Exercise Pre Test

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Choose the c orrect answer by 2. Reading is truly IMPORTANT in

crossing ( x ) the word a, b, c, d or e ! our life. The Synonym of the
underlined word is….
a. Fiddling
( The text is for questions no 1 – 6 )
Importance of Reading
c. Insignificant
Reading is an activity that we
d. Unimportant
often meet wherever we are. I
e. Indifferent
personally think that reading is a very
important activity in our life.  Why do I
3. What mean idea of the six
say so? 
Firstly, by reading we can get a
a. Reading get knowladge
lot of knowledge about many things in
b. Reading make relaxed
the world such as Science, technology.
c. Reading is truly important in our
Sports, arts, culture, etc written in
either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.
d. Reding can take other parts
Secondly, by reading we can
e. Readin unimportant in ourlife
get a lot of news and information about
something happening in any parts of
4. What is the tittle of the text ?
the world which can we see directly.
a.Wearing a Helmet when
Another reason, reading can
give us pleasure too.  When we are
b. Mobile Phones in the School
tired, we read books, newspaper or
c. Solve the Problem of Economic
magazine on the entertainment
coloumn such as comedy, short story,
d. Importance of reading
quiz, etc. To make us relaxed.
e. Disvantage Reading
The last, reading can also take
us to other parts of the world.  By
5. What problem has been discussed in
reading a book about Irian Jaya we
the text ?
may feel we’re  really sitting in the
a.  Solve an economic issues
jungles not at home in our rooms.
b.  Effects of smoking
From the facts above, it’s
c.  Floods hit Jakarta
obvious that everyone needs to read to
d. Disvantage Reading
get knowledge, information and also
e. Benefit of reading
entertainment.  Or in summary we can
say reading is truly important in our
life. 6. What paragraph the argument on the
text ?
1. What is the advantage of reading, a. 2, 3. 4
EXEPT…. b. 5,2,4
a.  Reading make people bored c. 2, 1,5
b . Can get a lot of knowledge d. 1,2,3
c . Get a lot of news and information e. 4,1,5
d. make us relaxed
e. can also take us to other parts of
the world

( The text is for question no 7 – 8 ) 8. What will the school do to eliminate

Students’ cheating is one of the students who commit cheating?
biggest problems faced by teachers a. Create a good vision
nowadays. b. Select honest students
Despite the fact that teachers advise c. Administer the school affair
their students not to do dishonest acts d.Make students confident
during tests, some students still do e. Make harsh punishment
cheating. There are many kinds of
cheating that students do during the test ( The text is for question no 9 – 12 )
or examination, such as looking other Smoking in a restaurant does not
students’ work, put some notes under only give the bad impact to the active
their clothes, write notes or formulas smokers but also  the passive ones.
on their desks make hand signals or go Smoking in a restaurant is
to rest rooms to get the answers from impolite. The smell of the smoke
their friends. affects all people and can turn them off
In my view, students who do their food. People pay to taste good
cheating are committing a crime. It is a food and not to be put off by foul-
sort of taking something illegally. This smelling smoke.
crime causes negative results to the Besides, smoking harm the
students. Students who always cheat others especially passive smokers, that
deteriorate their mental capacity. is, breathing in smoke made by a
Cheating acts also create dependence. smoker, can lead to asthma attacks and
They weaken their self confidence. even cancer.
Instead of preparing for the coming Finally, smoking is dangerous
test, they are busy to organize notes on and a health risk to the smoker.
a piece of paper. If this awful habit Cigarettes cause heart and lung disease
continues, the students will lose their and people do not smoke anywhere, not
opportunity to develop their intellectual just in restaurants.
and mind. Regarding to the bad impacts,
Therefore, school should smoking must not be allowed in any
consider cheating as a very serious restaurants.
problem. School board and
administration should go hand to
overcome this matter. Honesty must be 9. The communicative purpose of the
put in school’s vision. Harsh text is to….
punishment must be applied to students     a. Explain how the smoking can be
who commit this crime. dangerous
    b. Persuade  readers with the
7. What is mainly discussed in the text? smoking risk
a. Harsh punishment     c. describe how the smoking is not
b. Cheating as a crime allowed
c. Mental deterioration     d. persuade readers that smoking
d. Different ways of cheating must be banned
e. School police e. Persuade readers allowed to

10. Smoking in a restaurant ankles. Although it appears to be a solo

is IMPOLITE. (paragraph sport, when groups practice together
2). The synonym of the underlined and compete to perform stunts or runs
word is…. they form firm friendships.
    a. Rude                 d. Delicate  Young people should be
b. Polite   e. Rule  prevented from becoming overweight
c. Sensitive                   couch potatoes. If they are actively
11. The statements below are true involved in skating, they do not smoke,
based on the text, EXCEPT…. take drugs or break laws for fun.
a. Smoking is dangerous                Kids will always seek thrills
    b. Smoking makes us better            and excitement. They need to practice
    c. Smoking is unhealthy for the their 180s, 360s and Ollie’s free from
smoker restrictions. We must build skate parks
    d. Smoking harms to the others in the suburbs so that streets are safe
e. Smoking have bad impact for small children and senior citizens
and skaters have spaces where they can
12. What is the main idea of the second race, chase, speed, and soar towards the
paragraph? sun.
    a. Smoking in a restaurant is rude to
do 13. Where do the kids usually ride their
    b. Passive smoking is made by a skateboard?
a. In the school
    c. Cigarettes cause heart and lung
disease b. In front of the supermarket.
    d. The smell of the smoke affects all c. In front of their home.
people d. In the park.
e. Cigarettes cause heart and lung e. In the main roads and foot paths.
disease 14. What is the main idea of paragraph
( The text is for question no 13 – 16 )
a. There is no safe place for
Anybody who is over the age of
six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders.
skateboarders to skate. This prevents b. Kids seek an excitement in skate.
young people from enjoying an active, c. The goodness of skateboarding.
energetic and adventurous pastime. d. The skateboarding is a serious
Just watch a local street for a sport.
short while and note the steady stream e. Anybody like skateboards.
of skaters speeding up and down the
15. The writer’s purpose in writing the
footpaths. Toddlers can be trampled on
and old ladies can be knocked down as text is ….
they struggle home carrying their cat a. to invite the local teenagers to skate
food from supermarkets. in a park built specifically for
Skateboarding is a serious sport skaters.
that improves young people’s health. It b. to convince the readers that they
increases fitness, improves balance and
strengthens the joints in knees and

need a safe place for skaters to e. Five

c. to provoke youngsters into the local 18. What does the text above mainly
talk about?
government policy.
a. Air travel
d. to promote the writer’s business of b. Road travel
skateboarding class. c. Fly travel
e. to persuade the readers that d. Rocket travel
skeatboarding is important e. Space travel

16. What must we do to let the skaters 19. Stop space before it destroys the
earth. This part of paragraph
indicates the…..
a. Give them space in the park. a. Argument
b. Let them play in the main roads. b. Reinforcement
c. Let them play in the local street. c. Recomendetion
d. Build a skate park in the suburbs. d. Thesis
e. Let them play in the main street e. Reteration

20. Stop space before it destroys the

( The text is for question no 17 –20 )
earth. What does the word it refer
Space travel should be stopped
for many reasons. Firstly, it is totally
a. Space
unsafe as proven by the Colombia
b. Travel
Space Shuttle disaster. Thousand
c. The earth
people have been killed in accidents.
d. Space travel
Secondly, it costs billions and billions
e. Earth and travel
dollars everyday just to put fuel into
rockets. Professor Smith from the
( The text is for question no 21 –23 )
Spend Money on People Space
Animals should not be used in
Association agrees that space travel is a
circus. The environment where they
waste of time and money. Further,
perform and their living conditions are
space travel is altering the world’s
usually inappropriate.
weather pattern as evidenced by the
Tigers, for example which
record of high temperatures this
naturally live in wilderness, must
summer in Cobar. Everyone knows that
perform tricks on a narrow stage and
if God wanted us to fly in space we
spend their lifetime in a small cage.
should have been born with space suits.
Besides, the living conditions of
Stop space before it destroys the earth.
the circus animals are poor. They live
17. How many reasons are stated in the in a cramped condition most of the
text dealing with the point that time. They actually need more space to
Space travel should be stopped? roam. They also do not have freedom
a.One to live with their own kind.We should
b.Two ban the use of animals in circus and
c.Three their confinement there.

of these illnesses are so bad that people

21. Why does the writer consider circus can die from them.
inappropriate place to live for Secondly, the city is very busy.
animals? Pedestrians wander everywhere and
a. It resembles the animal's natural cars commonly hit pedestrians in the
habitat. city, which causes them to die. Cars
b. It costs animals ill condition today are our roads biggest killers.
c. It is the place to get public Thirdly, cars are noisy. If you
amusement. live in the city, you may find it hard to
d. It provides animals bad food. sleep at night or concentrate on your
e. It is the place where the animals homework, and especially talk to
are tortured. someone.
22. According to the text, ... . In conclusion, cars should be
a. Animals receive ill treatment banned in the city for the reasons listed.
in a circus.
b. Tigers are the smartest 24. What is the purpose of the text?
c. The highlight of the circus is a. To present at least two point of
on the animals. view about an issue
d. The animals are the main b.To entertain the readers
performers in the circus.
c. To persuade the readers that
e. Tiger are the most suitable
animals to perform tricks something should or should not
be in the case
23. "They live in a cramped d. To inform the readers about
CONDITION most of their time events of the day which are
(Paragraph 3). The underlined
considered newsworthy
word is closest in meaning to….
a. clean and neat e. The explain something
b. dirty and messy
c. poor and spacious
2525. What does the writer think of cars?
d. small and crowded
e. large and quiet a. They have good and bad effect
b. We cannot avoid them
( The text is for question no 24 –25 )
Cars should be banned in the c.They are the road biggest killer
city. As we all know, cars create d. They can make us comfortable
pollution, and cause a lot of road deaths e. They help pedestrians
and other accidents.
Firstly cars, as we all know,
contribute to all most of the population
in the world.Cars emit deadly gas that
causes illness such as bronchitis, lung
cancer and ‘triggers’ of asthma. Some

D. They can be freed as soon as

E. They are given the whole
EXERCISE POST TEST recovery program
3. "...drug users will still be addicted
Choose the c orrect answer by unless proper rehabilitation
crossing ( x ) the word a, b, c,d or e ! is IMPOSED to them." (Paragraph
3) The underlined word is closest
( The text is for questions no 1 – 3 ) in meaning to ....
Drug users are actually ill A. Influenced
people who need help. Rehabilitation is B. Treated
one of the main things they should get. C. Treated
Instead of punishing drug users in D. Burdened
prisons, the government should provide E. Forced
rehabilitation for them.
Most users are actually victims ( The text is for questions no 4 – 6 )
of persuasive peddlers and they suffer Everybody should change their
from consuming the drugs. Therefore, way of life to reduce global warming.
by rehabilitating them, we are actually There are several things that we can do.
helping them out from traps, which One of them is by buying and
they might accidentally step on. consuming fresh local groceries as
If we only arrest drug users and much as possible. It of course includes
send them to jail, this doesn't solve the local vegetables, fruits, bread, etc.
problem as drug users will still be Local groceries don’t need
addicted unless proper rehabilitation is much transportation to get it into the
imposed to them. Providing market. It of course means, the amount
rehabilitation programs for drug users of carbon dioxide produced is less than
and forcing them to participate in the the groceries from other region.
programs is better than only arresting Therefore, by buying local groceries
them and doing nothing to their illness. we are helping reduce the amount of
Only drug dealers, traffickers, and carbon dioxide produced.
wholesalers should be imprisoned.   Consuming fresh groceries
instead of frozen ones are healthier for
1. Most drug users get drugs from .... us. Furthermore, fresh food or
A. Jails groceries means no requirements for it
B. Peddlers to be freeze up. It means that no
C. Traffickers electricity is needed and saving energy
D. Wholesalers means reducing carbon dioxide and
E. Rehabilitation center  money.
2. Sending the drug users to prison is So, from now on we should
not a good solution because .... consume fresh local groceries to reduce
A. They can't consume harmful global warming.
B. They are treated normally 4. The text gives us information
C. They may still be infected about ….
with harmful drugs.

A. The importance of knowing formalin was spread wide all over the
global warning  Indonesian regions, and these days it
B. The ways to increase global has really happened, the citizen's
warning bodies will be badly contaminated with
C. The effects of global warning the poisons. Fish or food traders still
D. The importance of consuming sell their products which contain
local groceries formalin and dangerous preservatives.
E. The importance of knowing Can you imagine that our digestive
global warning system absorbs the substance that
5. To reduce the global warming we should be for the human and animal
should …. corpses?
A. Buy import product Considering the reasons, we can
B. Buy expensive clothes make a conclusion that the use of
C. Consume frozen foods formalin and other preservatives is
D. Consume fresh foods really a serious problem if it is not
E. not use electricity efficiently resolved immediately.
6. We are helping REDUCE the
amount of global warming” 7. Why is formalin dangerous for
(Paragraph 2) The underlined word human`s body?
can be replaced by …. A. It is controlled flighty from the
A. Increase government
B. Enough B. It is a disinfectant for human
C. Improve beings
D. Add C. It is used to preserve biological
E. Decrease specimens
D. It is not food preservatives
( The text is for questions no 7 – 10 ) E. It is used to preserve biological
Dangerous Formalin specimens 
The use of formalin and other 8. The main idea of paragraph two
dangerous preservatives in food has is ....
been serious problem for three reasons. A. The human`s bodies will be
Firstly, formalin is not for harmful after consuming the
human beings, but it is for biological formalin
specimens and experiments. Formalin B. The government has not
in Biology is a 10% solution of controlled the use of formalin
formaldehyde in water which is usually firmly
used as a disinfectant or to preserve C. The weak control of using
biological specimens. Thus, it is not for formalin is not threatening the
food preservatives. Of course when it is human
used for food preservative, it will be D. The human`s bodies will be
very dangerous to human’s body. harmful after consuming the
The second reason is that there formalin
is no tight control from the E. The use of formalin is known
government. This condition makes the all over the regions
people’s health is really in a threat.
When the control is weak and the use

9. Based on the facts above, the community. As such it promotes

writer suggest that ... . discipline and helps to drive up
A. food seller is supposed to pour academic standards, which is why a
formalin for vegetables and uniform is often adopted by schools
food products which are being reopened with a fresh
B. The use of formal dehyde is start after being classified as failing.
necessary to control the food Finally, uniform acts as a social
C. People should add 100% leveler, under which all students are
solution of formaldehyde in equal in the eyes of the school and of
water each other. In institutions without
D. The food preservative is uniform students are often competitive
required to make the food and worry endlessly about their
delicious appearance and the clothes they should
E. People have to avoid wear. Pupils without expensive
consuming formalin in their designer clothes and trainers may be
food singled out as social outcasts, or
10. What is the tille of the text? stigmatized as being from poor
A. Atvantage formalin backgrounds. For these reasons many
B. Important formalin parents prefer uniforms as they save
C. Dangerous formalin them money on buying clothes for
D. Characteristic formalin school wear. Considering the findings,
E. Banefit of formalin schools should implement the uniform
as their identity. The government
( The text is for questions no 11 – should also publish some kind of rule
14 ) which makes uniform compulsory for
School Uniform, Another Good schools.
School uniform is special 11. What is the text about?
clothes worn by all students of a A. The school rules
particular school. The uniform of a B. The school identity
school may differ from others. Why C. What we should wear at school
should schools use uniforms? Below D. The equally among students
are some reasons. E. The importance of school
 First of all, Notre Dame’s uniform
Department of Sociology produced a 12. In institutions without uniform
study in 1998 concerning school students, one will be regarded poor
uniforms. Their findings using 10th because he/she ……
grade students showed that uniforms A. does not wear a school uniform
have no direct effect on “substance B. cannot afford to buy a school
abuse, behavioral problems or uniform
attendance.” It also claimed a negative C. wears no expensive designer
effect on student achievements for clothes
those students considered ‘pro-school’. D. posses a bad academic record
Secondly, uniform helps to E. has a bad attitude at school
create a strong sense school ethos and a 13. “As such IT promotes discipline
sense of belonging to a particular and helps to drive up academic

standards ………..” (Paragraph cheat deteriorate their mental

3).What does the underlined word capacity. Cheating acts also create
refer? dependence. They weaken their self
A. Uniform confidence. Instead of preparing for
B. School ethos the coming test, they are busy to
C. Research finding organize notes on a piece of paper. If
D. A study this awful habit continues, the
E. Community students will lose their opportunity to
14. The last paragraph is about develop their intellectual and mind.
………. Therefore, school should
A. The writer’s suggestion consider cheating as a very serious
B. The writer’s arguments problem. School board and
C. The writer’s reasons administration should go hand to
D. The writer’s general statement overcome this matter. Honesty must
E. The writer’s thesis be put in school’s vision. Harsh
15. “……. Substance abuse, punishment must be applied to
behavioral problems or students who commit this crime.
ATTENDANCE.” (Paragraph 2)
The antonym of the underlined 16. What is mainly discussed in the
word is …….. text?.
A. arrival A. Harsh punishment
B. come up B. Cheating as a crime
C. appearance C. Mental deterioration
D. presence D. Different ways of cheating
E. absence E. School police
17. What will the school do to
( The text is for question no 15 – eliminate students who commit
16 ) cheating?
Students’ cheating is one of the A. Create a good vision
biggest problems faced by teachers B. Select honest students
nowadays. Despite the fact that C. Make harsh punishment
teachers advise their students not to D. Make students confident
do dishonest acts during tests, some E. Administer the school affair
students still do cheating. There are
many kinds of cheating that students ( The text is for questions no 15 – 22 )
do during the test or examination, Reading is an activity that we
such as looking other students’ work, often meet wherever we are. I
put some notes under their clothes, personally think that reading is a very
write notes or formulas on their desks important activity in our life.  Why do I
make hand signals or go to rest rooms say so? 
to get the answers from their friends. Firstly, by reading we can get a
In my view, students who do lot of knowledge about many things in
cheating are committing a crime. It is the world such as Science, technology.
a sort of taking something illegally. Sports, arts, culture, etc written in
This crime causes negative results to either books, magazine, newspaper, etc.
the students. Students who always

Secondly, by reading we can C. Reading is truly important in our

get a lot of news and information about life.
something happening in any parts of D. Reding can take other parts
the world which can we see directly. E. Readin unimportant in ourlife
Another reason, reading can give us
pleasure too.  When we are tired, we 21. What is the tittle of the text ?
read books, newspaper or magazine on A. Wearing a Helmet when
the entertainment coloumn such as Motorcycling
comedy, short story, quiz, etc. To make B . Mobile Phones in the School
us relaxed. C.  Solve the Problem of
The last, reading can also take Economic Issues
us to other parts of the world.  By D. Importance of reading
reading a book about Irian Jaya we E. Disvantage Reading
may feel we’re  really sitting in the
jungles not at home in our rooms. 22. What problem has been discussed
From the facts above, it’s in the text ?
obvious that everyone needs to read to A.  Solve an economic issues
get knowledge, information and also B.   Effects of smoking
entertainment.  Or in summary we can C. Floods hit Jakarta
say reading is truly important in our D. Benefit of reading
life. E. Disvantage Reading
23. What paragraph the argument on
18. . What is the advantage of reading, the text ?
EXEPT…. A. 2, 3. 4
B. 5,2,4
A.  Reading make people bored C. 2, 1,5
B . Can get a lot of knowledge D. 1,2,3
C . Get a lot of news and E. 4,1,5
D. make us relaxed ( The text is for questions no 24 – 25 )
E. can also take us to other parts of Nowadays, the police have been
the world applying the new regulation concerning
the use of seat belts. In European
19. Reading is truly IMPORTANT in countries, this regulation has been
our life. The Synonym of the applied for a long time. However, this
underlined word is…. new regulation has become
A. Fiddling controversial and is an interesting topic
B.Significant to discuss. Here are some of the
C. Insignificant arguments.
D. Unimportant The use of seat belts has been
E. Indifferent proven to reduce the risk of injury or
death in an accident. Seat belt has
20. What mean idea of the six become a standard component in cars.
paragraph? The research shows that most car
A. Reading get knowledge accident will cause an injury to the
B. Reading make relaxed head. Frequently, drivers or the

passengers driving without seat belts

die because of this. By wearing the seat
belts, the injury will not happen since
belts restrain our body on the car seat
when the accident happens.
Unfortunately, many cars,
especially the old ones, don’t have seat
belts. This is because the traffic
conditions in the past were unlike the 25. “… that they are completely safe.”
recent traffic conditions. The designer (Paragraph 3)
of old cars didn’t consider a seat belt as What does the word ‘THEY’ refer
an important part. Besides, the drivers to?
wearing the seat belt will think that A. Cars
they are completely safe, so they may B. Drivers
drive carelessly. They are safe, indeed, C. Seat belts
but how about safety of others? D. Designers
The seat belt is only one of the E. Others
ways to reduce the risk of car
accidents. It doesn’t mean that we are
completely safe. In short, our safety
depends onurselves.

24. What is the function of seat belts?

A. To reduce the traffic conditions
B. To become a standard
component in cars
C. To increase the risk of injury in
car accidents
D. Tto prevent the drivers driving
cars carefully
E. To reduce the risk of injury or
death in an accident

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