Chapter Ii Fix
Chapter Ii Fix
Chapter Ii Fix
This chapter is consists about the theory of writing, teaching writing, writing strategy,
RAFT strategy and hortatory exposition. The purpose of this chapter is to strength the
A. Writing
Writing can’t be ignored by language learners. Writing include in productive skill, whereas
the students product something from their practice. Writing itself means an activity to
transfer and gather ideas, opinion or feelings into whole unity in written form. There are
some definitions of writing. According to Hamp and Lyon (1990), writing is personal act in
which writers take ideas or prompts and transform them into “self-initiated topic”. This
theory explain that writing is begins from writer’s ideas then the idea change into written
form by a process. Brown (2001:331) stated that writing is a thinking process, writing can be
planned and given many revision before the work release. Writing can’t be produce once,
there are some steps beginning from prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and the last
release the work. Moreover, Gebhard (1996:221) state that writing more than making
appropriate word choice, or using appropriate grammar, syntax, mechanic and organization
of ideas into a coherent and cohesive form. However, writing also includes a focus on
audience and purpose. In addition, Harmer (2007) stated that writing encourages students to
focus on using accurate language. Based on the definitions above, we can conclude that
writing is done by the students is not only to fulfill school assignment or as part of studying
language activity.
In another hand, writing has some purpose and function to do. Some students do not
realize the important of writing and the motivation to practice writing activity. Some
students do not want to practice writing and do not know how to do. The purpose of writing
is to develop student creativity and intellectual. Lewin (2003:117) stated on his book that
writing is a way to communicate their ideas to the audience, the purpose is to share writer’s
feelings, thought, opinion, joy, anger, crictism or thanks with someone else. Especially in
writing teaching and learning process, there are two uses of writing in the service of
learning. First, writing enables students to think about, to process, to grow ideas about
certain topics and boost student understanding especially in writing course content. Second,
Raimes (1983:3) stated that writing is a part of communication and it also helps student to
learn. First, writing can foster students’ understanding about grammatical structures,
vocabulary and idiom that teacher have been taught. Second, students have a chance to
explore their language knowledge while they are writing, and they are brave enough
to make a mistake. Third, students will engage in a new language when they write, and they
use their eye, hand, and brain to express the idea in learning process. Based on the purpose
and the function above, it can be concluded that writing has important role and give many
benefit in linguistic competence for student who explore their writing through practice.
2. The writing process
Writing well comes from working through a process. In practice writing the students
should pay attention in the aspects included in writing. Those aspects construct the writing,
they are the organization of idea, word choice, appropriate grammar, and syntax, mechanics
such as punctuation, spelling. From the technically of writing, writing also has some aspect
to make the writing effective for the reader they are audience and purpose. Audience is
concern on who the reader will be intended and the purpose is concern on the goal of writing
itself. The last aspects make writing more understandable and meaningful.
Other than the aspects construct writing, writing has some stage that should be passed
by the language learners to get an effective writing. The stages are prewriting, drafting,
revising, and editing. Through those steps the writing will become well form. Some expert
has different opinion for the steps in writing process. In his book, Langan (2005:22) stated
that there three main stages to get effective writing. , Those are prewriting, drafting and
c. Organizing the thesis and supporting material and writing it out in a first draft
According to Lewin (2003:121) the process of writing are prewriting, rough drafting,
rewriting and publishing, In addition, based on Brown and Hood (1993:06) to get effective
d. Where you are, how much time you have, how you feel etc. this is concern about the
situation of writing.
a. Prewriting / planning
Prewriting is first stage of writing process whereas the writer requires to making
preparation and plan what will write. In this stage the writer also takes their idea and details.
There some techniques in prewriting stage. Technique is use to engaged writer idea as the
writing sources. There are five techniques can be use in Pre writing activity.
1) Freewriting
Freewriting means write everything in form of phrase or sentence about everything that
comes to writer’s mind to explore possible topic. In freewriting there is no need correct
syntax, grammar, adequate vocabulary etc. Freewrting process figure outs what writer
wants to write and getting material down on the page. The purpose of freewriting is to make
us familiar with the act of writing, it is a way to break mental blocks about writing.
2) Questioning
In questioning the writer explore the idea and details by asking questions about the
subject. The writer can formulate the question by using WH questions word such us what,
sentence list. They can put all ideas then choose them. The idea that not use can be deleted.
4) Clustering/ Mapping/Diagraming
Clustering is another technique of prewriting that can be used to generate material for a
paper. This method is used to make the idea and details in form of visualization by using
lines, boxes, arrows, and circles to show the relationship among the idea and details. In
addition, clustering can help the writer in generating material by giving sense how the idea
The scratch outline is a plan to help the writer achieve a unified, supper, well organized
composition. This is very good to use in writing essay that have many parts paragraph start
from introduction, body or supporting point and conclusion. This technique is the one
brainstorming or list- making, and clustering. In scratch outline the writer thinks carefully
about the point will be used, the supporting details and the order in which the writer will
b. Drafting.
Drafting is a stage whereas the writer begins to write, put their idea and supporting detail
in form of draft. The most important thing here is to get words onto paper. No need to worry
about the correctness, grammar, convention, organization, spelling and others. Just write
what we have on prewriting stage. In drafting stage, Kristin (:14) explain there are some
1) Using the writing space. It is important to see clearly what we have written and what
2) Getting started. Getting started helps the writer begins write their work. This stage is also
a) Don’t worry too much about beginning because we can change it anyway. Try to get
b) Write a few different beginning sentences. Choose one and then continue writing.
c) Don’t begin at the beginning at all. Start writes anywhere. Come back later and write
3) Keeping Going. It is good idea to push the writer stand their project to the end of a first
draft. The important thing at this stage is to get idea on paper. There are some suggestion
a) If unsure of the spelling of word, make an attempt and leave aa space then keep going.
b) If unsure of punctuation, make an attempt and put dash or mark in the trouble spot and
keep going
c) If unsure about the words to use, write two or three alternative words, leave a space
and write the alternative word in first language and keep going.
d) If run out from ideas, look back at prewriting note, begin to rewrite what we have
write. The last put the writing away for a time, return back when we have fresh and
clear mind.
c. Revising
Revising means rewriting the work or paper building on what has already been done, in
order to make it stronger. In this step the writer should strength up the writing, and improve
In revision, there are some stage that should be check by the writer
1) Revision of content. To revise the content there are some guidance sentence can be used
Is my paper unified?
Is my paper supported?
Is my paper organized?
2) Revising sentence. In revising sentence there some gidence can be use to check:
f) Do I vary my sentences?
d. Editing
Editing is the last step in writing process before the work release. Editing requires
recognizing problem in language grammar, syntax and mechanics. In editing there is usually
a rubric or manual guide to recognize errors. In editing it can be done by own self or by
peers. According to Riyanti (2015:10) in editing process, it makes students see the
connection between their own work and the exercise in order to create and unambiguous
communication. Than other stages, editing need much time, knowledge, experience and
B. Teaching Writing
something, giving instruction guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge.
Teaching writing here means transform many information concerns on writing skill and train
Teacher has some important role in teaching and learning process, there are teacher as
in writing teaching and learning process the teacher has three important roles as stated by
a. Motivator
Teacher should make writing task motivate the student, creating the right condition
for the generating idea and persuade the students that writingis useful activity. Teacher give
suggestion to the student who can’t think of anything or at least prompt with their idea and
b. Resources
During more extend writing task, teacher should be ready to supply necessary
information and language. Teacher should tell the student that they are available and be
prepared to look students’ work as it progresses. The teacher should offer advice and
c. Feedback provider.
Teacher should gives feedback on writing task demands special care. Teacher should
be respond positively and encouragingly to the content of what the students have written.
When offering correction, teacher should check the focus of students’ written task based on
The process is not done at once but through some stage as explain before. Writing is
processed trough prewriting, drafting, revising and editing. The goal of those processes is to
make the student work become well and accepted to the audience. There are the roles of
a. In pre writing, teacher provides chances for student to develop word. Then, provide
strategies for getting started such as find a topic, generating idea, focusing the idea,
c. In revising, the teacher should give correction to students’ draft such as deleting
unimportant details, adding details needed, reorganizing the random idea and modifying
d. For editing, teacher should check the element that construct the writing such as word
Both of teacher and student should have effective strategy. By applying a strategy
writing process will be simpler to do. A strategy helps teacher to delivers the materials well
and in simple way. It is also for student, by a strategy they can understand the material well
and practice more activity. There are many strategy can be applied in teaching writing and
learning process.
Remember that writing is productive skills, so that writing has different way in teaching
writing rather than repetitive skills. Brown (2000:275) stated to be success in teaching
productive skills is based on how the teacher organizes them and how they respond to the
students’ work.
a. In the lead in stage, teacher engage student with the topic.
b. When set the task, teacher explain what students are going to do clearly, teacher need to
c. Student start work, teacher monitors the task by going round the class, listening to the
students working and helps them where they are having difficulty.
d. When the task is finished teacher give feed back to help student know how well they have
C. RAFT Strategy
introduce by Carol Santa in 1988. RAFT strategy integrates reading and writing in non-
traditional way. The purpose of RAFT strategy is to give students a fresh way to think about
approaching their writing it is caused RAFT strategy occupies standard essay and creative
writing. Fisher and Frey (2007:67) sated that RAFT strategy provides a scaffold for student.
It is used to explore their writing based on various roles, audience, format and topic.
According to Sons (2008:301) RAFT strategy is used to increase the quality of student’
writing by personalizing the task and transforming students’ idea of both the writing topic
and writing event. According to Buehl (2013: 173) by using RAFT strategy students are
given a clear structure for their writing; they know what point to assume, and they are
provided with an organizational scheme. Furthermore, the purpose of the writing is outlined
clearly. In addition, According Thomas (2013:3) RAFT strategy activates prior knowledge
and helps students to connect to new content that they can then be assessed on.
RAFT strategy consist of four focus, they are Role, Audience, Format and Topic. It has
a. Role
Role here indicate the roles of the writer about the text. Is the writer a journalist, a
teacher, a consultant and others. The students should understand the reflect perspective or
point of view. The idea affects students to be mature and realize the significance perspective
in writing. Students need to be familiar with the different roles they can act as writer.
b. Audience
Audience here contains who the reader will be intended. To make a text meaningful the
writing should be read by precise reader. Is the text for public, student, teacher etc. student
can learn some critical lesson about writing as medium for communication by writing on
c. Format
A text has different format or genre, format help the writer to make the text
opportunities for creative writing and avenues for expression that might not surface if
d. Topic
Topic here is focus will be discussed by the writer. selection of writing topic often
present the greatest struggle in content area writing. When considering the topics, it is useful
to think in terms of what kind of questions students should address; the students have to
consider the conceptual ways in which that essential point can be approached. This can be
determined through different topic prompts. Moreover, giving the writers opportunity to
think through specific writing prompts, they might like to pursue in an effective way to
engage them in writing about central issues for class. Based on Saskaton Public School
article (2008), RAFT strategy helps student understanding the main ideas of text, how to
organize text, elaboration, and cohesive and coherence of the text. Then RAFT strategy help
students know their position in making text or passage to state something strongest and it
on biochemistry
happen in
body health
By applying RAFT strategy the teacher and students can get some advantages. The
teacher lead student to explore their idea, the impact student is more creative. According to
Thomas (2013:2), RAFT strategy helps teacher to engaged student in writing by motivation
and differentiation trough choice or by adjusting the level of requirement depending on the
student. In addition, the advantages based on Buehl (2013: 176) are below:
a. Students give more thoughtful and often more extensive written responses as they
b. Students are more active in processing information rather than simply answer to
c. Students are given a clear structure for their writing; they know what point to assume,
and they are provided with an organizational scheme. Furthermore, the purpose of the
involves them personally and allows for more creative responses to learning the
e. Students are encouraged to reread to examine a text from perspectives other than
their own and to gain insights on concepts and ideas that may not have occurred them
f. RAFT is a strategy that can be used to teach all content areas, including science,
are the procedures of applying RAFT strategy in teaching writing by NBSS School (2000:1):
a. Step 1
1) Explain to the student to consider four key components: the role of writer, the audience,
2) Explain to students that they are going to structure their writing around these elements
using the RAFT strategy. Display a completed RAFT on the paper or blackboard and
b. Step 2
1) Demonstrate, model and "think aloud" another sample RAFT exercise with the help of
c. Step 3
2) Ask the students to write about a chosen topic from the brain stormed list.
3) Then have the groups share their completed RAFTs with the class.
d. Step 4
1) After students become more proficient with the strategy have them create their own
RAFT Sheet
Role Format
Audience Topic
Hortatory exposition text is one kind of non-fiction text. It is include in persuasive text
in form of exposition. According to Butt (2000:241) Exposition is a factual text that is used
to persuade people to particular point of view. Exposition is divided into two types they are
hortatory exposition and analytical exposition. Both of them are similar, the differences are
in the last paragraph. In the analytical exposition the last paragraph contains of reiteration,
Hortatory exposition text presents argument or reason to support the opinion. Hortatory
exposition text usually discuss the current issue surround us, it is represent the attempt of the
writer. The aim of hortatory exposition text is to persuade the reader that something should
or should not be the case. In hortatory exposition text the writer put some argumentation to
strength their opinion or idea. The argument based on the fact or theory.
The generic structure of hortatory text exposition consist of three parts, they are
a. Thesis
Thesis is put on the beginner paragraph that consists of introduction of main idea that
will be discussed. In this part, the writer takes their position of the text.
b. Argument
c. Recommendation
In hortatory exposition text the focus is on writer. the text may came from the writer
One of character of hortatory exposition text is using abstract noun such as policy,
advantage, impact.
In hortatory exposition the writer also uses action word. It means there is verb show
To persuade the reader, in writing hortatory there is modal adverb is used such as
In the hortatory exposition text there is use temporal connective to connect one argument
Hortatory exposition text also uses evaluative word. The purpose is to give a resume. The
Passive voice sometime is used in hortatory exposition, the formula is (to be + V3)
The tense type is used is simple present tense, the formula are (S + V1 (s/es ) or (S + to be)
E. Previous Study
RAFT strategy has been implemented before. In this part, the researcher uses the
previous study as the comparison. First, the RAFT strategy has been successfully
Students’ Ability in Writing Hortatory Exposition Text by Using RAFT Strategy”. The
research is concerned with finding how well RAFT strategy improved student’ hortatory text
exposition text writing skill in term of correctness of writing simple present tense and
writing complete text organization of hortatory exposition text. The subjects of this research
were 32 students at the second semester of the eleventh grade students of SMAN 7
Pontianak in academic year 2013/2014. Based on the data analysis, the result of the
research was progress. It is showed that the students’ mean score for writing
hortatory exposition improved from 69.63 (average) in the first cycle to 79.90 (good)
in the second cycle. It can conclude that RAFT strategy is work well in improving
Yana Riyanti also has been successfully implemented this strategy in her thesis project
entitled “Improving students’ descriptive writing trough role, audience, format, and topic
(RAFT) Strategy” by A Classroom Action Research in the Seventh Grade of SMP Paramarta
Jombang. The aim of the research is to investigate the improvement of students’ descriptive
through RAFT strategy and to investigate what level RAFT strategy improves students’
descriptive writing. The result is the RAFT strategy has successfully improved the students’
ability in writing descriptive paragraph. It can be seen from the increase of the writing
scores’ mean from 64.5 in the preliminary study, and 68.0 in the first cycle, to 73.5 in
In addition, RAFT strategy also successfully has been implemented by Ni Made Elis P,
I Wayan Suarnajaya and Asril Marjohan in their project entitled “The Effect of R.A.F.T
Strategy and Anxiety upon Writing Competency of The Seventh Grade Students of SMP
Negeri 3 Mengwi in Academic Year 2013/2014”. The research had an aim to investigate
the effect of RAFT strategy and anxiety upon writing competency. The result showed that
RAFT strategy and those taught by conventional strategy, there was an interactional
effect between the implementation of RAFT strategy and the students‟ anxiety, there
was significant different in the writing competency between the students‟ with high
anxiety, taught by RAFT strategy and those who are taught by conventional technique, and
there was significant difference in the writing competency between the students‟ low
anxiety, taught by implementing RAFT strategy and those who are taught by
conventional strategy.
The differences between those studies above with this research are in approach, design
and focus of the study. First, Fransisca, Rismaya and Yana Riyanti use classroom action
research approach. In contrary, the researcher use quantitative approach. The focus of those
study are on student’ writing ability where the researcher here focus on students writing
achievement. Second, the difference between the last study that has been conducted by I Ni
Made Elis P, I Wayan Suarnajaya is on the design. They use experimental with 2x2