timeasmymeasure: me in graphic madmen/retro art style  (me: madmen style)
[personal profile] timeasmymeasure
So how do you make friends on Dreamwidth?

I ask because the question occurred to me earlier today as I went on the hunt for some new folks to subscribe to. Dreamwidth has a unique "friending" system, where you can subscribe to a journal without granting access to more personal posts (or whatever you have on filters). The thing about this is, when subscribing to a journal I feel like I have to hit 'grant access' as well because that's the only way they'll know who I am/what kind of posts I write. My public posts aren't really "windows to my soul" or whatever and the stuff I have under the access filter is more of who I am from day to day. As such, I feel that I have to expose myself for a week or two, before deciding to either withdraw the access or allow it to continue.

So how do you do it Circle? Do you subscribe first, then grant access after getting to know a person? Do you subscribe and grant access all at once, and if so what's your thought process?

ETA: Do you always check out/subscribe to the journals that subscribe to you (at least at first)?

Date: 2013-10-20 01:16 am (UTC)
alexseanchai: Katsuki Yuuri wearing a blue jacket and his glasses and holding a poodle, in front of the asexual pride flag with a rainbow heart inset. (Default)
From: [personal profile] alexseanchai
I subscribe when I find someone interesting. I don't grant access until we've been mutual subscribers long enough that I associate good things with the name (and it occurs to me to go through my circle and grant access to everybody who's achieved that status since last time I granted access to anybody; this happens sporadically). And I don't care if anybody subscribes or grants access in return. Also, usually the way I find people to subscribe to is somebody runs a friending meme, and I never ask for access unless the person has indicated that asking for access is okay, so an entirely friends-only journal is not one I'm going to subscribe to.

Date: 2013-10-20 10:42 am (UTC)
alexseanchai: Katsuki Yuuri wearing a blue jacket and his glasses and holding a poodle, in front of the asexual pride flag with a rainbow heart inset. (Default)
From: [personal profile] alexseanchai

Nearly always.

Date: 2013-10-20 01:57 am (UTC)
zulu: Carson Shaw looking up at Greta Gill (Default)
From: [personal profile] zulu
Yeah, this is pretty much the same as me. I think building relationships takes commenting both ways, but I'm not generally a big commenter these days because I'm so busy at school. But generally, yeah, I subscribe first and then I grant access once I feel I know them better. I subscribe from people on my network most often.

Date: 2013-10-20 02:34 am (UTC)
yifu: (liu yifei)
From: [personal profile] yifu
If someone subscribes & grants access to me, I usually return both favors. Since my journal is mostly about fangirling anyway. If I want certain things to be only known by certain people, there's always the custom entries.
And yes, I do check out the journals that subscribe to me. Correction: I don't always subscribe back, eg. when the DW seems abandoned or is a non-personal DW (RP accounts, etc).
Edited Date: 2013-10-20 02:37 am (UTC)

Date: 2013-10-20 09:33 am (UTC)
littlebutfierce: (k-on mio laptop)
From: [personal profile] littlebutfierce
I found a lot of people when I first came to DW via the friending memes that were going on then -- I really haven't had much luck w/recent friending memes, possibly b/c most of the ppl who do them that I'm interested in I'm already friends w/. XD Sometimes I add ppl based on convos I have w/them in a friend's journal or in a comm (or sometimes even if I haven't exchanged comments w/them, if I just read stuff they say & like it). Sometimes I just add random people I see if I click through my network.

I don't always subscribe/grant access to those who do it to me; not everyone posts the same level of personal/private things, & also just b/c someone thinks they have something in common w/me doesn't guarantee I will find their journal interesting/feel like they are safe/etc.

Date: 2013-10-21 02:27 am (UTC)
brigid: drawing of two women, one whispering to the other (Default)
From: [personal profile] brigid
My writing is pretty public, so I generally automatically grant access if someone subscribes to me. If they look at all interesting, I'll follow them. If I find them uninteresting or objectionable, I unfollow quietly but I don't restrict access to my stuff (although I would if they were being abusive or something, obvs).

I sometimes do keyword searches or spend some time on the recently posted page, looking for interesting people. I also have added folks who make interesting/insightful/etc comments on the accounts of people I subscribe to. Sometimes I just quietly subscribe, sometimes I leave a note. It depends on the feeling I get from their posts/persona.

Date: 2013-10-21 02:35 am (UTC)
brigid: drawing of two women, one whispering to the other (Default)
From: [personal profile] brigid
This is the kind of thing I'm super awkward about in real life, but for whatever reason I'm much more casual about it online. Part of that, I think, is that when people post stuff online they are knowingly posting stuff publicly and they can chose to set up filters or whatever that they can't erect in real life. Or even, you know, sticky posts about how they only follow people they know IRL or who are in their fandom or whatever. People can't do that in real life! But online it's easier and more acceptable to compartmentalize.
(reply from suspended user)


timeasmymeasure: kerry washington with a rose held right below her lips (Default)

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