timeasmymeasure: close up of beyonce wearing large black shades (beyonce: stunner shades)
My academic productivity tonight has been NIL, however I'VE CRACKED THE MYSTERIES OF THE TOPBAR!

Well, sort of. It's messy right now and it only took...oh, all night to actually figure out which code to tweak, but still yay!

Lookie look!
[personal profile] timeasmymeasure

Now to figure out whether I should sleep till 12 and possibly sleep through class and a meeting or stay up all night and day, crash and still miss all my shit... this bad decision or that bad decision?

DW Question

Nov. 4th, 2011 11:48 pm
timeasmymeasure: dreamwidth logo stylized dark violet on a cyan background (dreamwidth: icon)
 Anyone have experience patching Dreamwidth styles? I really want to try. There seems to be a patching backlog on [site community profile] dreamscapes and I swore that I'd figure it out one of these days, newbie as I am to backend code.
timeasmymeasure: dreamwidth logo stylized dark violet on a cyan background (dreamwidth: icon)
According to the latest [site community profile] dw_news post, Dreamwidth turns two today!
timeasmymeasure: bare legs resting over a ledge (stock: book resting on bare legs)
1) Daniel Craig as Jane Bond & James Bond with M narrating. A bit binary, but really. Daniel Craig as Jane Bond which just results in sparkles in my head:

If you end up at the YouTube page, DO NOT READ THE COMMENTS.

2) [community profile] three_weeks_for_dw is brainstorming: "Hey everybody! Our Anniversary Fest will be starting Monday April 25th, and it's time to start thinking about what we want to do this year."

3) Scully lost. I can't deal.
timeasmymeasure: dreamwidth logo stylized dark violet on a cyan background (dreamwidth: icon)
Dreamwidth open account creation week! From now until 28 February, creating an account won't require an invite code =D
timeasmymeasure: graphic text saying look (stock: linkspammy)
► The [livejournal.com profile] ontd_feminism fails spectacularly a la asexual people ‘co-opt queer oppression’ and are not really oppressed (via [personal profile] mercredigirl).
SF3 has withdrawn the invitation to Elizabeth Moon to attend WisCon 35 as guest of honor. It is a bit surprising, a lot late.
► Maddow fans! The doctor will be on Meet The Press this Sunday. iTunes normally has a free podcast of the ep on the same day so no worries if waking up on Sunday is a NO. I'm sure MTP will appreciate the usual Maddow!bump.
Israel's version of Dancing With The Stars is to include the show's first same-sex couple in the new series. TV presenter Gili Shem Tov, who has a female partner in real life, will be partnered with professional dancer Dorit Milman when the show's sixth season begins on 1 November.
► New DW layouts!! [personal profile] sarken is doing stunning things with Tabula Rasa. LOVELY.

► So we have new Merlin promo pics, and yes, GWEN WAS IN THEM. In the most lovely way. I made some icons, find them over here if you'd like.
► That drumming sound you hear? It's coming. Support is offered at [community profile] nano_writers.

Characters of color are cool!
[community profile] undercovers - the fic tag has fic now and we also need more authors/artists at the undercovers comment-a-thon. Do go forth and fic/art!
► The [community profile] hp_diversity October challenge is still on! Do go forth and fic/art! Again.
► How excited am I to see that [community profile] chromicons is getting a lot more active? *opens arms wide* So gimme moar moar moar participation icon makers! I'm greedy for COC pretty.

Code Push!

Oct. 3rd, 2010 09:31 pm
timeasmymeasure: a little girl pictured mid-jump (stock: jumping for joy)
So I have a bit of a selfish stake in this code push.
Color themes, I have lots!

My two styles babies are Compartmentalize and Practicality.
*loves on [personal profile] ninetydegrees*, my primary handholder and beta and patcher for both styles.
Hopefully more color themes will be created for them by the next code push but they are fully customizable at the moment, so I hope users like them :)

Other awesome things in the code push that I'm more than excited for:
  • Polls - we'll be able to submit poll answers without having to leave the page! I was just hanging around [site community profile] dw_suggestions so this is a wonderful thing right now.
  • A collapsible cut tag! I thought the expandable cuts were nifty, being able to collapse them back is like jam on sliced bread. The awesome doesn't stop!
  • Renames!


timeasmymeasure: kerry washington with a rose held right below her lips (Default)

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