Kegiatan Belajar: Bahasa Inggris Procedure Text

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Definition :
Procedure text is a piece of text that give us instructions for doing something.
(Prosedur teks yang memberikan kita perintah atau instruksi untuk melakukan
Porcedure text is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved
through a sequence of actions or steps. (teks yang dirancang untuk menggambarkan
bagaimana sesuatu dicapai melalui urutan tindakan atau langkah angkah. Jadi
Kesimpulan nya Prosedur teks adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk
menggambarkan suatu perintah atau instruksi tentang bagaimana sesuatu dicapai
sesuai urutan atau langkah langkah yang benar.
Biasanya judul prosedur teks diawali dengan “ How to … , contohnya seperti “How to
make a cup of coffee. ( Cara membuat secangkir kopi), “How to use the hammer”
(cara menggunakan palu), dll.

Describing a Process or Procedures

 Describing a process or procedures means writing about how something is made or
how something happens. Examples: the rainwater cycle, how coffee is grown, how
glass is made, getting a driving license, starting a business.
 When you explain the step-by-step order of how things happen or how things get
done, you are describing a process - how to get a visa, how to mend a puncture, how
to make coffee, how glass is made.


1. Using The Present Tense ( Menggunakan kalimat present tense : S +V 1 VERB 1
2. Using imperative sentence ( Menggunakan kalimat perintah)
3. Using action verbs (Menggunakan kata kerja aksi/tindakan, contoh : make, take,
boil, cook)
4. Using temporal conjuctions (Menggunakan kata penghubung untuk mengurutkan
kegiatan, misal then, while,dsb)
Berikut contoh penghubung bahasa inggris
Use sequence words - first, next, after that, before, then, finally,
*The first stage in making glass is … In this stage, the sand is cleaned and weighed…
Next….After that….In the final stage, the glass is….
Finish with a concluding sentence or two.    (Terakhir menggunakan kalimat satu
atau dua kalimat). Contoh:
 * As you can see, paper manufacture is a difficult process. If you follow the steps
described then you will be successful.
 * As I have described, there are many steps involved in supplying water to a city. By
using the step by step approach outlined above you can make sure of a safe supply.
5. Using adverbs ( Menggunakan kata keterangan untuk menyatakan tahapan atau
urutan, misalkan the first, the second, the third, the last, etc)

Make a rough list of the steps in the right order, start with an introductory sentence or
two about the process - how important it is, how simple it is, etc.   (Membuat daftar
langkah langkah dapat diawali dengan sebuah kalimat pengantar, satu atau dua tetang
proses, pentingkah hal/benda itu, sederhanakah hal/benda itu, dll). Contoh kalimat
pengantar pada teks prosedur sebagai berikut:

* In this essay, I will describe how paper is made.

* I will now explain how a photocopier works.
* Building a road is a long process, but it can be divided into four main stages.
Contoh teks prosedur:

Introductory Sentence : I will now explain how to make pineapple with

caramel sauce

 §  First, peel the pineapple and coat the sugar.

 §  Next, heat the butter in a frying pan and turn the pineapple for 5
minutes on each side.
 §  Then, add some cream, bring to the boil, and stie well.
 §  After that, add the apple juice to the pan, add to the boil, and cook
until there is very little left.
 §  Finally, pour the sauce over the pineapple and serve.
Concluding sentence: As you can see, makea pineapple is complicated
process at first. If you follow the steps that I have described then you will be

Nama :Dery fahla

Kelas :XI-TKR 1
Hari/Tanggal :kamis, 23

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Mengidentifikasi cara kerja/ tutorial alat alat tangan (hand tools) di bengkel, lisan dan
tulis dengan memperhatikan struktur kalimat dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks
2. Menyajikan cara kerja/ tutorial alat alat tangan (hand tools) di bengkel baik lisan dan
tulis dengan memperhatikan struktur kalimat dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks

B. Langkah Kerja
Task 1 35
1. Membuat teks prosedur dengan format (word/pdf) via
google classroom mengenai cara kerja/tutorial sebuah
alat alat tangan (hand tools)/ alat bengkel yang sering
digunakan di bengkel dengan memperhatikan struktur
teks,dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks prosedur.
2. Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan lisan atau tulis
dalam bacaan tersebut.
3. Menerjemahkan teks prosedur karya siswa baik lisan
atau tulis dalam bacaan terkait alat alat tangan (hand 35
tools).alat bengkel yang sering digunakan di sebuah

C. Proses Observasi

After you read and understand the topic about pocedure text, lets do this following
1. Make a procedure text ( thing about how to use hand tools/project such as how to
use open wrench/kunci pas, box wrench/ kunci ring, standard combination
wrench/kunci kombinasi, allen wrench/kunci L, adjustable wrench/kunci inggris, etc.
2. Identify your text using characteristic of descriptive text (see material)
3. Make voice record, read your procedure text
4. Send your files in Google classroom (each of you must submit 2 files)
1 using word/pdf file of procedure text plus translation in Bahasa Indonesia
1 record file of voice record.

1. Procedure Text Title :

Indonesia :
Bagai mana cara menggunakan kunci pas
Pertama tama, Pilihlah kunci pas yang ukurannya sesuai dengan mur atau kepala baut.
Kedua, Pasanglah kunci pasnya sedemikian rupa sehingga rahang-rahangnya sepenuhnya
mencengkeram mur atau kepala baut, rahang-rahang tersebut harus sepenuhnya
mencengkeram mur atau kepala baut agar kunci pasnya tidak terlepas atau pun dol.
.Dan yang terakhir, Tariklah kunci pas tersebut ke arah anda untuk melepaskan mur atau baut
Dengan cara itu membuka baut dengan benar.

How to use a wrench
.First, choose a wrench whose size matches the nut or bolt head.

Second, attach the wrench so that the jaws are completely gripping the nut or head of the bolt,
the jaws must fully grip the nut or head of the bolt so that the wrench is not released or dol.

And finally, Pull the wrench toward you to release the nut or bolt.
That way it opens the bolt properly

Identify your text below! Please fill the column with your sentences of descriptive text you
have made.

TITLE : How to use wrench

1. Using
sentence First, choose a wrench whose size matches the nut or bolt head.

Second, attach the wrench so that the jaws are completely gripping
the nut or head of the bolt, the jaws must fully grip the nut or head of
the bolt so that the wrench is not released or dol.

And finally, Pull the wrench toward you to release the nut or bolt.

2. Using present
tense (+) I wrote how to use a wrench
(-) I didn't write how to use a wrench
(?) Did I write how to use a wrench?
3. Using
imperative Write down how to use a wrench
4. Using
5. Using action I wrote how to use a Ring

6. Conclusion how to use the key ring easily

sentence 1. Determine the size of the nut / bolt
2. Select the Wrench lock size
3. Place the Wrench lock on the nut / bolt
4. push the lock ring

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