ayebydan: by <user name="tiffany1567"> (hp: finl battle)
[personal profile] ayebydan
Title: rambling and redos
Author/Artist: [personal profile] ayebydan
Prompt: 45 - yule ball redo
Pairing: Harry Potter/Parvati Patil
Rating: PG
Summary: Five years after the defeat of Lord Voldemort the Ministry plan a ball to celebrate. It is made very clear to Harry Potter that his presence is mandatory and so he decides to take the chance to right past wrongs.
Word Count: 570
Warning(s)/Contains: none
Author's Note: I tried to write the ball scene but it never worked out but I think this sits nicely as a ficlet. No point forcing it.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.

or here @ [community profile] whispersinthedark
ayebydan: (hp: hermione)
[personal profile] ayebydan
Title: as the rain falls ao3 // dw
Rating: PG13
Pairing(s)/Characters: Harry Potter/Parvati Patil
Word Count/ Art Medium: 412
Warnings (if any): none
Challenge: rain
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Harry and Parvati have been seeing one another since the Yule Ball. Following the debacle at the Ministry the following year Harry must meet her and explain.
nearlyconscious: Lavender and Parvati fanart by me, they're holding each other and smiling at one another (lavenderparvati)
[personal profile] nearlyconscious
Title: Bubble bath
Creator: [personal profile] nearlyconscious 
Media: digital drawing (Krita)
Characters/Pairings: Cho/Parvati
Rating: PG
Warnings/content: suggested nudity and romance
Summary/description: Cho and Parvati like to unwind in a pink fluffy bubble bath.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, no copyright infringement intended, just having fun.

nearlyconscious: picture of Timothée Chalamet behind a flower (lady)
[personal profile] nearlyconscious
Title: Keep your eyes peeled, Lils
Creator: [personal profile] nearlyconscious 
Character(s): Hermione, Lily Luna
Rating: G
Medium: digital drawing (Krita)
Content/Warnings: poc!Hermione, food

digthewriter: (Art_DIG)
[personal profile] digthewriter
Title: Come Closer
Created by: [personal profile] digthewriter
Pairing: Scorpius/Hugo
Rating: PG
Warnings/Content: POC!Hugo Weasley
Summary: After the ball, all Hugo wants is for Scorpius to come closer.

[LJ | DW]
[identity profile] nearlyconscious.livejournal.com
Title: Just Married
Artist: nearlyconscious
Characters/Pairing: Angelina Johnson/Alicia Spinnet
Rating: PG
Contains: No warnings.Read more... )
[identity profile] nearlyconscious.livejournal.com
Title: Gryffindor girlfriends
Artist: nearlyconscious
Characters/Pairing: Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil
Rating: G
Contains: No warnings.

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[identity profile] nearlyconscious.livejournal.com
Title: Portrait of Lavender
Artist: nearlyconscious
Characters/Pairing: Lavender Brown
Rating: G
Contains: No warnings.
Artist's Notes: As I've stated here before, I've chosen to always draw Lavender as black ever since I discovered the actress chosen to play her in the movies was black until she actually got a line.

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swissmarg: Mrs Hudson (Hogwarts)
[personal profile] swissmarg
From this year's [livejournal.com profile] smutty_claus, these two fics with Parvati:

Title: The Dating Game (Where sometimes, just sometimes, everybody wins)
Author: idea_of_sarcasm
Pairing: Zacharias/Parvati
Summary: You don't need butterflies to make romance real, but they can be a particularly nice confirmation
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~4600

Title: Favours & Benefits
Author: [livejournal.com profile] lightofdaye
Pairing: Harry Potter/Parvati Patil, background Neville/Lavender
Summary: Parvati really hates feeling like a third wheel, so when Lavender wants her to go out with her and Neville, Parvati begs Harry to come too.
Rating: NC-17
Length: 6,951 words
swissmarg: Mrs Hudson (Cho)
[personal profile] swissmarg
The [livejournal.com profile] hp_kinkfest is open for claiming for one week only, until 12 January 2015. Here is a selection of prompts for characters of color:

NSFW/Explicit prompts.... )
... and of course there are plenty of 'any character' prompts, so have a browse and get kinky!
