My thing about resolutions is that is not healthy to make one resolution for the entire year. That's just setting yourself up for failure, you know? You miss a day in mid-January and then that's it for the rest of the year? Set resolutions for the month, or for the week. Set a resolution that has a way to restart it easily if/when you fail.
Anyway, I have 2 resolutions this year.
1) is to make better pancakes. I used to be good at this, now I suck. I don't know what the problem is, but if I practice I'll get better at it. The upside to this is that I'll get to eat more pancakes.
I've had really good luck with recipes from
Smitten Kitchen so I'm going to start there.
2) is to make more cookies. Specifically, I want to make 1 batch of cookies a month - hopefully with my kid! When I was my kid's age I was cooking meals and making stock and baking cookies and cakes entirely by myself. My kid can boil pasta and make ramen and heat up canned goods. That's it. Our kitchen is just so small and shitty with so few work surfaces. Ah well. 12 batches of cookies. Unless kiddo has a special request I'm going to do the following, in no particular order:
1) Thumbprint cookies, using a recipe a friend gave me. They're amazing: kind of a pain, but very worth it.
Snickerdoodles. The first time I had snickerdoodles they were bland. I didn't eat them again for fifteen or twenty years. I forget why I made them, using this recipe, but they were amazing. They aren't hard to make, just a little time consuming to roll them in the cinnamon sugar.
3) Chocolate chip cookies. Maybe following the recipe on the tollhouse bag, maybe doing one of those browned butter recipes.
4) Pecan snowballs, using a recipe I've had for years (from the webcomic "Sluggy Freelance" actually). I've been making these for... fifteen years? Longer? Since before I had my kid, who is FOURTEEN YEARS OLD (15 next March).
Chocolate Crinkles. These are especially good around Christmas time if you slap a candy cane hershey kiss on top. They're good alone, too.
Peanut Butter cookies7) Oatmeal Raisin - I use the recipe on the oatmeal package, but I tweak the spices a little. I am very pro raisin in oatmeal cookies. It's a nice pop of sweet and a bit of condensed chew texture amidst a nicely flavored slightly caramelized oat cookie. I know people who swear by dried cherries or chocolate chips. Both are too sweet.
Spritz Cookies9)
Pinwheel cookies which I've never made before.
10) Cut Out Cookies - every year I ask for a recommendation for a recipe and every year I get a bunch and every year I forget to take note of which one looks the best. I'll need to research this. I'm not sure where I'd roll out a cookie, though, unless I dragged everything into the dining room to roll and cut stuff out there. What a mess.
Oatmeal Lace Cookies. I made these all the time as a kid, although not this specific recipe. I wonder how this compares to my memories
Gingerbread Men.
I didn't want to lean too heavily on Christmas-heavy cookies. I also want to avoid complicated things like stuffed cookies, bar cookies (no offense, bar cookie), or things made using a mix. I also wanted to avoid brownies and like... lemon squares... which sometimes crop up under the "cookie" heading/tag for some reason.
Got any cookie, or recipe, suggestions?