Ao3 Reader 0.1.1

Wednesday, 2 October 2024 20:11
momijizukamori: Grey tabby cat with paws on keyboard and mouse. The text reads 'code cat is on the job', lolcats-style (CODE CAT)

Not a huge release, feature/bugfix-wise (though there's a few!), but lots of nice backend cleanup, and I'm trying to be more organized about documenting changes and whatnot, so we've got a fancy github release page this time! The zip file attached to that should be unzipped into an existing ao3-reader install folder - I will see about getting a new OCP package built and added to that, but I really want to automate the process a bit more.

Many thanks to [personal profile] shootthelightsout, [personal profile] qwertynerd97, and [ profile] diantox for contributing bug reports, QA, code and docs! I'm really excited that other people are interested in this project, which is very motivating :)

momijizukamori: (touch grass)
One of the projects that consumed a lot of my time in August, this was a binding of priest's novel Guardian (specifically the published translation, though I made a few edits to the text) for a small private binding exchange. I stressed about this way too much in the process but I'm ultimately pretty happy with the result.

(forewarning: anyone who starts copyright arguments is getting instabanned. Do Not.)

Process notes )

Pictures! )

Rec & Request

Saturday, 21 September 2024 13:58
momijizukamori: (:D)
Request: Favorite non-fiction audiobooks, ideally not something super-long (and not too much of a downer, lol). My brain Cannot with fiction audiobooks, but I'm interested in seeing if I have the same problem with non-fiction.

Rec: For people who like non-fiction podcasts, I'm one episode away from finishing GBH's The Big Dig, which is essentially a documentary of the eponymous project, and it's been excellent - great use of interviews and archival material, and it feels really balanced in it's view of all the players. I'm a little biased in that I grew up in Massachusetts during the construction phase and I remember bits and pieces of the news along the way, but I do think it would be interesting to people interested in urban infrastructure and how it gets built in general.
momijizukamori: Green icon with white text - 'I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!' with a string of DNA basepairs on the bottom (Default)
photo of a plate with a sprig of blooming dwarf lilac and three boiled and peeled eggs. One egg has a bite taken off the top, revealing the almost-set yolk.

(I always remember because it's the week my lilac starts blooming

Ao3 Reader 0.1.0

Sunday, 12 May 2024 00:34
momijizukamori: Grey tabby cat with paws on keyboard and mouse. The text reads 'code cat is on the job', lolcats-style (CODE CAT)
Major features/bugfixes
- No longer crashes on rotation! Though custom views haven't had rotation code written for them mostly, so there will be weird rendering bugs in landscape mode.
- Support for devices through the Clara BW (so not the Clara Color or Libre Color, but everything else) - thanks upstream!
- The 'jump to page' feature of indexes (accesesed by tapping on the page count in the bottom right) now actually jumps you to the page instead of hanging
- The work details overlay (accessed by long-pressing on a work in the list) now actually shows all the tags and summary instead of cutting off partway into the second page.
- AO3 login! For now, you need to put your username and password in the .adds/ao3reader/Settings.toml file - in the future I'd like to have that info be enterable in the UI but we're not there yet.
- The above means 1) you can access archive-locked works, and 2) you can access your 'Marked For Later' list (currently at the end of the home page faves list) - that last one was a big thing I wanted, heh.
- A few bugfixes here and there - work listings with more than 1k works will now show the count properly, if a tag has been synned to another tag it'll handle the redirect instead of saying it's unwrangled, etc.
- Relevant only to people who want to do development on this, I figured out how to get the desktop emulator working (but it requires a bunch of system lib installs so not something I can just distribute for now, sigh)

Known Issues
- The summary view doesn't understand linebreaks, or HTML, so all the text is just one long paragraph. That's one of the next big goals
- Kudos are not working. Or working intermittantly? idk there's some weird session check stuff I was trying to debug today but I finally gave up
- About a million things remain unimplemented, lol

The installation instructions remain the same - the new 'one-click' package is here, and if you've already got an older version installed and just want to update the ao3reader install, the zip file is here (there's some library updates so it needs the whole folder, not just the binary this time).
momijizukamori: Grey tabby cat with paws on keyboard and mouse. The text reads 'code cat is on the job', lolcats-style (CODE CAT)
Because I know I have people here who are interested - I will hopefully have a new release this weekend, featuring fixes for the two most annoying longstanding bugs, along with support for newer devices and working Ao3 login.

(and if I don't post it please pester me about it, lol)
momijizukamori: (tired space gay)
I said I'd share eclipse photos and then got bogged down in a cycle of 'I should do a write-up to go with this' -> 'I do not have the energy to do a write-up' so uhhhh posting these sans write-up, heh. Taken using a Canon 70-300 at max zoom, on my Rebel T7i. I wrote some automation to control it via a RPi3 and my phone, so I got shots once a minute during the partial phases, and then six different exposures in a row every five seconds during totality (and in retrospect I should've dropped the delay entirely but eh). Some Lightroom tweaks to bring out contrast etc, though the sequence image is a composite.

under the cut because they're BIG )

Eclipse 2024 pt 1

Tuesday, 9 April 2024 21:10
momijizukamori: (space dad)
So I'd attribute yesterday's success to a combo of good luck (surprise good weather), pre-planning (which means I had ALL THE THINGS in my car and was out of the house before 9am), local knowledge, and flexibility.

Read more... )

I'll do another post about my photo setup and share some of the photos in a day or two, when I've had time to finish editing them!
momijizukamori: (shitty goth dad)
More later because I left my house shortly before 9am and got home shortly before 9pm, so I am beat, but we had a miraculously clear day after a week straight of rain here in New England, and my dad and I managed to get into the area of totality in northern Vermont! Everyone who said that totality was a whole different level to partial: you were absolutely right. I can also see why people thousands of years ago thought that they were a sign from the gods or the end of the world or something - that was definitely one of the eeriest 75 seconds of my life.
momijizukamori: (Gu Yun)
I mentioned that I bought a mini lathe (still pending set up downstairs...). One of the first thing I'd like to try to make is dip pen nib holders, because frankly like 90% of the available ones are boring at best and actively bad at worst (the paint started to chip off my current Brause one after <10 uses).

Initial runs will probably be like, cost of materials + shipping, and I'm planning on getting these stainless steel nib inserts and probably starting off with some like, 'get ten random blanks for $15' type deals.

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Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: All, participants: 9

Material preferred

View Answers

1 (11.1%)

0 (0.0%)

8 (88.9%)

Oblique nib holders

View Answers

0 (0.0%)

3 (33.3%)

6 (66.7%)

Solar Eclipse

Wednesday, 6 March 2024 20:15
momijizukamori: Young Vergil from the Devil May Cry doujinshi Bless. The text reads 'Turn you into stars' (kid!Vergil | turn you into stars)
So I was not really paying attention to solar eclipse stuff other than a vague sense that it was happening sometime this year somewhere in the US, and then I looked up the path and realized I'm less than a three hour drive from the path of totality (it's like, 3-4 hours to get really close to the center line), and I have now become the obnoxious person checking driving times and trying to get my local friends to do a road trip with me, etc etc, because my two settings are 'indifference' and '200% in'.

(it is also a week after Anime Boston and like three days after a concert that was supposed to be last fall and got postponed, so that'll be exciting, lol)
momijizukamori: Gwendal from Kyo Kara Maou, looking grumpy. The text reads '...Don't make me stab you with my knitting needles' (Gwendal | knitting)
So! My dad usually gives me money for Christmas, and this year I ended up spending it on two things: 1) a mini lathe from Rockler that was on sale (and is still sitting boxed up because I don't have basement space to set it up right now) and 2) a 24" Kromski rigid heddle loom.

I've done some tablet-weaving in the past on an inkle loom that I got for free (and my mom got for like $10 at a yard sale), and I enjoyed it but warping for tablet weaving is kind of a pain, and you're somewhat limited in what you can weave that way (warp-faced bands up to ~2" or so). For a long time I'd resisted going any deeper, because weaving gets expensive and space-consuming very quickly, but people on the DW discord (you know who you are ;) ) are horrible enablers, and someone had a local-ish listing for a secondhand loom along with extra heddles, the stand, and a carrying bag, for a very good price. Rigid heddle looms aren't quite as versatile as a larger table or floor loom, but they're cheaper and more portable, and still pretty flexible in terms of what you can do (definitely more flexible than the inkle loom, heh).

I'm on to my second 'real' project - the first was trying out some sampler ideas from a book I got out from the library, and the second was two short pieces using stash yarn which I'm going to turn into zippered bags for all the little accessory bits that came with the loom. Current project is some dish towels in a mock-waffle weave! I'm still struggling some with tension but at least on dishtowels that doesn't matter quite so much.


Saturday, 3 February 2024 14:23
momijizukamori: (Tax Season // Evil!Tatsumi)
From the site that brought you webfonts as DRM, and also some very cursed obfuscated Javascript cryptography that I haven't written up here yet.

"Are they... composing the chapter text partially out of snippets in ::before and ::after CSS pseudo-elements?" Yes they are.

"Doesn't that fuck with auto-translate and/or screenreaders?" It sure does! But so does their webfont shit so no surprise there.

"But why?" As an anti-copying measure and because they hate me, probably.

(no subject)

Tuesday, 30 January 2024 21:07
momijizukamori: (hualian)
I posted this on fedi, but I feel like I may as well crosspost here, too - threw up some half-assed photos of the 'modern street fashion' Hua Cheng I did (with Andy as He Xuan) at D*C 2022. Eventually I'll get better photos but a lot of 2023 was like 'well we could put on fancy costumes and go take photos, or we could sit in our hotel room drinking and playing Mario Kart' ahaha.

Behind the cut for size! )

Coming eventually: the actually-nice photos I got of canon Hua Cheng.


Monday, 1 January 2024 13:43
momijizukamori: (Gu Yun)
(I am ditching my year-range format for the date because I just end up confusing myself when I look back at past ones)

- learned how to lay brick (and decided, as soon as I'd finished the little 3.5' x 6' landing, I am never doing it again)
- first visit to the vet ER which worked out fine in the end but was very stressful for all involved
- learned how to do metalwork for jewelry!
- actually had a resist-dyed silk project work out properly
- finally built the media PC I've been wanting to build for YEARS.
- passed the rough-in electrical inspection for my basement reno!!!
- kept my Duolingo streak
- learned how much throwing your back out sucks (answer: a lot)
- was part of the dev team for a new product launch at work
- Fiona has occasionally let me touch her without bribery! After a couple of pets she tends to be like 'no I don't like this actually' and gets up, but - progress!
- finally filled up the notebook I started at the beginning of 2021 as one-spot note storage.

Goals for the next year:
- get insulation and drywall done on the basement reno
- read something in Japanese at least once a month - I'm hitting the point where I know I need to be reading more to cement stuff, but it's always kind of a slog.
- practice something creative at least once a week. There's a bunch of stuff I'd like to learn or get better at, but I am Too Aware of how trash I am at them, which makes me not want to do them, even though I will only get better by doing the thing. I am going to try to brute-force bootstrap this until I can get a habit going like I did with Duolingo and kanji practice. We'll see how it goes, I guess?


Tuesday, 5 December 2023 19:28
momijizukamori: Shatterstar from the comic series X-Factor, looking very excited (Tony Stark Time)
So 'giant stuffed crab' tied for top of the poll, which is convenient for me because it's one of the shorter write-ups, lol.

The backstory to this is the convergence of two things: 1) reading priest's novel Can Ci Pin/The Defectives, in which one of the two leads (who, to be clear, is an adult man, and also very relatable ADHD engineer vibes) has a 1m long stuffed crab he uses as a pillow sometimes, and 2) getting into Rust, a programming language that has an adorable crab named Ferris as it's unofficial mascot.

And someone had a pattern for a DIY stuffed Ferris. What if, I thought, I made a stuffed Ferris at the scale of Lu Bixing's giant crab plush. So I did.

I started by tracing the pattern to a vector in Inkscape, which I then scaled so that the bottom piece was 1m wide (though I forgot to account for the fact that stuffing things makes them taller but also narrower), and then printed it out tiled across a bunch of sheets of paper that I had to tape back together. The main body is cut out of Minky (in the color 'rust', appropriately). The biggest challenge for this was leaning to use Ink/Stitch to create embroidery files for the eyes and for a little hidden nod to Can Ci Pin on his belly (陆林, the hanzi for the main ship in the novel). I opted for solid eyes rather than adding the highlight, both because it was easier for me to digitize and also looked cuter to me.

He's 'only' 80cm instead of the full meter, but the spirit is there, and he now lives on my bed - I haven't used him as a pillow yet, but it would be possible.

Close-up of the underside of a giant orange plush, with the text 陆林 embroidered on it Giant orange crab plush with black eyes sitting in a chair

(no subject)

Tuesday, 21 November 2023 21:35
momijizukamori: Shatterstar from the comic series X-Factor, looking very excited (you mean there's more?)
I have a bunch of different projects I keep meaning to write up, and then not doing so. Help me pick which to tackle first!

This poll is anonymous.
Open to: Registered Users, detailed results viewable to: All, participants: 24

What project should I write up first?

View Answers

giant stuffed crab
8 (33.3%)

back stairs and landing
5 (20.8%)

7 (29.2%)

nendoll stuff
1 (4.2%)

electronics project(s)
3 (12.5%)

a cosplay
0 (0.0%)

0 (0.0%)

If you said cosplay, which one?

momijizukamori: Green icon with white text - 'I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!' with a string of DNA basepairs on the bottom (Default)
Questions from [personal profile] yhlee - much as I would like to be a cool person who pays memes forward, the fact that it has taken me three weeks to get around to answering these is a sign that I unfortunately am not reliable enough for that right now.

1. What is your favorite underrated fountain pen?
So my dirty fountain pen secret is that... I have not actually tried all that many pens. I found a few really like and then just went straight to buying way too much ink. I do really like the Moonman/Majohn A1 though, even if it is largely just a VP clone.

2. How did you get into comics?
This one I can blame on Andy and LJRP - she played a number of Western comics characters, and did so compellingly enough to make me want to read their source material. I think Stormwatch was the one I started with, and it spread from there. I had read some stuff before that - Sandman for sure, and maybe Transmetropolitan by that point? But Stormwatch was the start of like, actually buying single issues and keeping up on new releases and stuff.

3. If you could manifest the ereader of your dreams with every feature you wanted (including magical ones), what would it be like? Does it already exist?
Hmmm. I think the big things that aren't quite there yet are:
- a built-in browser with like, reader mode and pagination.
- easy to sync files/articles to (I know Kindle kind of has this, but they've got other drawbacks)
- comfortable to hold for long periods of time - the Kobo Libra 2 is pretty good on this, but I feel like it could be better.

4. What is the naughtiest thing a cat has ever done to you?
Storm, my last cat, loved food, including people food. She was usually not super aggressive about it, but once she jumped up in my lap and took a big bite of the BBQ pork bun I had in my hand and was in the process of moving towards my mouth.

5. What's the most hilarious and/or impressive cosplay or sewing feat you've ever pulled off?
I think the closest to hilarity, in that I was absolutely clowning myself, was knitting the worst sweater. I think at the moment 'most impressive' goes to either finally getting silk painting right, or convincing my embroidery machine to do fake jacquard, both on Shokudaikiri Mitsutada, which I don't have good photos of yet because I have been extremely disorganized this year.

(no subject)

Friday, 3 November 2023 20:34
momijizukamori: Isamu Nitta from Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. The text reads 'solitude' (Isamu | solitude)
A pen post for Fountain Pen Day, consisting of things which I meant to post like a month ago and forgot.

Pilot Iroshizuku swatches, and my new setup for swatching - putting the nib from a Pilot Metro in a dip pen holder, and using a sculpting tool for a big smear.

Paper swatches of Pilot Iroshizuku inks - kon-peki, ku-jaku, chiku-rin, yama-budo, and Murasaki Shikibu, along with two dip pen holders and a metal sculpting tool with an angled round head.

The pronged holder works better with the nib but the cork wants to soak up any ink like crazy so I may get another one.

Close-up of two dip pen nib holders without nibs.

(I really need a fountain pen icon, I think)

Halloween 2023

Thursday, 2 November 2023 18:44
momijizukamori: (hualian)
I managed to get my Halloween decorations up a whole week ahead of time this year! Major improvement on my part, though I think I need to get some more lighting. We had a sizable turn out, despite it being a chilly Tuesday night here - I'd guess somewhere in the 120-130 range in terms of kids. I've decided mini Nerds are the ideal intersection of 'candy kids like' and 'candy I like'. I also got a cheap pack of plastic bugs for kids with allergy concerns or who just really like plastic bugs, and they proved more popular than I was anticipating. Best moment was when a small child held up a neon yellow plastic scorpion and excitedly declared 'Look, I got a lobster! I got a lobster'. To which I just kind of nodded like, yep, that sure is a lobster all right!

I also got a lot of compliments on my outfit, which was supposed to be 'Skeleton Grill Dad' but I think mostly just came off as 'Skeleton'. Proud that the make-up is remotely okay, because I decided on this last-minute and then discovered that I had neither black nor white greasepaint, and was forced to use a very old container of MAC creme eyeliner and a Nyx white eyeshadow pencil.

I did, however, glow in the dark. )

I think my favorite costumes of the evening where a pair of teen girls dressed as the sun and the moon, or day and night - I didn't think to ask. Metallic skirts, fancy makeup, fancy hair pieces - one was in gold and white, and the other was in silver and black. Really pretty and creative!


momijizukamori: Green icon with white text - 'I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!' with a string of DNA basepairs on the bottom (Default)

October 2024

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