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In this chapter presents the result of reviewing of some theories that are

relevant to the problem. These reviews are expected to serve important

background information to support the study and the discussion of findings. The

literature review consists about reading, reading comprehension, genres of the

text, factor influences comprehension, the concept of SMART strategy,

advantages using SMART strategy in teaching reading and previous study.

A. Nature of Reading

1. Definition of Reading

There are four skills in English language known by common people such

as speaking, listening, reading and writing brown (1994). All of those skills

exactly have tight relation and all of them are very important to be mastered.

Absolutely, each skill has purpose and function in English. Reading is one of four

skills that is very important to be mastered by the students. Reading is an activity

that enriches the students‟ knowledge. It helps students know how to use English

well. The term of reading may not strange in our life; everywhere we can get

information from reading, even less in school every day we can‟t separate with

these activities. Teacher always asks the student to read and understand the text.

Rarely, most of them do not know what reading means.

Reading is the most important activity in any language class. Reading is

not only a source of information and pleasurable activity but also as means of

consolidating and extending one‟s knowledge of the language. Reading is very


necessary to widen the mind and gain and understanding of the foreign culture.

Reading is certainly an important activity for expanding knowledge of a language

(Patel and Jain, 2008:113).

Reading in language classrooms is an activity that interactive and mostly

directed by teachers. English as foreign language or L3 (Nurhayati, 2016d).

Teachers use different techniques to make reading activity meaningful: it can be

handled in three phases to manage the task in a much proper and effective way.

These three phases are pre-reading, while-reading and after-reading phases. „‟ Pre-

reading‟‟(warm-up, into, before reading) activities introduce students to a

particular text, elicit or provide appropriate background, knowledge, and activate

necessary schemata. „‟While –reading‟‟ (during through reading) exercises help

students develop reading strategies, improve their control of the foreign language

and decode problematic text passages. And the last, „‟Post-reading” (after, follow-

up, beyond reading) exercise first check students comprehension and then lead

students to a deeper analysis of the text, when warranted( Toprak&

Almacioglu,2009:23) Based on Ontario Ministry of Education (2008: 3) states

reading is the active process of understanding print and graphic texts. Reading is a

thinking process. Effective readers know that when they read, what they read is

supposed to make sense. They monitor their understanding, and when they lose

the meaning of what they are reading, they often unconsciously select and use a

reading strategy (such as rereading or asking questions) that will help them

reconnect with the meaning of the text. In addition, Cahyono (2011:57) said that

reading is a means of communicating information between the writer and the

reader. The reader tries to understand ideas that the writer has put in print.

Reading is one of the most important skills that should be learned by

students in learning English. Cited in Harmer Grammar (2011:70-71) states there

are some principles for teaching reading :

(a) Reading is not a passive skill : reading is an incredibly occupation the teacher

should have the knowledge about the words, pictures and arguments.

(b) Students need to be engaged with what they are reading : the students who do

not engaged with the text will not have any interest to the text. So, they need to be

engaged with the material they read.

(c) Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text, not

just to the language : it is important to let the students to respond the meaning of

the message of the reading text.

(d) Prediction is a major factor in reading : the prediction may help the students to

comprehend the text about.

(e) Match the task to the topic : the teacher should be choose the reading task

which is suitable with the reading topic

(f) Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full : good teacher integrate the

reading text into interesting class sequences.

Based on explanation above, that in teaching reading teacher should

employ self-guide several method to improving reading ability students. Making

a connection can helps the students understand what the authors‟ purpose is and

what the story is about.


Reading is a complex process made up of several interlocking skills and

processes. The sum of these pieces is a tapestry that good readers use on a day-to-

day basis to process text in their world (Tankersley, 2003:02). Reading is a

thinking process. Effectively readers know that when they read, what they read is

supposed to make sense. They monitor their understanding, and when they lose

the meaning of what they are reading, they often unconsciously select and use a

reading strategy (such as rereading or asking questions) that will help them

reconnect with the meaning of the text.

Reading is an active skill. It constantly involves guessing, predicting,

checking, and asking oneself questions. This should therefore be taken into

consideration when devising reading comprehension exercises. It is possible, to

develop the students powers of inference through systematic practice, or introduce

questions which encourage students to anticipate the content of a text from its title

and illustrations or the end of a story from the preceding paragraphs (Francoise

Grellet, 2010:8). Reading is useful for other purposes too: any exposure to English

(provided students understand it more or less) is a good thing for language

students. Language is used to create a meaningful communication among human

beings. In other words, communication is the main function of language.

Communication is impossible without shared knowledge and assumptions

between speakers and hearers (Stubbs in Nurhayati &Yuwartatik, 2016a). At the

very least, some of the language sticks in their minds as part of the process of

language acquisition is likely to be even more successful (Harmer, 1998:68).


Reading is one of the important language skills that should be mastered by the

students. According to Hasibuan(2007), reading is an activity with a purpose. The

purpose of the reading will be achieved not only when the reader comprehend the

reading text but also when the reader knows which skills and strategies are

appropriate to the type of text, and understand how to apply them to accomplish

the reading purpose. Its mean that students of junior high school level must be

masteredreading text well.

Besides that Nunan(2003), reading is a fluent process of readers

combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build

meaning. Reading is one of the English skills that need to be developed in the

classroom. The objective of teaching reading at junior high school level is to

enable students to understand written text both formally in the form of narrative,

descriptive, recount, procedure, and report. This objectives of reading instruction

is to help students to get much information from many written texts. Furthermore

the students are expected to understand various kinds of texts in order that they

have a successful in their live.

2. Types of reading

According to Brown (2001:312), there are several types of reading in the


a. Oral reading and silent reading

Occasionally, teacher will have reason to ask the students to read orally.

At the beginning and intermediate levels, oral reading can:

1. Serves as an evaluative check on bottom up processing skill.


2. Double as a pronunciation check.

3. Serve to add some extra students participation if teacher want to

highlight a certain short segment of reading passage.

For advanced levels, usually only advantages can be gained reading orally.

The teacher want to use oral reading to serve these purpose because the

advantages of oral reading can easily come into:

1. Oral reading is not very authentic language activity.

2. While one student is reading, others can easily lose attention.

Silent reading may be subcategorized into intensive and extensive reading.

b. Intensive reading

Intensive reading is reading shorter text (anecdotes, short narrative,

descriptions, etc) to extract specific information. This is more accurancy involving

reading for details. In this course, each text is read carefully and throughly for

maximum comprehension. In intensive reading, teacher provides direction and

help before, sometimes during, and after reading. Students do exercises that

require them to work in dept with various selected aspect of the text. Intensive

reading calls students attention to grammatical forms, discourse markers and other

surface structure details for the purpose of understanding literal meaning

implications, and rhetorical relationships.

c. Extensive reading

Extensive reading is reading longer text (book, long articles, essays, technical

report, etc), usually for someone‟s pleasure. In this type, students are usually

given more freedom to choose reading materials that attract them and they are

more responsible in finding materials within their language proficiency range. The

text that they read may be completely of their own selection or to some extend

selected by the teacher.

3. Strategies in Reading

According to Cahyono (2011:61) reading may be defined as decoding and

attaining the meaning as the result of the interplay between perception of graphic

symbols that represent a language and the memory traces of readers‟ experiences.

3. Reading comprehension

Reading consists two related processes: word recognition and comprehension.

Word recognition refers to the process of perceiving how written symbols

correspond to one‟s spoken language. Meanwhile, comprehension is the process

of making sense words, sentences and connected texts.

According to Moreilon(2007), reading is making meaning from print and from

visual information. In addition Caroline T. Linse (2005), reading is set of skills

that involve making sense and deriving meaning from the printed word. In order

to read, we must be able to decode (sound out) the printed words and also

comprehend what we read. Moreover, Grellet(1986) there are main ways in

reading as follows:

1. Skimming

Skimming is reading quickly over a text to get the gist of idea.

2. Scanning

Scanning is reading quickly thorough a text to find a particular piece of


3. Extensive Reading

Extensive reading is a reading long texts, usually for one‟s own pleasure,

mainly involve global understanding.

4. Intensive Reading

Intensive reading is reading shorter texts to extract specific information. This

is more an accuracy activity involving reading for detail.

4. Models of Reading

Barnett as cited in Aebersold and Field (1997: 1719) provides three main

models of reading as follows:

a. Bottom up theory

The readers construct the text from the smallest unit (letters to words to

phrases to sentences, etc.) and that process of constructing the text from that small

unit becomes so automatic that readers are not aware of how it operates. Decoding

is an earlier term for this process.

b. Top down theory

Readers bring a great deal of knowledge, expectations, assumptions, and

questions to the text, and given a basic understanding of vocabularies, they

continue to read as long as the text confirms their expectations (Goodman in

Aebersold and Field, 1997:18).

c. The interactive school of theories

This process moves both bottom up and top down, depending on the type

of text as well as on the reader‟s background knowledge, language proficiency

level, motivation, strategy uses, and culturally shaped beliefs about reading.

According to Nunan (2003:68) reading is a fluent process of readers

combining information from a text and their own background knowledge to build

meaning. The goal of reading is comprehension. It could be inferred that reading

is a way in interpreting the authors point of view in the form of text. The

mechanical skills and comprehension skills are required in interpreting the

information. Factors that affect reading comprehension are the most important

primary step in the process of education (Ali and Reyhaneh Bazrafshan, 2012:

3520). Many factors affect a child‟s ability to comprehend text. These include:

motivation/purpose, vocabulary/word knowledge, automaticity of decoding, fluent

reading, understanding and use of strategies employed by effective readers, the

nature of the text itself (difficult and interest), the type or genre of text (e.g.,

fiction, nonfiction) the amount of reading (Duke and Pearson, 2001:423).

One of the efforts a teacher in learning especially in reading comprehension

using method in order to student interest in learning reading, in order to be active,

creative and understand in reading comprehension of the text. Since the 1990s,

there is general agreement that no one method of teaching reading is suitable for

all learners (Susan Lewis. 2007:3). Although not all of student can be suitable in

the learning using the method. Therefore, students must be motivated to learn

about reading. It is suggested that instructors do not only ask students to read but

rather teach them how to read and get information in the text.

Whereas guide reading in the learning is important as stated by Jeanne

Biddulph (2002:2), guided reading is an important approach in literacy education.

The teacher should give some motivation in order to student can be success at

school. If students have a habit in reading wherever, whenever they are, it means

enable student admit that reading start in their life can be success. Being able to

read accurately and fluently and with confidence and understanding, helps pupils

to achieve high standards and gives them more opportunities for success at school

as well as a start in life, the importance of which can‟t be overstated (Susan

Lewis, 2007:1). Metacognition is an area of research that offers effective learning.

Collins and Collins argue reading as a mental process. This mental process has

two parts: word recognition and comprehension. In other words, the act of reading

is recognizing words and comprehending the meaning. One without the other is

not reading. Briefly, the researcher says that reading is an activity to understand

the printed language or not and interpret the information into the reader‟s

understanding appropriately.

Reading comprehension is very important for everyone who wants to enlarge

their knowledge and information. Sometimes some learners feel difficult to

comprehend the text that they have read, so they got nothing from the text.

Therefore the teachers have to be more concerned about the problem.

Comprehension entails three elements:

1. The reader who is doing the comprehending To comprehend, a reader must

have a wide range of capacities and abilities. These include cognitive capacities

(e.g.,attention, memory, critical analytic ability, inferencing, visualization ability),

motivation (a purpose for reading an interest in the content being read, self-

efficacy as a reader), and various types of knowledge (vocabulary, domain and


topic knowledge, linguistic, discourse knowledge, knowledge of specific

comprehension strategies).

2. The text is to be comprehended The features of text have a large effect on

comprehension Comprehension does not occur by simply extracting meaning

from text. During reading, the reader constructs different representation sof the

text that are important for comprehension. These representations include, for

example, the surface code (the exact wording of the text), the text base (idea units

representing the meaning), and representation of the mental models embedded in

the text.

3. The activity in which comprehension is a part activity refers to dimension of

reading. A reading activity involves one or more purposes, some operations to

process the text at hand, and the consequences of performing the activity. Prior to

reading, a reader has a purpose, which can be either externally imposed (e.g.,

completing a class assignment). The purpose is influenced by a cluster of

motivational variables, including interest and prior knowledge.

Reading comprehension is the main purpose of reading activity. All readers

intend to have connection to the material that they read. Of course, the process of

reading comprehension is also complex and it takes time for a reader to acquire

the meaning of a reading material.reading comprehension can be defined as an

active thinking process through which a reader intentionally contructs meaning to

form a depper understanding of concepts and information presented in a text

(Peter westwood:2008).

Based on description of reading comprehension above, it is clear that reading

comprehension is not only a process of knowing the meaning of words

semantically, but also a process of catching the idea of the text whether it is stated

or not. Therefore, reading comprehension can be concluded as a complex process

in which a reader tries to reconstruct a message encoded by a writer. In other

words, it is an interaction between the reader and the writer. Without having any

sense of understanding a reading material, a reader cannot be said to have the

level of comprehension, Comprehension is influenced by the reader‟s individual

attitudes, interest, expectation, skills and prior knowledge as well reader and the

writer. Without having any sense of understanding a reading material, a reader

cannot be said to have the level of comprehension, Comprehension is influenced

by the reader‟s individual attitudes, interest, expectation, skills and prior

knowledge as well.

B. Genres of The Text.

1. Definition of descriptive text

Descriptive text is a text which says what a person or a thing is lie. Its

purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place or thing. In a board

sense, description as explained by Kane (2000:352) is defined lie in the following

sentence : description is about sensory experience how something looks, sounds,

tastes. Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with other

kinds of perception. Thus, if we conclude it from Kane‟s explanation above the

descriptive text is meaningful text that describe the experience related to the

sense. Such as what a shape, sound, taste it. Most descriptive text is about visual

experience but in fact experience other than the sense of sight, we can also use it

to make descriptive text.

Descriptive text is a factual description which describes a particular

person, place or thing. The purpose is to tell the subject by describing its feature

without including personal opinion. Descriptions are word picture. You tell how

something looks, feels, smells, testes and sounds. You need to become observer

and notice many small details so that you can write a good picture (Hogue, 2008:

95). So, descriptive text is text which describe about the feature and

characteristics of a certain thing in a detail (person, animal or thing).

2. Generic structure

a. Identification (introduction of subject).

Contains about the introduction of a person, place, animal or object

will be described.

b. Description

Contains a description of something such as animal, things, place or

person by describing features, forms, colors, or anything relate to what the

writer describe.

3. Language futures

a. Specific participants : has a certain object, is not common an unique

(only one).


 Bandengan beach

 My housee

 Borobudur temple

b. The use of adjective ( an adjective) to clarify the noun.


 A beautiful beach

 A handsome man

 The famous place

c. The use of simple present tense : the sentence pattern use is simple

present because it tells the fact of the object describe.


d. Using many kinds of adjectives which describing and numbering the

subject, thing or object.

e. Using “thinking” verbs and “feeing” verbs.


 My rabbit is very cute and funny

 My cat always runs to me

f. Action verb : verbs that show an activity.

Example :

 Run

 Sleep

 Walk, etc

3. The example of descriptive text

Au (2010: 94) gives the example of descriptive which describe

about the place.


Lembah Pelangi Waterfall


Lembah Pelangi Waterfall sounds unfamiliar for either local or foreign

tourists. Lembah Pelangi Waterfall is located in Sukamaju village, Ulu belu sub

district, Tanggamus district, Lampung province, Indonesia. The access to this

place is quite difficult because UluBelu sub district is a remote area in Lampung

with its hilly contours which make this tourist spot elusive.


Lembah Pelangi Waterfall has two levels where the waterfall on the

second level has two branches. The height of the first level waterfall is about 100

meters, while the second level waterfall is about dozens of meters. The best

enchantment of this waterfall is the rainbow which appears between the valley and

the waterfall as the name suggests. The soft flowing gurgling waterfall sounds is

like a chant of nature which can remove the tiredness of the long trip to go there.

Under the waterfall, there are several spots of warm water which can be an

interesting spot for bathing.

In this place, you will be shown a panorama of natural beauty which is very

interesting for every pair of eyes seeing it. Rocky hills accompanied by leafy trees

will actually soothe both your eyes.

C. Testing Reading

Reading skill is a receptive skill. The task of language tester is to set

reading tasks which will result in behavior that will demonstrate their successful

completion. According Isnawati (2012: 41), the technique that might be used to

test reading skills are:

a. Multiple Choices

The test takers provide evidence of successful reading by marking mark

against one out of a number of alternatives. Its strengths and weaknesses have

been presented earlier.

Example: Tom was surprised when he met Ann at the party. He was under the

impression she had gone away from the locality. The last time he saw her was

when Bob was teaching her to drive. A few days afterword she had suddenly

become ill. Tom was surprised when............

A. Ann went away

B. He met Ann at the party

C. Bob was teaching Ann to drive

D. Ann suddenly become ill

b. True / false

The test-takers should respond to a statement by choosing one of the two

choices, true or false. Example: put a circle round the letter T if the statement

is true and put a circle round the letter F if the statement is false.

The sun rises in the west T F

Fish can fly, but birds can‟t fly T F

Lagos is a large as London T F

c. Completion

The students are required to complete a sentence with a single word.

Example: ................ was the man responsible for the first steam railway.

d. Short answer

It is in the form of questions and requires the students to answer briefly.

Example: according to the author, what does the increase in divorce rates show

about people‟s expectations of marriage?

e. Guided short answer

This is the alternative of short answer in which students are guided to have

the intended answer. They have to complete sentences presented to them.

f. Summary cloze

A reading passage is summarized by the tester, and then gaps are left in the

summary for completion by test-takers. This is really the extension of the guided

short answer.

D. Self-Monitoring Approach To Reading And Thinking (Smart) Strategy

SMART strategy is a strategy in teaching reading that helps students to get

idea based on the premise that successful reading begins the recognizing what did

not understanding from a passage (Buehl,2001). Self-Monitoring Approach to

Reading and Thinking strategy can be applied in teaching reading. It helps

students get idea based on the premise that successful reading begins with

recognizing what is understood and not understood in a passage.SMART is built

on the premise that learning begins with an identification of what one understand

and what one does not understand from reading (Vaughan & Estes,

1986:143).Self-monitoring approach reading and thinking (SMART) is a

metacognitive for identifying when misunderstanding occurs during reading and

for taking step to resolve the problems (Milk,2007).

Based on Buehl (2001) opinion, Self-Monitoring Approach to Reading

and Thinking is based on the idea that effective reading starts with recognizing

what is understood and not understood in a particular text. In addition, Crilly

(2002) says that Self-Monitoring Approach to Reading and Thinking strategy is a

strategy that helps students to think about how their reading is proceeding. It

assists students in knowing what sorts of questions they need to ask themselves

during the reading of a text to gain meaning. Hence, Self-Monitoring Approach to

Reading and Thinking strategy is a strategy used to asses‟ deep understanding of

students through questioning and also analyze of the problem to get the main idea

about the problem.

Buehl(2001) SMART offers a number of advantages as a teaching

strategy, they are (1)students can actively monitor their reading success,(2)

students learn to verbalize what they do and do not understand in a reading,(3)

students are encouraged not to be satisfied until an entire reading makes sense and

they are given specific steps to try to clear up trouble spots,(4) students become

involved in putting the material into their own words thus helping them to

remember as well as understand it. Then, this strategy also effective especially in

cooperative group or tutorial settings.

According to Underwood( in okanlawon, 2011:221), self-monitoring

approach to reading an Thinking (SMART) can be adopted in improving the

reading comprehension skills of students. This is because SMART has been found

to help matured readers in self-assesing their reading comprehension.

Furthermore, Crilly( in Delpina&Dewi,2012) states that SMART Strategy is a

strategy that helps students to think about how their reading is proceeding.

1. Steps of Self Monitoring Approach to Reading and Thinking Strategy

In teaching reading, there are several principles that must be considered by

the teacher. This teaching principle may guide the teacher in the process of

teaching reading. According to Harmer there are six principles of teaching

reading. They are as follows:

a. Reading is not a passive skill: reading is an incredibly occupation. The

teacher should have the knowledge about the words, pictures and


b. Students need to be engaged with what they reading: the students who

do not engaged with the text will not have any interest to the text. So,

they need to be engaged with the material they read.

c. Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading

text, not just the language: it is important to let the students to respond

the meaning of the message of the reading text.


d. Prediction is the major factor in reading: the prediction may help the

students to comprehend the text about.

e. Match the task to the topic: the teacher should be choose the reading

task which is suitable with the reading topic.

f. Good teacher exploit reading text to the full: good teacher integrate

the reading text into interesting class sequences.

According to Penny there are three principles in teaching reading as

Buehl(2002) explained self-monitoring approach to reading and thinking

(SMART) strategy as follow :

a. Read

Read a section of the text. Using a pencil, lightly a place giving check mark

(√) place a tick next to each paragraph that you understand. Place a question

mark(?) next to each paragraph that contains something you do not


b. Self-translate

At the end of each section, stop and explain to yourself, In your own words

what you read. Look back at the text as you go over the material.

c. Troubleshoot

Go back to each (?) and see if you can make sense of the paragraph.

1. Re-read the trouble spot to see if it now makes sense. If it still does not

make sense.

2. Pinpoint a problem by figuring out why you are having trouble:

 It is difficult word or unfamiliar word vocabulary.


 It is difficult sentences or confusing language

 It is subject about which you know very little.

3. Try fix-up strategy

 Use the glossary or some other vocabulary aid.

 Look over the pictures or other graphic

 Examine other parts of the chapter (summary, review, section,

diagrams, or other feature.

b. Explain to yourself exactly what you do not understand or what make you


c. Get helps as the teacher or classmate.

Self-monitoring Approach to Reading and Thinking (SMART) strategy

students to solve the problem in teaching reading can be activate their own

personal background knowledge, predict about the information they expect to find

in the reading material, and take notes related to the information gained. As affirm

by Duke and Pearson, 2001;449) these three points could be made into a

classroom poster to support self-monitoring: Good Readers think about the

meaning, all readers make mistakes, good readers notice and fix most mistakes.

SMART (Self-Monitoring Approach to Reading and Thinking) strategy helps

students become better readers and helps teachers to be more interactive in their


2. The Advantages of Self-Monitoring Approach to Reading and Thinking


The advantages of self-monitoring approach to reading and thinking (smart)

Strategy are :

a. Text coding while reading is a powerful strategy that helps students retain

their thinking and create a personal understanding of an author‟s message.

b. Students come to realize that comprehension is the result of the interplay

between an author‟s words and a reader‟s thinking.

c. Students become accustomed to listening to their inner dialogue about a

text as they read.

d. Students are provided with a system to verbalize their problem solving

thorough difficult text, and are encouraged to attempt fix-up strategies

rather than give up or accept partial comprehension of a passage.

e. Students become involved in summarizing the material in their own

words, thus helping them to remember as well as understand.

While, Vaughan and Estes said the advantages of self-monitoring approach to

reading and thinking are:

a. Students are provided with a system that helps them actively monitor their

reading success.

b. Students learn to verbalize what they do and do not understand in a reading.

c. Students are encouraged not to be satisfied until an entire reading makes

sense, and they are given specific steps to try to clear up trouble spots.

d. Students become involved in putting the material into their own words thus

helping them to remember as well as understand it.

E. Previous Study

The first study was conducted by Rusmanita (2013) entitled The Effect of

Using Self-Monitoring Approach to Reading and Thinking (Smart) Strategy

Toward Reading Comprehension In Narrative Text of The Second Year Students

At SMAN 1 Kampar Utara Kampar Regency. The study use experimental with

quantitative approach. The result of analyzing the data was 4.35. it was compared

to t-table at significant level 5% (2.00) and at significant level 1% (2.65).(t-

observation) to was higher than t-table. Null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected, and

alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted which showed 2.00<4.35>2.65. In other

word, there was significant difference and significance effect of using self-

monitoring approach to reading and thinking (SMART) strategy toward reading

comprehension in narrative text. The result can be concluded that Self-monitoring

Approach Reading and Thinking strategy was effective. Using Self-monitoring

Approach Reading and Thinking is an alternative way to make students more

active and was better.

The second study was conducted by Fitriyah (2014) entitled The

Effectiveness of Using SMART Strategy In Reading Comprehension Of Second

Grade Students At MTs Al-Huda. The design of study was quasi-experimental

research by using non-equivalent control group design. The design based on

pretest, posttest, and the use of a control group was employed in this research. The

population of this research was the second year students at MTs Al-Huda. The

researcher was concluded that the result of using Self-monitoring Approach

Reading and Thinking is effective in teaching reading.

The third study was conducted by Dianto (2014) entitle The Effectiveness Of

Using Mind Mapping Technique Toward The Students Achievement In Writing

Descriptive Text at MTSN Tunggangri Tulungagung. The design of study was

experimental research. The result that mind mapping technique is improving

students achievement in writing descriptive text.

There is difference among two previous study with this study. In this study the

researcher also used Self-monitoring Approach Reading and Thinking strategy,

used pre-experimental design in teaching descriptive text toward the student‟s

reading comprehension at the first grade of MTs Ma‟arif Bakung Udanawu Blitar

in the academic year 2018/2019.

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