Bab Ii Ok
Bab Ii Ok
Bab Ii Ok
A. Theoritical Review
1. Reading
statement is supported by Graber and Stoller (2011: 3), “Reading is the ability to
draw meaning from the printed page and interpret this information appropriately”.
It means that reading is skill to understand the meaning of the content of text by
interpreting it appropriately.
and for pleasure. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that reading
2. Types of Reading
different techniques and they should master which technique is most suited,
depending on the reading task required by the text or by their teacher. According
to Patel and Jain (2008: 117), types of reading consist of intensive reading,
extensive reading, aloud reading and silent reading. It will be explained as follow:
a. Intensive Reading
usually concerned with shorter texts. According to Patel and Jain (2008: 117),
Patel and Jain (2008: 117) adds, “Intensive reading will provide a basis for
idioms.” It means that intensive reading will make students understand more the
content of the text effectively by paying attention its grammar structure and
b. Extensive Reading
Extensive reading is reading with large quantity of text in short time to get
the content of text where reading confidence and reading fluency are the most
It means that extensive reading is reading longer text like book, long article,
or essays, etc to get a general understanding and for pleasure which this reading
activity is done outside of class time. Furthermore, Patel and Jain (2008: 120)
state, “The reader does not care about specific or important information after
reading.” It means that in intensive reading, the reader reads a text for enjoyment
and to develop general reading skill without paying attention specific or important
c. Aloud Reading
Reading aloud is reading a text with clear intonation and pronunciation. The
d. Silent Reading
Silent reading is reading a text without voice that intends to train students
need read one word at a time and without using correct words pronunciation. They
only want to get information from the text. This statement is supported by Patel
and Jain (2008: 123), “Silent reading is done to acquire a lot of information.” It
means that silent reading is reading a text to get as much as possible information
with good comprehension. Patel and Jain (2008: 123) add, “Teacher has to make
them read silently as and when they are able to read without any difficulties.” It
means in this reading activity, the teacher has to make sure students read silently
and fluently.
reading activity silently and fluently to get as much as possible information with
good comprehension.
3. Teaching Reading
the students towards the success of reading activity. Therefore teaching reading
has to give students’ experience in order to students are able to understand the
Content No. 21 Year 2016, students are able to, “Menangkap makna teks naratif
the meaning of narrative text, students must be able to identify the purpose of the
text, identify specific information, identify main idea, explain the meaning of the
learning model is group. In this case, one of strategies that can be used in teaching
because it can increase vocabulary and learn how to work together cooperatively.
Reading (CSR)
There are two phases in teaching Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR): (a)
In this phase, students study four strategies. Those are previewing and
(Click and Clunk), main idea (Get the Gist), and self-questioning and passage
(CSR), a teacher should manage time in every strategy. When one of strategies is
done, the teacher must give sign like say stop or give applause and students have
1) Preview. In this stage, students do two activities before reading. Those are
brainstorming and predicting. The first is brainstorming, students think about what
they already know about the topic. The second is predicting. Students scan the
material quickly, look for clues in the story, the setting, and the main
related to text and provide an opportunity for them to develop hypotheses about
what they will read and predictions about what they will learn.
2) Click and Clunk. In this phase, students read text carrefully. They will do
Click and Clunk while reading the text. Click refers to smoothness of students in
understanding a word. The Clunk can be solved by using Fix up strategy. Fix up
strategies involve: the first, reread the sentence containing the clunk. The second,
read the sentence before and after the clunk. The third, look for a prefix or suffix
in the word. The last is break the word apart and look for smaller words. The
objectives of the Click and Clunk strategy that is to teach students to monitor what
they are reading and to give solution if they find difficult in understanding a text.
3) The third is Get the Gist. In this phase, students are asked to find the main
idea of each paragraph. They have to identify the most important ideas, for
examples the most outstanding characters and their activities in the story. Then
students have to write it by using their own words. The goal of Get the Gist is to
4) Wrap up. In this stage, students do two activities. Those are generating
questions about important information in the passage they have just read. The
questions involve: who, what , when, where, why and how. Moreover, they have
to know the answer also. The second is reviewing, students individually make a
summary about important information of the text. After that, the student shares
what he/she has written to be discussed together. The purpose of this strategy is to
give students an opportunity to review what they have read and to assist in
Haris and Meltzer (2015: 118), the role involves leader, clunk expert, gist expert
and question expert. The leader has a duty to lead the group in implementation of
CSR and makes sure each group participate in discussion. The clunk expert
directs the group about the steps to find the meaning of difficult word. The gist
expert directs the group about the steps to identify main idea. The last is question
expert. This student directs the group to generate and share questions about
important information from the text. Thus, students will be active in reading
activity and they will study to cooperate to help one another in understanding
in reading activity.
(CRS) to students involve preview, click and clunk, get the gist, and wrap up and
tell them about the advantages of using this strategy in reading activity.
2) The students are divided into some groups which each group consists of four
student. After that, the group has to decide the role of every member. The role
1) The teacher gives an instruction about the strategy will be done by students.
The aim of this study is to know the empirical evidence of the influence in using
reading comprehension of narrative text. The sample was taken from the second
grade students by using simple random sampling. The research method used a
the experimental class while the contol class was taught without using CSR. The
instrument used for measuring the achievement was a test. The result showed that
learning process more interesting so that make students pay more attention and are
more active.
experimental study. The sample is 60 students from the first grade that consist of
two classes, that is, experimental class was taught by using Collaborative
Strategic Reading (CSR) and the control class was taught without using
Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR). The instrument used for measuring the
achievement was a test. The result of the study showed that Collaborative Strategy
The last similar research that was conducted by Lustyantie (2017) entitled
Strategic Reading (CSR). The research method is descriptive method by using two
types of data: qualitative and quantitative data. The results indicate that the
text comprehension level is very satisfying. It is also can be seen from students’
activity in reading in which they can know the meaning words (vocabulary),
identify main idea of text, search for implicit and explicit information in a text and
decide references in a text. Beside that, after applying this strategy all the students
pay more attention and and are more active. Base on the explanation above,
Nurhayati (2015), and Lustyantie (2017) found out that Collaborative Strategic
Reading (CSR) has effect to make students active in reading activity so that it is
C. Rationale
The researcher found some problems when she taught reading at a school.
The problems relate to students, reading material, and method. The first is about
because they are lack of mastering vocabularies so that it makes them lazy to read.
When the students have to answer some questions, they will cheat their friends’
answer, unfortunately the answers are not totally correct either. Moreover,
students are not interested in reading a text mainly English. The students feel
bored and stressed when they have to read and answer questions. The second is
about reading material’s problem. The topic is not appropriate by students’ want
and the text is too long. The third is about method’s problem. The use of methods
lack of giving students’ experience in understanding text so that the students are
understand a text. To solve the problem, the researcher decides to use one of
vocabulary knowledge (Click and Clunk), main idea (Get the Gist), and self-
In this strategy, students will be divided into some groups. Each group
consists of four students and each group member has different role. The role
involves leader, clunk expert, gist expert and question expert. The leader has a
duty to lead the group in implementation of CSR and makes sure each group
participate in discussion. This role will guide the group to cooperate one another
to understand the text so that the discussion can be done well. The clunk expert
directs the group about the steps to find the meaning of difficult word. This role
will help the group to understand the meaning of word so that indirectly, students’
vocabularies will improve. The gist expert directs the group about the steps to
identify main idea. This role will help the group to find main idea. The last is
question expert. This student directs the group to generate and share questions
about important information from the text. This role will help the group
understanding the text by making question and its answer also. Thus, students will
be active in reading activity and they will study to cooperate to help one another
D. Hypothesis
Based on the title of the research, the researcher uses two hypothesis as
Year 2017/2018.