Reaction Paper About The Movie: Every Child Is Special

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Reaction Paper about the movie:

Every Child is Special

This movie is about a boy who has a difficulty in reading letters and numbers, he has a condition
called Dyslexia. Ishaan Awasthi is a like all other kids. Until when he was in grade school, he got
failing grades because of his condition. The teachers would call him “lazy,””idiot,” and many more
hurtful words. When his old school can no longer handle him, he was transferred to a boarding
school. But, it did not help Ishaan, he became depressed. Until there was an Art teacher named
Ram Shankar Nikumbh, who recognized Ishaan and he investigated him. Ram saw that Ishaan
needs help and that he needs someone to understand him. He helped Ishaan to cure his condition.
He did not only helped Ishaan in his condition but, he also helped Ishaan to develop his painting

Watching this movie made me feel angry and happy at the same time. Angry, because most of
the teachers, Ishaan’s Parents didn’t treated Ishaan the way he should be. Every child should be
treated with love and care, were all unique,we should not be controlled to go to the path where
most of the children go. We should follow our dreams and our specialty. Happy because, theres
still people like Ram that will help us and understand us, he gave his time, patience and care for
Ishaan. Teachers has a large effect on the students that they encounter and how the influence them,
sometimes it is not the childrens fault, its sometimes their fault too. So I wish that every teacher
will be like Teacher Ram.

This movie is memorable because it also tells that every child has their own strength, talent,
and skill. We children should not be judged by our grades in school, because we are all unique in
different ways. We should not judge someone based on what we can only see, because we have
different gifts and unique talents.

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