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momijizukamori: Green icon with white text - 'I do believe in phosphorylation! I do!' with a string of DNA basepairs on the bottom (Science! | I do believe in phosphorylati)


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Created on 2009-05-01 22:02:33 (#189414), last updated 2024-10-03 (8 weeks ago)

7,667 comments received, 7,854 comments posted, 12 Support Points

1,862 Journal Entries, 318 Tags, 3 Memories, 34 Icons Uploaded

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Birthdate:Mar 12
Current layout is a tweaked version of a layout from Thrashmetal

This journal is open to subscribing - that is, if you want to add me, go right ahead. You don't need to ask first, and while a shout hello is always nice, you don't even have to do that. 99% of what I post will not be locked - pretty much the only things that are locked are stuff with personal info (my address, cell number, etc), so if I don't give you access back that'd be why. I also don't necessarily add back everyone that adds me, although right now here on DW, I probably will. My reading list is still small here, and I'm looking to meet new people and make new friends.
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