks them about what is
5. The other students may give a comment when the explanation of students
6. They may do the debate about the other students’ comment that they are
not accepted.
c. Observation
2. Many students will be active in doing the role play, even some of them
4. The teacher give chance to students to comment the others group that play
5. The teacher admonishe the student who couldn’t control their voice to be
6. The teacher move around the class during doing the role playing in order
d. Reflection
1. Most of the students are not confused about the procedure of Role Playing.
2. Many students will be active in doing the role playing, even some of the
3. Many students will try to express their role confidently because they
4. The teacher explain about the procedures of role playing method clearly.
5. The teacher admonish the students who can’t control their voice and
6. The teacher move around the class during doing the role playing in order
to see the student difficulty in discussing and to give helping when need
so many student ask something related to the role playing and the
In the second cycle, the teacher controll the class better than in the first cycle.
The teacher motivate the students to give the best, ask the students to give questions or
comments if they don’t understand about the topics or about the stop think do method.
The result of research indicated that there is an improvement on the students’ ability in
reading comprehension which is taught role playing. It is proved by the data which show
that the mean of the first meeting, second meeting, and the last meeting .The other
qualitative data that is taken from observation sheet and questionnaire sheet also show
that students’ interest in reading comprehension increased. Because in the second cycle
they can share their knowledge and express their opinion or comment each other and also
find the main idea, difficult words, and students are active in teaching learning
b. Technique of Data Analysis
In collecting data, it is applied quantitative and qualitative data. The
qualitative data is found by describing the situation during the teaching and
learning process. The quantitative data is found by computing the score of
several aspects that influence reading comprehension for the students. To
know the development of students’ score, the mean of the students are
computes and to categorize the master students.
∑ x x 100 %
Where :
x = the mean of the students
∑ x = the total score
N = the number of the students
P= × 100 %
Where :
following basic types (1) content validity, (2) criterion-related validities, and (3)
construct validity. In this thesis, content validity was used in making the test.
In scoring the result of the test, the cumulative score range is 0 – 100. To
obtain the score, the correct answer conducted as follow :
S= × 100 %
Where :
S = The score
K −1
M ( K −M )
K × S2 ]
KR21 = Coefficient Reliability
0.71 - 0.90 = The reliability is good
Maley, A. & Duff, A. 1982. Drama techniques in language learning: A resource book of
communication activities for language teachers. Cambridge [ Cambridgeshire:
Cambridge University Press
William Grabe and Fredericka L.Stoller. 2002. Teaching and Researching Reading.
London: Pearson Education Longman.
Rand Reading Study Group 2002. Reading for Understanding Toward an R&D Program
in Reading Comprehension. Santa Monica, CA: RAND.
Salies, T. 1995. Teaching language realistically: Role play is the thing. ERIC Digest.
(Eric Document Reproductive Service No, ED 424753)
Van Ments, M. (1999). The effective use of role-play: Practical techniques for improving
learning. London, England: Kogan Page
Melina : "Hey " ( while holding the shoulder Aldin and Yuda )
Yuda : ( looking away from a book ) " Where have you , Mel ? "
Melina : "Here , before from school . "
Yuda : " Do they have what ? "
Melina : " eskul "
Yuda : " you know .. departing why ? "
Melina : " i do not know ya , no problem . "
Yuda : " Oh " ( as he gaze towards Aldin )
Melina : ( frowns as he looks away to Aldin ) " Hey , Di ! "
Aldin : ( Surprised and target one view ) " Why ? "
Melina : " another song to hear what you , Di ? very seriously ! "
Aldin : " Hehe , ya listen to the song again Ayu Ting - Ting . Address False ... "
Melina : " whoa ... fever Ayu Ting - Ting him . " ( Laughs )
Aldin : " Oh yes , Yessie Afrizal where ya at ? "
Melina : " again eskul them mah . "
Yuda : " sob , I entered Asr time , better return ok. "
Aldin : " come on , let's ... "
Empty during school hours , Aldin Afrizal was surprised to see not as usual.
Afrizal : " why are you , Di ? You got a problem ? "
Aldin : " No, Zal . " ( Bowed face )
Afrizal : "Come on , Di . Do not act all the time, honestly you have a problem or not ? "
Aldin : ( Interesting hand and rushed to Afrizal tree )
Afrizal : " Why did you bring me here , Di ? "
Aldin : " But you promised , I'm your best friend ! do not preach it to anyone ,
Afrizal : " but , In ... "
Aldin : "Come on , Zal . Do not be too extended this problem is mine . "
until the bell sounds again . " ( Face fear while going back and forth )
Jessie : " I do not know . "
Melina and Yessie Yuda approached with grim faces and a rush
Melina : " you come with me ! "
Yessie : " what's going on, Mel ? " ( Frown )
Melina : " I also do not know "
Yuda : "Well how come ? You're the invite , napa you personally do not know the
of questions . "
Yuda : " Well ... "
Arriving at the destination
Yuda : "Why did you bring us to the hospital , Mel ? "
Melina : " you are going to know his own future "
Yuda : ( pursed
Yessie : " Afrizal ? ? ? " ( Calling Afrizal who was sitting restless with the confusion )
Afrizal : ( staring for a moment without a smile and a little word , that look on his face is
concerned )
Yessie : " you nervous? Why , Zal ? "
Afrizal : ( sighed and stood up from his seat ) . " Come with me ! "
Melina : " Where else , Zal ? "
Afrizal : ( silent with no answer and walked toward the hospital exit )
Melina , Yuda , and Yessie : ( look at each other confused )
disease ! "
Afrizal : (inviting sitting to calm the mind for a moment )
Melina : " Jude , we will never know when his death , even if someone did not have a
chronic illness though , if the divine had been summoned to pass it , we can
not do anything about it , because his decision is final and can not be given
leukemia . "
Melina : " What ? Leukemia ? "
Afrizal : " right , Mel . "
Yuda : " continue , why did you not tell you about it ? "
Afrizal : " sorry , man . "
Yuhda : "Sorry, what? Try if you know of a first love , maybe we can ngobatin him
sadness . He says humans are not gone forever her own volition , but fulfill the
all . "
Yuda : " Aldin live means to turn . "
Melina : " yes , that's it, Jude . " ( Smile spirit )
Name :
Class :
1. Make some groups appropriate with how many person are in text!
2. Read the text over all without find difficult vocabularies!
3. Do the role play based on the text with your group!
4. Give the comment about your friends’ group after they do the role play!
5. Tell to your friends what the text is about?
6. Retell the text according that you know after you read and do the role play!
The Question of Interview