Taare Zameen Par
Taare Zameen Par
Taare Zameen Par
Prof. Vicenta Maguddayao
'Taare Zameen Par' (Like Stars on Earth every child is special) is an indian
movie directed by Aamir Khan that tackles not just about education and learning, but
also the different factors that affects the learning of students like famliy, teachers,
peers, environment etc. It is an absolutely beautifully made film, an extremely great
portrayal of the struggles of students who suffered from dyxlexia. Them main
character in this movie is Ishaan Awasthi (Darsheel Safari),an eight-years old boy
who suffers from dyxleixia( a learning disorder characterized by difficulty reading
due to problems identifying speech sounds and learning how they relate to letters and
words). He is misunderstood and mistreated by everyone, including his own parents.
Soon, a new unconventional art teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh, helps him discover
his hidden potential that will make his parents and other people that doubted his
progress be proud of him.Agrea story of hope indeed, it shows how he overcome
dylexia and improve not just in arts but also in his academics that amazed his teachers
and parents. After watching this film, I’ve realized that just like a plant, we need to
consider diffrent factors, right understanding, and proper care in order to grow on it’s
best that soon will bloom and amazed anyone that can see.
The intro of the film will immadately tells you that it is made uniquely not just
like the other films. It will give the viewers a curiousity on how will the story goes.
Ishan studies in a formal school but because he can’t understand simple instructions
and have poor motor skills,why he is a prone to bullies. I felt sadness to those who
suffered from this conditions, even tho they didn’t won’t to go in that way, they were
alway hurt by the people who didn’t understand them. He is always out of the world
and can’t focus on his classes. This is one of the funniest part wherein when his
teacher ask him to read the context on the notes, he mumble because he said that the
words are dancing. So he was force by her teacher to leave her class. One day, Ishaan
bunks school for getting low grades and roamed around the city alone. This is start
where his curiousity drives him on what he wants. I think that school alone is not
essential in the progress of students. There are some good in academic but does not fit
in this corporate world. There are also who have not been in schools that are
successful now. I think knowledge and experience should meet each other. When his
parents discovered about this, his parents decide to send him to a boarding school
because they wants Ishaan to be more disciplined and from the context of getting
punishment. His parents didn't understand him and didn't give him moral support.
They always blame him because they don't know that each child has their own ability
and dream.I think his parents were so focus on the smaller picture than exploring on
the bigger picture. So his parents keep taunting him about his inability rather than
helping him. They fails to realize his problem of dyslexia. Things are no different at
his new school because it doesn't exist special class. He has to cope with the trauma of
separation from his family. This make Ishaan become more fear and depress, with the
teachers who are very strict because they are not understand that Ishaan is a special
student. At school, he always described with stupid and rude by his teachers. The
teachers are can't understand or recognize him, but he always be punished by his
teachers. I’ve also experience being away with our family. I’ve also used to live alone
in our house and yes it is a prone for depression. I have find hard to focus in our
classes and always want to be alone. I’ve also loose interest on my passions and
academic. Some teachers also loose hope on me as they see that my performance in
school starts to drop.
The life of Ishaan changed to a better life when the entry of a new temporary
art teacher Ram Shankar Nikumbh at the boarding school. Nikumbh give a different
way of learning which his goals and objective is to give more understanding to the
students. His technique of teaching students using thoughts, dreams and imaginations
becomes successful with all students. He replaced the traditional teaching methods by
giving pupils real examples and creating chances for students to approach everything
in real life. He soon realizes that one of the students, Ishaan, is different from the rest
of the class. He reviews all past works of Ishaan and notices that all Ishaan's writing
are inverted and having difficulties with accurate word recognition, decoding and
spelling. With time, patience and care, he ultimately helps Ishaan find himself, he
discover that Ishaan have dyslexia. He got the ideas on how to encourage. and light up
Ishaan's dream when all the people can't recognize it. He meets Ishaan's parents and
informs them that Ishaan is a bright child. different from other students in the class.
His family finally accepts him. Using specific methods and techniques, Ishaan starts
developing interest in language and mathematical skills. Eventually, grades start to
improve. I was amaze how Nikumbh handle Ishaan given its situation.It just shows
that there is no such hard things with patience and proper way of handling.Nikumbh
makes me remember our proffesor in philosophy back in our highschool days, he’s
one of the eye opener to us when we are out darkest times. Nikumbh then set an art
fair at the end of the year for students and teachers. As expected, Ishaan wins the
contest while his teacher, Nikumbhis declared the runner-up. Ishaan's parents are
surprised for the drastic improvement of their child's grades and realize their
The film of Taare Zameen Par end with the happy ending and making such a
heart-warming movie with full of noble values.The film could make a case for
inclusive education and have Special Educators and Counselors. It could perhaps
become a useful tool for children with dyslexia or maybe others disorders to cope
with their learning difficulty. Inclusive education is necessary for the society. By this
children, teachers and coming society learn to respect each and every person. And the
special child who become the part of school feels equal and able to know their
strengths with the help of teachers, peers, parents and society. Inclusive education
provides opportunities to learn about and accept individual differences, lessening the
impact of harassment and bullying. So from my point of view, Inclusive Education
should be there in schools. The concept of this movie is so real. When people do not
understand you, or what you are going through, they just follow the traditional path,
saying that "you are just being stubborn, you cannot do anything, you can do anything
if you really put your mind to it, you are nothing." This has been perfectly captured in
this movie where the father of the dyslexic child (Ishaan's father) just thinks that the
Ishaan is acting up or is just being stubborn and with this, is not being good at school-
work. That is the problem with the close-minded educated people, they "think" they
know everything, but a very few realise that there is always something that we do not
know, something that might be true and real if we just try to understand.